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WHOLE NO, 9441. 



Correspondence Between the President and 
the Border State Men on the 
Ewaneipation Question. 

The Reply of the Minority of the 
Border State Representatives, 

The Majority Response Withheld 

List ‘of Army, Navy and Civil Appoint- 
# ments Confirmed by the Senate, 

£0, Bo. 

s « 

Wasnsyetow) duly 17) 1863) 

TA wan intended to give to the jmiblip the rocont corres 
pendoaes between tho Pranident mid tho border State re 
Brecentatlves, ‘Tho majority respons of the ‘latter wan. 
Randed to tho Preeident today, «Ho expressed ‘his wit- 
Tiogmess for its pmblication, but by Fora /strango mirap- 
Prebeasion of the nsofulneew of 8 worn out concern, the 
‘nly copy not in tho bands of the President who canuot 
bo found tonight, has boon. given to. local papsr here 
moted for its Uoggarly dependence upon gorernmont xo, 
‘and the disloyalty of tho ejef beneliclary of all tbat {1 
receives. It bas long been known to loyal mento this 
ommunity that this concern affords. only a scanty liviog 
fon very estimable gentioman of tha old school, while its 
profits are fwallowed up by a dapper individaal that ma. 
mages It, who, obs year ago, when loyaity'in Washington 
was searce, waa rogarded as among the most disloyal of 
‘ar eltizens, and has maintamed this charactor until oon. 
werled by afew fat contracts, ‘This establiahoient, bay: 
Any obtained joszessjon of this correspondenco, refuses 
copies, or parmission to copy it, sven for tho Associated 


Jt would seem shat the committee of the border: State 
men are ashamed of thelr production, as thoy’ bi 
ehoron to bide It, under tho pretence of pabiication, 1a a 
faded sheet of Jong ago, where the world will never 
M, The peculiarities of this organ of the border Stato 
commitiea sadly need ventilation, and shall receive it, 
Joahow that {i tsan unit receptacle for the publication 
#f avy document intended 10 bo read by loyal citizens 

Tea minority response ts terse and to tho polat. It 
moests ihe requost of the President, and ite authors have: 
provided a copy for press. It 1g as foXow 

Wasmexorox, July 16, 1862. 
Mr. Paxsnxsr—The undaraignad, mombera ‘of Con- 
ress from the border States, 10’ response 10 your 
Sdaress of Saturday Inst, beg leave to” ay” that 
ry alfended a mocting Un the samo day. the ad- 
dress was delivered, for the pnrpose of considering the 

‘Tesponse re} 
adopted an 

Prosented to you. 
Tnagrauch as wo canaot, consistently with eur own 

sepae of duty to the coudiry. under tho existing perils 
whieh surround of, concur {n that rospenso, wo feel it 
dus to you and (0 ourselves to make(o you © briof and. 
candid soswer over our own sigoatures. We believe: 
that tho whole pewer of the government, upheld and sus 
tained by all the Indvence and means of all loyal men, in 
fall nections and of all parties, Is essentially necessary to 
pot down the rabollfon and preserve the Union and tbe | 
onsiitution. We understand yonr appeal to us to) 
hase been made for the purposs of securing this 
xernlt, A yory Jara portion of tho, peopl in:the 
Northern States beliove that alavery is the lover 
Sf therebellion. It roatiers not whothor tbls belief be 
mrell founded or not, tho bellef does exist, We heya to 
Meal with (bivgs'us (bey are, andnot as we Wonk have 
them be. In consequence of the existence of this belief, 
MO Understand that an immonse presiira sx bronght to. 
Dear for the purpose of striking down thia institution 

‘hrongh tho oxerciao of military authority, Tho govern: 
ment cannot ha mejotajoed in this graat struggle il tho. 
support aud influsnca of the men who  entertala. 
Noltber cam 

these opinions. ye withdrawn, 

conditon of things, the Pr 
tale paicoiiam, by tasking’ “thal heat 
iota. by rat 

acre! No divut like anpeale ave tenn made saa 
rome men in the Nerth to moet m= half way,tnonler 
Abst the whole mural poltieal poenaty ann"Uhyalcal 
fe of the nation may be firmly and earnestly united ty 
obe grand effort to saye the Unien and the constitution. 
‘Belioying that uch wor the motives that promple: 
‘Your addresa, or such the resolis to which {t looket,we 
eannot reconolle it to our sense of doty inthis trylog 
hour to date toa spirit of fault Sodiog and queruious- 
ees we things thatare past. Weare not disposed 
8 cause of present misfortunes iB the errors 
‘of olbers, who now propose to untte with a 
fn A common purpose; but, on the other land, re me! 
your address in ihe gpirit inerbich it was made, and, 
as loyal Americans, declare (to you and to ibe 
world, that there is ne sacrifice that wo are cot ready 
to make to saye the g nent and justitutions of our. 
Fthece. ‘Fow et ue though there my Ue, we Wil porns 
go man from the North or from the South to go further 
Aban we io the accomplishment of -ihe great work be 
fore ue. We, in order to carry out thero views, will, #1 
(or sa vlay, our posyer, ask the people of the border 
Slates calmly, deliberately ane fairly to. considgr your 
Feomumendation,” Weare tho. crore. amballoued. to 
assume this position from iho fact, now become bistory 
tbat the leaders of the Southern rebollion have offore 
Yo abolish slavery aazong them as'a condition Yo foreign 
Inlerrention n favor of ter jadependoueo ta m uaticn, 
If they, can give up slavery to destroy the Union, we cab 

murely nek. our pevpie (¢ considera question of emancl 
pation to save the Volon. 
With greas respect, your obedient servants, 

Wl. G. BROWN. 
‘This rerpente was presented by Mr, Maynard, who, 
}ubiough be Las not signed has vrritton a 
Vary patrjotic letter Le the President approving . hie po- 
(When tho President eald to hs delegations from the 
border siave States that io bis judgtnent iho rebellion 
wauid vow boat an end if the policy of emanolpation 
Bad been {oitiated at the date of his message of the su: 
fect inthe early part of ths sonsioa, attention was eallad 
=4o tho fact that Congrasa lind made uo appropriation, ana 
Al was sugcested that the President ehould aow recom. 
(rmond.a pormanen} allowance far tho purpose, in order thas 
[ne people might have something to act opoa. The 
saideut then remarked, that if no appropriation was male, 
Shen the bottom would be out of the tb, ft will ba aren 
(By, tho Congressional proceedings, and by the revelations 
pFAhe abolitionists, Ruat It is not Intended to give a do- 
iNerdn aid of exancipation in the border States 

Napy Seunlera ure uct prepared to tay what ys tho pr 
clas Jogal drift of tha Coudscation act an) aneuded, (ra- 
ably it willbe found that agood Jurist can €rivo through 
Nwith etwohorse team, fone Senators gay that co 
fe entaten of rebels caa be takes, nor thelr alaves tibe- 
Fated, before triel xed conviction of an* offeider whore 
process canbe lssued. {(|s eal that In case of tbe ab- 
xence of a rebal his ronity mould be passesied by tho 
government abd bia ninyus go free, 


Af the Wrenidout, in rie of the yirulezce manifested 
Aowarda him dy (he reAicals |i Congress, nhall steadily 
PUFA a fork and vonslisulioaal poliey,, all yet may be 
poe). Hix mesange, intended (or a vole, was read in 
vou Houses to-day, «raid the angers and Inugiitor ef ho 
abollt\niate, aod thoy refused even to let it be printed, 
They bat the Vresidect becaiye be will uot join thors ta 
destroylogOVery coustiiationa) bulwark, and in inaugu- 
rating ® reigc10f terror and blood, Tuvy hate bim bo: 
gausehs willncy Superecde Gengra! McfJellan, and General 
Fualleek, and Gox'@ral Buroside, &3., aud supply their 
plaers by those who are in favor of arcalng the negro 

he Trane, ia crgiaa the ration of oar ariales, 
tnatead of their aivis/0 toto varlous cerps, aces wot 
ccem to undersiend weet the laiter polioy bas be 
brougbt about by the sbalitiou cabal 10 Cougresr, op 
pUrpase $0 prevent any cnet and decisive vicwry by 
Ge eral McClellan, to the ena (As Me war way be pro 
longed 0 = to result in ths oreF(brow of slavery. 

Tho radical sbotitionists pave gis# Kome in protiy 
Be) beart as to prospects tu ihe elections, They 

thiok that they baye managed malar 30 4s 
prevent the striking of any yv2ad blow 
for mooths by our armics; and, mieauting, they 

Soul bes th copniry js prepared to auacisg (hole spor 

wens of tbe Preshiest and our génerale for pet arming ll 
slaves and) preciaiming em*aeipation. They ray, 160, 
that thelr control is desired by (he appointment of Ie 
iets of partisans Lo axrez and collect taxes, ke. 

Molaling to thelr last apd greatort falsehood, that the 
rebelé bad less men #4 Richmond than General McClellan, 

Golenel Marston, C€ the New Hampshire Second regi- 
mant, sald tom fAntleman today, that the enemy had 
more agaltsh “ae of cor wings than our entire army: 
Herald {hat \t was a mlsiake to say that Geoeral Me 
Ciellan (cok ore hundred and Aly thousand men hence 
to the pealnsafe. 

Ifthe President hes Joltiated nome decidedly new ates 
in bia Intercourse with Cengreas, #0 alao the Senate hay: 
done s like thing by tranracling ordinary pubile bus 
ness with clésod doors, Thin went od for bours 
tovlay, and what was eaid and done ts of courte 
fa penlod book (0 corresponienits. Aclions upon the Pre: 
Sldontlal appolokmonia ls tho excuse; bat the Sanators 
cold have remained Kere a day or two longer for wich w 
‘porposs, A sbrewd republican uggest§ that It will be. 
fond {hata great pumber of promollouk of thors who 
‘nfo rot recoguizod an radictls have been yssed ovGr 

Tre following proviaiona of the bill calling out tho 
inilitia are finportant — 

That whenever the President of the Unitéa Stafoa 
ball call forth tho militia ofthe Staten, to be emyloyed 
In the narvicaof theUnited States, he may. spealiy- in 
bis eail the perio for which. auch aoreice will bo. ro. 
quilted, not exceading tide months, and we militia Ko 
Called shall be mastered In and contione to aerve for and, 
dnring the term to npociflad unjean gooner discharged by 
command of tha Presivent, "If by reason of defects in 
Sxlating Diwh, or fo thy exooution of thom, tn the eaveral 
‘Sthtos, OF any'of thern) |W stiall be found neceskary Co ro 
videTor enrolling tho militia. and obborwise putting. this 
Aol 10) exeoutlon, the President is agthorized in kuch 
eases (0 1nake all Gecaraary roles aud regulations, Bhd 
he enrolment of the mi\itin ebAll in alteacox Include all 
aplo borlisd: malo cliizens Letwaan the ages of: eightoen 
‘and forty-live,and shall Vo apportioned among the States 
According to repressat ative popnlation, 

Src. 2—The militia, when 20 ealled {o(0 sorvioa, ball 
be orgualzed In thetnode prescribed by law for volun 

Suc 3.—That tha President be dnd he is hereby ai- 
thorized) in addition to tue yoluntesr forces which be Is 
now autboriged) by law to 1 opt the” Ker 
Vices of any upmber of yolubtecrs, nok. exceeding 
ove honred thousand, as Infantry, for m .pe 
of nine months, unlbss sooner ~ dlechargods 
overy/toldier srhio’ shall’ enlist under tho provisious of 
thy sooiiou shall recoive bia Orat month's pay, and also 
twonty-fy ‘ta bounty, upon the cou of bix 
company OF regiment Into the fearvics of 
States; and all provisions of law relating to volunteers 
enlisted in) the service. of the. United States for three 
years, orsluring the war, except in relation to bounty, 
Shall ba and the sain are oxtended to and are hereby. 
declared (0 embrace the yoluntesrs to be raised’ under 
the provisious of this section, 


‘The Sonate last uigbt and this morning confirmed the 
follom ing nominations — 

Brigadier Generals A.D, McCook, William Nelson and 
Thomas 1, Crittenden, to be major generals, 

Colone|s Jobn Cochrane, of New York; Henry 8. Briggs, 
of Massachusetts; August Willich, of Indiana; Henry D. 
Torry, of Michigan; JamenD. Morgan and James Steed. 
maa, of Olio; Goorad T. Jackson, of Pennsylvania and 
Loule Blocker, of New York; Captain Win. T. Megruder, 
Firat eayaicy; Colonel John B. Turchin, of Miinots; Major 
Seth Williarag, Major Aifrod Pleasanton, Second cavalry, 
and Jamea 8. Jackson, of Kentucky, (o be brigadier ge- 
‘erals of volunteers. 

Cathorinus F. Bucklogham, of Obio, tobe # bri 
‘Eeneral in the volunteers. 

Colonel Francia J. Heron, of Tewa,to bem brigadier 
neral of yolunteerm, 

Colone! Morgan L..Smith, of the Etghth regiment of 
Missouri, to bes brigadlér general of yoluntears. 


ment, lo bo n brigadier genoral of yolunte 

Colonel Fit Henry Warren, of the lowa Volunteers, 
‘boa brigadier general of volonteers: 

Frederick Salomon, of Wisconsin, to be # brigadier 
1 of yoluntovrs. 

CadwaliaderO, Washbarne, of Towa, to ben bri 
genoral of volunteers. 

Colonel Jacob Amrbep, ef Ohio, te bes brigadier gene- 
ral of voluntoern, 

Colonel J. W. Till, Of Onio, to bem bridagior general of 

Atsong receat confirmations is Captain Theo. MeGowen, 
of Yonnsylvania, (0 be esistan) adjatant general on 



me. sila is = 
 Liedtesit Colones Don Carles Buel), £9 S¢ asrielany 
ailjutant general with the rank of Co) 

‘Tha following baye been promoted to assistant adja. 
tant generals, with (be rank of Neutenant colonel —Mfa- 
Jor Seth Willams, Major Juljus P, Gareche and Major 
Richard ©, Drum. 

Captains George I. Hartsoff, Nathaniel H. MeTean, 
Joun C. Kelton, Robert Williams, William D. Walpple, 
Chauncey McKeever, Albert O. Colburn, George D. Rog- 

klos, Thomas M. Vincent, Oliver D. Green and Samuel 
Breck, (0 be aayielant adjutant gecerals, with the rank 
of major 

W.C, Koneman, of Jowa,and Jesse Ellistt Jacobs, of 
Pennsylvania, to be assisiant adjutaot geverals, with 
the rank of captain. 

William M. Boone, of Penpsylyauia, to be assistant aa- 
Jutaat gexeral of yoluntean 

Captain Jobn P, Shorburne, of the Nineteenth infantry, 
to be casistant adjutant general, with the rank of major, 
in tho United States Army. 

Ljeutenant H. B, Scott, of Massachuseys, to be ax. 
sistant adjutant general, with the rank of captain, of 

Lieut, M. M. Hawes, Second Massachusetts Volunteers, 
to Ds assistant quartermaster, with rank of captain. 

Lieut. ©. Wheaton, of the Second Marsachusetts Volan- 
teers, to be commissary of subsistence, witb rank of 

LJoute, Hl. Vallauce and Jobn Norrja to be assistant 

Quartermaster, with rank of caplaia. 

Thomas Harris, of Indiaoa, to be assistant adjatant 
yenora}, with rank of captain In the yolantier force, 

R.C, Webster, of Kentucky, (0 be assistant querter- 
inqater of yolunteera, with rank of captaja. 

Alfred B. Farnsworth, to Ve socond Voutenaot in the 
Eloyantb rogiment United States infantry. 

Lieut, Charles P, Hortou, of Massachusetts, to be os. 
aistant adjutant of volunteers, with rank of eaptain. 

Jamon D. Crolly, of New York, to bo second lleutenant 
In the Fifth regiment United Statoa infantry. 

Sergeant Major Frank W. Porry and First Sergeants 
Goorge L.-Cholsey aod Thomas 8. Wright, of the Four- 
(oouth United States furantry, to be sccend Jieutenants 
In that regiment, 

“Lieutenant Wim. Mf Cantine, of Affchigan, to be eom- 
wolieary of subsistence, with tbe rank of captain of 

‘ompson F. Eckert, of Ohio; T. B. A, David, of Pena. 
uylyanla; Randall P. Wade, of Objo; Goo. W. Sailth, of 
Missouri, hnd Randolph tts, of New York, to bo asalot- 
aos quartermasters, with the rank of captain. 

J. H. Bonctier, of fows, to be brigado wurgeon Of yolun- 


‘W. Darton, of Ponnsylyanis, to be comsolesary of 
subsist eoce, with the rank of captain of volunteers: 

Capiai¥ Henry Curtis, Jr., of Iinols, to be assistant 
adjutant g*euoral, with the rank of captain. 

Lioutens.8¢ D. D. Jones, of Pennsylvania Volunteora, to 
be assistant Quartermaster, with the rank of captain. 

Heory £. Bc 17#03\0f Misnexota, and OrlofR. Dormann, 
Florida, to be stsisiant paymactére in (be volunteer 

Henry C. Weir'y Of New York, to be assistant quarter- 
mister, wita the r, Wok Of captain of voluntosrs, 

B.F. Winelester, oC New York, to be commissary of 
subsistence, with ran * Of captain, Fr 

ALL, Austin, of Ma WAchusalts, (o De annistant quar 
lermastor, with rank of ¥ captain. 

The followiog were con Urmed as ussislant sargoons io 
the Uulwd Siates Army: ~Wm. H. Keane, of Fenusyl 
1. Porter of 1 eausylyaaia; David 8. Hont- 
iwgton, of Pesnsylvania;T. W- Willams, of the District 
of Columbia; Charles 3 Colto %, of Virginia; T. M.@rown, 
of Obio; Charles S, Degraw, @.X New York; Blward 
Strode, of Mliwols; Andrew H. & Witb, of New York, ang 
Van Baren Lubbard, of Obie. 

Firat Dieosentant Taaac N-Mason, of Wisconsin, to bo 
asaistunl quartermaster, with rank of captain 

First Lieutenant James & Iman, of Sndlana, to be com 
mistary of subsisie3C0, with the rank oS captata 

J. M./Robinsun, of Massacbusetis, 10 DO sassictant 
quartermaster, with (be rank of captain, 

Urlando J, Mokyins, of Rentucky, td be coramlasary of 
subpletyocp wiih the rank of eaptaia. 

Geo. G Pomeroy, of Mursachusette, to be second lies 
Yetant in Third infantry, United States Army. 

Daniel 1 Falon, of Pernsyivania, to be commissary 
of gubsistence; with ibe rank ef captain im the yoisn- 
tear nervice. 

A-H. Robinson, of To@lana, to be commissary of gub- 
aintence, with tbe rank ef eaptais fo the yoluntesr 

‘Wo. M. Caldwell, of New York, 10 be additional pay- 

Gharles J.P. Allen to be additional paymaster. 

Wesley S Mann, of Penssylvania, to be ab adijuocal 

Wn. D, Weeron, of Obie, to be eommistary of subsist 
‘nce, wit the rank of eaptain. 

Was. H. Daniels, of Now York, 10 bo ansisLint quarter 
minster, with the rank of capiais. - 

Archjbald ©. Vorls, of Indiana, to be commitary of 
mibsistence, with the rank of captain, 

‘Tames D. Fessenden to be ab efisional Ald-de-oaniys, 
With the rank oF cojoue), 

Jobin B. Frothinghat (6 be an Additional afdhde-earop, 
With the rank of Ifeatenast colonel, 

¥award 8, Converse, of Ohio, to be comtilssary of a0¥. 
ee, with the rank of captain in the volunteer 

Rouben Grimth Porter, of Now Jéresy, to bo conimls 
vary of abslitence, with the rank of captatn, 

Aftor a brief strugglo againgt sho omfaatlon from whe 
Ultra radleats {6 the Senate, Co}. James S. Jackson, chley 
of staff 1a Gen. Buell’s army, \ras confirmed aa Drigadjur 
Keneral of volonteere, Gen. Jackson {# an oflioer of une 
questioned gallantry and ability. A strict diseiplivarian, 
Ho Ik popular with th6rank and Ole, ebd Knows not only 
How to net @nquadron jn the Geld, but (o lend a brigade 
Yo a charge 


Captain Joseph Smith,to be eblof of Bureaa of yards 
and docks. 

Captain Andrew Hi. Foote, to be chiefof bareay of eq0)p 
ment and recruiting 

Captain Charles Henry Davis, to be chief of bureau of 

Commander John A 

Paymaster H. Bridge, to be cble! of tho Bureau of 
Provisions and Ciothiny 

Surgeon Willlam Wi 
of Medicine and Surgery. 

Theorou Woolverton, of 3 
‘surgeon in the navy. 

Henry S. Pitkin, of New York, to be assistant surgeon, 
{in tho navy. 

Under the bill réorganiziog the Nayy Department, a 
Jipt of nominations for the heads of the several bureaus 
was rant (othe Senate, All of these nominations wore: 
confirmed, except thore of Lenthall ax chief of the Du: 
eau of Constraction and Repairs, and Iaberwood us Engi 
neor-in Chief. 

lahigren, to be chief of buréan of 

jan, 10 be chief of the Bureau 

wr York, (o be aksistant 

‘Win. Walton Morphy, of Michigan, to be Consul Gene 
ralof the United States for the Hankeatic and free cilles, 
to reside at Frankfort on the Main 
Wm. W. Hinkley, o be Surveyor of the Customs for 

ef Congrens have bad any olereth in goreniNERt goo 
Aracte sioce April, transmitted a printed copy of the 
document heretofore eet to the Senate, containing the 
arrangement mode between Mr, Scbukerts and & 
Simmons, whieh be says ts all the Lofe 
of tbat departimant 

Senator Chandler mye General MeClallan eommanied 
230,000 men ia Ibe Army of the Potomac when he 
moved agninst Manamas, So he did, bat the Senator dit 
Bot do General MeCiallan the justice! to ray "vbat the 
‘Wumber of troops be uasmed embraced the forces (hen at 
Harper's Forry, at Winchester, Maltimore, Aunapells, in 
the works fi frout of Waxhingtoa, at Alexandria and 
sltewbore and that General Mctlellan’s effective forve 1p 
the Geld ak that time was only 60,000 men. Hesides, 
General’ MoCTalian sald. threa months before he moved 
that when he did 20 the rebels would rnp vay from 

Governor Sprayue returmoil today from a Visit to ths 
Army of Gen: Halleck, and will ave immentiately for 
that ob Gea. MfoClellans Major Geveral Sprague does not 
Jot ti grain grow under hivifeets 


Baton Rouge Nov Captured by che ever 
General Van Dorn=Nows from New 
Ovlenmi=Reportod Capture of Genornt 
Oartis, with Six Thoarmnd Prisoners 
Fatravagant Statements of the Rebet 
Press, &eo, 
Wo have received a copy of the Richmond Diywteh of 
uly 11; From wHtch we take the foljowiny extracts 

Mowe, Yuly 10, 1802. 

A epacinT Aespatencto mo: Aaeertieh, dutadduckwen, 
todayy skye Lib Liha anoury |e thcowlbg cecastonsl alvella 
Jato Vloksbure 

The crops srewulfer log for rain, 

There iy 0 truth tn the report (hal 1,000 Vanes were 
capturnd at Boon Retige 

Avother despatch from Augusta confirms the fiob that 

rebals have not taken passeesion) of Maton Rouge. 
Jacksom Micstaiyyian of ho .6th syne ‘Lash ator 
day morning Boiler viaited Baton Nougey and madeveve 
ra} arrest (or trivial eauices,!! 
Momur, Joly 9, 1403, 

‘The New Orleaun Dilla sayn-—Wo are [areal on 
Mobile papers of tho Zi tust,, contalping « Aatler OC Wala: 
grams (tom Riclimud anil other coin|s. (he mubatation 
Of tose despateben a that McClellan. lien been defeated, 
We reproduce ites talegrains, Uechuso versio of thea 
are tn the ania of apacstatirs, imposing wpm’ the 
Public Dat wash mat Helleve them, Jt they are. (NU, 
all hat can be galoed by w revulin of the Ushon array. (* 
to prolong the ntcoyale 

‘The Picayune copies (rom io Dell, wet this Wal 



We bave folkowing note from tien, Butler)! 
Horrors Pina YON: —Ges TERMS: Ke In tho-city,, 
‘and you have bad io your oMco, which soln 

Fight all vews (rom Iicbn 
fo (wublieh faire tntellig 
of June 307 Publisth any thio 

bot the Micha 

Sespatclivs, nd you way Publiak tem 4 yoo will pobliay. 

the Pork ef Beverly, Mai 
Clement S. Rice, of Nevada Territory, to be Regiater 
‘of the Land Office for the District of Nevada. 
‘Jays Haz0l Sherman, of New York, tobe Consvl of the 
United States at Prince Edward’s Island. 
Warren J. Underwood, of Kentucky, to 
the United States at Glasgow. 
Ben). F. Tet, of Maine, to be Conall of the United 

Consul of 

the slat of Brigadier General Howe, army of the Bote. | 

‘States at Stockholm. 

Philip Frazor, of Florids, to be Judge ef the District 
Court of the United States for the Neriborn District of 

Win, Waller RAwards, of Missouri, te be United Staten 
Attorney for the Fastern Distriet of Missouri), 

Conaly F. Trigg, of Teanessee, to be Judge of the 
Waited States District Conris for the districts ef Te 

Jeholda J. Ware, of Arkanans, fo be Rogister ef the 
Land Ofico at Batesville, Ark, 

‘Teaac B. Curr of Miinois, to be Consul of the United 
Slaten for the Grand Duchy ef Baden, to reside as Carle” 

Samuel) P. Miller, of Towa, to be ao uszociat 
of the Supreme Court of the United Siatos, 

‘Inanc Marah to be depoly postmaster at Lockport 

Leonard Lottridge 10 be dey 
_ Henry Connelly, 0° co, Lo be Gevarnoy ef thw 
‘Territory of New Mexico. — 

‘Tbe following are tbe commissioners under the act for 


hy poatmanter 

‘tho collection of direct taxes in insuyrectionary districts | 

‘within the United Btates-— 

For the District of Virginla—John Hawkehurat, Job 
Towis, Lovie Ratner. t 

For the District of Tennessee—Olean P. Toinple, John 
B, Rogers, Wm, A. Wisuer, 

For the Distriet of Florida—Lyman 1).8ickosy, John 
G. Barole, Harrison Reed, 

For she District of Loulsiana—Wim. 1). Hodge, Wm 
Parker, Adolph Rozier. 

For the District of Arkausss—Jonae M. Tibbjits, Sa- 
muel H. Hempstead and David Walker 

For the District of Texss—Jemusl D. Evans, James 
Throckmorton and George W. Pasebal. 

For the District of South Carojjua—Abram D. Emithy 
Wm. E. Wordiog and Wm. Henry Brisbane, 


Colonel Ht. C, Enright, Jate of the Sixty-third 
ment New York Voluntesrs, {a discharged the sorvice of 
the United States. 

Captain Elljab Hobart, Ninety-tbird New York; Liou- 
tenant Hamjiton Littlefelé, Eighty-first Now York, and 
Ljoatenant A, F. Hall, Bigbteenth Massachusetts Velun. 
teers, are dismissed the servica, 

The rea{guation of Captain Louls Philippe de Orleans 
and Robert de Orleans, aldee-de-eamp to General MoCio! 
lan, haye been accepted by the President to take olfect 
on the 161h inst. 

‘The resiguation of Major James Lake, additional 
camp to Geueral Fremont, bas been accepled by the 
Preaidont, to take effect on the 16th just, 

Surgeon Porter, United States Army, will repair to 
Chicago to relieve Brigade Surgeon Blanoy {a his duties 
as medical puryeyor, the latter to report to the Bargeon 


‘The issu postage stamps aso lexel cor 
reney Inquite = blow atthe comerous banks that ard 
flooding thie région with thelr'notes of «mall denomtnn. 
Liou, There are postage stamps of the valuo of thres, 
ten, twenty-four, sixty and ninety cents. ‘Tho stampa 
for ciroulation ara to be printed on (hlok paper, without 
mucilage on the back. : 


Major W. H. Polk, of Tennestes, has xscured the re 
yease ou parole from Fort Warren of Major W.D. Porter, 
of that State, whe will retarn South to ask the release on 
parole of First Lieutenant F. McEtboue (of ’bladelphia) 
of the Fourteeath United tates infantry, a wounded 
pritoner at Savage's Station, near Richmond, 


General Sturgis, who Isto command of all the reser: 
{n the Disirict of Colurabja, began a review of his forces 
today. The troops were found in first rate edition 
‘and in oxcallent discipline. Gen. Sturgis is confident, if 
thore should be occasion, of belog able to defeud Wash 
{ogton from any force whatever with the troops wuder 
bis command. The General was enthuristically re 
caiyed by the eoldiera |o a tha forte, and complimented 
them upen thelr fine appearance, 


To-day a Jong lins of four horse wagons conveyed 
through the city s large number of contrabands. They 
ware conducted 10 a new asylum provided for them 
fn the northern snburbs of be elty; but 
it ebould be borne In mind by Ibe prople 
tbat for every contraband that is employed in thearmy 
upon wages the government has to support eomething 
Vike a balf dozeo sumen, children and old and iofrm 
persons; so that, if Greeley’s idea of employing « bun. 
dred thousand negroes in the army of Ganeral Morieliaa 
could be carried oul, thera woold be half aj millios in 
the shape of families to be fed,and clothed andodn. 
cated at government expense, To use the language of 
Mr. Campbell, of Pennsylvania, "What is 10 be dons 
with them? 

The Secretary of War, iu response (0 She resclation of 
the House, calliog for all the evidecce ou the Cles re 
Jabing (o the question rhejber azy member Oy meu dere 

Unie note. 

Avcwwra, July 10,1862. 
We Savannah Heputlican, 


8 hovering about New Orle 
‘The Brivlah armed varsels oia|tted the uyual conipl! 
yoonta on the Fourth of July 

Icis roportel that Freveh troops eccupiei the Clty of 
Mox|co on the 17tU olf 

[Our edvices from Vera Cro 16 tle 24 ingtnut show 
thal ihe above report concerning the occupation of the 
City of Mexico by the Frenol, is votrue.) 

Guavana, Joly 10, 1862, 

Pasaengers from Mompbiy lash night ‘pay jutelligeuce 
wan received (hore Monday Tank tat General Tindroan 
had captured Curtis, jo Arkansay, with six thousand 
prisoners. Colonel Fitah Veing unable to reach Qurtis 
With reloforoejente, retucped (o Mainpbis with Nik corn. 
mand ob Suaday. 


‘We are tatistied Quit our pape Cat hei 
Jorses of the enemy in the bat # fiehuiend, 
Ganeral Jobnaton: 

@ learn that captive flora extioute ib at nol 
ide resents 4 

7 re have conversed’ with 

opportnnity to form & Jutewenk, tact ih 
baltle of \Villixinaburg and the Trom sickuese, wi 
feel convineod that ao ise M Huterer, Knee by 

landed om the fatal peniogol the tun 

50,000 men. Ouromy tors, patling thal In the fast ta 
Wes wt 16,000 killed, wounded and uaisalu, ie about 26, 

in the last three months, Mel Jellan bas heen several 
Minse* reloforced; on ono oeras\on by 40,000 wen. Ke hae 
wow probably about 70,000 with him 

In Hivovac, July 9, 1802 
Siaee the commencement of tha Chickalomtiy cara 
palm some articles baye appeared io the Riclravnd 
Boawniner which are calculated ty do Rjuttice to eome of 
9 alarm our people. No ove in tle 
‘ebjection to Major General. As Ps Hil 
6 notoriely thah the, fie 

Wie, jatimatingan jopeo 

olficars. General Jee aud Major Geusral Lougatrest 
Upon {tie eld together, and tome hours belore Mayir 
General AP. Hill. Both of Chase officers remaliind. upon 

eld ancl alepb there, welther Laying lait 6 for an 
ot. Major General Longrtrest wak absent frora bie 
‘umns] position fOr an hour, perhapa, for (le purpose of 
pulling ouy of Geo, Hill's brigades (Greggs) tule antion 

‘The eight thocxanil claimed to Lave been joa by (en 
ili's division alone mill enyer the loas of the «i 
roy, daring the weak’e campaign. TriNlug wounds 

We list nbove this Byure, Dut the aut 
short of it. 

arated statements of easvaltie 
Examiner are calculated (6 
my, bel atone xnd ab 

respectfully, yournbedi 


‘The United Staten stounier Wau beau, Iatoly ono of the 
Dloekedioy Ueok om Charlsaton, alfeched to Flag Onicar 
Dupont/s ejuadroa, arrived at this port yesterday morn. 
Ing from Port Royal, having salfed thoes on the 1th 
Junt.; in Low of-the Vandorbilt, wbo look her un fur as 
Hamptun Roads, when she was Taft to proceed alone, and 
in two Hours, through the judefitigable exertions Of the 
‘engineer and bis aséistanis, the vexse) was (nD « condition 
to alfect ber purpoa 
The following ie m list 07 hier off 

Piailenant Commariling=J, 1. Ujabie 

Aesing Master and Rewcutice Opfictr—P. Re Smith. 

Ading Masters-=Wen, B, Sheliva, & §. Megaibiin 
Wino, L. Kempton 

Brest Aalstant Bvoqvicer—Jamox Mowat. 

Adding Acsilant Nurgran—3o RK. Lay ou. 

Adiny Avision! Paywasier—¥_ VV, Morten. 

Captain's Olcrk—¥.H. a'Fatimauville, 

Third Avidant Enyinert—G. Van (deratine, Wee 
Aichardeom aud Alex. Gillanders, 

Master's Male—Gardoer Cottrell 

Voyzuasler's Clrk—Vuoraas Cherserd. 

The Flambeau was ordered hume for repairs. #he bis 
been about eight months 1s eormmissiou, Grariy tno 
wecths of which time, while under the comuiand of 

|W. G, Temple, shy was employed at the Dabatcas, 
Ssiube arduous duty of watching the movements of she 
Gladiator aud othor yeesels which, undur the supersi 
sion of the famous secession rm of Addely i Co., a 
Nassau, were engaged in transporting artloles contraband 
of war. The presence of bis vessél In abate waters 
YAS 8 woures of vexation asd annoyance to (he numerous 
sYuupatbizera of eoceals {8 Nuexau, aud itis but fuad to 
ray tbat mapy of thule plaus wore postponed, if cob 
Lirely frostrated, by the so-called terrible Fieutveaw, 

The jil Leak of Lieatendnt Term ple, however, cated 
a change in the future msyaments of the vessel, andahe 
mae ordered to report to Vleg OMicer Lspurit a: Port 
Rigyal, which port abe entered om the 20d of Janoéry, 
Lisutenant Temple being obliged to recruit bis bealtb to 
a colder clime, the commuapd of tho Flambeas was given 
toLient. J. Ti. Upabur, then of the Wabash under whoa 
guidance (his yenel has beenever since. Fram 

Yat sims until July §, when, being disabled sha eoald to 
longer perforun efficient xervlee, Ube Vistabeay has been 
shyaged io the mwmotonons yet ‘highly Important datias 
of Licckade, Her station bas been of Uharleatou, & C., 
sed whils there her commander and ofiicers bave besa 
remarked for thelr extramob vigilance and falthfolness 
bh day and night, Though potmparticipant in ti 
ruoro active and alirriog moenes of tbe war, «till the 
Vlambeao has done ber doty in ber place, and it ba. 
Toa}esus lo say Wat the paitent endurapce ad anxious 
walchfulnesa displayed by her foe's on. Ube blockade, 
and under iiany iswivaDLager, are jal as praiseworthy 
ep ibe wore briilont deeds of tuvir maya) broturev, 



Movements of the Rebel Colonel Morgan: 
Tocerestam, Ky, Tulyet6) 1882. 

‘The rebel Colone) Morgum war at Midway yesterday 
A¥ com, xd ent the Colegraph wires: and tore Gp 
Fallrend, Ite took away with) bim everything 
could convert (0 hiv cas, le had four twelve-poond 
owMaers, bot, It Waid, only ale rounds of ammanh 

TaN evening he eh for Georgetown, and encamped 
(here on (lono'e farm. He emit bo myeant to. visit Lae: 
Ington and Pranktore befora he got (hnvogh with bis jod. 

‘The Laxingtonians #ay (hey Ave ample force (0 pros 
{904 Ihe fown, BOL BON to Laks Ihe oanAI ves 


Our jilekeln Haya Jost been driven ih by Une tebatn, 
Who aro Appreaching {h foro on the ebreelown roads 

QF force, with waveral plecos OF artiilery, Are’ ads 
Vanoing on Georgetown (a meet thw retin, 

‘The damages to tho Fallrond Ani voldqraph wires wk 
Mitway finve bean repaired; DU the Uride buraeh by. 
The rebély at Koysel one wot wut Hovn reconetracted 


Between ihe Kcanane Mxpedition 
1 Indian Countey mud te Teb ote 
Bnomy—Importanc Cap= 

Hout of the 
tron, ho Gor 

Sreiyorouy, Mo,, July 12, 1804 
Judge Vrica, of Mount Vernon, hoo arrived here, and 
Drloge Antallixengo that the expedition, oF « \wortich of 
I, whleb is moviog fro Kansas. 100 the Tolan Nation, 
evjeountered a body ef robeln at Lennayille, Araneae, 
near (ho Btate line, some Lwanty miles cast of Tableyual, 
fave Mays loos, eoumpiotaly, routing thous, and Uaking 
Jatoend; Clarkson, furmeriy: notorigua ih: Kauana a pri 
sonery and.also, Ib ie reparted, General Jiva Raina, of tho 

Miaourl ih 
The placed the Indian allies Io front, who aro 
roporled to have toat 140 Killed nd 160 prisanery,"Cuin 
Ge corroborated by @ gentleman, Jiusk from 


‘The Union: forces 

Ald Lo be al er near Tiblequals 

Another Vietory by the Indian County 

Fonr Soorr, Kanian, Joly 8 1863 
F from the Indian expedition arar’ Hort 
Gideon, 1a the Indlan Territory, arcived last night, end 
roperts (ba @ delachinent of the Hixth and Nio! 
Kaunas realmente bad surprised Colonel Cottey!» 
comminand, of some 600 er 600 rebols, oni captired 


Work of the First Session of the 
Thirty-soventh Congress” 


Tho President’s Plan for Gradual 

Abolition of Slovery in the District of Colame 
Vian its Prohibition in the Territories, 







Stamps a Legal 



Emoloments of OMeers Army Appolotments— 
Command of Troops Votes of Thaokhe— 

ll their munitions, cap. equipage, ko, . Thirty rebols: 
Were found ead on the Meld, Mosiulre, the notorious 
hai( breed, eommanier of the rebel Indians, wan Like 

Our foros prilar Nriyadior General Mant havo pens, 
(rated: south aa far ay (ho Arkansas river, where they 
Will maken Dalt for (he present, 

Port eott bas been tade a iolitary post doriog the 

‘The Mebele Concententing tm the Atat 
General Curtis’ Maroh to Helena—The 
Fighting on she Roate=Wroclaination 
of the Rebel Genera! Indiman, &o. 

Gatko, July 16, 1862. 

Vessangers by the boat frem Mamphie report that 
Clanaral Pelee, o0 Wesinenday night, moved ® battery of 
arlillory abil forty forago wagons Keroen the Mianienlpp! 
AL Oypresn layouy usar Napoleon, Kho battery wan 
marked “Wijudroao, Little Hoek,!! Another battery 
ore on Sanday syening,and squads of man from 
Panola, Misstenippl, ware cro4aing in tie rarmo djreosiow, 
apparently wil ® view of concantrating ® fore In Ar- 
Kausas, perbaps to operate agoinal Cenoral Curtis, 

A despatch tothe St, Lauis Denoeral, dated HMalenn, 
‘Ark, July 1 nay 
‘The ndyance of General Coriin! army under Oe 
Warhbarne rexched hero. nt nine Av M. today, bi 
Taft Clay lon) on the White river, yesterday, at ix 
AM foreed marols of alxtyfive. milen inn 
oy abi mvighte Quartertoeater Wintlow with ataet for 
Memphis jumediately to hurry down supplies, 

Gevaral Curtin eft Tatesviile on Uho-24kh utes, witht 
(waaty dayr! rations, and after ® balbot five anya ny 

ott, to concentrate tbe forces on big outposts 
Uiphlile OF uPA, xd uate eoromand 
MR a se ed 
the ee, LC 
6 ing 

Ry uiprecar hod vsced ms 

of oar man; but 

tn nate, 
ekitinlities on thie route, to all of 
rebels were whipped, and with considerable 

Joss to them) (hough with few easualtias to cue oxi 



uly 1, Colonel Hovey, of the Thirly-third Nilaols, 
with juris oF four corspanles of bin reglinent, tote com! 
Paulos Of the Eleventh Miasonrl and w Wattalion of Ind\. 
ihn cavalry, routed two Texas reglivents wt a point bes 
tween Colton Plant sod Mayou Coache, with a loen to 
Mer of 110 Killed. Our loss was Aye Killed and forty. 
fe wounded, Weokiffyred taccl Tron thirat, tare 
no airings; but Favlone are plenty. and the army! I 
wwalth aud gpirite, All the #ick sad moundod 
long: Ihe route wore emoUittered, and 
img hoaliliiier by the following prockamn: 

Lirris Tock, Ark, tome 24, 1862, 
To Ti08 PRPs O° ARCA 

Tue Yankee Veceral Cirkle ir altespting (0 esesp9, 
His position Je gotenable, Ha 1s appalled by the dan 
ere tual eueronnd im. Im his terror he rosorta to tbe 
fexparate expedicnt- of moviog (0 the. south © alcog 
White vivor, tras{iog Cor supplies from te Mlziienlprt 
by boss, Ihe supplies cabot ascend White river: 
We have already. blowa uy ove of bis Iromlad 
boats, crippled auAberyamd! ean bo!A ihe river ayalgst 
bie flees, Tho question non J+>-Sball. bis army reach) 
the feet below! Can you prevent I\ Ths power is ia 
your Ginde; the plaw la ol wusecat Cproclalin it to 
Fou all. If {c INn¢L carried Ot the raspous bility rests 
om you, Take your xu in y vir hand, a4 ammonitizn, 
every wan of ym). mount your Borse of gy aleols 
Tio vot walt a har; Ture no tine In holding meat: 

Inge; wore (orards tho enemy bythe wbortest roud; 
filo ie Ors comnpany. you overlake om (he march; 
press jon the inyadera from avery Alrections 
Ktick tilin day and o}ght; Ki bis scouts 

Pickele: Kill Lik pilots wad’ troipe om transports; 
Cue of his waKon tring; Nie 10 ambyab pd age: 
prise his, detachments, aboot hie recculted ofscers: 
Gestroy every pound of waeat und four, avery aur of 

corn and klack Of fodiler, 04's aid wheal’ av can fal] 
into his Lands; fell trees os tbickiy agin alia cual the 
Toads Uefors bin; burn everything aud block wp the 
fords: habg Upon his front flanks aud roar aiid make tha 
riog of your rifles and abot git We sccompanlinend of 
avery foot of hia retreat; Jet every man foe] and know 
Chat tals apzenl gaddressed to. Lim apecally, and thot 
itis tho appeal of » blceding gonnitry, to Ler wong er de 
Liveranoe.,- Our arty ia the Aeld willdo ite park, Wil 
you! do youre t J. HINDMAN , Major Ganeral 

Another Roat of the Rebels, 
Srmupintn, Mo,, July 7, 
Apexpedition cogently ant (rom bere under Major 
Millaryef the Second Wiscouslu cavalry, consisting, of 
‘one section of Davidson's batlery and detachments of 
te ‘Twotth liuels, Secoud Wisoonsia and Third 
Stwcourl) Stave militia, numbering aboas ais 
hinded mea, attacked (Mo cymblued forces 
of faine, Coffey, Houtar, Mewiborne aud Tracsy, shout 
1,000 stromg, eight milex beyond Fayetteville, Are,, 
iy Monday morniug, and completely xonted them, 
wits Beayy Jon, Major Willat’s comuan® marched 
seventy miles ia twoulghis and took she rebels by aut 
Pn lees was very small» Col. Hal), of tbe Feorth 
Missouri SA1/618, stationed al Mount Vernon, reports ths 
Killing of tweaty-one guerillas, and thacayture of Lwelys 
hundred ylge of load, during the past for days, 

Fights Between the Iebels aud Colonch 
Fitch's Command, 
400, Jaly 16, 1302. 
Aspecial despatch, dated Meaphis, says that 200 of 
Colonel Fitch's command "had ac eagagement with the 
rebels, numbering 450, op the morning of the oth, Ths 
federal oaa was Iweuty-two killed and woanded) Tos 
rebels had eighly four killed, wounded and misslo 
‘Another snyagernent took place ou the aight of the 7th. 
Coloas! Fiten capiared all the caemy’s camp equlpage 
aud prorisToss. . 
fighis are said) to bare taken place within’ tan 
miles of Druval's Bluds, "bere a largy force of rebela are 
sald 1 be stationed, 

thelr rong fo "Dixie,”” 

Efficiency of the Navy, Gunboats, 
ond Batteries Prize Law— 
Penson Laws 

Pacific Railroad---omestead Law--Agrienl (tt 
rol College Bill--Ship Canals, 

Boukrupt Law—Mileago and Franking Privts 
logo—Polygamy in Utah—Impoachmont of 
Tudgo Humphroye—Stato of West Virginia. 




Expulsion of Disloyal Membors and 
Charges of Disloyalty and Corruption, » 


_ Wasmisaxon, Saly 17, 1802. 

‘The fiajale eooroned at nine A.M. 

Mey. De. Sandurland, Chapiala, returned thanks Lo the 
‘Turoae of Graco for tbe American fonate aud cu ordinate 
Dranchos of the government for the rosulls that Baya 
(hia aeesion bed accompllahed. To this ilusirlous Coma 
gress wore ths American people indebled for some of (bq, 
oblest anackments (hat ever adorned the repablie, 

Tha Cuaplain also retormed thanks to Almighty God 
for (ho health of the Senators, for the genara) barmonys 
that fies prevailed, (or the firmness with which treasoxf 
has Lean rebnked ani cormiption denounced, and for tha 
onoral wisdom and foresight mith which the Seuatorg 
have parforrosd thelr duties 

= Tie WAR. 

Me. Wricwr, (Union) of Td, ftom tbe Comtn|tt 
tha Condcet of Lp War, wished to enter his parsonad 
prolait exalnst tho publication of portions oF the evidence 
Une committee, fo (Mr. Wright) would not ba 
conaldered responsible for Ila use by the Senator frota 
Michigan (Mr. Qhasdier) yesterday. Te (Mr, Wright) 
dunbled the propriety Of such au expat as bad bean 
mate by the Senator froin Sfichlgan (Sr, Chandfer), 

‘ik 1louan oF douATION, t 

Mr Doourrns, (rep.) of Wis., from (ha Commities of 
Forolgn AUaira, reported, with amendments, the bill 1 
cetablinh a Rareau of Migration. 

‘Tne object of the Lill (s Lo provide superintendence fom 
the sinigration, tottiemant and eolonization of tbe peopl@ 
of A(rienn descent siho may desire to migrate to countrieg 
boyond the Timulta of the United States. A commitsoner ofl 
nuliration {s to bs appointed, ryith @ xalary of threo thous, 
san dollars per antiam, The commisstoner (9 (0 Rave 
clork at a ralary of ejghteen Bandred dollars, and two ams 
‘elslank clerke at twalye hundred dollars per annam, if 1m 
the opinion of the Presidiat the dutles of (he bureau may: 
requif (holt kervices, 

rqcireiso ti00rs iw paLAWAm 

Ar Ther, (opp.) of Min, called up the House bin to, 
dafray the axpeneas Incurred {n enrolling and equipping 

cortain opmpanlés of tbo Stato of Delaware volunteers. 

{ho bill watpanied, 

rom age aTuitha como, 

he Senate passed the bill making postage and ether 
L/olted States alomps currency, and problbiting the iss 
of notes of lery than one dollar, ke. 

Various othor mensuires wera thon acted upon. 

‘Ths Bante Kept allernating frota open to closed see 


When the hour of two o'clock arrived, Mr, Fes 
from (ha Coromittee appolated to waiton the Presiden! 
reported tbat she latter had no further communieatian (@ 


‘The Presidenv’s Mensage, aimilar to Whar resd int 
House, on ths Ooniiseat{on bill, wan Iald om tbe table ang 
ordered tobe pri wD 
Mr. Hexpeaso%, (Walon) of Mos, sobmitied the follows 
og resolution, which ray unautmouly adopted— 
Resolved, Tat thy thanks of the Benato be proganted 
othe Hoa. Solomon Foot, President pro tam, of the 
Oat, for the diqnidod az impartial manner in whic 

formed his duties while. pre over Abee 
Babar aris i 


fie PuesweNt pro tems. axpressed his fulland grateful ~ 
appreciation of the cordial expression of the Senate ros 
favive 10 tho miannér ia WhIGh the dulles of the ebalg: 
have badn performed—datiea that were <elicate, and 
often laborious, layolving quéstions embarrassing and 
perplexing. It eqally became bin) alle 1@ 
acknowledge Whe ¢ourlasy and forbearance whicB, 
bad ben manifested wards him {a the disy 
charge of thege' dulhis. Ho wlahed to acknowledge @ 
Iikcs Obligation to the excellent officers of tho Senale: bax 
fore him. Their courtesy was mosh Heyer avd revereyy 

TeaAy to my now, TUnMK if la prope for one aiiary 
ViGreninsnderalto employ saltaborbes 4 iby ptagna Of 
| Atrian ceseobt a# 0 te timed (0 sd antiens 

Tho (walh abd thirteeaith eoctline are) ertnettiti bot 
te jilepiare cudlgectionabl>, 40d tt for Leak Lo 60 
Lirely proper MC all otbor parts of the Wat shail sland 

That (o wich I-ebialy object parvadas inoat parte of 
thew t, bat more distioesly ~»peare Ia the frst, seooad, 
ovents ad elgbilt epctions 
11 tho naw of those provisions whieo reaoita 
ilog of litle forever. Yor the eases of Aro.sio 
‘abd tho logrertionta of treaiou, bot atmo slog Uo Vha Moly 
Ht idociares | (offelurs) extending tinrvad the 
Of the guilty partiag, mbaress thn erstitation of 
(U@ Uned Sates deoliran thatavattalaser. of Keese7a 
shall work eorruption of bliot oF fo/foitere exon 
urlog tho Ne of the yersooetiaiante True thers Ie 
eno formal atinindsr to thiaeass, si\ll t thiok (D8 
Kroater pantahiaeat cannot bo eynsiiiariomally snilcted 
tu w dierent fvrm (or Lussacapsteaca,, Wile grea 6 
pect Yami coontralniod ta aay f Abin Ja (enya of the 
et Ie qucoratituttoual, Te would not be diciealt 
myiMfy {h 1 nay rempariothas ihe piaviaien of the com 
gttotlon, put Imbanguage boreawed fom Cic@nk Hea 
pollen only in shin"couniry, ant untera\and, ta (ma) OF 
Tadd estate, Apin, this aa, D¢ sirovewtiagn (> ree, 
fortelts propesy for sue elaiedienta of Kroasom, erithcatk 
‘A onuviotion of the aappaseteriorinal ur a parevnal Hear 
{og given bli ta.aoy,procoadiog, That wo may wot Sox 
properly, Iylog. wiibia, our reach becale, wa canunk 
tive, pereaual potlce 10 an omer, wh is abyent ender 
ering to desioy the gorrrpuusaky Is ca aly noe 

ory; aili| the owner woy Dot be 
raat ui areawonbia ge shoal} be proyioa 
for pudh parties (0 sppear aud haya personal bearings 
Himmler provislona ar@ pok wneouimon rH oounect|om with | 
Froonatlage dn-vem, Yor tba rosauns mated Lratara te 
Dill to the bouo in wich ft originate 


When most trlot—meet honnrod whom tn peril. te 
‘would (adulge the hoje that they might rebira lieve ro 
orolted to vigor, ta aireugit, in Liaalth, (a) Bnart and ia 
Dope, amid the (6) iclogy of @ roighly, pooja rstor pl to 
peace, uolon and harmony. THis was iis ‘abidiog (Athy 
{ind would be bis u.ceasiog prayer 
Mr. Foor then declared the en \to adjourned rine die. 

of Ropresenintives: 
Wasussatom, July 17, 1868 

rr rove oF woKanox 

of yeuloiiny's Jvarcal ovasuined ball an 

‘The resi 

Varloua mesaages were recalred from the Senate oon, 
CArpl0u tbe parange of cor!aio bile 

‘The spoaker signed oomervas enrotted bill 

cob cohfurtin prevaiiet 


Tho bil! to divide Michigan Into (wo fadiolal diatriots 
‘eras bakeo ap and pssst! 


Mr. BrevENy, (rep) of Pi, moved that tha Tlonss o%n- 
‘oor in tho request of the senile to extend the mljourus 
meal un{ll (wo o'clock this afternoon, 


Mr. Toor, (cei) of Mass, , asked consent (9 Intro. 
000 w bill providing — 

‘That oo and the 
thor United nnjyewbiall ho 1 
of ieee shan 4 aninhich oxy Us fecal ved tn 
Ghchangs ter Uni 

(hon notes 
No private cory iratinn or Wank Mall make ard tha 
any Loken, nots oF davico for Yeas than omy dollar U6 ale. 
oolala ua thoney. 
‘Any (i6rwaG KO oan WAI, On conviction, he 
ipished by &.Ane NOL UxceOlliK Ve Nontea) dollars, ar 
Prlvoment for elie macho, or both, Al thy ducretian 
‘0F th9 00 

Ovjection having hesu made to the recsplioa of the 


RIDAY, JULY 18, 1862. 

09 the sibiect of military Interferences with furiive 
Wiaver licb «1 bo orxiond Lo The piace, AM le «ther 
Dils 11d rowlol| na om slavery ware celerred bw the aD 
Prvyrlave oowenilt a 

‘A eacies of renslatiogm) ware. alee 
Fenate seciaralory Of the Felutioca batween the Unlial 
Peates and the Larrilorien once cooapled by cortaia Malia, 
pow usurped by pretended gyvernienla, withont 676: 
sliiaitonal of, legal rights. They. deuared, acs X29 
com 0 \noparditve, and whéo suslajon by forces, 16 
Huaie of wil sis richia 
Mato, ting & file teeny 
That all pen binatloow of maa Lu weet 
Usborihy of the United Buxton te 

id denticate OF all moral wetiorn'y, Thar the 
v0 Of « Bias UGA Ke @mnatituttoo wacanwrtly 
the Larmioatton' of howe toca foatitathens wed, 
10 origina In thie conatitation, are aptield wotely by 
tho authority OF th0 Bike: “That @avery, being 4 pace 
far \ocal thaLt ation) Cranew ts exist legally oF evaniita 
Hloaally when the Slade on which Ik dopanda no woxer 
oxiits, ‘TAG IE (be duty Of Congres Uo wom that the 
Wvpromiicy of the conalitution ta maintained Ia Ube 
(orf iLor toa ¥o VIAL MKVOTY Ahall Coase Lo wxlac practical 
a If hike aro) Osasod Lojexlat eomxt\tusioual\y or 
Joxnlly, THat aay roooquiitow of nlavory tn wuck torrle 
Wories OF RUrTauee OF wlaveN by any ofloer of tbe 
nile Staten, tee reoogaltlon Of the preteaded govern 

eotienitiod ta bs 

‘onan « practical abdication by ti 
uner the constitution, and tb 
coer Wo existe 
od Baten aquinet 

Alb ascorn® complete jurisdio- 
Muy Of auch yaoalel territory, provide fur tha mscu ty 
ot the tobabitan dahall in every way discharge the 
diitiae Of & junt, merciful and paternal government 

‘Those and Kimilar propositivas were the prelimiary 
myvemiante in tho woonting, piskottng, akirrolehiog and 
eoonnol KAnoUs Projaratory Lo Up raat Battie Lolwoow 
Alsvery 0d (18 fora, The campaign was, ho’ 
forinally 9yo0ed bY Lhe disolarge of 

‘The masage was lald 09 the Lilo and ordered to bo 


The Srravex «lao Iald before the House w message From 
sHel’roet font, reeommo ding that sone callable ackuow 
Jolument be mae to Commsore Vanderbilt for tha gilt 
Lo the government of the veasel of that name, whiclt Liaw 
been doing valuable porelon, 

‘Thin come ge was roforred te the Couvn|ites ou Naval 

Dill, Mr, Hl Ory moved that the rules be. @uspooded to 
Order Unt It mipht be Uakoa Up, 

Motion overted by y0H 08, nayn BS, 

A Lottor from tha Beovotary if the Treasary was res, 
excloning the drafu of two bills Intended to met the 
Prosoot oola ADarclty. One war to reduce the weleht 
‘tnd value of olivar colok; the ollivr Lo aAopt tho jaatice 
Mamp plan, The lator tnet tbo approval of the ox 

Mr. Proccrn , (opp.) of Mo, made ® constitutional areca 
mpnt againat the Brood aco/iu, 1 Congres had» 
TIEBL UW probibi thy clrentation by babke Incorjorated 
fo the Hinton of Jose thay dolar notew, Ih HAL 8:80 the 
Tight (0 probibit the Leu9 of & twenty orn hundred 
ober nolo, Thm consitislon Rave to Congroay'n0 noah 
power, aod while by was In favor of tho ob oct of 
Dill be could nok aanetlon thls ylo'ation of ths eonatity 

epiaw avrarnt 
‘The Touso than paxsod tlie Bensta'a Joint rerolation 
maklog furlber approp/lAUona for the corrent aud (oct 
dootal oxjenses of the Indian Department, 
Mr, Wickurre, (Uolan) of Ky,, asked fears vo Intro, 
eo'tisn {hat (t shall bo the daty of the govern. 

foo, MK woold begiving 49 Congroaa the enlire coutrol | ice 
ro a sped teat to order ntecord to Be kapt uf Aue uanien, ag aod 
Mr, 04, (0/p.) 0 OLlo, moved to lay the VI on the | FX OF All tiayes recolved (ato oar Hacs, Wogetbar with 
table the nomes of the owners of the sams 
‘Th motion was font by yore 00, naye O4, MF, Lisouds, (rop.) of Odio, olgected to the tAtroddo- 

tion of the rosoluthin, 

My, WHXUETE moved tn suxpeod the rales, 

Motlin nogatived by BY mgainet 45, 


‘Tho MToune then parsed the Fesiate resdiution providing 
thal tbe compensation to pansion agwnta shall be bwo per 
canton the entire disbursements by any oan of ths, 
jrovited the aggrégata compensation ahall not exceod 
$2,000 (4F armuo, 
ir, Watrom, (rep) of Ma,, from the Committee on 
Pelotlog, reported m resolution to’ print 10,000 caplaa of 
the (realdent's med age on the aubject of conBycatiiva, 

00 a motion to lay tho resoluttou ao thy tabls, no quo. 
ruin voted, 

Tho bill was thon jared by yous 6},nays 2. 
‘The Joint resolution suspending the xalas of the lands 
of the Kansan, Sacand Fox Ioaiuns auill the 4th of March, 
1603, was panaed, 


Amannage was boro received (om President Looaln, 
‘and read 
Wezow Cre ov rine Bioarw Ax Houns ov Narnesayts 

ni — 

Coasitering {he BIN for an aot to supprons Insurrection 
4 Yonkih treasmn and rebellion, (0 Maize ant onnidvoato 
ue property of rebels, and for othe: purposer, and tho 
[int rosototlon exp ADAtory Of KAld art, Ax boing oud 
‘Alantiatly 669) 

Ihave approved and vigned bothr Dafore 1 waa in 
Morea id oF (hie pa \iag0 of tho ratoluifon, Ky had prépaces 
ho dealt of @ mouago Haun onjoctions to (he bill bo. 
opmtog a lam, w copy of wh ch dralt is herowith {rane 

Wasuiorurox, July 17) 1802, 

PeLow (ercmema oF 1119 Vocnm oy, RerngenyraTi RN — 

Tharowlih reten (0 your honorable body, in'whio’ It 
Originated, tho bill forAD AGL ent{{lod +A aot ko mp 
DIOP {roajon apd robellion, to poles anit oonGxcaty tho 
property of rabbis an! for other purpines,!' ogottier 
with ty objections W Ita bocoming’a Law, 

‘Toore Ls nivoh tn the bill to whlol T peroely@ no objen. 
Hom) 111d Wholly, prospective aid Wt Youohes nolihor 
(uo perma wor property of any loyal oltixen, in which 


It now lacked twenty salute Lo two o'elook. 

There wasn oll of tho Houea, 

‘Tho proceddings wore émporarlly Intérfupled by the 
eception of a micrnagn form the Sduatoy stating tbat that 
bedy, Having comptoted (Mole busincss, wore wow ready 
to adjourn (UF tha neralon, 

* Grlea of # Goody!" + Gani" G06d."" 

‘Th Sredwmn, 10 ncshedanca with usage, appaintod a 
eomnmlttos, 16 a6t with’ ojinilar eormen|tts9 of the Senate, 
to wall \ipon the V'reaidont nad inform tins that Congrena 
wou rondy to ailjourn. 

Tho virvoreste Ks In the aall of tho Mose wore thon ra 
famed, nnd thos coounied uDtil two o'clock, at which 
oar ths Spoaker terminated tHe roll eall, 

Mr, Cox, (0)/9.) OF Obloy from the commnlttes ta walt 
ob tho Tresideat, reported tat the Prosidont bat uo 

Particular i isu Cine proper (urther busses oF other communication to present to 
Too Ocal Aud Atoond wectlon providen for the convio | COMETE. 
Won ayd unishment of persons who wall bo golity of | Th# ®teAvI then wAld:—Tha time Oxed for tho adjoara. 

mebt of tho two Hoasoy haying arrived, 1 horeby declare 
the Hoare adjourned sine die. 

Javad applause by the tembare followed the announce. 

A Tow minntas oaly elapted bofora all the mombi 
‘bad lott tho ball, 


treason and the parson who wball tnet's) pAton foot, ax 
ink oF eoRase In. any rebellion or (nwurrostion mgaluat 
tbo authority of tbe United Sates or toe Laws thereof, 
Or aball givo aldior comfort to any auoh exlallog rebel 
Uon or (swurrection, 

iy fair construction the persons withla these nections 
ro aot (ODP POnMbAD WIIKOUU reRViAr! trials in di ly 
BM \ahnd werese pumhey Wire Tore wed nth the mahccn| 
al provial: na of Lnw and OF the countitution applicante: 
to their Kovoral cases, To thls T perceive no objection, 
‘Gapsolally Ws auch pervous would be within ths general 

fret rorular passion Of the Thirty sovonth Con} 
I for the transaction of bualoeRY at the Cantal, 
in the cliy of Wakblogton, on Monday, the 24 day of 
Pardoolng power am’ alko i( I the apeoial proviaion | December, 1601—Hlon, Hannibal Iamlin, Vice President 
or pardon and amnesty contained {a this acts oF the United States, preridiog Sanato; Hea, 
Tenleo provides that Uh alavas of persons eonflacated | Galusha A, Grow Speaker of the House of Reproseuta- 
under theve rections ahall bo froe, Tbuk there ts an | tives, It adjourned yooierday, July 17, 188%. 
“ofortonate foras of expression rathor than aeubstantial | This eesslon, after an uninterrupted sitting of nearly 
objectlon In tbls. will be noted and remombered |to 
TV wtartilog to way that Congress can fron slarg | fulure history for ite Soanguration of two great 
‘Within « Stato; and yet wero {1 Kald (hat tho ownership | national measores, both gromlog out of ths rebelling, and 
‘Of tho alaye bad Aret_ bean trans‘orred to the mation, and | both destined (ohuye a lasting effect on the future polloy 
Wat Onyrems had then fip-rated blu, the discully | of the couptry. Those are, frat, the abolition of alavory. 
foald yaoith, And (hia ts the real cana, in the iatriot of Coluinbia, poaltively and famediately, 
‘Tho traitor aguinat the general government forfeits bis | and in allother placas within the watloual domals proba. 
Save at lesst ta Jostly ax he does any other proparty, | Diy and prospectively; and, secondly, the laltfation ef 
‘and be forfella both to the government aguiaat which be | « gigantic ayatem of loternal revenue, Tuas two sub. 
oma. Je01s Lave engrossed the attention of both nouses for 
‘Tho government, #9 far as there can de ownsrahlp, | probably three-fourths of tho tine uring which thoy 
owns the forfdited staves, and tho qavatlon for Coogress | have been {a ressloa. Toe ret andall pervading autjeot 
(a regard to them Us, *'Sdall they be made free of wold | of bot discussion and of crude, ematevr legislation was 
to bow madterat”’ THN BLAVERY QUESTION. 
Tave n0 objection to Congress deciding 10 advan AN {his wax oe of the earliest aubjecta to which the 
‘bab thoy aball be free. Aitentlon of Congress wns called, eo bay It boon the 
To tbe high bonor of Keatocky,aatam tnfurmed,sbe | one which haa most engaged the timo of Congress 
‘Bas been tho owner of sorue slaves by esebaatabd has | throoghoot a protracted selon 14 came before 
sold noon but Liberated all. Ihe samo La true of | iy in diverse and various forme—tn propositions 
Mimsotber States, Indeed T do not believe It woold be | to emancipate the slaves of rebel masters; to declare 
phyacally posable for the gyneral goverameat torratura | free all alaves kaon tohave been employed {n aldlag 
Parsons so cireumstanced to aciual slavery. [ bollev@ | iho reDellica; to linpose taxes on slaves: to forbid army 
tery would be phyaioal resistance to 11) whieh would | etmcars from allowing the s0Wdlere to be edyaged ta re. 
ever be turned aside by argumoat vor driven away by | gtorieg fugitives to thelr masters; to discharge from 
foros, 0 thie vlow of fh Ihave wo ebjsstion to this fox: | custody all persons of color hold ta the fall at Washing. 
‘ure of tho bill, ton under s hiunicipal regclatlon authorlslog the arrest 
Another milter valued to those two sections and | and devention of auch aa could pot abow proof of thelr 
Fanning through ojber parts Of the ach will beratiied | boing free; to abolish slavery in the District of Colun 
boreafuar, bla; to declare that slavery or fayoluntary serrituda, 
T percelre ao objection to tho third and fourth seo" | except for crime, shall not be permilited to exist tn aay 
Mona, of {he Tvrritorles of the Ur\ted Bialoa, and to apply the 
So faraalwlsb to notice the fb and sixth nectlona | game law to the navy yards, argeoals and Uickyards; 
Mary may Bo considered tognthor. That the enforce | (he message of Irresident Lincola of the Gth of March, 
saa} of theee nections moald do po Injustice to (be per: | recommending Congress to paax a resolution pledgivg 
soca embraced within thom, a clear. That those who | the aid of the general goverament (o much States ax would 
make & cansolens war should be eompelied to pay the | tnaugcrale a system of emancipation; tbe pasiage by 
«= goat of It, Ia to obviously just tobe called in question, | poib Nouses of @ Jolut resolution to that effect, and the 
Tv giye government protection Xo the property of per- | adoptiia of morw repressive: measurca to wuppress Lhe 
sons who baraabandooed {} and gous ou w crusade (9 | African’alave trade, The Afforts of the frlehds of the: 
oyarthrow thal same government, (s abeord) feonnider | moaraséain framing them {ato lawy, and the counter 
sa The oes leh est peor ‘arta of the oppoaitioniits, were Important tasideatw ia 
sar aap le ote eect Ge Geveciale ‘Which we propoas Wo give some 
‘within these sections is certalaly out very objectionable; | Thelfiral Joint resolution offered in the House with rete. 
but a Jostly disoriminatiog applicatinn of ik woats bs | rence tothe conduct of the war waa by Mr, Ello, of 
Yory dicalt, and to a great oxteat Yaposalble,” And | Maxachusatts, which declared: First—That the object of 
wroald Ib pot be wisa to place™a power of remlmioa | the waragalnst tho tnvurgent bodies now {p arms ayaisat 
somewhere, 60 that these perscas may Ka2w they | the goverament was the suppression of tbe rebellion and 
‘bare something to sare by dealsilcgt the eetablihment of the rigbiful authority of the ma 
Tas pot sure whether such power Of remissiog \s or | Aiooal constitution, Secont—In dieclaimiog aay intea. 
{acot withia section (Dirieea without @ fpeclal ect of | Aloo’ te tmerfaro with tho istituiloas of the several 
‘Coograst. States, yet that the war aball be eonducted eccording to 
Tthiok oor milliary eommanters, whed 1a military | tbeerder, weagee and rights. of mililary wervioe, aid 
phrase they. aro wilhia the enemy's equniry’, could (a | hat tbe safely of the State ts the highest law, and 
aa ordeciy manner asiee and Keap whatever of real or | rubordisates the rights of propyrty and. domiuates over 
Derwaal property may bo ncoassiry oF convenient for | civil relations. Thtrd—That, therefore, the President, 
thelr commancs,and at the ame time preseryo in some | as Compander-it-Chief of the army, and the ollicers of 
Way the eyideace of what they do, Whiearmy Ghder him) Rave ths gui Ve emaselpate all 
‘Washi bareajd lo regard to slaves, while comment. | pervors beli’ar Ulaves a aby military district ic a state 
{og cq Ube firat and seornd sections, ts applicable to the | of Invarrectiou, ke. This resolution, with severe) other 
-elinth, with the digerence that no provision is made {nthe | kindred resolutions, was tered to Ube Joins “Com” 
| mbole set for detarminiag whether a particular individual | mittee. * 
are done of does a} fall within the cltasés defined io | . Mr, Ssmner, in the Sérate, axS Mr. Lovey, to tbe 
Uhat sectloa, Tle late befree vpca certain conditions; | House, i 
Dat wiatnar thats eostloca Go or da uot pertala to biz, 
- Ror aice sacarialning Is yrevided. This gould be easl- 
To the tenth aectionT make ne objection 
© dhreia rsalrod soem Lo be proper mca en aslh 
Saf the section Is, sabsantlaly Ide3\tcal with aL. 
# raady.axisting. Abwal- 
# Tbseleventh section almply ax 
erebionsiy powers upoa the execui, 

he President, if cocpalibie with We pablle iaterest, tp 
furnish copies of any gebsral order emanatiog fro ihe 
War Department with referenceto the return of fugitives 

the action of General Halleck, tn command of tho West. 

TE€3 \to confer dis. | erm Department. The resolution in the Senate was 

Withoas ths Le 144; (bat of Mr, Loreloy Waa, on motion of . 
Lbayewebailialion to go aa {ar 13 tbe din w | adopted; i a yy waa, of Mr. ¥ 
Yu Hreciion tad|- ighars, laid on the table by @ vole of weveaty-elghi 
aa as hay at an ‘ yendigham, yeelgbt to 
me FabasyMime-derm expydieat. Andtam | sixty (ourvafter debate, Subsequent action was taken 

from the Union linta. /They were directed prinelpaliy to | Eresident 

fired by the Prosident tilmeoll, why, on the éh of 
March, KrADeImIttod @ ropaaage to Congrass kuy gesting (b8 
Proprioly of ® pruyinia to companeate nach States, as 
might Ly thelr own aoiton (uaugurata m syalem of 
kradual omane}jation, and recommoudiug the adepttoa 
of wre o}N00 W Khe ollownig effect — 

Te aolved, That tho United Bates onal to co-operat 
nny Wate whied may wiojn oltahinent br 
givin, Wo wel: Hoke fa 
priate, vrodvent Uy aaeb wbange of #7: ain 

‘eso|Ution and the message wocompany ing It, 01+ 
boyiog Mr, Adncoin's own vinws, very clearly aud 
colomply rat (orth, oreated a deep Itmpramion uyod Con 


of howne, (raat or : 
| Se ents cs ese suche po-calie! GraledaralaBLsien 
Oh Amante 
Ung every paren who shall hereafter Bold «oy 
otc on pcos dae the geri ah of (bag called 
Chatedertte of Ate ton, or wader any othe save 

Maklon if tho malt eemcederacy, or te laws (hereof, 
ther aucl cfiee OF ngeocy be nattoual, Pale OF 

NOWK 8) In Ive naror or charve 
Deni an re idly ant wy uw 
qvcrivnd shall lays seeped savy ange mses 
i be date of Ue pretonied oraina 
Howie tre state, or ataif aye Laken aa oaib, of aUegh 

Me (0 the whealied Coaredera\e Mates. 

HIAthly—OF every parson, Bot embraced ta tbe fore 
Wing cla mew, WLP, wrior the parser oF Liu nck, Dang 
Aciallyy wally «8a wiktwm cove oF eomapalal 2, 
eogage!' In armed cobalt agasual ibe gurerpmeot 
the Voited ‘Siates. aball nat, wilbin sixty “ays alter 
yoblic warnloy tai preetamatlon duly given acd nate, 
Av Hiadiseretioe, by Ine Prew dest OF the Uoilad states, 
Iny “owe bis arms and retro to bis alicgianos bo (a> 
United fhotes. 

The slstb feotton of «bis bill authorizes the President 
So negotiate for tLe acquisition of lands to Mexico gad 
Cootral or Honk Amyrica to which Us colonize tibsrabed 
wher and the reveath rection dooinres all pereons em 
Dreced within the foregoing classe focever Incapable of 
bolding any effen of honor, (rastor prod onder the go- 
vorrmnent of the United Stites, The bi war prsed— 
yan 82, Day 64, 

Aconfveatton Lill bad previously passed tba Hoaxe, 
Drovidirg (ust all tbe estate and property, means, 
leek, éredit and edlvcts of rebels, la liable to welanre for ta- 
Mecnnily ag)lnss tbs expanses of suppressing the presont 
Fevallion. It eoumernien the porsona agalnat whom th 
peoalty Ia directed. Ib providea that in the eases of others: 
than the parsons oamed in tho first reciion, who, after 
ie paanage of (he nat, being engaged (n armed rebellion, 
or aiding and abetting auch rebellion, shail not, within 
ixty days afior pablic waraing and proslamall\n, cease 
to ald and countenance It, all \hoir estate, properly, ke, 
hall be lawful subject of capture and prize, Tho third 
section provides that to socure cohdemnation of avoli 
property, ke,, proceedings im rem, shall be natitated ta 
by courts of the United Staton, 

‘The Bonste wvbotituted for both these bills—ths Eman- 
elpatioa aud Confiscation billa of thy 1owse—one prepared 
by Benalor Clark, much leis radical in its provisions, 
The Jlousw rejected the amendment, The Samate insisted 
on {tend Ue mpttar wan referred to a com/nittes of 
‘conference, This c:mmmittes agreod' upoa the following 
Confircatioa and Emancipation bill which passed tbe 
Hours, July 11, by myote of 82 to 42, aud the Sonate, 
July 14, by 27 to Ls — 


ATKLW Swen Frau rem, bs Purdh Trex on ond Re 


reas, atid aL once eogaged tho perious attontion of thi 
Jouple of ‘ue country wherever Ib gould roach, {ot 
{ros a4 woll aniu the border slave Btales, In Congroas 
tho whole subject was reforred Lo aalect eommilten of 
either Hous, The eommittse of the Moose was com: 
of whom were representa 
were instructed to tnquire 
wboitior aay pian can be propored and recomieodod for 
cho gradual eriavelyation vf cll the African wiaves and! 
the extinction Of slavary In tho States of Dolawar 
Maryland, Virgloia, Kentucky, Teauesuoo and Missoarl, 
bby ‘lio poople Or loval authoritisa'thorsof, These com. 
ra{iloos reported, aod recommended a joint resoluijoo ta 
Abe oxxot words of taal vubiniitad by the Prealiea, with 
the auienoment “bat the United Biates,'" &e., oot 
‘(hat Coogress,!! Ao, Io the House tho resolution wan 
pronounced an doconatitutional abwurdity. A mollon to 
iay It ou Chie table was rejected by a vote of OT to 62 
the Jolnt résolution waa subsequently passed by bulb 
houKeH, and received tho signature of the Frosident oo 
tho 14th of April, ‘The vole ou {ts passage la the flouss 
way 69 0 D1. 

Thy mest Important advanss 
mmeul was the pastage of mn a 
fa the Diatriot of Columbia. It passod the Beoate 
by & you of ¥9tD 14 and the House by @ vote 
of O20 GB, and Fooulved tho signature of tho F 
dent © fow days aftorwards, Tho bill appropriated 
‘ne roilion of dullare—or 60 much (borer as may by 
necessary —for the compenration ef Toyal masters, ana} 
Iu wddition, 000 huudred thounand doblars Cor the eoloal) 
vation eyond the Limits of the United States of thoea 
arsous set free by (he bill wlio doxire to einigrate. A 
motion (o subslt the question to the elavedwuors of dhe 
Diatrlot-was rajeo\ed Jn tho Sonate 

Tula Dill of exmayolpation ak tbe moat of governineny 
wa followed by nayaral other GigAstiros of Amelioration 
for thu colored population of tho Diatelct, Some of ore 
fomauiated ta the Sonate, ethor from the well knowa 
frlonda of the colored race in the Mow. Ono 
nol of Fogtalntion assed either house’ with little or no 
‘oppoaition, though it was’ aiialhetmalized by a numerous 
body 0 Waahlogton and Georgetown, toeluding the mur 
wleipal fathers of the ‘This Iw tho Vill for the 
odiication of colgred children. The bill makes tt 
iho duly of the inupiolpal authorities of Wash- 
ington to Got apart ten por cent of the amount 
recolved from taxes lovied on real and personal property 
‘omuod by people of color Lo be appropriated for tho pur: 
eae of luit{ating ® syatera of primary échool education 
for colored hilaron, tofure property owned by 

colored id Down taxed (0 pay for (he maintenance. 
of i y 
led a 

‘eolieges ae RL a 
‘Now teu par cout ef their laxos wi 
tal Improvement afd eda” 

appropitated for \helr ovo 
cation, ‘This bill ropeala the black code of tbo Disteieh. 

‘Avothor bill following the emaucipation measore was 
‘ove which repealed the disabjlition epuinst persons of 
ecolur in courts of Juulloe to the District, extending, «® 
them the privileg fibg teatime oy ip 
noras whites, 

‘Tho Senate also passed a bill removing all diequalifica. 
(ous of color Ip carrying the mails of the United States. 
‘The House Post Ollico Committee reported adyerealy upon 
1, anid 1t wan rejected: 

‘Vo couraged tn ts war against slavery, thenext {mipor- 
tant movement {0 that jine was the passage of » bil 
eclariog tbat thereafier there should be neither slavery 
por lovolnntary servitude In apy of the Territories of the 
United States, now exleting, or that may bereafer be 
formed oF acquired, The Dill paced the Senate by a 
vols of 2 (0 10, anit the Houss py s vote of 12 to 94 

A revolution, tatreduced by Mr. Julian, of Tudiana, {n- 
rtroetligr the, Judiciary Committee’ to report e DU re- 
paling the Puglilve Slave law, wns lal on Wha table, 66 
{0 62; Dot m renslation, oltwred by Sr. Colfax, ef Indiana, 
was referred to tho Judlolary Committeo, tustructing 14 
Lo report & DIL) co modiry thy the Fugitive Slave iaw as to 
give the fugitive tho right of trial by Jury whea he de 
nieaunder oath that he {a @ slave, end requiricg the 
claimant to prove Bis loyalty, No further action was 

‘A great deal of disoursion and Investigation was bad 
as lo the management of the Jail (o Washington. A Joint 
reeulutlon, which required the disebarge of all. pervons 
who may hays bean arrested aa fugitives (rom eervice er 
Japor, aud coniingd io the jail, was passed; the Marshal 
Dolng authorized (© give to each of the kald porsons po 
dwobarged supplies of provisions, &,, anil! they cio 
fademploymant, Also, revolution calling for @ report 
ofthe names of all persons opnfoed tm sue jail, with 
cause of commitment, &e. 

A Lill for the administration of criminal Justiee la the 
District was dlacussed at groat length in the Senate, A° 
commiiies Was Bppointed to exataiue into and report the 
management of thajailand tho conduct of those who 
‘Dai tin charge, Tho report described the pritog and 
{Us effcere n disgrace to the uation, to Justice and to hi 
WAnity. A nlinber of megroea who hod Deen sejred 
under the Slave law of the Distriot’ were discharged an. 
er the operations of the bill,amd In ths course of the 
procvedingy bad eu this subjeat @ vote of censure was 
passed on Marebal Lamol 

A resolution was adopted in the Senate requesting the 
Secretary of Wer to inform (he Senate how many officers 
apd men balooging to the forces of the United States are 
pow imprisoued in the penitentiary of the District of 
Columble, to what regiments Woy Delenged, &o,, and by 
what court or aulbority each colm|(tient Was made, 

A Dill ag passed both houses estabdlidbing aiplomatio 
relatious De(weea the republic of May ti ana Liberia and 
(ho United States, 


Measares ave beca pending in both branches ef 
Congress since easly Jo the session, looking to the ear, 
Gecation ef all property apd the emancipation of aly 
slaves owned by persous engaged in rybeliien egalnat 

tho United States, 
| Tbe Rapate, apeah months Io debating these measures, 
apdacme doren spesshea were, made on the subjeg) in 
the Houre. The question was dispored of ta the latter 
branch of Congress onthe 16ih Jung, by the passage of 

fo the general moves 
abollsbing slavery 

odired resolutioas calliog for Ube acilo| ef cm. | @ bill reported by tho select committee, declaring for 
gress relative to tho relurm cf fugllive alaves by ihe | ever free all alaves beld by the (ollewing class of per- 
army of the United SU4t@h Taete rewlotioas requested | €608'— 

Firmt—Of every person who shall hereafter ach as an 
eMecer of the army or shah ‘tbe rebels in arcs 
jcuitat the governinent ef the Usited States. 
Socoudly—-Oi overy parson who Ball hereafter act as 
Vice presideat, meciber of Quogrems, Judge of 
Bay coast, cablag\ offcar, forelgu ro lnlater, counmolealnee 
{or Coal Ut AL so-ealled Contede/ateblalos ef mperica. 
Thirdly every pera who shail bereafter acl ce 
Govervor of a State, member of © eaiveution or Lagie 
Litare, or jodge ef any ot\la cvurt at the so-called 
Goawdecato States of Amor ica 
Fourthly —Of every reread who, baying bi 

en otice 

slim a 8 and Ov rort Ohad rgery of Hides and 
for (her 1) jh 
Het enacied ty (© ais ond Hea: of Rerroen'aies 
of the Unied “Lacs of America in Conzre® ab mbicl, 
That every perso Why aoall bervaltor come (hs 
G1 |mae of Wrevsoa agalnat the United States, and shail bo 
a{jdged gollty thereof, shalt muler coath, eyd al bls 
Haves, (Cauy,eball be declared and madd fees; oF ho 
bail Us lonprusvuvd (or ot lore than Ove year uid (ined 
ot Jou than $10 04) aod all Bis slaves, I any, aball Do 
04; #ald Sw shail bu los led 1d cul: 
lof the propety. real and [ersibal, 
of which the said preot so convicted 
yrovraL' the (me of eo:0u5 ttiog tho sald crime, 
F conteyabes i the eintrary volwitbstanulag. 
And te i faith y ema bf, That It aby pat-on 
aball bérealter Iclie, not 00 00l) assist, or ouyege in 
‘any ‘ebeliion of Insurrection against the aulbosity 0. tho 
United States, or tbe laws threo", of shal ile wl 
ovmfurt (heréo, or ehilleoyace lu. Orgive allt: © 
Ww any euch orlétiog rebs))on cr insurre:taa, and be 
Coavicled therouf auch prays ebial) be yauesbed by in 
prooument for a’ porjod pot exceeding ten years, bY m 
Foe not oxceading $10,000, and by the Mbera(lou of all 
plaves, if any Le have, 
And be i further enacted, That every parson 
ly of eitbor of theetanca described ip thir wet, aball 
raver Wenpable and disqualiges to bold soy’ alice 
under the United Staton 
Soredyi And te i further enarfat, Tush this act ebal! hot 
be construed In any way to affect OF alter the prosacution, 
‘couy|clion oF punishment of any pprso0 or permina gal ty 
ff treason agaliat ths United States biforo the pasaage 
o thia act, uniess such persva is convicted wider thi 


‘Sho. G. And te ih further enactet, That to insure the 
spondy torminstion of the proxent rebstilo, Itstall be 
tha Wily Of the Presideat-of the United Statds to "cause 
the saiz07¢ of ll Uio eatate and scoperty, zaco0y,atecks, 
crodite and elfecta of thy poraous hereafter named i: 
(his tection, nad to apply wud uaa’ the game and the 
precesda thoreot for the support of thie army of thio 
United States, thot fs to says—Pleaty of ony. person 
Boreafter acting as ao officor of (he army or macy Of ihe 
robrla In arms against the government of the Uallat| 
Suites tocondiy jo] auy penion Uorenltar acting a Pre-| 
wideout, Vico Presideub, winbor of Cengrars, Judgo of 
ny odurl, cabluet oflicer, forvixa minister, eamiutsaioner: 
oF couaull of tho #o called Coufederate states of America ; 
Abitdly, of aby parson kollog ax Governor of wState, 
inomber of @ convention of legislature. or Jadge of any 
court of noy of tho nocaliod, Confederate Stateg of] 
Aumerléa; fourtily, of any person who, ha¢ing held an 
Oltide of honor, trokt oF proiit tn the Vulted’stated,. hall 
Horeaftor hold an office in the so-called Coatoderato 

of secession of tng 
havo ‘akon an cath of _alleglance 

M10) or {0 supfork the constitution of ths 
called Confederate States; ixthiy, of 3 
woos who, ownlog property in any: to, 

Twrritory of the United) States, or in the District of 
Tei ajch esolion Reaett oe Kaates 
aga i ay uch jUperty chal’ be nail and et 

and it sual wuficleot bar to any sult brought by 
such the possession or the ase of such pro 
perly, orany of It, nllege and preve that hs is. one of 

Yat if any person 
Culted Status! other 

the persons dascriled In this rr 
‘S40. 0. Arad be it further enacied, 
within any Sista oF Territory of U 

United States, all 
tock avd ered! 

Bee. 7. And te st Furher mactes, That to ssoure ine 
condemuation and sale of avy sich property after (le 
toms shall Baye been selzed, a9 that itmay be ule 
available for the parpoees aforesnid, proceedings ii rm 
shall be instituted in the name of ‘the United States ia 
aby District Cogrt thereof, or 1x any Territoctal Court, of 
{nthe Ulted Stavee Histrict Court for. the District ef Co- 
Jumbia, within rebich the preparty. above described, oF 
any part thereof may be foord, of Into which ths suze, 
Wf movable; way Grst be Drought, which proecedinge 
shall couform as usarly an may ‘Ue to proceedingn 3 
mnlrally oF revenue codes; oud H sald property, wheter 
eal or persoual, shall bo feud to Nave Uelcnged to & 
ya ygoged In rapellion or who haa igiea ald or co 
fort thereto, th shall ba condainned a enam|et 
property, ald becontfe the properly o€ the United Stat 
and may'bo dispored of 5 the court shall decros, and 
Abe proceeds thereet pad toto the Treasury of the United 
‘States for tbe purposes aforesaid. 

Seo, & twit te ut further oracied, That the several 
courts aforesaid shall have power te mako wuch ordera, 
‘ealablish wich fornis of decree and sale, and direct such 
deeds acid conveyances to be execuled abd delivered by 
tho mereLals thereof, where real estato shall be (he 
wubject of gala, aa sal) tly and elficieatly ellact tho 
Murpexes of thiraet, and/veat In the purchasers of auch 
property good aud valid titles thereto, And the sid 
court aliall have power to allow such foee aud charges of 
Geir oftcore 48 abl be renscpable and prozer 18 tho 

Sao. Avid be it further enacted, That all slaves of pet-! 
ons who shall boreafter be-engoged in rebellion against 
the govermmgut of tho United States, or who shall 'n an 
way glveaib or comfort thereto, escaping. from wueh 

S40. 10, And bei 
tog into aby Stato, Yerritory, 
frew any olberState; shall 

way ltpeded er hincored oMbis Uberty, excopk for crite 

ovacted, That no slave exeap- 
Or the District of @olumabia, 
be doltvered op, or in any 

‘Of ome offence against the laws, unless the person 
claiming eaid fugitive aball fret make oath ist the per- 
sun to whom he labor or service ef such fugitive Is 
alleged to be dae, ls bis lawful owzer, and bas not barne 
‘arts agaiua\ the Uniled Stalea ia the preseatraballiog, 
‘vor iuny Way given akd and comfird thereto; ‘and oo 
ferme cogaeed in he military or uayal service of the 

‘nlied States shall under aay projenss whatever, assume 
fo decide om the validity of the elatm of any person (0 
tho service or labor of aby olber pereon, of surrender up 
any such person to the claimant un pela of ‘being dls. 
nilssed from the service. 

‘Seo. 11. and be if furticr cacted, TRal the Presidect of 
Ke United Suites fa authorized to employ as many per- 
wos of African descent as hemay deem Decemary ond 

apes {Gr the suppression of ils Febel no; ‘and for this 
pirpowe ho inay Shganlzé dnd Ties them io auch macnar 
‘ax Le may judge beat (or Lis pablis weltare, 

Sect 12. And te U. ena=et.Teat tho Presidedt of 
‘the United States ts hereby authorized to make provinion 
for Whe Urausportaileo, colonization and eciUement 
Some tropical country bayond the lmils of the Velted 
States, o€ such persone of the Alrican race, mais (ree 
by Abe provisions of thisact, as may be will foal 
Krate, bavlog rat oblalned the couseak of the goycra. 
Teal of sald country to their protection aod sctisment 
withiu the same, with ithe rights and’ privileges of 

Seo. Ui, And dew fierdher eeac'ed, Toat the Presideat 
ds boreby authorlenJ, at mo bereaftar, by pricta- 
raall io, to extend to'persons why way have panicipated 
in the existing rebeliioa In any State or part thereot, par- 
dion and aziuesty, wish such exceptions aud arguch time 
end 0% euch cqudithes bs he may devm expedieat for the 
publlke weliure: Also, tbat (Ue (resident shall Lave 

“oft In the Unites States, shall bore 

power lo reriors 

(ern wo been 
Meech and bad ‘cased, Taab ihe eoarta of 
(ib Uilted Scstag all Dave foil power. 12 Iesiltase Ura 

cebiiogs, make ordars x0 decrees, Ino and do 
cris ak teen crn prem 
‘Aftor Wie foregding act tia passed both Hossam, it was 
| gent to the President for bie signatare, who, however, 
‘Claapproved some fextores and had prepared & rel) mies 
gage, when the fullywing reanlotioa wan passed by buth 
Tiowes in oruor to remove the Preakeat's objections to 
the Di 
ian svat the Rae ae Lane of Repetto de 
‘That ths provivious oF ths (bird eludes of tbe Gus ection 
6 a oct Us Kuporese MMsdrrectioa, (0 Dabiel treason and 
Tebsilod, 10 seize aad coniacale tbe property of rebels, 
End lor vilier putpesee, Abit be #o Omatraed ma not uo 
Ep. ly Ura pact or att Gms por tote rauange thereot, 
tor to Include any tDeinber of a stave Logliature oF Judge 
oh oy elaia court, wbo Laken, In mcenpting or mutering 
oa be Osea, taken an oath 14 FUyport the cunauitatlon 
ta so-cnied Coofederate tates Of Areca: gor ball 
‘hiieat or prucilings ander raid wet be ee com: 
ieee to score a tortely ice OC Ke real estate Of ba of- 

Tecder boyin't hia nayiral Ie 
(On the 11h of Joly (yesterday) the Prowidsot ro 
Girued Uo bill, wilh tie above cxplanitory reavlatta 
apveoded, and with bis eijuatare aiixe, whareby It bo- 
came alam. 

‘Tho Toure pursed (he 8 uate bill authorisiag tho Proat- | 
en} to enter int. coutesets wiih any (oreigu goverumant 
for the reenptlou aod colvolcattoa of recaptured Africans 
to the Went Ladia {alana 


While the nitra mon (n both braoches wore devoting 
tho{r energies ts rchemes of omateljaiia ond conflsca- 
lon, the Finauce coroin\t (ees wore cagaged J the nore 
erapntial duty of providing Ihe way# ani means for carry. 
fog cp tho war, This required mivoths of pationt javen:t- 
ition and untiring industry. First @ great syaicw of 
Tnterual reyonce had to be dovived and matured, and 
than tho exiat{ng Tarif Iaw must bo revlacd aid amsaded, 
ona to. mako {t couform to (he Talerual Revenue bill, 

: THA TAX DiLbe 

‘The readers of the Ticnaco are supposed to be eufl- 
‘lent! y (amfllar witli the gupordl features of tho Tax bil! 
to render a suromary of {t tn thu place unnecessary ,even 
It were powsis to present Itbere. It inaugurates a 
Aiopandous ayrtom of taxation, similar to Ln#co}e lo 
that provalliva jn Fogland, bat Imposing ® mach lower 
acale of duties, Thos It Imposos excise dutioa on all malt 
‘bad «plr){vous Liq ra, acd on ell manufactures; reqolres 
tho jayment of licenses by porsons following tradea aad 
Yrofessious; Initiates a sysiem of stamp duty arc im: 
porea on Income tax at the rate ofS per cant on all in 
comes irom $000 to $10,000, and of 6 per cent on all [n- 
comes above $10,000. An some misunderstanding (re 
vals on this pulect, we tbink It proper (0 give our con 
struction of t—which La, (bate pereon wilh an income 
0f $3,060 I Hablo to an income tax of $74 (3 por cant 
oa $2,400), and m perma with an jrcoms of 
$12,000 is lablo to an income tax of #382 (3, 
per cent on 69,400, and 6 por osub on $2,000) 
Me oplolon provalls that In the Latter case We (noone 
{ax wiuld bo £570 (6 per cent on $11,400), bat wo tbink 
that that is not tho intention of the Dil, as auch a con- 
struction of (t would be manifestly anjust, Under It, for 
Instarce, while the tax on §10,000 a year woald be only 
$282, the tax ob $10,200 would be $480, In otbor words, 
[t would take tho whole difference between tho two in 
comes to pay the diliersace betwoon the two taxes. Tho 
voto 1a the Senafe On the passage of tho Internal fe-| 
Venué bill Was: yous 37, nayn 1—tho Gogative vots boing 
that of secator Pewell, of Kentucky. The voto fo tho 
Héuds wis uiken o0 the 8th April, and resulted: yeas 125,| 
paya 13. 

‘Tho House comcurred 1m the Senate's propositions , 

All soct{cns of the Tatornal Tax bill which require 
anything to bo dong oo aod aftor July and Avgust are 
amended, so ngto moan that much thiogs shall not be 
doce tater than tho Lot day of October next under tho 
Mircotion of thy, Secretary of ths Transury, who shall 
uke proclamation of the data to bo axed by hii. 

(Tho mode of collection of taxes in tho rebel States. 
doing a mattor of some doubl as well’as curiosity, we 
appand ths following, proclamation of the Presideat to: 
dlosting a decided plaa for fuily carrying oat tho law of | 
‘Congress So far ax those States are concerned: — 

4 PRocLAMaTiO3, 
Wheroas a and by the secoud goction of an act of 

Qongress passed’on tho 7th day of Juno, A. D. 1862, 
cntitled “Au aot for: the collociten of direct taxog lu! 


‘The additloral Tari’ bill was ouly intended to give tho, 
same measure of protection to domestic manufactures 
As was cijoyedurer the existing tarit—im othr woras. 
toudd to the rates at prosent patd the dutios jmpased 
en‘home manufactures, &v., under the Interaal Royenue 
DILL Hoth bills go tule operation on the Ist of August, 
1862. Tue income tax, however, is not to be levied until 
the Ist of May, 163, belng en the year's income from 
1st Of May; 1802, 0 Lot May, 1869. Tho direat tax to be 
Tald by tho States, uudor the ax passod tm the extra 
‘eselo0, {a suspended for the wext two years, 


Amieng the monsuren proposed and ‘pasaedl for supply- 
tng Was anu tneans (o carry‘on @ war, Wore eaveral bills 
suthorizjog (bo Issue of Treasury notes, ‘The Grit was 
entitled “a bill to authorize the Laue of United 
States notes and for the redempticn cr fundiny 
thereof, and for funding tho foatlog debs of 
Uo United States.” It wes reporigd from the 
Committee of Ways and Mears (o tho Mouse Pecem. 
der So, The bill provides for tke lesa of $10,000,600 
paper currency, tho samo to bea Jegal tondar in pay- 
ment of all public aud private debts, the payment of du- 
Ulex on Iniporta, kc, Three or four subatitute billa vero 
offered, materially altering the original bill in Ite main 
featurer, A clause jn tho bill making these notes a legal 
sender In payment of duties on finporta was strongly op- 
posed, ex yas also tho class making the notes a legal 
Sender In payment of all public and private debts. Dur- 
log the debate upon the Dilla ktter was reall from the 
Socrelary of the Treasury, urging tbo moceesity for Its Ink- 
mediate Ib paskedt the Mouro by a rote of 69 to 
69. Tt was at once cent to {he Senate, and immediate ao 

en importa payable in colo, dof Treasury 
notes, and pledging them specifically for the 
payment of Jotereat oo the notes and hoods 

‘and for the purpose of ralaing a fund (o redeem the prias 
cipal, and striking out the pledge of the public lands and 
tho proceeds of the proparty seized as the property of 
xebsiz. So the bill as amended was passed, and received 
the siguature ef the Preaideat. 

A Dill waa also passed and became a law, author 
tining the Secretary of the Treasury, in olldition 
fon the istue of $10,000,000 to notes payable on 
demand, of denominations net leas than $5, heretofore 
authorized by the acts of July and August, to lesua like 
Boles fer a like period to We amona} of ten million dol: 
lars, which sald notes shat be deemed part of tho Joan 
0f $260,000,000 authorized by said acts. 

Within “the last week of the session en additional 
‘Treasury Nove Lill of 160,000,000 waa paasod, evatalning 
@ clause rhat $26,000,000 of the g:mount may ba Ja bills 
ofa less deacminafion than $6. There was a conflot bev 
(ween the to bowses csv toike amount (0 be issued ty. 
small Dillsj tho Senate wishiug to restriel tbeamouat to 
$25,000,000, while the Hoere had Oxed Mat Aiy. Zhoy 
OnMy comjrombsod oo wirty-fve, witb resarvayion cf 
Afy millilcas fer the prom! 
thorized by the bill Duriag 
ject a letter was read from (Be Secretary of:Ye Treasury, 
sbowing the tela) asgount of tho, public Geol on the 29h 
cof May, 1882, to be $401,445,944 12, 00 Wuich (he average 
rate of internet Jad S54-1,000 Per C00”. per annum, 

‘A DUN aollioriaiog the Secretary, of the Treasury to 
(ssue celdcates of indabtolness (0 any public creditor 
who may desire We resslve Ws same, upoo requisition 

Errrerty seized under the ct, toany | from the proper department, in satisaction of 

| and cetiled demands aghinat the United States, carts 
eaies for the whole amotnt das or s part thereof, bas 
te It prowides (hat al! certificates of indebisd- 
evs Beresttsr txyed, onder tho ect of March 1, 1608, 
bal! bear date at the time when tbs claim for which soci 
certificate may be Lesued shall bare beso sadited and 

‘A Dill was passed al tbo cigen of tha session placing & 
tax of acrats pound co all augur the product of the 
United Biales, excepting eogar made (rom maple ang 


Alargeand undigested maze of legislation was groe 
through with In refereces to the army and nary and lo 
feserast and [ake defenses. A codidcation of thoes mea- 
absolutely necemary 
to recder them at all Jotelligibie. The bill of most ta 
fereat tothe o@oers of the army Us that which passed 
defotg thelr pay and emofumenta. Te cuts down 
many of thelr ¢moliments, pa'tteularly (c tbe mab- 
tor of allowauce for forage and mileage: commutation of 
forage | probibited, officers being ‘aly allowed to draw 
forage in Kind for exen Actonby Kept by them ab 
the place where they are on duty,net exoveding the 
umber anthorited by Aw. Major gonerals are allowed 
forage for fve horses; brigadiar gecersia Cor 
four; colonels, Ueutenant ovlenels and majors (or twe 
ach; captain aud leateoante of cavalry or artillery, er 
having (he cavalry aljowance,for two, aod chap- 
alas for one. Tha officar «60 ehall employ hu warvant 
Sha}| dedvet from blaowa monthly pay the moxthly coat 
to the govornmout of sich muldier It rejeais the aw 
allowing bands to regiments of volultadre, and orlere 
ach bands (0 be mya/ere cut of pervica within thirty 
daya; but \tafows « bani of sixteen mixiciann to each 
beigaiie iu tbe volunteer rorvicn. The miloage of officers 
Ls reduced to alx conta, except (or travel acros the Rocky 
Mountains, whore (en cents bs allowed. Nove bot ace 
wolarty ordained minlster of nome religious slenomtna 
tion, and with good tastimoolals, is to be eypolot- 

od to a chaplincy. Tt Gxes the compaaation 
of chaplaiax ia the regular or yojantcor see 
vie. ur army hoapitala at $100 yr month. Tor 

Yeatigniion into tbe Otacss of the chaplains af 
prevent on tha earvice (0 be Lortitoted by commanding 
office; withia thirty dayn of the promulgation of ths act, 
‘and Lbceo who do oot come np to the standard of morals, 
o., are to be mustored out of service. Whoa nny cfflow 
of tho army or marine corpePhall have been fo:ty-Lve 
yours In carvico, or aixtystwe years (lng, the Pieal- 
Went way retire him from weiaal service; abd lave hie 
ame placed op the retired list of vllieew of the grate to 
which bo belouged at the tline of Lis rotirement, A 
Fetired offewr may be aasigued to any apprbpriave dnty,, 
receiving the (ull pay and eiuoluments of bls 
rade while 60° wsalgned anid em loyed. — Contraote 
for gooda oF supplies are to be roported to Coa 

wrees. Avy transfer of coptenct is to wirk ils 
unuolment. Contractora are to be subset to 
tho ralés and regulations of war, and to be’ ited by 

court martial for frand or wilful negieot, Ie auborizee 
Abd requests the President to diimike from any brinad 
of the military service any olfcer whom Uo deans 
from any cause unsujtabje, The authority (0 appoint 
additional alda-de-camp is repeated, Volusiteer regt- 
moots oF compaties of engineers rmalistered Into service 
us ofantry aro recognized as eogiuedrs, and aro placed 
‘en tho! Ramo Looting from the comineucement of thelr 
service as the corps of eoginéors oF the rogilir arnzy 
All-alleas tn the neray, over (wenity-ous years nf age, are 
entitled to become oltizeas, without any previous dock 
ration of Intention,” 

AdiiL as bea passed making aD appropriation ter 
army meéals, to bo distributed amovg the woliiora for 
valiant services in tbe fold; and another, appropriating 
£16,000 to procure artificial timbs for wounded rolatera, 

‘Tho Sanate bill amendatory of the Siiltia net of 1705, 
‘uthortzing (he Proalaent to call ont tbo militia, and the. 
employment of poreous of African desornt, ko, sas 
take up {u the Housa on Wednesday, July 16, and pansed 
under tbe oparatien of the previous quesilit. The {ob 
lowing ts tho bill— E 
‘A all (9 amend the act calling forth the mila (0 execute 
the laws of the Uniony suppress in wrrectivsy and repel 
imesient, approved February 28, 1755, andthe ole 
amendalory (hereof, anit for Wher jurgves. 

Ba it enarted by the Senate\and House of Repre- 
kent liver of the United Stales of Amro in Cimoras Uk. 
emlled, That whotisver te! Preatlint of the Cnitee 
States shall call forth tho militia of (ho Stater, to be en 

Hoy odsjn tho sereics of tbe Ui Ite States, ho may xreokty 
Fo Ula call the period for ‘which uch -ercice wil bore 
quired, net excatiny nine months; anil he mili 
called shall be mustered in and continue: to coree or and 
uring the (erin so sper(fied, wiles sooner dischargal by 
emmand of (he Present. If by reason cf dovects ti 
Inting lag, or [nthe oxecution wf thein in tho a 
Slates, oF ‘aay of thow, AL sini be (onnd necaare to 
provide for enrolling tho militis and otberwi-e p ting 
Uianct {oto execaticn, the President ts autborizad {o 
ruch cares to make all Hecessary rilos aud rexatnionn; 
rolment of (bo m)!itta whall in all exon Include 
citizens Uetiowen he aed of 
id aball, be Rp orMoncd among 


That the President be, 
n to the voliintesr 

Provisions of 
law relating to rolunteor sollgiet in the service 
of the United State for three years, or durlog 
the war, excepl in relation (o bounty, shall ‘be; ond the 
sameare oxtsnded to, and are bereby declared to ena. 
draco the volunteers to be raised undor the provisions of 
this section. 

See. 4 Anu be tt further enacted, That, for tho purpose 
of filing up ihe reginents of eafaniry noi in the Uniked 
‘Nave servieo, the President bo, and ho hereby js,aultbor- 
xsd toaceapt the servhoas of volunteers in wich numbers aa 
poy be) Fer Liat purose, for twocice mamas, tf nok 
waoner dvcharged. And sued volunteers, when miatered 
Into the keryics, shall be 16.all respects upon a footing 
‘with Gimilar troopa in tbe United Stator crvieo, execpt ay 
to service bounty, rehicn thall be filly dollars, 000 bait of 
which to be pald up.n thelr jolniug their ceginivnts, and 
the otber kaif at the expiration of thelr exlistment. 

Seo. 8. dtid’ be it further enacted, Tot the Preaiaeat 
shall appoint, by and with ths advice and consent of We 
Senalo,mJadgo Advocate Genera), with tho rack, pay 
fond ewolumenta of @ colonel of cavalry, (o whose ollice 
tuball De returned, for royision, tho roconia and pruosed- 
{hes of all courts martial aud inilitary commissions, aud 
wbures record shall bo Kept of all proceesias bad 
Whereupon. And Ko sevlence of death of imapriignment <n 
(ha penitentiary shall 8) carrtal in’a execution \indik the same 
ahall habe been approred iy the Preniient. 

Sao. 0. And be sfurtier exo ted, That there may be ap- 
pointed by tha President, by ond with tbe adyloo apd 
consent of the Senata, for enet army tn (ho eld) a Judge 
Advocate, with the rank, Toy ‘and emoluments, pach, 
‘© mor of cavalry, who aball perform the duttae'of Judge 
Advocate for the array to whieh. they reapootiyely ba 
ong, under tire direction of ths Judge Advocate General. 

$40.71 And be it further ovicied, That hereafter all 
ofendera in the army, charged vwith offences uow punlsd- 
abja by a regimental or garrkoa conrt martial, aball. be 
Drought before m Geld officer of bia regimeat,'who shall 
‘be dotalied for that parposo, nud who sball'usar nad de 
termine the offenco, nnd order the punlaliment that ebsil 
De.ioilistod aud eal. Also mako @ record of his procepa- 
Joga, ard submit thé samo t the bri-ado commander, 
Who} npon the appro tho proceodinga of such Held 
acer, ahuail ordor the to ba oxocuted: Provided, 
‘That th puolshment tn such case bo. limited to Wat age 
Uiorlzad to bo luMleted by m rogimontal or garrigon court 
Inartiil; sud provided, furtlisr, That, iu the ovont of 
thero bélug no brigade communder, ie procesdiiya aa 
forgeald shall be subinitted for opproral to, ho com- 
man ing elNoar of the post. 

Seo, 8." Aivi te uf further enacted, That all officers who 
lave born mustered Into Lhe servic of tho United Stavea 
Qs Datiallon adjutants and guaftermasters of cavalry 
under the orders of the War Department, exceeding the 
homber aithorlzed by law, eliall be pald ‘ax such for the 
Aime they were actually emplosod in tho wervice of the 
Unjledastates, and that all euch officers now in service, 
excouding the nuniber a& aforesaid, shalt be fmmediataly 
tiustered out of the kervice of the United States. 

Sec. 0, Ani*be itJurtier enaciel, That the Preskient be, 
ani ho ja hereby, authorized 10 eatabiia and organize 
iriny corps secording ta hie dlscrotion. 

‘See. 10. Aid be ct further enactel, That each army corps 
shall have tho ellow!ng ollicurs, and Do more, altachsd. 
therato, who eball const|tate Wie stall of the commander 
therot! ‘Ose aasidtant aljolant qecdral, obs quartermas- 
ter, ove commissary of subsistence, and one assistant 1. 
srector gaceraly who sball bear, respectively the rank 
Pr iieitenant colpnel, and who spall be aasgued from the y 
Army oF yolunterr force by the President. Also thr 
Sileeae-camp, one to'besr'the rank or major, aod tir, 
Dear tbe rank OC caplaing Lobe: appointed by. the "7 
Hout, by and with the odyica and consent of ths “sana 
Upan'this recommendation of the commander of 139 
ioe beseulor oftcer of artillery in exch 0,¢¢a, 
Soa, an add\Qun-to hin other duties, act, ae chi 
seilliry and chivance at the headquarters er heen 

Moe 11. and be @ further enactcd, That tne savatiy 
Torces inthe servicé of tho United Stat 4 shan uereaster 
Ge ongznised as (olloves —Haob regime 
Dare uve coluse!, one Jreulouant co} 
Mag aur gous, one cxastLunt surgcos 
so i sereg imental qealermatgeeoes 

Insary; one wargrant MCT. Goo quartermsdler sete 

eant, cue commosary werge sh iwo hospital stewards 

One saddler rergecnt,cue cb'et threspetorand onerchiee 

farrier or Uldckanil(, and 432, yegunent shat couelst et 

twelve onnpailes or troupe and exch company or trosp 
shalluace one caploin, ay,,"firet |jeulenant, one acccad 

Menteaant and ono eaperr aierary second Hlenlenan}, oo& 

oe ee Ge war armister sergeant, ona catia: 
; + Ave 4 cgeants, aight corporsls, two toa 
piers, tu fArriere” of lucksullus, ona siddler, cam 
wascatr, 204 84 enty-efght priyaccs: Kho regimental ed 
Jutacts, Me rer imental quarterrmasters, aod regimental 
SOWIWIEEAT, To bs Laven from their respective regi 
Mauls; [Te yided, That yacancles caused by thls orkants 


bn Se wees boven eee wotenenemu at | Set ecieecs L eae gaint seer tg See 

suid of dered as original, Bat eball be | with euch war statlsticg As from (ine to time theSMire | to retain tome of the advastages of ths system, The | The revolution of the Senate eat forth tha, aa thay be | war adopted. Certain arrenta fo Kenlocky, and ihe are 
ba cs lary may deem neceewry for the ure of bia deparimant, | bill; wiibout amendivent, Pai ea a ‘of 107 | Hoved this iter was evideses of Bright's disloyalty, | rest of (ho Millira. r@ Nolice Commisiouyty, were wuliecta 
TENSION LAW. $02 Tha Senate bas declined te take any action upoo it, | ADU was oalenbated to give aid and oomiort 2 the pabiio | of Mapate tir couneation With Ube matters A. resetation, 

A pecsice tw was pasted last week, maXing tbefol- | A Dil, submitted by Mr. Vallandigham, “To regulate | evemies, therefore, resolved, that sok} Jesse D. right | amervet, requestity tbe President to furoish wieh ia 
ring provitiina for cases of total disability — Whe franking privilege,” was rejected Us exreiied from Bis eat tm ibe Seoate of the United | formatios as be might deam compatible with the publie 
nil all oM@cers of a higher rank, ‘There was a goal dea! of contempilole scheming to re | Biales A protracted denare resuiial fo the Adoption of | Loterset concerning (he arrest of certain citizens of Ken. 

spect of mileoge or meinbers, The act which Increased | the rewluton by m roe of S210 Wd—over two | licky, wan Agreed 10, A micmirial Vo Congress from the 
Ubeir salaries to $3,000 @ year conipined a provikien tbat | thirds for expulsion, The annoancement ef the vote | Baltimore Vol i Commisalaners; hen onder arrest, weay ni 
mileage should coly be drawn for regular wessicas. In | was received with applaue in thagalorien Tho ques: | afer debate, laid on the table by arwajority of 108 wae | 
Rod otbars | despiteer tbat, however, membera drow their milvage | too of the loyally of Benjamin Suurk,Sevatur from \be | The Jodilary Commitee reported, and ihe twigs | Janice 


ave Aro, Ted at eb OB ade 
onler ab by 4 
ehriows aa 
Tense i 
SON Uy LSet 

Vwiia, (lire dayator 
‘mount of fre ght at rea~ 

erat at any 
Kate, alll Py State of Ores eiled Lengthy diseasaion, r  eoquteing the suapsoaioe of the writ o¢ | pountoen id Roars dranall attentions goofs de 
Dea olows,viz_Cartiay comeanier, warms ces. | C0: ADRRT® aren a July thy An na oe ere ce seein Wonthy Nesaiion, Ms | rwmed, «Bil vogsrieg the rurpeosin othe wr og | Secaikd brane resid cana oe 
Xe Cites States, of adLered to thelr enemies by givmg | Master and chief engineer, respectively ramtiog ‘with | mileage for this session also, That claim the Treasury | right #wora a8 mamberof tho Senate wis sus | habeas corpas to be AWrekod sand At Dey nireee NY, . 
2° by law, Wootenant commanding and master | Tepartment refused to recognize. The obiection was | Lalbed, and ou the Seaator'e qwa motien the question ef | the ed War MEWwEna ov ancronua Tt SUE NATT 

0d: 7 Thuter aul chief eagieerrs Feaeeuenly senting avs, | LOURDL toe evaded Ia everal ways, Members Aually | Bix loyalty was referred (othe Juuictary Committea A | cial Ae PeSBLanI Riera ae AE CG ht EN Oh at hd 

and his ueyfe ard children, shall’ ference | master hist 0) 3 tary HARK wilh fed in Raving an appropriation made for the por: | resslution of expulsica waa lairoduced lathe ence of | Witmern of State, «bat thoy ‘ Wehe. sia CPrilay ber alog abSoclo-K, av (RELF room, 

Now Viton aquare tir orvey ot le ihe 
DAVID W, WILSON, Seo'y, pro tem. 

NEWXONK 1ULY 7, ero The Boron oP THB 
Seg Yee Meat iret uty to Abe cast ge from 
a eral, Key AE 

‘pore, with a proviso that the act aboold not be coostroed | Senaior Simmons, of Rhida lilaud, for corrujn eouducs | PNM! 8M 

more than two mileage afr the Coogrem, | Im receiving compension for procuring eootracte, and ACTS PASSED, 

4 : . the rata of mile | was referred to the Judiciary Commiitos 
ration Of Abs wet, exe were such meer, we Taldshiptoee, mnidenipwen, capo) and payniastera’ | Mr. Colfax introduced a bill to reduce m i 
efiaunoce exvexerlitart teas Tron eas aptke | clerk, moved and tnied azalsiant engincer;masier’amai®, | age of members of Congress fifty per cent. Mr. Aldrich | Yo the Hoove If, C. Barnett, of Kentucky, and John W: 

Title Posed by Congre 

grec! rdaP ion Kas borne arms against ike Trrv'elSt ita, or | 804 all warrant officers, $10 per movih; all petty. pitcere: | moved to amend the same, (froviding for the repail of all | Reid, of Misoorl, absent members, ware formally ox. © Hecome Ei by the Sig AtuEs | Ny tino 
Gihiral to (heir enemies Oy Qiong ikem ad and comfarte wid all ether persons hamed employed to the na Sa a Kral fern che ax te Duta ler iene 
So, 14. imi ce for Aer gced, That tie expeagea ine | tervioe, $8 per month orchestra SL at TORS Cc TC mbit eee teeny yeaemntarin ce mulesanie in (orgs Ousiie, be to 
gorry this eck Joto eifecl shall be paid out of | Provision ts mado, in case of Wtath fer the widow oF | amended was furpher amended, ca motion of Mr. Thoman) | Unit ten apse lads catty ose ai Gero eaDeTees Any Were Ge aL eee ae, BED 
children to recelye the penston, Tend LGUs not agreeable will owe Ghia Ue anne Fee 

slapproqti\y a or ths army aad refuntesss, 

of Mansrehusetts, to (he eifect tbat the provissns et tho | In tbe louse the Jotislary Committee was charger | AnAUL MI mamoty tbe aisles ot tthe ok 
pill be applied to the present Congress, Im this abape it | with the investigation of allegatica of divlayalty agulast | ANA kus wove (Or mlloLmoDe cerkiloatee among (De 

‘was passed and sent (o the Senate, Clement LEVAIEEAIGhafo, ot O81G, hd Deny Woon, | YOO et CAS oe obs latioa Por EUDBONTHL On” (2 
BANKKOPT LAW. Of Now York, In the former care thoy reportot that | yestara rivers, : 
‘The sslect commitios to whem this subject was referred | Whey found nO facts to jesiity theclarge, Io the Iater Av aol Gr promotiog the eMeiency of be 0 

reported a Dill to estabiith @ uniform aystem of bank: | Mr. Wood offvred a revelation royutiing the commities to | %e. 

wp euvy an) river 

Bhils were passed to Iccroase The efficlancy of tho me Avelt ur 

jal department of the army; authorizing the Prealie 
f@ confer tho tile of Liettesant General, by bro” 
Fel, for"emincnt rerviecs tn tha field; providing for 
the appointment of amy mullera maf defloing 

ten i 
Cilhjer oils, BY ANG stree\ N.Y 

Teapoctiv grades : Truvided, Tuat poseuns of African 
cout, seo GuUGr this iaw sbisll bo -etapl yod, wball ros 
eive $10 per mani aud ove ratio, $3 of whlch moatbiy 

tet on 



3} In raterenes Lo the of tailors aad wy 

y may be iarelonbis thelr doties ; for the appointment of surgeon, | report. Ths resolatlba wareohjected Uo, and the eubjeet ioe ut the Ue ites tai Saracen 
Pay may © Foptey Whrovghoat the Unite States. Un mnoiton to prat Jo.the eats) He Ueited 

ea aan eee ak m m= per | cod chaplains to the ‘army and volumear force; pous its consideration (lil next December the bili wax set | iA still under (ho eousideration of the committee. Au LU AunOr gs the Present Wappeins wwoud. | ta ia BIL bafeuimial. iy 
‘Tesors and Shorakespar ve in such sums Savi tot Bixarn0 | Sttor 0} besrolarton c FVar AC ie Rete ral bk o Hons 
Aziue Seeria'y of War ay cojetrey with socurliy ee | RUPHIzIDE tha Secretery of the re ee eerie Tom | asile by @ muority af 67 10 80, La the cone of Seoator Simn'uons the eemmmlt/ oe report. iiie lus royielonm of. the ascend eeciten | asses mul be provideu fortis 
Deapprovud by bim. {he penaion rolls the mateva of ali cach portous aa have RURLORUROTTONN secon’ 24 the facia an Cer appeared 10 evidoues before thera, OATS DA, LADY, wnvOroinye Ate. wtLeuta : 

The Senate adopted tbe foBewing—' That in the! Ormay hereafter (ako'up arma ngainet tye goverument 
*pivlon of the Seuate no pereés should be commis. | Of the United States,or who have ia afy manner en- 
sioumdinsa gencral of division excaph. auch as shail ex.|] couraged the rebelwcr manifested aympathy with their 
Aivit myperioe competency tn tbe command of mea or!| FAUKe; providing thAt tha arma ordered prior to the lat 
Gelaniry Ip ction agoiost Wheeuemy.”’ In the eoorre of|| day of January, 1652, by the authority of any Staie 

Crerges of igh cities and mistomestiors were pre- | UUtmaking nerecommendatton whavyor In exprea (OF# OUMEN}\LeeR OF alter Houry of Goa 

pirtou they way — 
ferred By resv..iion against Weet H. Himpbreys, Judge | 'ox tbelr opistun 

At altosiyh Senator Simmons may Nave thought 
ofthe Pistriet Conrk of tne various Waileta(of -Teanet ] yo" gectarey (uits his ack wan, Uoiier MRAWTOl he 
sco, to the eect that, while retainmg bis seat andctaim- | wrong, a Oocla’ation Which Nis ax®, respectaDlilty aud a 
lngte bea Judge under the gurarnment of the Uniiod | Wmng, uefa ard Losorable life, (t wuld seaid. | Nould fa 



‘of tha elerieat foros 

Hd on acratier 
Grint Ber 49 0d Willan, 


Gebate i was stated that ove "banded and eighty brigy | Which bas furmithed: militia or volunteers fer tho wap” | Sia Tied uner the eommolosion of Judge of the |. Tory wnt (VIA trio tbat tare Very coaaiterationgaruiia | MS Tay thd oi it | A. BUIaR, ONTALNING A #ATALL MUM OP MONEE, 

r yression of the rbaliion, for arming tho volunteers of | aN : Wake arifuldevarture from the correct line ot coniuet | ye tinny oe toes PULL lt Waa (llth AY CEPAMAK LE vork. Tie owner cal 
‘Wier yauorals bad burn appotated, the pay ef each boing | Pressic sik ry fo ‘Confederate St ind waa Very active Ip ecofizcallog | moreqiaring aniteennarabte, alii) such apractloe sea: | rvan in vera ee deen Gane | Taare (Cy provi opera arly gti (or ie dyes 
W064, Venides allowances (6r commutation of quarters, | Such Stato, ehall'bo lnported free ef ‘uty ; appropriating ‘Gye property of Union mon ta the State of Tonueasers | trely'iaile(enelbia, aml tim (eras DIRWY lnpropar fora | Ory ay iit Mapiite Call ak sono udte Nickle wares W 

sarmounttig to $8U0 aauually /Deaides. other exmmutatton | 8X and a kal{-ralilious of dollare for the construction, Bevator of ihe Cultat Staten to Bave actod tis, eran yede ty OF MONEY, ON THB DATE 

. |] Whe Committoa oo the Judicary, to whom tha, wubjeot Shen tberevyy bar | cy Att dot to in cortalaeasea to | (OUND Baty 
and reppin. Tee resorvation wh4 repairs of cariéiu’ fortifications aud | * U#Ol | whore (he qovernuent vestained 10 jes ibarevy, bat | Qt 9 MS fo ypcia u arated es ya 
ae gaserale aoa eS aE ee a etaetietiones lncludivg works at Portiand har-j] WM Te‘erredy reported in favor of mpeachmen\, and a|} ensecially at atime nben che very extstvioy of hs a> | NW hau a ie re al avi Vous, No, Le Ureeneriet, 
irda alas CBESUE MSG Lhe cata ane Il Near aalemae es a oCEa ee Narraganselt Bag, ko,,/] SOmmItee of six mecaberw of the Hoase was appointed to|| veromect anit he Vat rua iitngwved Bye leree #OU | aiplimpalin axisiuees OC Ue CaverbIEnL. (ne Alin 3¥aR. id —~: 
PU was also Drougls wy In tbe Senate Almitingtho o 3 28 | go bofore tho Seuate, and, i the namo of (he Howse of | NEE Cobsllion, Co Bapyirerw whic ta A | (oe Sine 0, INET and mUiiional approprlationa (or hue A Prgoe or W 

somber of major aun brigadier generals iw'abe regular | authoriziog:tha Secretary of tho Navy to (eat plana and Cauntey wa overs whore ougrged—a rebellion whlchy | yexpundnie Jung, 1603, 


5 - | Representatives and all the people’ of the United States, | arvt hy robbery and/afterwald by covatonlig Unleniied | een MMOs occeetary of ihe. Iuserio Dy deed 

and! yolunleer orca, TAGS sppropeltien 25.000 ce a pene || Simpasch Weal. Homopreyaroh high eriaea end atady'|| requis ious for ve purotoua of; cuypies an aun; Lan|| 4 AQ ¢84yesABol Hog IRA, Peeroary ofthe fa eed Saints West Fy 

f ; Yolnerabloand appropriatiny'$25,000 to be places at lise : Wife wreusney to uawhd aud. (rigbUvt Raytoniies ~ 
Ajolut resolotion ‘wes also adopted exmometing the Tis Bshste THUbseeaIG BEAL Teall subleaied We pcvite tressury is fhe Nye (Aki OW APTOS. Aza Movers menor ab . rd 

‘Pres\ieat to aschco thr command of the Ferounrwherever | Aiepseal of ho Secretary for thie purpose, wax referred; | eAners. TheSanate avbscquently found true articien|| UP*e! nay Lave (neay manner enosdraed tue rahe TON TUMBDAY APTUNSUDS, IX A TWENEY, 
> is iherieitg the Secrolary c€-the Navy 10 (uraiuhi exe | Of MBPeAchment agtinot sald Humphreys, aad a writ, TNE TRVASION OF SOEIC0. Ah avtmakivg Aju ropelatione for the. AAT rvs Alaa a Tg Winn Te A rae 
MILMary operations may require the prevencoolrtwoor | sutberizigg the y Navy to, (urate ") Military, Acadanoy (or. the year ondiog dune bo wii be paid fur MM retro (0 BOT Weak 

oro ollicors of thewae grace on the saine eit or de | Ballots and Mon oo board tire alovp-uf-war Comberiand; | eMMranted for service to the Sergeamtat-arms of tbe] y4r, Valland}gham, early in the sessiva, submitted a AN 494-16 MUENGC ZO eur eaeh ual eat ot Mahe e HLA NM TUMMDAY. NIGHT, THB ort IN 
Farlent, In auch Gold oF cypartinenty without rogard ty | WhO Jost Hole clothing another property, # thanotlon | Sonate, was taued. ‘Tho Senate revolved toslf into | pemjution rquetiag th Prouident to comnuntearo | , MST 3 Jone nul say 

wk thé Merrimag at Furires Mourog; bil providing for | High Oourt of Impeachment on tho £81 of Jano, ANU | couies of any eoiinsnicallona adifroased to the fxecative | Ay hetauthorlning the detail of m aava) «Mur to the 

Ube eqifiable settlementiet the accounts ef tho-oficers hoard tho vestimeny'of several witueares, crong otters ‘of tho Uviled Bieaes by the goveromonts of Kugiand, Chae RE CAR on Ake nurohase of’ ot 

andiceBw of tbo frigate Cougross, and aay olber cesee) | Of U8 famous Parson Brownlow, avdon ths sama diy | gpsin and Frauce ta regard to the enimed (nterveatioa Ta tittouncconeok tor aeneraliauceeiior 

fr Yeusla of wa tha ska which are hator do; | MOVRDE f eect of ily and esnteneed due | projyand Oy nw la Ihe auth ue Mos, 8 Tho | Au wet 0 ha Torte tha abretlon OF twenty {rans 
. i jamphress toa deprivation of office, and 'to Ve forever | presjient, inseempliance wilh the resolution, sant the | clad #eam guvboatn, * 

sirogee tn tho Baval cogarvment at Lamgsem iiouds, bill | ernie lig iUie' 5 Bld) any plate at thontry pri or y e HH “ at re ate te yeteered Wa Lec Osteatt AW ac by MINHA AN ACE LO. Fogulato treaty Interonn 

25,000 thon for “th protection of the Sisto! Kentucky | forthe relief of the widows aud orphans-of tho eibce: truss ena b6 Unite! Blatoay orn ebay horanctand |e (or, wl WIQLAUO Indien Leiber, a LO [re#erye peace uipou ttn 

Was brought info the House, and on ite fmsayuexciiod | Peamen, and marines of=tho United Statew shins Oungreeg, ca 2 Es \ | teoon Wurelen Adhirs, Tho committe nave not report: | fouiti mh, 

Warra aud protrected detele, Tha eblefoppesition to jt | a8d Cumberland; bill for the reliot of ube olffowre in oom i 90. |Sobisyaustly a resolution wes alopted requeating | | an not tas 

‘Was based Upom (he clare which \oulood the séryices | MU and tho oflicere and privates of the*bartalion of ‘be President to furalgh copies of RC TSE EE 2 He Aa not to probibit the coolla trade by Auworican oltt. 

ef tho propesed force withia ‘the ‘Giulte o: marines on board tbo“ruspert Governor,-0n the 84 of ection with Mexican aifaira sluce the ounovacoment of | gaan Avia, iaaus Vasaels. 

mueter aaautaaky: Ticlinewecast Wesval We Batear fl (Noveriber,neat(luetauvinacr eas Ravine eo biged| the Intsodgd-vthirawal of ihe allot forces from sn | An aot uallig augryoritins for he ensue, 

‘nde Port Royal expedition); to compensate crew of f 

2 Weaving fie 

Mero veuiority of rank, The passage of @ 4am of this leur oxen Lu phinin, 

Wio4 was found neeersary, to avoid the eu barrcements 
Which threatcued-the elicliucy of he warvice se the wn- 
Moncoment of duérabeliion. 

A bill authorising the raising of e-volantenr forco of 

Fan asa HUE Rg MLW mM 

Tor wales Muwral want 
ye # 

2 aye on worth 
ony Bellare aul} 
Toerdiy rewarved ¥y et 

ng ras 

end an not for completing ibd Aolences of 
A fur cther porpeaes, 


Aw actywascpissed providing for the ponistrmnt of 
polygemy"tn'tho Territories of tha ‘United Sues, no 
matter anderwhat Kineton of churth usike, spiritual 

Dut fo the Senate tho whole "bill was rem | seahiog,;ennrament, tor other coutryvauce.”” "Ueah wan | CUuateY. | Oxniliance with the resslation wea not deom: | Tier wgriw of defence, Tor tho Year eidiux UW ihe GOh | 7 aenoON TILE OTll, INBT) A HANK NOOK ON THLE 

dered nugatory by 9 cloure embodhd ina bill enittlea | #H#Amer Varuna, eunh in engagement at New Orloat An amplieant for admission as the State of Dasaret, and | %¢ *xPealtot nt ihe present time, sof Jing, 1863. Loire Witla ake Noe iwtie tueakuay ae 
a : nat ma prfation t | Atarycniro, wild Ura 1) 20 yeu MOH 

Defenco of Washington ill, woh cents thas +o we | “MA Dll 0 fucitate-qudlel procaedangs with regard t©\] {YT easamien were present taxiovs to ropreesas Ker ix { | THR SUARKXDAN OP TUN ROTEL COWNSSIONENS. 1 mAR De Ha Brropratlon to) MiceninAe Ba fib-J) Hiatsmana, a Mahle Feet DN 

Tunteer or miiiUa from any State shalrSe wuslered into |“@#Dtured proparty,aud for the belter #émiaistration of the Senate} Dat they ware disappoimed, Gatbocin of Jannary the Teesidant transmitted 10] 71) S quihoriae a change for the payment of the Tre THOOK=ON WEDNEADAY, TOR 

he wervicaof the United States-ep any terms or oo | 
ditions condaing their services to-the'limits of sald State 
‘er Territory, beyond the number of ten‘kiousand tn Mary- 
Yaud and (ony (uousaid Nive hundred-in Missourl, bareto- 
uthorized by the President ofthe United Baten” 
A Dill appropriativg one bundred Wiousand dollars f 
completing tho de'euses of Wosbicgion passed boil 
Rouses, ail was slyued by tho Presivoat, 

‘abe law of prize, Te bill provides shtt Wo decreo of the WEST VIRGINTA. both koupes copies of all correspondance which hal | nevesaary : 
eourt, instead of afixiug tho pernoss ainang whom priza'|  ghe Bermts refosed, b: laa taka plats op to that time'botwaen the Secretary of | for inilian Auire. R 
ney laos dlbatedypaiosmeeiyio vert and | gg yaropis sho Staaof Wert Voinlas ev | Sats and abe goverameiia ot eat ain ang raves | Ast talc apornrations or the aga ari fr 
Teaves tho distriverion to be mado ‘by ve Navy Depart” | 4 yb hsn pansed tho Senate—by 23 10 17—for the ad. | 02'tho'subject of the removal of Mason aud Sildell from Avvagt making additional appropriations for the sup 
ment.) - ‘miclon‘of West Virginia into the Union as aftats, with | the Tritikh mall steamor Trent, The question was drat | pork of the army WE ne mo pa Sarat eehieess 
PRACIFIO RATLROAD. “Provision for tho gradual ‘sboliton of slavery therein. | ken op and discussed ja tbe Hovre, cw ihe motion ot | AY Mine retention ar finding Ureors mad iat ote 
‘The Paolfo Railroad bill was sarlytakewnp a the House.|| on ch gtteuse; Jaly 16, on'mstionv‘of Mtr, Cocke, ihe bill | MréVatlandigham to refer 4hve whole wuhje¢1 t0 the Goon if Y 
Twas made a special order for tho /Suv-of April. There) | was postponed till tho scoond Tevsday'in Decembarnext, | Mitton ou Forejgn Atfaira. In the Suni», also, {mpor- 

paudliaco hibswervice OF the Uulted staves | [OSTA POG 

orwandt ated 

jo Livan 


Lott Maa ibe 

tog (ha Gontiog debt of thy United a 
Avact making appropriations fer 

Dry civil expenses ity 

ware several bills with thie title. ‘Tht which passed is | 99, (debald followed on the'motion Lo Fraser to the Com. | OF thi qovernmint for the year ending Cov June, 1409 
‘dy WYO of 63 to 63, PEs POG LATA F }i\kional appropieintions fer the yoar anit i i. 
‘uctiug crallroud nd tole. aoe eens nilttes on Forelga Atalrs, ‘The whole question waa wo | tt aiiional apron LU ha: OU O8n=A OLD UEVEIE WATON, BITIIERLAND, Da 
groph line fromitbo Missouri river-to abo Vacifc Ocean, 2 “ 

‘and nayad oxpeditions of thls war, 
A dilido prométo the vfliciexcyfof the payy was, after 

to nuthorlm the Socretary of tbe Treasury to 

Audab(sdoem (0 public iedivira, 
(hs number of the Uvuss of Keron ota 
‘Altar tho Ol March, 1463, 

‘AVI parsed Into a law providiog for the estabjish. | Tefereed laolther house. Other documents, correspon: 
meotof a line of steam mali shify between Sax Fyanclyco, | ¢#nco and despatches upon the subject ware, from thine 
*Gal.pand Shanghae, tn Chios,-toueblo, transmitted by she President to Congress, allot 

Py Fuvrard Uy FeKIrBiog We 
WOU. Dow miog A c,, 1¥ Ma don iaay. 

nd to secure le the government tenes of the 

‘& middie route, repudiating both thesGouthera and ext 

me for 
itary sud other purposes.) The Vill provides 

: J ide for the avoiniwont ef additional | La cola, bung cue lover Waueh.deevge Veoyton, Livy 
Goorideradle debate iu both boures, passod, The Bil . alana and, Japan) the) Rostmapidr/ Gqnerslito eoatracy) | wales were cmmda iy, revered Tha aablech ware mad))) CAD seC LS Beueidg Cat De Arpalmenls oils taker, Nu. WU. Neon wel Ue. fo 
Proves hat whonaver ube oats of aby ubva oftear | ne Nene Te da amiaes tre asieron: | er rm aok ecco Apa gens, form sarapol ax: | MUe DICDAMC Up, Bavlkg Mee adutataly ponigoud. | leis 18 Ue een Trearveorsant or | iti hy Lol aon ha ant 
Siw inate norsico or who may Devenir e dovahs | MANE anéautories crian axing raltoad ore: | Cas era a ei Avaeats Fm eam nb as, TONDON INDUOTRIAL FEMILMETLON, ‘An tot reqirlog aa onth of alloglauon and to ayppors | fyi no ues ieee 
Servicecf tho United statexahatl kava been borne anahe | Mts to censteact branch reads—onofrem the westers | 4 yaiied Slates mil indasllly--tho vassolar do fcA4 the axira stnsion  jolat recoluucnwaw adoptedane | te Valted Seater, Uo Be will IniNtered lo mANLorn of. 2 

Dorders of Miseourl at Kansss Cioy; the other from @ point tuoeising the I'residart to takemoaaures Cor the © 
tm Iowa—by mich branch lines thecbole Eastern nel. rated OO ath A TK NLD roeeonts a ff ja. iadauiclal, lnsersata e150 United 
work of railzoads is gathered 1ip-and eonverged, and Seis ameatarreses 

eae ane tn ‘Spuiee at ihe oxhititen of the industry ef all nilionr, to ayant 
rade to Cormecso grand thoroughfare tothe Pacis. The} je Bil ye promote tha eiBeisnoy of (he Das Latter f Rodolien ia London, Avblllvcas drawa.up to cerry iit et $0 ataeud an wa sto: Ineorpardve (Aes Oolomé 
DIU Pane ea SURE EY MUERTOS T.10 Aa ‘Otise, nu which haa patssd-boiL. Lauuog, prdvidesfor tho |. theobjtetof the resolutienybotwhan pul onity passage | somliation for the hunrastion of io best Ad ae 
Mbwas aueuded by tho Senkia, and Lo amendments 

smending back to the siguare ail. the lttars-ceut to tha! {tute Honay it met with reat oppoaitian, and ibe | the Uiint,and(o make appropriations for thy veuVOt 
were all agoend to by. the House, _-ahe Bil, recelvad the} Teaa Leiter Offoe.; Pealaye4d Be charged oA rolarcied | feally laid om the table wilbauta dlyisioa, \iber ajar, | tra a adberiie due purchase of doin, ad (a ‘ber! 
svealies cde Esl theses nex sans Wetter Lo meet tho Increasedexpsnie ef labor. was net apie In tho Zonda, by.a majority of 22 1017. RI a ies ie Teil 
< POSMOR DBLIVERY IM CITES. WREGKNTATION OF AMEDICANS AT TUE rvinening. J AU act authorizing Bouin to lague in sallsfaction of 
Mas early paporvod ta, the, Hovge.Fcaun tls Commlltas 1" eras comamittan ou Yout Galona and Pont Ranée reported| |=. Merc Rapin; 1b the Aenide, prosealed a esdlutlon ihat ea eg foe Getisen ea Ea eM aata eee eee 
On: Agricaluire.; Tt\was oc the samouday rexerredito the jl sar lrar ea Diiebing by law a syeleme fortes: raceips: Preditens ba requested'to furnih to the Panate any J Fwutilene 
Comen{tieaeen Publio Landa, and, ester Drief considera’ sng dalivery of al Tall matcardu citien and viltiges con. | derunt ontrispoudence au thy Alescf the Deparioent oF qAB Stele trovido far Ale anpoiatmont of wctlne ta 
Won, by: thaleommitiee, axsia xeforied to, tho House. il giving tan thocsund inbabitante according 14:the Ease" | Statarelating Qo ibe presensasion of Amerlean OT RcLES Grovid ferttcpRea ana 
‘Opporition maa priveipally directed to 2 vew evetion ca (pees posial system. The bilbjrovides@ obange of on8!| wae Court of France, oifica of the Asgittant Treasurer at Kosten, 
Frum the grade of caplainand couainander ard. assizn | {U6 014 Dillaninng beforaCongressyeatendiog ibe bedela | coos (prepaid) aliloual to abs rcgulat joatayect avery: KG-PRUAOIAD PIKACH. Faeceraveah Teoanaonvaeier 
j {Bamto the command of a eganieoa with. tho rank ana | OF tbeeMl stectically to the veluntesr forces, The section | Jetter dapesitod, Ae. The ball passed and uomalaw-|| Eka alleged exiitence of a Sreacocable longueldnihe fan aes tn weeura toahe-ettesra and mon. aotuely. gat) 
( sineiet dag offcer, over comwanuers of yesseis dn bis previen Pa aD Lea See ine REVENUE cOLLYCTORS, Biale of Michigan (0 svertbraw the goveretuul, endalp ped the eotnc Depa ental ot apa tant ni 
Byuadron, (Le dates of Waosocemmissions are olday han Pa - r sf fedatrasolation, peased doth looses, reqoarta.tho | charge against ox-Proaitent erco that No wad an eotir: tcc te Ys Lemmy A pep PFovis\ous 
ths. -Aa the law stood, acnlerity. conferred euprame | litedto-allite benelita, the amojnot advcting bia risht go acy of the trenaury to daatitutean iagciny-aed ti absiiorand egsatof the ccospiracy, which appoared dn, Hiri ak pie besieafeusd augatary@y the pamageot d 
Ursa, This bill waa vigued “hyade Mrasideut, December | Ory Ney case bonny) of #100 at steve of discharge | portal neat sdédioh of Okapress whal oalcara, ¢’eny,{| Wie colamua of a.coualry sewapaper tho only foomlalton 
2B, end bis frst ncticn ia purauance oft waa to nomi. | Provided by goraraineut, It provides also $30 bounty | 4410 thy eollectina efAlo revenue may-bo dis. | (or wither, saa made {be aubject of a rorolutlocsaal a'r) 
male Captain DayidG, Farragut (uz evottauance a itag | FOF threo monte’ yolunteors. Tike, bill alao provides | Cris ve withoat Jelricient ¢0.2he ublic rorvice, lative dabato in the Sonate, fr. Mlarea, tn roquesting 
effger in command of toe Lawar Mlesissippi squadron 

deerme Severn 

“An act to mais on bddKional artiste of war, 
An act {ore jolt commision for te pro 

aval-registar forty yeara, aed bull bu ordered fects 
tiva-taryice and his oammenterad on ibe retired list of 
‘sflcere X the grade to which h6 belonged at the tine of 
Yeiremont, tho President may assigu such ofticar to | 
ore cuty, recolving thy falleehor® per of Lis grade 
 mbenvo employed, Ib grreamashorlty to tho Presldant 
bo dete!l from the retired list of the navy for the com- 
Soand of squadrens and singlesships auch oMlcersas he 

Busy belieyo that the good of-tho rorvive roquirasite be 
Placed In command, &c, ‘Tho -Dill further providemthas 

© whonuyer avy one of thses ofleors shall, on rocommends. 
{flan sof tbe President, reosive © vole of thanks.ofiCun™ 
reas for gallautry In action, ‘bs abail be roatorouite the 
edalivelist. Also that tho Prssidsat inay select any oteer 

YB i ae a 

Hy mon 
See ee ee pig, MaU-AAGUEYa 

(ran faneand Heng ues an au ia fo ayo 
‘bus the owner, w HO lor wii be rewarded by leaving /Eat 
WO Grand street, (Spepoere Rxpress). 

Ld naliver woanted alb valu nave paid fob 

lsoy a Pasa mod ob 
yee excopt hima: 
aunt (9 tue Adloe Lours abl 

weaih(iike Ke UAWBe 

ihn atan fe or 9 Nypanut boat Pe 
rah Weve, Mid A whoaled UI 
wid Walp, ‘thy Maro siaude 
ie Loret Gol) gl aan wits 
Tae, boty tally rote feat 
rai. Whoever wl i 
Wat Pirsyeascand eiveat wil We lltorally Tew 

__.. ROWATDDs, 


|, Aa nol bo Featitave Jadiols} proscediggs in edjadteatious 
Spun captured propartywcrl.for the batber mdio Lalabradion 
por the law ithe 

An sob in adiitiomtoaraot to refund and reiwit the 

later act.) 
cue bundred and sixty acres of Lund, free of cost, 1e COMPENSATION TO RIWBNUE OFvICEa, the attention of the Sonite 10 sth nawejapor puzageupb, 

Muitles oo alma (upored (hy Utube, Approved duly auveahion Wea F b 
ve tual apttler who iso citiran, ox who bay déciared . ei, = 4 (9 tite ref a ote 
w@ndote recommend (hat Gaplsin Farragut reteira the | °very 26 ue A parsed Jojnt resolution provides for tha imitadonof | eald that the subject was natmew to hima, aw (t ued been! b u Hears Cul, Ae. AUS One emluiuiiy bar oe 
! eaiion Labec ; } passed the Houss 1) te probinit. eho allowance or payroont of pac bE ! T worn the liars vi i 
bauks of Congross, &o. BOLIC Cee at eS Lose vi compansation to collectors of customs, naval officers snd ry te Livres ay oe Tlie opt a Aa i 

She cccssion of @ correspentesco between bimartfand) dey thy calldroa of oiceraaad solliers of the Reva ihion, 
the Secpntary of State somo Lane previously, The Sease” {' , AU ackfor the ralanan of “ecisla persone Bald to sarvace 

Bian Becate Ge Inbor La the Blatssot os Galambla 
CEA IASI A Bil Me coreaspang’|}M'scu ask to Tourgeniaa and dnctonsdlls eicloncg-af the 
eucs omthy subject. ra ical dopartivant of tha nowy, 


£0 aet bo wutlorizo the Peetcoantur (lanored \o establish 
‘The Srat act{on takon ip the House which calledrSer.a. 

bya majerity/of 107 to 18, Tus DE! was brieily dis 
eusted in the Senate end sliybtiy-amacded, and dually 
esopted by a malority of 2410 7 
ADill passed both hoowey establishing @ Burcau of 

‘Toodi)i making sppropristioasfor the paral sarvtogfor 
sie geer cudiog June 30, L8¢, waa emended pooding its 
_Basgoge by striking from i 2n.1tar> of #19,009,000 appro- 

*  pwaled for the bullding of wcoden gundoate, wa 
rrecoasiéaratlon in ovnumm|(tea (hess doomed adyleabte d9 

4cacs 4-H, willrecelre'ibe abot 
ether officers omployet Ia the colloctien of the cuatyas. To 

Compensation to such officer shall in io casa excond. the 
40m of $10,000 8 yaar, Includizgrrecelpte from comma. 
lono, fines, fortaltcres, pensiliva.und all other syaresa 

Nie, between Thinyssercnth oh 
lush Conah Whup toe dodge a sitreestve th 
vy leavlag the sacie at 9 

‘ji receive tie 
al Bb piyeecond 


Jorsneh post olen in tte, 
Ae act making ad iilond apprepriationg for tis naval 

(Ceniop special DIU for ths approgriationand tho uses 4o | Agricultore st the seat cf goveromant,the gscieral duties WITNESSES SEPORE GOVMITTEES. Yots op Ube all-important aubject of tho war—saubjeet! | uaa’co for tha jear nding Juce to 10a SH WE A\KD-=LO5H ON TUEBDAY, JULY 15 1" 
grbich ianves tobe pal, A€ the sasratino an adiliinas | Of whlch shall Baio acquire end! to dius among We | gn arrended bil on the subject of witusases Wetere\| ‘ruyeu cacipled all lode lathe Calioat, in Congress cod} AB act taaklog aporapsiatans for ths aarvien ot the | herp pane ye iain gt ak BEML waa a red leas 
Geaion_to the bill, appropriating. mua of $783,294 49 | Pople of the Valted Staton usefal information om sub- 

cormittcos of Gongress was pasaat. It providve (hat 
tho teatisaaoy of w\tnavéea before Congrass{uual coxn-| 
milttoes shall oot bo vse at eyidvuce ju any erisinat! 
prosecution ef such witoerser, ke.;.t0d that uy ona ala) 
refuss to sexsity to acy feck for-thy roan that bis! 
teotmouy tocchiag such {ach may. tend so disgrag®, 

shroughout (he couutry—wee an she futroductioa of, Aha will be 

following preorable and resoiut 
Holtoan, of jInitanu:— | 
Wharona,be House, on the 224 dey of Joly leat, Ay. ae! 
Almost unallinous volo, adoprad thy following reeoluslog 
rubmilied lo the Howe by ibe Hou.J. J. Critten 
Kentucky — 

Port oltes fopartinant durlvg dhe Bacal Year eudicg she 

table a branom mint of tbs Uoited Sates 
ba Turrtory of Colarads, 

Lite county of Washing 

nab aM Sek evLitled AE Red Lo pride ta 
ue (rom imparts, 40 pay (atereup oo (lie 

Stet Wall teens! 
surort, Baal rivar, © n| 

Jecte connected mY agriculture, 2 the more goneral 
and comprabunsixe cenge ef that word, and (9 preouri 
Propayate end Ala(ribute wnong the people naw and 
Talvable aveda amd placte, Ko, lr. Morrill’ famous 
Fal Colleges vill eleo passed, sad bas be 

Gaalhostovens '¥, wadacded. This section ad 
Gite considerable dovato, {nzhecqurse of which was re: 
wlewad)ths oltenmziavecs of the mprugemant by 
the bnuar and Merrimac. Toc opguneriacl boaiarens’ 
Geert hod 20 following provies stdod —That Ia the qoa- } Awelc 

ions, subsmitted byiMr. 

aa wil bevallen ita asitvery 
We PENNE OT 2, 57 a6 

feck fpr tho completion of mtd vase) It shall bow abl. [saT- hum, fc, Rosvived, Tat the present dapiczplo cll) mar nes a rea Crt] law 0, YEN 
elasiun tba! tha rey mont cf osupalrancy oxpendod SOUTHEDK COTTON LANDe. DUTIES ON TEA, UTC. | Been forced upon the country by Abo-désinionlst: uf .a6 arabililh w park of eatry tn te onkiection CIE el reer MEST EID MuoUr aI 
Dy lie Stovacs slall be contingent, poo tla success as | - A Bit! NEICD passail he Sonate, andin we Honse mes | Acpacial Sil was reported from the Comimittes on }{|Soutbers sites how ve ravelt agaiyst tho coustivasieual, |) “l)/e\k oe) {iy lo for the @odoleney tm thy approprine | sist in ula * 

governiusut cud tn art 
alone! vmergaticy 
610 DAS \on OF Fase 

road We enpltal, (hat in thin, 
Kress, Wanlablag all feelings of 
jasnt, WIE caeoUact only ite daty 
7 Mpa the war sect wage! on curt 
of op.yreuslou,aor fyrauy porpaa vf 
iecoqueal or subjagesiou, or for abe 
At the opening af.the sesafon only two border slaved isrowiug or inircering well ths xigise 
States ware in part ropresented Inthe Seusle,casof tea | dvstitotivas of tle Grates, but conga 
being mexzaded! Miaty—Viigiuia, whlch was rvpreaented | he aummemaoy of so coms Miuthn ad te prosacyo the 

dignittes, er eat ant of tha 
by Hou. J. 8. Carlija, and Kentucky by Hor. Lazarus W. mnyaired, Sud thes an.segm aa Wows Ob 

yg the yar ocghs £0 caper 
Io the Be; 

Yello en will recite the’ 
urvmnrard byieaviug wiv at 13 Pranuin trcan Ty lee 
Hirery stare THOMAS WHITE. 
Uatienn. Eigiivaunrihy eine ghd’ Ghia, aie 
lady 9 Goll ann Pin. wan gi targstiny pe 
avadied will nmiall peace Abe dur will receita 
arcorany ening Mw Hd AvaMiPonas AER 
Vou ote Kanan aro! aller soven. ocialk the. eve 
Wp, wrt No.9 Big variv etter, cesegith avenue 


spaterredt to the Comma{iiao of Agriculture; .cobteraplates | Wwayy and Meare levying & tax of waren rullions through f 

#2 tian-cla4.,692701Ng wer steamer, ( doiersuincd by | ea tautag Wneasiaaias sore hen iGaaat eta 

Pea Peea\dop!, and Dxieg iho time withic which the ve 
Paha be, completed, snd peerigioy abst tho mousy. 
a{\all.uot bo gspeaded unless the Secrotesy of tbe Navy 
By Woplsion that the ram vill bean gifacsive steam bat 
lar, Y- Ue. Larvcloy suki the Stevena battery bad baon 
fas, Yen by the gills for twenty pasca—y7aa Jiko the wo. 
Een @ tbe Gompel who, after euleriig much from mavy 
poy Wiensaad speatiog all her robsuunce in remedies, 
fraud bAresiC spores instead of Detter, ‘Tho Naval Defi, 
caacy YAlderever, appropriated » am of 218,005,000 
for bu}. Wing Wor etoamere, Ironclad, eb ibe dlacras 

Slooivr tha nay of the two snd trea yatrs wolunieces, 
and Ube ollleera and 1099 actually ewployed Ma Live Wast- 
440 deparknyent. 
ctu eailtate the discharge of @allatad man for 
Al debi! 
tgvlale tho timefor holding the éovetn of the 
Lite etates tpr she dlutcict of Kenvicky, and for other 
An cut to ealablish a departroant of ogrizaitura, 
Ag ant 9 inom peraty tho Waslilaglon aid Geargetowa 
Raljroail Gorapayy, 
(\B ct to secure homestends to actus) settlers on pab- 
Hie derasic, 
Apact making eppropmistions t@ ralmbarse the contin. 
Wisk (oud of tho oldica of the Necratary of the, Trosaat} 
Deladiug eompwoaysion of addisional clerks whe tay ee 

Incresced dullon co (sn, sugar and cots, which ynarsd | 
Jipa on which the Sea Talend cotton hia Wa Roceoate ata’ 1 

cecupation of those cLinda and thelr eaitivation by | RverrasnTATION OF EEVEDED AND ZORDER SyayES. 
the eegtoes that ars sbero now unempoyed and ino 
atarsiog condition, ‘Tire commisciouers ta bo ap- 
pélaled. who ebull manaze all tho property bat may by 
commited te them by the, military enthoriues for the 
DeneBt or the United States, It peased the Seapte, after 
mush c9poalilfon In debatasky 26 to 14. 
A dul appropriating $3,000 for the purchass of,<alten 

) since thal ties wo evalit bie cecurrod to 
c2a0g9 tho polley of the xorstomeal, sharesero, 

Kesived, That tho griach es above oxzrvased are 
opening. Ater tbe rolleall the Hon, Borage Maynard } solewaly roafiirmed by cho Howe, 

sbrea banter slave Statee—Vireinia, Ki 
ia part rapeaneytad al 


Hou of uh WStoretsty of theNavy, Thigam ie in add). | Sd Cor, qoueral distribution ppad $1,000for the purebsge | clatmed Ie saab an havicy bean duly olected by tho wteo: The proamVie and resakations wero reyes bya ma | npiaced according ta the exixoneles of tho pablig Ww. Parent ead tang TAbloos ath Garkain. reith ie, 
ton to the Wor millicns appropriated Lx syeoial bili for | Of Ledsvce coed for like porpuss, was passed aud became | tors of tha Mizoud distilot of Tenneson prior to the pes. | Jority of 711065, on te ground principally «hat it was | euwita,and for ouporasy cleramfur tho currant dscel | 22 *1y Lurene toe All “ordera. by pan twaly 

law, siended Apply at Lat 

sue of the erdinaace of ecoession by his State. ur. | oBly exapatition of what iad Dent already aojsmaly af- 
iaynard wok the vstuandbiseent, Tue Hou, Andrew | Ormed by Congresa. Sakeoguently wy oaolaldon gras sab- 
J, Genvens, (eam Lhe Pourthdjsteiet of Tenasseeg, alect- | Mited (othe House to the adaxt thet she warzbsll oot 
sd al the samy time, tookhlacertet o later pariod, | bs prossested for any otbor zarpose tha tlie raxsccatlon 
From North Carolsn, Mr. Chaz. H. Foster claiined to be | of the authority ef tho consiiition, and that tbe wa}- 
returned as represantative from tho Hatteras dirieics at | (erect tue people's invelyed iu maiataining thw prerent 
anelvction held car the proslamatioa & the Peayi. | form of gorarument, uador Uby conatitatian, linous 


A dill ap) FaerletiDg $10,000,000 for che coggtruction 
of twenty ) Wascled gunboats for the Wastera rivera 
excited some Coda\? Ia Bouse and Sosato, It masavea- 

tantly pacend, 
BAVAL,O2ADE BILL, ‘Two Uilis wars passed enlarging .rsprescn(atiou in Oog- 

he dill intro, Weed by Mr. Bedgwrick In thy House, for 7 ava s miombar each to 1 
waplating ther GE ADA pay cf naval omeors, io a pay. erang: tse Re MOLENED 

ar cue {Or she Tear eadlng June WD, 1953, and 49 peo 
Vida forse amploy ment of addiionsl clarks 1 the oflce 
Of ths Acdiatant Troaggeer at SE. Louis. 

Aa atbia proviiia (orgie pabils (asirection of youth 
In yelinasy seboola Unrogghout the evanty of Waahing- 
Yon, fo ie District of Cctusabla, selthout ths Ticalts of 
ths cits OF Wanl)ingtan 4nd Georestor, 

‘An ach pascribinig tha gualidcatjona cf elsctara ta tlie 
eliien of s¥eebiogioa and Deorgetowy, Uiawis 


A Elli probibtting the Chiziese acalie tra. 
citizens in American vessels stgs psszed and beans 


AF Birounsr wou ox vutaoiey, aca 

HheslBb ei atte tae oat in unAPI Nag Re 

tei ate argon na owe rk Alita ae 

Heng by eoatomsy aad axperiin ae {i the Preneh and Eng. 
Daa mal eae a To 

the aise Meat a acting eae 

ve : i tadlevutton; ke. Bent 110M 
Vaols, Ofte, Kentucky, ilaolk, lara. Mianosote, Ver] wlonel Governer of that State, Ths Comsiites oo Elo | modifcatiouce cheogs. Thia resgjation was aisg aida J 20's os peseide for the eodifcation and ravision of ‘ou Verey ativeh, Astor House 
mutbat should i WE Doweettiod yeara ago, haz parsod moat and bods leland. A special bili wes jakoad giving } tious, t whom Me. Foster's claim was reterret, reyori tks tabio by sy0te of 00 to $8. as lawa of te /Niattict of Cabs ta, aul rece ‘New Yorks dias too 

Dah Douses of CWEEE end redelvel the Precideat's 
sieture, Since NS Urab appearsnoo in aa Febroncy 

An act 69 suthoriza the apyoiatmeat of medical ator 
eoepora avd elayAatan of oapitata. 
Aa col sopplemeutary to xu set approved on the igth 

an edditiosal member to California. advernely. Mr. Foster came bask asscoud undataid | Verioas resolutions of artinliar ebaracter wera sob” 

jSiroaaway, oy site. Huniafor weal 
Mmo, witb no Letter snceess, aud Nerth Carolin wasup. | mitted In tha House and Yenats, whieh wore disposed af 

‘TAR ATLANTIC VISHEDIDS- ih other pspere {n recommending Dr. Lare 

Bion aol hfe wurde es Paine 
eee a cme lea Peale eat Rueratians and | 4 pu) passed gad bacaine a lay outbortcing tho Pres | aepreseated througout tne scsslun, Uy lag raterus to commaideen who aver reported, of uly, Abel exb ded ai ael to pravkte or tha cnixsia | BdaisZaiat. missed aaa tase Oa Dm 
0 ¥ tea pris ¢ a ates ou aparen aad for atber yurpaen, 

ca ee Terrier aero eRe noma ga u\appolad'a cqitaea ttle onal temticlea CaN se? CALIFORNIA REPRESENTATION, Teacy CONOIE24. ‘An ack ty achoerlas the onporetlan of tleargstown, tn 

“Mp annoal pay o'Welited poval oMsers stall be as 
Kollowa:—Admlrais, $2\009; Comimotores, $1,500; Cap. | 
tains, $1,000; Commanders, $1,400; Ltoutonant | Com 
manfend, $1,500; Licuvmsats, $1,009; Masters, $40; 

D2 foOxeh 34 DUANE STREET, MEeER OF Tae 
Coll-ge of Paysicians and Scrgscoa e¢ New York, 

ba barnahak daly at Els OG 

Vin tae evening. 


Lame olalined to represent » district of ths | Io theGecete tas tenpar of mecberejway, an in the We tox 
Worn!a under the new aypertisomsat of repre. |. Flousp, early tasted by a vote relative Le the prosecution | sad for oiber parprans. 
featatiog. Tae Committss on Eiectiecs reported adverss. | of the war. Mr. Saclaary (otroduced a resolution pro | , Anse! providing for Hie education of onlored children 

Abe cities of Wasbingian an! Georg 
Jy ts ps clalza, Dat bo waa wabucquently adaaltied to bis | posing m yoase conference Datrrean tke United Biatca aad | Gasubis, and for viuee p inseam ee) DateIGt of 

polnted by Franca spd Englend, and te frome measures 
ho protect the flaueres ef tho cusata of Naytuorolaad 
0d North Anisrjca sgslayt daterioratiog bY rueans of 
sGat linea ou the spasra banka and Iko dasicustiva prag. 

Abie District of Columbia, to lay and ¢vllect 

from Bin ike morciog us E, 

ri ob 4 ry yoke dew shaw Row York, ie pablo 
Ezslyos, 6002, and no ralNors shall bo allewed to aay | Cat taal he States whlch hed Vaarumed to fer an totspenitent | Aa act 1 provide for the aostlement of tho eccoante of none AA De DENLES, win ees ieee 
ofr of dhe navyen tho Failrvd Ua, And ibe aye | Sia HAPULSION OF WEMAERA. fovecament—ita folalag 0 bs apposed comms. | Z0e A, tl, lara cane cucuit Ort aa Celia | win roel eat Beil, Le aR 

wil paval eficers appointed by wirive of "gn act to provide 
Tee tha texoporsry icroase of We Bang! ayprorod Jaly 
R4,\ee1, eball be the wma as Wat of eMors ef «lice 
sade h the cogular navy." By amendments, Admiral 
Shull De lalled “Ross Admirala/* aad Pasged Mldahig. 
oan Eas.” 


A Joint restgito>, emazating’frem the Sanata, raqueat- 
fos tn: ary of War to procurs from tho odcers and 
folate cen ing Dated Statea Army that are com, 
‘srmiy ba heresfiar, bold as prisoners of war in thy no- 
Gallet Confederate Rates, thelr reapectirs allotments, wo 
pay Whoir familles, ky., wes adopted. Tusra was ales a 

Ml pasead to provida prisosers of the United Etaies 
Army |b tha revolted States ith clothiog and cttor ne, 
Ossaury supplits, Also e hill authorising ths Presidact to 
{inva Ag zunisrion to ylaitike xevoral dopartmenta of the 

Tha goasiiva to exjwol by fortaet vote marabera of Coa | aionsca om ibe partol the Ualted Etates-—Millard Fl 
Gros to erm, oF sALorm ise In full ovmraumion with, or | more, Franklin Pierce, Reger B. Taney, EAward Gyarvtt, 
who bad io any way given aldand comfort to, ths renale, | George MM, Dallas, Thireas Ewicg, Horace Biouey, 
was early takan up, Aad im the Senate, the crses of Rena- Roverdy Johreon, Joha J. Crittenden, George F. Pugh 
tor Bright, of Tadiena; John 0. Breaklaridge, Secstor | ena micbard W. Thioapsen. To there anos wax added 
froin Kantcsy, and Sanater Star, of Oregon, garériso | that of James Doshansa, the sagzesilon of wheso uarae 
Woercitiog avi protracted donate. J. 0. Drocktaridge | qiicited a generalleugh from greys Bsasvors, The resc- 
was oxpollsd os the ol filfon clored as follows:— 

‘Whereas, Jobo C, Breckluridge, 
rom tha Bisse of K ciVicky; Ta Sorttase beste Bear mana peat tere atlay of We 

124190 for the puryres of couterenge, actual 
gern te nupport, serefore, reselved Guat theaaid Jeha | ‘hoatiites auall couse 734 Uw daapeaded, aaa Glsl'ae a 
Tenewe) unless sa:d cominisalow shall 
ffors tba Senava, ce Gl caus of a agcoumaat by tba, 
The resolnlloa was sfopled ithonk division. Waldo | ebsil be rejected elthes Uy Cog: 

time tke pressing necessity of being able #0 defend ibe | p, Johosea and Truslss Volk, antes “Secstors from | Eater. 

bikes by & Leet of gunbsals, Ia visw of g ropture | wissourl, ware expolled by resolatiocs Unaniceusly | The Saadte taarksd Its Fange of the propoaitiom by ean. 
relations with Great Britaln, ie 60 manifest that the | gdopud, Lecaras W, Powell, Senator from Kentucky, | ging the resolutien to the Becrotary’s table, 

AB important di to cake wcemsl and river cavige- 
Men for gunboats betiracn (he Musalsstpp! river 50d tl 
Mozthern lakes aliz\ted coms discussion in the Bouse 
Ut (alap contalued a provialon for tha calargement af the 
loska of tbe Fria and Oswagu consis, Go a (0 gtr pas. 
sago for gunboate fram the AUsauc {0 the jaked. Ts 
lomortance and aaay fone ibility the latter proparitica 
wera geasrally recogniicd, mad iC it bad stood alone 
More world Have bern co diGcalty abont its being car 
ried, But the ollier project was regerded a4 of too grast 
muagolicde. Tes vill wag Yall of ths tabla by avery 
Slose vote; but Abat yots was aftormards recoasilered, 
and the Dill portpcaed till next seszian, Jn ibe mem. 

Ab Set Loamaeid an act eaitclad am aot making appro- 
peistions for the sarvice of thy Peat Onice aed Liver, Nauralaias Iheumattsoy Lens Re 
2g tegen celgtay Soaa stent? | Stes dares carn etc 
¥ ‘expabies Mur voy aud CONSETT, MEMBER OF 11 N 

$e public lands in the Uniiad tatag, 7 ENO) TM, COME TT ait tgs Qua Catce PG, ORR 

An act conllow the Funk or ena oe lands | aosen aaa tay Sanaa amare ait ie 

2 iS ‘1 eines 

representative to the Thirty-weventh Gogrore eee | Ceate arcet, between Charavere aud Haade nirestay Sari 

i ; its 
Per eat Nu 6Cliy Mal pe 
Ap act sbolisalax cortain osllection, districts, and 9. |) mata Sasdayatrom i A.M bo ye Pag” CATES Modem 

acing comsersaiion Of oflorrs of Custos (a Clifornla. = 7) = 
Ab Agr to Dicvenb aad punish fraud ou the part of ea: || T)OCIOR, HUNTER MIMSELP—THE  PuveIvTAN 
Gere tatrosted will wskiog of contracts for tho govoru- || 44, MBO. F#tsbllaned | citarprer aaupenmry No: es 
i a eon iH 

Bunt. few ko 
Apict to salabiisa a land oMes in Colvrada Tartitory | Achat Messick at slants t'Cae oti ollee. A private 


poys particular nitsoilen Uy all ooinplalsts oF Lous 

Sexer. “A. private entranzs. ‘Oilita opea from odeck in 
the roroing WL @élocg ta the urvalug. 

Mie Medattosttale Mp, 2 amravosuse eee toae 

3d without vain, at 101 Wass Fall etre carvee of Bist 
Breve, ‘otrs from v Le Fee paitest road lof Dies 
Pratap a 

Rensral government may, in the exercise of the war Ais plice {0 ths Benats, ‘ABATSTE BY GOYESNAERT. Seenlh street, Consultations free. 
arty) apAprocare from time to 3 who was Jo his pI saat, was charged with incorpor Mount Olivos Cemetery Cox 
eee te Shauna ee ret ire rote letra | jerxer, order tho enlarsarcnt of tho losk aa the ezeals, disloyalty. A ceaolation for bis axpulsion, star debate, | Tals subject was broogts before tbs Senate dyarceo. | pear inie bane Gete [MfONAST 70 FESALES—pR. THIBhS, OPFion 
Ratr pay to thelr families | or pequcst the Elate government 49 do wll the na- | waa negaitved by 28 w LU. The charge of disloyalty | Iutiom ollered by Mr. Trumbull,ealilog on tho Secretary | An ect (ur ths collection of direct (axes im fasurrec. | 21247 Broadway. Senda re! Wanip orenalar. 

Gr friends, cB which certlded sUounents tho paynustor 
stall give drefis, payable te gach fr/otiits in ths elly of 
uw York 

“VA Jolnt resolution way adopted providicg—That, (a 

Gerstandlng Wat tha expcase of the work aliall bo ce. 
On Desambor 19 Mr. Colfax iotrestuced His bill for the 

timary disirists withia ths United Stats, aud for otnor 

‘An act to fulfil treaty alipalati¢ns with Tianaver, 

An act lo protect the property of Indians who have 

agalsst Josue D. Brighh was founded on s lettar writtan | of State to Loforma tha Sanaie wlatber, a the leyal Staisa 
by him, of mblch ibe fellawing aa copy-— of tha Unica, any parsaus have Losn arrested and isipri. 
Wasnraroy, Maren 1, 19m. | sensd, de, by orders from bla department, aud unter 

fret, With unparaliciod mavens on ait Spare ORE 
ware and give De. Pavers o eall, and you wlll waver WegreLae 
‘aviuamis fur evasuttauon 

° My Dram Sia—Allow me to Introduce to yeur acyuaint | what lawarreata hava beep wade and pergo: Hdoced, | Mopted thy babite of civilized lite, - 
orior te develop, concastrate sci ‘Bring Lalo eMictive | atolition of the tracking privilege. As scea way Kriecd, Thoma D, L0scoln, of Texas He vidi pone Ly rotenen ean | Man act providive (or the svostion or forces toeerye in | NYO, CUBB,NO, PAYS. R RING, WD, OURES 
anildg tho mecBanieal aia oa Lolition of the 3 3 # Proposed to | Soiat mainly to dlapees of prbat'bo regards a creat im. | The resclatloc wag debated and doally referred to the tho several ovarts Lo tbe District of Colum bla, ineumatian, wecraldla, Koul, dropsy, aug alt eurenlg 
ees Sther resources of ibe Ceited | completely deprive uotabers of Congtass of thelr Jong | Provouss\ in rears I recomend him io sou ‘avorsbia | Oommittes on the Juticiary. Subsaqouatly @ reiolutios, - Gixcowen, WIth 8 now cBamlcsl and electrical oa. a 

Ao act defulag additional causes of challecgs and pr 
pevibidy srraddiiivoal oath for grand and peiis Jaron, 
‘the United Lae “ ie 
Auact providing (Wat ti» oMeors 6¢ volonteora aball 

pprearica of the rebeilicn and the fotury 
Etec OF tha Feverniment, the Superintendent of tbo 

Geasuy be dophcrized (0 Furuisd ky Saeceiary oF Way 

Coprlders wou, £44 oo 

ian of abe irs re 
Ladle et oe t o calling 03 tho President to ca recacd ngs t . 
fille eortiy roses. Nery techy ee, D £8 10 ba {ast 

tated fn tha courts of Jaw agains: poruons arroated by fo 
Ty his Excatteny Jerecusow Daviy, Presicent of 2 y 
felerstagisies mi Bee T dipidual authority sioce the Veguaalng of tho rebellloa, 

oa perry remred irwn. tuo sy oes, ko, Be. TO, bs 

Bacomodatrente New or 

rarreetirene hip thane 

PO Sai eee TE ts ay 

cherished, peralstently defended and ince apaaed priyt- 
lage, It was atroogly oppoedd Ia too by some members, 
while others; by snpporsing vavjous emandmopie, aughs 



onaldoring the great influx of non-producere, Is 
remarkably lows 
‘Tho Hoard of Aldermen my jweeorday, bat 
aAjournod ovor to Monday for want of a quoznm, 
Hicks wore maul latior yerlarday, nnd quite Ivor 


i nnn nnn nee SENT Sennnneeeeeee eed 
Tobmond boforo tho fronts of outnmy have 
touched the woods of the damal Chiokahominy- 
Honda up, and Lot tho work be dono. 

‘The Confiscation BI and the Presidente 

‘Tho President, by hia action on the Uonfixes- 
tion bill, has immortalized bimsolf. It ix the 
crowning ak of ‘his carenr—-the desth blow 
the hopas of the revolutionary’ faction “who 


Stow. ow Frenon Dereevention awn Dov 

av ho nAtancr, wich was ual 115 a2 per cont. do. | 8 | ronight on the war, and! bave evér nine ond Dattosees 
; i eee aeanee ion did cot rariiejgate inthe movameat, | NAPOLKON on 31 Oweren Srarea—In apother | » Ui epee : 
COFFIN W.W, OOMYE OF FULFOX AND NAKEA Wieore saa vers oh svat 168149, | column will be fonnl two remarkable foltars—| Heir worst to dofeat It legitimate bjork | The State Legislature Not to 
oxen nanan, Mite rel nly | wb nchange a 100} 81, sary was oat tier | tho oxo ftom Daltaiore, announcing Abe ex: | Afr; Liaeola,scolng. the aconsliutionally Het Couvened: | 
wtphiwy ehecieendan, Nene lat Shh pupply BY 6 per cent, Utatlon of the seccsloniaw there at nows ro | tho firat Confiscation yas itp 
Mie DAILY 10 Ths cttou markat aaa agaia exeitad. au higher 6s houses of Abe -national logtlatare/ r8quosted a 


(6 par 
¥ ecalieacnd 1 (200 0 1400 Wales 08 Lhe 
Fair cotton 

terilayyund clawed AV at a0 wl yapen Of 16.8 

Tho nal 
¢e 8 ARE. form Midiiog aplanda, 


piaite 1h) Almont Onl of markns, and a emai! lot of middling fair 

oF 83 ry CORNEA vi) (, erat exper fev wld ab the bith price of b2%Ke. per Ih, whieh, it whe 
Om hic iaearn ENE mr uMGldat ts Ning, te aot ts ignk gore. ot 10 
Fae at a pee A Ae a Bl some oe ae cat 
Coes 1 wel giu caren activo, and’ advanced on’ (bd ayarags wbout 100, par 
Ane Wh f oclre 1) woe Or and acitve, Closing ab b2e, 4 S950 
Gahran herp , cee | eieaik Westra ited. Tork wan active, shviqh: mm: 
= = | 61125, cbledy at the inside Ggure, ani of primo mt Bs 18 
Volume XXVL seWoe100 | 099. (Bogara were Gras, orith aaley of 2/060 bhda. and 

Costes was Ata, with moderate 
bly brik, while 


401 boxes at full pele 
salon Froiplile wore steady and tole 
1avas ward guravwhat lows buoyant, 

WALUAOK'N THEATIE, No, Wit Broadway m Yaa 

caw OnioeeT, 

Dverw ing Moreen 
Hevellion Must and 

The Union and lt 
end Tesoureer— Eh 
Whi be Pat Down, 
Wo cavi, wo munt, afd wo will put dowm this 

robollion, Wo layo the forces ani tho resonroos 

In tho grontost nbundanee for the work, and tho 

work will bo dono. 

‘Tho oily of New York bos just spoken to this 
offeot, nnd Ja proparing to act aocurdingly, and 
yot Now York jx undor o clond. The com- 
ploxton of Wall atreot ix blue, From the holghts 
of confidences, bolls, beans, sprond eaglos, Taniy 
ducks and all, «oom to be floundering In the 
hickabomlny swamp. A  susploion J abroad 
that along and oxhausting atraygle Is boforo ua, 
obd that in viow of the throats of forelyiintor- 
vention tho fiual Jesue Js enyoloped in gloom. 
Hoino of one returnod arny oficors abako 
tholr heads inyntoriously, meubers of Con- 
wponk and writo ay If tho Cartha 

yn ONT 

INTER VATLDUN, Broadway—Oun Amamioan Oovsin 
Tn ane Oy oF Piscn, 

souaunn's VANE 

gist arenns 0 Manuer, 

Novecbeinoen heats doy aU all hives. ins, Panna’ 
Coremoroonenvas xaos, aftetubon aid eresihk 

ONDINTYA OF ARA HOUNE, O49 Nrosdway —<¥rmori 
Boxut, Daxces, AG—=Viaw rom UxocR Haw, 

Boras, Dances, Ag—Down 

HUA Toadway— Bannon 
O10 Koreas 


Winett—horos, Dances, Now 

OATPTIES CONOKNT HALL, 16 Drostwar—Daawina 
Boon Kurawramrenta 


gonlins wero al tho gatos of Rome. 

PROPLICA MONO HALL. 4 Rowerpimtoxoy, Dawes, ouro, tho Kmporor fawon, And in this way o i i the Goyornor {a manly, prompt and to the purpose, aud 
Ben(asaen, Ag. 1 VAL 8 nowery ae cool, olonr Hoa tod and courageans Soorciary of | whole fry of auckors und adventurers praotiso | 10-Chlof, bad a right to do the vory ied that | wilt be unantmously ratifod by the people of tho Sts 
PATUATAN OA OF WONDENY, (9 Brondeay— in Nol owhab dosponds Theran FonGrAUTE 61 Congross now pretends to confer upon | through (tel ropresoutatives, at the approach\ug aba | 
‘opentbal oon ANL ADE ay HOICHAR EN SLOR ADA SDRC SOHr SSE HORE Hed | erwTu Ubs Ones Ong Ne OMeray ar him—the right to confiscato the chattels | sion of tho Lagisiatura, i 
Jugly. Dut, or he iow ayonks to vttrup tte)) man, eating bls diniors and Vortowing bis |-0m= SE eam rearn 
. ‘ ono 0 0 couse him. Wo f hilathe, In wcatacy, writes home to his | Of rebels in arms. PROCLAMATION. 

Now Vouk, Friday, Jnty 1M, 1808, orgies of our people, Wa can oxcuse hit moncy, whilsthe, in Ys at rane Bait =! r 
= ~ = | Uilok, however, that this box gone fay enough, | fronds it Ualtimore and: Riohmond that ho is | vonpel (he President to do sna bbe; be aed BY EDWIN D, HERD IG EAR XOE oP THH STATS OF 

RAD SEU ATION. and that, ax our loyal States nnd people ere | in dally communication with tho mombors of | (tin bis discretion to issue hls proclamation c 

now wido awake, and have roolyed to do tholr 
litmoat In Ho sorvice of tho wovermmont, It bs 
our duty to show thom thit the complote 
{chuph of the Union will be tholr glorious ro- 
word, and that there can bo “no snoh word 
fall,” Intorvention or no Lotervention fro 


The romord relative to tho oooupation of Wi) 
Hamoburg by thorobols, and the driving iu of ovr 
Forcow At Hint polnt which prevalled at Fortrow 
Monroe, prove to bo onitraly untrue, No auch 
Movouont has takon place, Wo havo uo poaltive 
noyen from Conoral MoClellan’n army 

© Governor Morgan haw {49060 hh 


In wupport of this unqualified proposition 

for Mio onlistmont of tho quota of roopato boi} of fnovitable wuccess against all tho | tor for uationnl smartnoaw to be overshadowod | Neits of traitors, Real estate cannot be for- } a period when immediate action fs of vital impQrlance 
provided by thin Stato ht respioue to ho last call |ypowers of tho rebyllfon wn all» cons} vy tho Fenner entietonves andconfidence wen | led boyond the lifetlme of eoeMllsHtaM 1 MiG? abaesation ara Nat RORTEEEAASITGR 
Of the Prosidont, Aa wo mtoted yoaterday, ho de. | Hngenclos of foreiyn ussiviapce, wo enh: | of the Fronch metropolls, vidual, Moreovor, it is not retrospective ae fond offtre 16 promote eblistndentar! Te axigéuty Code 
Olinod to call tho Loglsloturo together In extea | MHL, fleet, (0 the attontion of the readoe pi al notion. J2e post facto lawsiand bills of attain- | 17 ryqatres ths promptest actiou. 

tho table In apotbor part of this paper, exkl- 
biting tho white population and the militle 
force of tho soyerat States of (he Unton, dt 
yiiled {nto the two classes of loyal and robol: 
Vous Statdg, ‘Thy Ie lll bo soon that, leaving 
out Tonnemwe os n Sinto at toast noutrallzed 
ly oUF ariMed ocoupation, the white population 
Of AO TOFAY PUMOW Orie -Wnion spatial the 
robelliouh ection is-my tweniy-onu eullloug 
ngninst'alx milifons, or nino millions, inoliidiy 
the three millions of Afvieay slaves in the States 
wdborkog to thts cobollion, 

Cas to the wllitda, The sam tofal witht 
tho governmont of the rebellion, ws It is now 
ourtailed, on the whity basis, is, Jo round wuine 
hors, halfa million of men, whilo the agyrog 
of the loyal States, Toveltoriow, Se, i¢hart upon 
(reo millions of men, Counting in'the blacks, 
the militia of tho rebel Staton may boatretobod 
fo seven Hundred’ thousand men; bul avon 

acasion, at groat covt of monoy and loss of time, 
Wot nesumoa the rosponsibilily oxprossod In 
tho following paragraph of hia proclamation, 
whore ho sayy, that" coufldendly beliovlog that 
Wo pooplo, through thelr roprovontativos, will 
ratify andconflem thiqact, nuit afior consultation 
With those oMlcera charged cxpeolally by lav with’ 
‘muporintonding tho fyoal concerns of the Btato, 1 
do Hereby offer and declare that, In addition to 
the Hounty oMrod by the yonoral governtment, a 
bounty of Ay dollare will at onoo be pold to wah 
Drivatg, woldlor who shall boroaflor voluntocr Into. 
tho wereioo of tha United Staton, Tho thinnbd 
ranks of our bravo soldiors fu the fold appeal to 
Ww, wayn tho Governor. “Duty to ontwolyes, yin 
Arlotliny, overy thing we hold most deur, nrgo We to 


Bhall wo prove unequal to the crlalsy 
Tat tho noxt thirty days ouwer the momoptons 

quostion,"! upon thl+ computatton the militin force 
Tho robol querilia chiet Col, Morgun de making | Of tho loyal Sluler ix throg tiinas 
fom domonstrations In Koutucky, At last ac. | M* Strong. The rebels at this day, under 

thoie sweepiug conscription” net, havo all 

‘olints ho was monaclng Lexington, on tho George: 
town ronil, 

A fight oocurred at Eyausvillo, Avkans 
toon our Lroopa aud a portion 
‘among whom woro quite 0 lirgo 
Alans, in whioh the latter wers 8 

thelFavallablo militia Ut the fold, while we 
haven reserved force’ among our loyal people 
of two mltifons otemon from which to slroogth- 
on ouvarmy, Kigtand Wost, Jom Davis ands 
his confederates #tole w aaveh Upon wy nt Righ= 
mond, in bringing ap the ream of Heauvegard's 
avy from Corinth, and. the whole colanut of 
Jackson from the valloy of Virginia, while the 
Union forede oppored 19 Kent Word ofl In the 
nckground; but this lea DItOf desperate strate 
eYwhich, though partidly miocessful the xe- 
cond tino, ean hardly be pémpetrated main. 

Ta tho next place, our navy, against (his 
Hellion, Ia equal at thls moment lo an auioy oF 

of the rebols, 
nYINbOR of In 
lig nows fron. 
Sten, Curthy’ army In Arkansas, including a proola. 
aation from tho rebel Gonoral Madman, 

Tho frat sossion of the Thirty-aoventh Co 
closed at two o'clock yestenlay afternoon. The 
aly subject of general importance actod on In 


Wo givo tonlay nome moro jutory 

i —— womeut of volunteering. Charles A. Marshall, 

clthor house yesterday Waa tho passdgoof a bill, | (iroobtudred thousand men, Nuy, we are mere | nwotlog. An attempt Yas muda to ronderit | A Very Daxoenors Prorie—Tho English | hay, wes called otto choir nal ecnanae urna 

dred thousand men. Nay, we wre sure } et : i a ‘nul x number of wpeecbes 

Mhioh was {immediately signod by the President, | that half a piltion of wen on laud would not | Ao wutislavery alvin; but it proved a failure,|| papers regard ns as a vexy dangerous people, | Perunent to the business whicks Lal calla she resting 

7 J f J SOY. Ws PCOple, | ogetbor were wolicered. | 1¢ \ras cexbjyed unsulmously 

aking postage stainpa receivable for all dued of | begla fo do the work which hae heen | And the maoting turned ont to be anything but] whom it would be desirable to slit up into LESS Re Ree ae eS emery Hetty, 
Teas than five dollars, and forbidding the Lestio o | Mccomplishod, and which fs nove in the }/a radical demonstration, ‘The only ocewreuces | powerless fragments, if the thing could only | ~ pate ees 

nbluplasters, undor @ heavy pounltys The Preal- | Nands of our “navy. Tn this strouje | bleh marrod the linrmody of the scene were | Ye dono without grent peril to Jobn Bull, It ive NOW Noo AN icon 

ors, pounlty, ; is otk " iont A avery . From the Marifonl Couradt daly 17 

dont dont inn spectal message, AnnoMolog Lis ay. | HEBE AIM of HUE matfonit Mofonee ou power | the procéediuge of (Ue abolitionists and somes} is very (ro we are a dangerous people. We | 1 is tmpautule to read the cossuniver the late taest- 

over this rebellion i# absolute, undis 
irreslatible, Within 
additions to one 

pated ond 
ths tho 
will bo 

proval of the Conllscation bill and the explanatory 
Feaolution vupplemental therto, together with a 
TMossage giving his objections to the bill ax it stood 

6 next theoe me 

War yorroly 

if A f » (hole,vows of allegianee to. thuir ecuntry and: tholr noble 
Dofore the adoption of th revolution rferrud to | equ to two nodvd hows aatitionnl may | AEWHeh tho anion feature of the demonstra: | Kyropean Powers’ as-whall incur the vik of | gman aii uors signideat as. the unanlink 
= : Aue toypired ‘Shem The: theme of every oratorse 

Wo publish tyto-day’s paper tho Proaldent’s mes | to our army, The power of our xunboats way | Hou was the significant wong: meddling with ouy affairs. vhsluer Iternovea re ath irnetiven aeteeere 
Yr i y"s Day NR IERSEOE oe i A whether vel ves with etorieal ‘olegauclis or ener. 
gage on th@Mnudject, n coplons reaumo of thes} bo catimnted from..the fot that ‘wi o'1\ hang Moraeo Greoley ola sour apple tres, —--——______- Kell gxprseston-—was imbjed with, the mecessi\ty for 
eeeertis pee Talat Wie ee aaoekvand \ ° ho wok that with Wei] Wait aang Horace Greeloy Oh soir apyve tres Porsonnl Intelligence, thore ebay’, more varassine's, moro war on) the part of 

' nf No acts passed and} presenoo of hall wdaxen of thom in front of Wo'll hang Horace Gresley ova zur apple (roe, DEPARTURE OF BINS, TRESIDEST LINCO: 

Approved by tho Prosient, 0 lst of the importait 
Treasures laid over, ani a kraphio description of 
tho closing scenes of this most remarkable acaslon 
Of the Congress of the United States. 


Wolearo from o gentleman jast arrived frou 
Naga that a romor prevailod fa that town, 
Modiately previous to our informant leaving, 
that the steamer Oreto had beon condemned by 
the English court there, ond was fiumediately seut 
Olthor to Liverpool or Halifax, N. 8. 

Golignan’'s Messenger, of Paris, of tho 5th of 
July, saya:—A letter from Jerusalow states that a 
young Amorican gentleman nawed Carter, o diyi- 
nity student, was lately drowned in the Jordan. 
A friend who had ggcompanied him from the 
United States was a witness of the disaster, but 
“could uot afford assistance, The young man, when 
Yathing, was carried away by tho rapid current, 
ani{,after sinking two or three times, disappeared. 

‘the good effect of Major General Butlor’s fa- 
myn woman order, No. 28, may bo foond in the 
five that, up to this writing, but ono woman, and 
sie notorious prostitate, bas been arrested un- 
‘brit, All accounts from New Orleans vow satis- 
J) es that no Insult is offered to the officers or sul- 
cee of the United States Army a that city, 

Ava war moctiog held ln Orange, New Jersoy, 
smMowlay last, Rov. U- J. MeQnalde, the President 

Sctou Hall Roman Catholle College, made a soul. 

sUirnng. address, urging inv nogesdity of prompt 
colhunculy, A roaohition pasted at the samo 

meting calls upon the Wido Awakes of 1860 to 
** Gall into the monks and wi 

‘ow, Oxleans that rebellious city, with w popu- 
Tnuion of one Hundred abd My thousand sous , 
was taken, and is hold by General Butler under 
martial law with wavere corporal’s guard, 

Our blockade, Mhoncinily, vets with « sutfy- 
cating pressure upon the rebellion. The one} 
hundrod wid fifty mitionk a yoar of Sondiova 
Miva Statee 
colved in exehange from the North a Jorge pro: 
portion of their provisions, and froin thy North 
and Europe nearly every erticle of manntqe- 
tuto; groat und ginal, requived by said States, 
including dry goods. clothes, hats-shovr, farm: 
ing Implements, firearm’, ganpowder, cof 
fee, tos, salt, modiolne’, &o,, are all cut 
off by our blockade. To supply these 
Goficioucies now, in thelr crude atlemple at 
homo manufactures, a very consldorable por 
{Yon of the most intoHIvent of the able bodiod 
white men of the South are necessarily vetati- 
ed athome, How far they succood in supply 
ing tho places of Imported or Northorn articles 
exclided by our blockade we may judge fram 
the rogged condition of the rebel soldiers fall 
ing into our Kands, and from the starving eon 
dition of Southern rebel communities falling 
uidor our protection. 

We have tho five range of the world’s com: 
mored; and in manufactures, espoclally in the 
furnnoes, foundries and workshops deyoted to 

exports, for whleh our rel 


Galante 1 support their countey in } the purposes of war, our resources are as those 

Pease alee sia ett coma. } Of Massseuusetls agalnst Sonth Carolina, or ax 
3 ‘sneak th Nova Scotia still conti- fi 

nits Ti Winton Courier wayetlnt fo voee tel B® hundred to one. We say, thorofore, that 

wie Tal lua) 

tbls rebellion cannot stand—that it must and 
Tabthing Uoey h 

will be pul down, We boliove that it will bo 
put down, guerillas and all, with « Weoislvo de- 
feat of the great robb) army nt Richuoud, and 
that tho government, properly and onergetical- 
ly keeplhg step with,the will and spirit of one 
toval Sfaivs. aa wbolish Gal pebol army at 

Aave dono well; but as a geno: 
tot been able to pay their ex: 
penis, thus | camber of quartz ornshi 
machines, driven by storm, have been sat ap, and 

oe Lire ure i 6 o: Hol with what xuccous 
wahave wor loomed.” Py ng districts are 

=Bil Lo be very Lealtiiy, aug the cost of Uyiag 


colved from the rebol omiwary Slidell, fa 
vorablo to the prospect of immediate rocogni- 
tion by Mronce; and the other from Pars 
correspondent, convoylog tho aatixfactory aa: 
sumnco that the Emperor wontd do nothing that 
might bayo a tendeucy (0 encourage tlie con- 
tinaance of tho war orto destroy tho frien My 
relations that cxlat bolwaon this country and 
Franco. ‘This lattor statement may be rolled 
upon, a¥ our corrdspondont bas adcos® to 
wourcos of Information whioh are entitled to tho 
fullest confidence. 

In tho lotters sald to have beon recently ro- 
colved from Slidell, ho usual lying assertions 
wre wale nhouthis Interviews with mombers 
of tho Imporlal government, and tholr sayings, 
profewions and promises, Ourlously enough, 
our corraspondent takes up this very topla of 
tho revol onyoy’s offictal opportualtios, and 
showwhim to he tho victln of as myth myatt- 
fication and trickery af wax eyor practivad on 
fa raw Gascon making his first exportonces 
of Parisian life, Tho shrewd Loulslana 
Jawyor, tho makor of cabjucts and revolutions, 
is, It appears, in the banda of tho Court plinps 
and parasites of the Fronch capital, as pliable 
asa Young spondtheits just entoriog upon his 
earoor, Io dines and wines the faooy man of 
Vorslgny's_mistroas, and thinks that he las got 
tho #lippory mioiator as aocuroly Sn traces ax 
hohiimself once bold Buchanan's rotten politi- 
cal toam, Se hob-nobs witli a bowing acquaint- 
noo of Bhilivenel’k yaorotnry or valet, and 
chuokles over the advances that bo has mado 
in tho Impariat ood graves; for, Thouvenel se- 

Postponomoent of the nAjourninent of Congres, 
without aaying for what purpose ho dosired it 
‘Tho keon sconted raiicala smolled danger to 
tboir bill, and suspected the President wanted 
the timo to propare a voto, To break thy force 
of the crashing dofeat, they prepared 8 aup- 
plomontary bill, explaining. tho. firat bill, and 
Fendoring \t ougatory*in its anconatitutional 
and obnoxious features, Tho President, fo 
orior to stand right on the record, and to im- 
palo tho radicals, approved both bills, regard- 
Ing thom as ona—tho last boing oxplanatory of 
tho first—at tho aame timo seading to Oongroas 
tho velo be bad prepared for tho frat bill, 
unoxplalned by tho second. 

‘Tho Prosidont has thas shown bimaulf to bo 
‘thie only man of moral and po}itfeal stamina in 
tho conntry, Tha cowardly radioals succumbed 
to hin boforchand like a pack of whipped 
hounds, Mr. Lincoln is master of tho situation, 
hoonuse ho is dotormined to adhiore to the con- 
wtitution, and has therofore the people nt hia 
ack: whoreas the rovolutionary radicals in 
Congross aro only supported by the oxpiring 
remant of a misorable faction, distinguished by 
(holr smoke and stench and dim ght, like a 
taper blown out by tho broath of tho storm, 
‘Vho Prosident is tho embodiment of the rising 
tompest which haa quonched tho political power 
ofthe radionls. He 4s tho only popular man 
in the United States, 

‘The VILL, as raoditied and altered, is a nullity, 
and leaves the power whore it originally be- 
longed, in tho hands of the Prosident, who, in 
virtue of bis cons\itutlonal office of Commander- 

An Additional -Rounly of Dilly Dollars 
Offered 10 Volnuteers, 

ke Bee 

‘The popalar ssatineat being evidently In favor of 
rsn{log na aGA\slonal Wounty 9 wove recrolta who shall 
yoluntorr io the military service of (he United Stataa at 
thls timo, and Sumerova rejumls having been received 
by Governor Morgan U convene the Toyisfature for the 
parpoto of oatabliabing a unlforny Vouaty, tha Governor 
dotormined (9 reect the reqairemeots of tho governm-ot 
Gnd the popular will without the delay which the ealllng 
ofan extra nonslon of the Tagiolature would nocess\tat, 
To this end he betd a consultation with oficial and inta~ 
enttal gentlemen from different portico of the Stata, and 
thon fasied bis proclamation. 

On Wednaxday evening, at eight o'clock, the Chairman 
of the Commits oa National Alfalra of thé Commda 
Connell of this clty recalvad a Celegraph{o despatca frou 
‘Gs Governor, rejvesting thatr immvdiato altentance at 
Albany. Aldermen Purley, Smith and Chipp, and Coon- 
limon Horan, Kosch and Gedney, compoalig that comnlt- 
too, being apprined of the wishes of the Governor, started 
for the State capital at ten o'click (hat night. At tao 
yotlorday morning they had hn tatérrlow with lls Reco! 
Jenoy {0 the axecutlye obambor, when (be Goyerdor un: 
folded his plan ha oxproiaéd in bis prociamatlon. Thecom- 
mistao heart{ly eancafred in Lis vlows, aod assured tito, 
Of tho desire of the Common Counell of this city to act 
tn porfect harinony with ths Stale Authoritios on tUla | 
questicn. ‘Tho interyiew was pioasing to all who par- 
Uolpatod ia ft, and at the close the Governor returned 
hia singers thanks to tho comm|t{oe for thoir aliondaica- 
“His Hxcellovey then Issiied Lie proclamation, offerIng an 
a ditional Bounty of firty doltara to voliotesrs who enlist 

In now roglmonta, aa well aa to thoss who go to fill up 
tho ranks of regiments nlrondy tn tho fold. 

‘The committos thon faft Albany, end arrived In tis 
clly at o{s0 o'clock Inst evening. ‘The proclamntfon of 

Ausaxr, July-17, 180%. 
Formal mostings of the paople in. diffarsnt portions of 
the Stato, abd individuals. possessing tha) public cont 
donoe,have recommendeil me to couyeno tho Legisia. 
ture, to the end that a uniform wounty may be provides 
fo pay voluntosrs raised vader tue reocnt re 
quisition of the President-ip suck m manner that the 
Yurdon shall not fall unequally upon localities, A’ call 
of tho Tayiaoture aud tho deliberation incident to 
the action of (hat body nocessarily involve delay’al 

of conflscation or not. That power he had bo- 
fore, Nor does the (rlumph reat here. Tho 
unconstititionnl parta of tha bill are stricken 
out by’ the sileidal hand of the crestfallen 
raileal faction, Like thé scorpion girt with 
flame, they sow thoir ooming fate, and they an- 
ticipated it by an act of felo dese. The bill, 
asnow passed, doea not affect tho rights of the 

tho Imperial goverment, and that all ts cov. 
Tew de voxe with thy praxpocts of the confode- 

We have not  rogrot to bestow on tho poli- 
Heal apostacy of tho oncy Immaculate patriot, 
Tobn Sitdoll. We may, however, be permitted 
to drop a toar over our country’s degradation 
whonan old havd Like him allows our charac- 

der aro admitted to be null and void. It only 
doals with the future —it has no influence on 
the past, Aa lt now stands, it is a legitimate: 
constitutional bil, and its worst severity ia 
snitigated by tho fact that it gives tho President 
wdiseretion to pardon, ars 

Nove, therefore, oonGdently believing that lie Peapl, 
through their Fapressntatives, will ratify ail conn 
this act, aul afLor consnltatien wittithoss officers eharzed 

Scapeolally by Iaw wilt supariotendibg tha sen! ooncerts | 
hof Whe =tite, Ido. Moroby offer and declare that, (a wild. | 
Mon to the bounty offered by iho general governnient, a | 
AOUSTY-OF FrerT poLtAR# Will atence be pald'to each pri. | 

Wanw ofp Cnasniea—Hen, Wale, the stupid 
ol pig dog, and silly Chandler, the cowardly 
andimpertinont puppy, of the abolition faction 
of trillors, distingulatied themsolyes in the 
Unlled States Senate on Wednesday. Ben. 
Wado maton spoooh in which he insulted the: 

Fy, 1s Doped anid expocted that bolh will bo stimulated 
thereby, Tha thianed ranks of our brave 
old appeal to us. Duty to onveclves, patrlotisin, overy- | 
‘thing We hold wost dear, Urge iit! to action. Stin}t'we 
Prove unequal lo tbo crisis? Let the next thirty days 
anawor the momentour qrestlon. otens | 
Io wiiners whereot 1 bave Lereanto signed my naia‘and | 

aiiixed the privy coal of the State, atthe city 
Jor Aitooy, thle seventoeath day of July, in the 
your of our Lord eightean Nurdrod and sixty-two. 

people of Ohio; let hypocritical, dastardly 
Sumnor-ha spewed out by Massachusetts, and 
Jet ll the radical! leaders bo snerificod by the 
people on the altar of patriotism, to vindicate 
the imytortal charter of our liberties, drawn up 
hy Washington ani is compatriots, and to save 
from destruction the system of government for 
whose establishment the men of 1776 fought 
and bled for seven long years. 

constoretive treason; ‘hore Senators aro a 
disgrace to the body to whieh they belong, to) 
‘iho Status thoy misrepresent, and to the conatry. 
in which they liva, ‘They have the hearts of 
froltors and. the mnaniera of pickpockets. 
Chandler conclided his speech by saying that 
only traitors and fools would denotinco itm. 
Vio ts vastly mistaken; for only traitors and 
fools will support and applaud him, Ben. 
Wavle’s arm of office expires in March next, 
and he is w candidate for re-election, We com 
ment him to the aspeciet nttention of the peo- 
ple of Obio; and we wish that Chandlor was 
ontof ofice also, (hat we might give hima 
svailar recommendation to. the people of 
Michigan, Wothink that both Ohio and Miebi- 
Ean should be represented in the United Slates: 

Hy the Governor, 
Vocrwoou L. Dors, Private Seo'y. 

The Movements in New York. 

Tho recruiting bis|oess has been golng forward quit® 
favorably within tho lait few dase, especially since 
the cortainty bas shown itself that liberal bounties will 
bo given by (he “government, Yoluntesrs are applying 
now ub the rate of about ona hundral and Mfty per day, 
ui! are muutered luto the gervicc alwost a8 oon as on 

Cuanprxn Fismise ry Trovuran Waren’, axp 
Waat He Cavour—Senator Chandler has made 
great clorts to up dU the scandal in the 
ovidence taken by Ben. Wade's committeo, in 
he Nope that it would affect injuriously the 
Vreaident ov his family aud General McClellan. 
Ve hos complotely foiled in all. Th the case of 
MeClollan, it turns out that that General bas 

2 r roiled 

Sonate by foyal men and gentlemen. Messrs} used the labors of whatever nogroes came into | ‘The Quartermaster Gonsral’s oitce presanis quite 
Wade and Chanter aro nolther the one nori) jis lines, notwithstanding the previous assur: | lively appearance every day caw durlug office boure 
tho other 

Arcumbor of requisitions for soldjers’ oqulpments avo 
deen reoelyed by Goer Arthur from regimental quar 
armasters in tho interlor of the Stace, and will be Bouor. 
ad sithout any unnecassary delays. 
Tis ogy met et noou yesterday, in ove of, the com 
roltlee roms of the (ily Hall, to coucert measures for the 

tions of the radicals (o the contrary, Chaudley, 
therefore, bas takon nothing by his motion, 
while the hook and line with which be angled 
in (urbid-waters have heen carried ayy, aud 
the bloodthirely individual looks vacant ws no 

Goxniry Dayctine oy a Sour AreLk Tare — 
Thore ave great doubt and much discussion iu 
all divoles about the character of the recent wav 
ting in Union square. Some regard it ux 
anabolition yathering, and somo us a Union 


sympathiving police, With the exception of 
slavd No. 5, tlie abolitionists lid no shovr on 
to ground. ‘The priueipal stand was No.4 

Jog ja Nov York without: beivs  profruudly impressed 
‘writh the dceply rooted lore of oidutry that porvades tbe 
React “of the pexple. Jn a saltry July day ratire thac 
liy Tuousxnd people gatbured ia Uislon squire t9 Fenow 

have never beon very dangerows as yet. to any 
other nation; butif we are driven to the wall 
wemay prove excvoiingly dangerous to such 

Fojere aud genelale, rijore men, ware move! 
ces frou the peoples The futere Wistori 
New York with a grand slurs of yatriotiem and loyalty 

in thls national eriels, and yeill aocnowledga that the 
Staten Armyyacting uniter special ordora from tke War | coxiticrelal aud sola Loart of the qounlry bus always 
Departrwent; Colonel Sweeney, Mr. Lowe, the reeci throbued with davetion Lo iia great Interests, 

Appoluted United States Consal to the Sandwich Islands, = 5 

from Springtiold, 1itols; Mr. Glibert and Master Tuomas | Meeting tn Auburn to Ralse Voluntooxs, 
Lincols. teft We Metropolitan Hotel yesterday very AvERS; Joly11; 1862, 
‘quietly, aud deported from the elty in a apecial carat ATIANS Me9IlNg of the people of Cayuga county war 
Golod Ww the traja for Washington from Jersey city | Held Jathls city to-day, to adopt measures (or seourlog 
shortly affer seven o'clock A.M. The contemplated | Younteers for the war. 

Yialt (O Weat Pofot waa dually dlspeuscd with, owing to | . Zh4 meeting was largely attended, nud the best tealiog 
the earnest desire of Mrs, Lincoln to Join ber family ay | Pf@vailed. Tha \udleations aco Mattaring th: Cayuga 
Who White House; bot the visit (o Gezeral Scott may be | SOUBty Will furninb Ler quvte fer the uew lovy iu this 

made Jn September. There was no demonstration sida | ‘Tha mrotia= was aditresred by severni spestrers, all of 
at the train, which was auder charge of Conductor For- | Hom urged prompt action and o vigorous sy«(em of 
bali: » Go the Jeparture of the distinguished party, only | securing voluutea 

a fow odield Ms who had Leconie aware of ‘their as clhy Nes 
presence, gatbsred'aLout tbe special car, gazing eager 

alll the moment of its patsing away. | eeind erly 

Mrs. ‘Tincolo and suite, conslating of Mrs, Carnpboll, 
Mr. Robort Lincoln, Captain W. A. Morzfey, United 

As wo gv Marching along, ‘wall ereitt 

‘This was the sentiment of the vast uanjority of 
the mesting: aud ye haveno donbt that hang 
Ing on w sour apple treo will be the: fate of 
Grooley, avd tnt alt the abolitionists will 
sliore hisdtoom, ‘The surgivg waves of popular 
indignation wre beginning to swoll, and soon 
thoy will overwhelm the: disuniou radical 
traitors (a thelr wrath, 

GovERNOK Morte, 
uep Morgan bas taken time by. the forelook. 
He proposes to pay $50 to reornits, It is true 
ho hasmo legal powor todo so, He might’ as 
well Tye offered $1,000. But in taking tho‘ 
yedponsibility bo has proved bhinselfa man. of 
courage and sagacity, Lot him ineroase the 
hounly to $100, and dna short tine New York 
Will furnish its quota, He inay safely catous 
Tale upon a bil of indemnity from the Legtsta- 
ture When it mests, He does not call an oxtra 
sbssion now becuse the emergency does not 
admit ofdelay, Let others act with the came 
energy, and in a brief time we shalt have 

(ed with the Stars and Stripes, 

Reerulting tu the Country. 

Mesrrs. Gordon and Moykins, Whe Cojtain atid Firet 
Lisutenant, are recrulling 2 company mi Wareriey, Tide 
county, Ih thts State, te people Havlog proviousty sub- 
acribed a large Kuta fr Younties. Thess officers aro 
Able, and, though the village bas three bunired.inen 
aiready at (he war, arp contdest they will Ot up thelr 
company ina yery few dayo. a 

Paccauzs rox Dorost's Sqraniox.—All packager for 
oficera of Commodore Dupoot’s squadron will be for 
wanted freo of charge if tert on board the achoonyr Del- 

Mbene, foot of Dey atreet, before twelve O'clock M., care 
oF 1.0, Styles. 

Liona Krave Tuzarae—Mpa Masogus Miroweyt.— 
‘The complimentary benefit to this charmjog actress takes 
plica tonight, We beapeak for her a crowded aliead: 

‘Phe Ma 

Meeting in Jersey Clty. 
‘Tos mass meeling (da was to tisya Leen held en 

150,000 fresh troops, which will enable our Wednesday bas been postponed (jl this evening, A 
x ‘ Surrogate’s Court. ce guttering is expectod. 
Generals to achieve the capture of Richmond | ansovassness OPeTME CURtTT WILL cas, | W8e SBTINE IETS 
oforw the end of tho fall. Iviy 1].—Hls Honor Judge Daly, as first Jadge of ths Increaye of Bounty In Maine. 
es ‘Gourt of Common Pleas and County Judge, being ap Yoattayp, Me., July 17,1862. 
Ricuvoxo Ocns Deron run Finsr Frost— | polated by statute to act tp case of the déath of the Sur- The Stale nas eased the bonety from thirty dol_ 

ropita itil the election of a Surrogate, heard soreral 
Inotldns 1p tbe Surrezate's Court today, which was 
croisdet by Ihe profession, ad bls Hooury in bis seal 
tontieiaaly ruanuer, hoard and, ailjadicated oo all bos\- 
Sess which care before him. The Siporyisors will meet 
Gh Monday next, the ZIst inst , whos a surrogate will bs 
ppoikted Ko Al hs vacancy wlll the fall, election Lakes 
nc ‘ 
Pin the cigo of the last will And testament of the late 
E.P Christy (Uhocelebrated uezro minstrel), the mate 
ter was aljvormed wotil the SOU 13st 

Coroners’ Inqueste. 
Scuies Neti —Oaptaio MeGough, of the British brig 
Actiatle, lying at the Auantlo D ex,Irooklyu, died ad- 

AGily os WeJoseoay evening. Oorcaar Norsis bed an 
Joydewk on the bely, aod 5 verdict was entered of deal 

Aven GErTU GG LoylUly, Cassed by hand dyraking, 
ae . Pd . 

Ines in naw reglwouts and thirty Gve doliara in old regi 
yoents to forsy-Ove dollars ner man for caw. rezinents 
apd Ofy Oye dollarg Cor old regeucate, 

‘Phere 1s no reason why Richmond should not 
ho in the hands of the Union army before tho 
Hirst frost. We can bring tyro millions of troops 
foto the Geld, aud If wo only display the samo 
energy as ibe rebels have done success is cer- 
tein. Ly their great exertions they have ox- 
bausted themselves. We bave a reserva of 
trength which it will take a long tine to ex- 
haust, and which will bo more than suficiont 
to reduce the rebellion to subjection, ualess the 
ruiloals are pormitted to interfere with the 
goo work, 

Wikcondin anit Volunteering. 
MicwAvzer, Wis., Joly 17, 2669. 
Tae governmant has diridet the Stato lnto Ove vallitsry 
Alsteiets, apd’ each ot {x to raise a reginisnt— 
Fire Diitrid—Emibracea the eouaties of Ryclne, Kono- 
sha, Wankesba, Walirerth, JoMarson, Rock “and Groen. 
Skenl Distrit—Milwwankos,, Ozukse, Washlugton, 
Shoboyyan, Dodge and Jeturson. 
Tink Ditrict—Dane, Columbia, Sauk, Marquette, 
Wausbara, Towa nad Fafayotte. 

A re 



Fyut\ Pilg —Foad Wy Jac, Piopedsgo, Calumet, ‘oupply (hy 


Maaitowss, Fowscaa, Poor, Brown, Oatrgumie, Donald, 

‘Waryaces ,Shawaaam, Portage, Wood and Marathon. 
Wh Diendt—Grant, Crawford, Richlapa, Varnes,’ 

Jobers, Adsvis, Ca Crosse cod tbe Countiwe ts the porte 


The Overeenelming strength of (he Nort 

bat ests 

Tihinis . 
California | 


DONT Bena 
Nebruaka, Dakots, Ulal, Wassingtoa, &¢—equal to 

rai, ; Wasaingioa, &¢—q 
Oo mills, u 

Delaware... liga 
Maryland... 637054 
West Virginia... en 
rt a fi 
{itssoure 1 
Toul 2519 
ri TOM. q 
sesceee 628,023 11,852 
White. Mia 
+ 800,000 100,000 
yee 631489 70,485 
‘South Caroling... - Wor 90,072 
Georgia, 691,633 
M7 AD O1,S24> 
Chimie 19,768 
253,909 38,084 
84188 47,760 
shes B67 270 647,50) 


Layal (reo Statcs. 
Loyal nlayo States, 


Mebollious States, 

Differenco fn favor OF the loyal 

@ho Now Xork Central Railroad, 
Atnarr, July 17, 18620 
‘The Board of Directors of tho antral Railrond mot 
today with full attoadance, ‘The custowary bualnosd 
as (ransscted, and the roports of the officers cLowing 
the business nad condition of the roail were rocoived. A 
Mividond of throa yer cont yeay declared, payablo on the 
Ist of August, in Cull, free of tax, tho road agaunjug and 
paying he Locome tax. 

= Tno Navy. 

Avmosmacx—Twolve yuns, new slam Crigae—The 
eplenilid specimen of oayal architecture, of which « full 
oseFlptiin has alroady appaarod {a our columns, aulled 
from this uayal station yosterday under wealed ordere. 
“Anpoxed [a a complete 1Gt of her oflicera — 

Comm Vivter Jo mos Gapseybart. 

Actiny Licuknant—Jamnos Parker. 
Murler—Thomaa 0. Bowen, abt 
Acting Mastere—Tohn0, Chapaiso, Wa. MeGloin, Albee! 
AL Kirth, @.K, Hagstell. 7 

‘Sanjerk—Tolin Radenstoin. 

Paymatersaraes Fulton, > 

“Acting Hoztaonin—Wmn. Grea, ea 

Actiny Masters’ Molo—A, ¥. Haradan, Jas, £, Toomp, 
60 , Ged. Ry Gritwoldt, W. Ktiapy, Jr. bs 

y him of “back-kltehen wi a Tio funning effect of this triumph of the! | vate soldier who vst hereand yelunteer Het (te GF I] whimner—Jamos Hatch iusnnts Mahia a ‘a 
H Pea amre tiatts eebenutetiinitesrnd Presi nee oxorilie radienla may, bo estimate | vse of the United Stats, Eocene As elt} Besmpers chit 5; anderson: EL dmlatant Gone 
fig tae Pay prerogwlvor. Silly | DY tho furs of Hen. Wado, who rushessonehin | Minmelatly crecetand onal, Tunes nay | rami i Neha. Ces St AMG, 
Fotinnter followed up thie speech, by equally: ere caren, he deadly aleoh ot || Wotanveerscée. the raglcaests nowbelbprratued, ©! mem || a cca ar 
Insulting Gow, MoClollan, acoustag him. of | the matsdok, aapild ‘moaking Surmnor dodges | todividuat and orgatlred efforts aFo (ho | se aro wlvoncer way the fruenork of o3ch UeIOg 
“wholesalo murdory? and. charging him with like a donkey. Lot Wade be squelohed by the | futermitted In consequence of thisoner, Os tho eodtra | yearly upjand some of tho pilates boltad on. aos ves 

-s01 mill bo 200 fect long over all, tho kely being 160 foot 

eoldters int | tong—tke aiferenca between the upper Tart aad (he 

Jower being caused by the onter hull, which has an ox. 
Aanalom of Afigen fest trom the bow, wits strong with 
frongo as to form « powerful rama, aud’ twontyifive fost 
at tho stern, which will protect! the lower ‘dil! aud tho 
wheel, Tho matt hullis (he same asin ordioary from 
‘yoasols, and is more wiilable for eailing than (Wo orjgiaul 
Monitor. Aftor thé completion of the tnéfu bull, tical 
hive feet dea) and threa feet wide js attached to the up 
por part of tho yoesel anil on the ide; in’ such a raannar 
that many derangement of tho timber there will be ne 
Ieakoge tu the maia hull, Upon tho outside of ths timber 
are fastoned/fve plates of tach tron, firmly cecured, 
without the usa of through tolts—experiments hay- 
‘og damoustrated tho fuct that pistes fustenad with 
Abrough bolts were likely to betome lox when tha 
ship was'at sea. Whon the Monitors aro in ection thor 
lll bo vightosn Inches of the yo feat of armor above 
water, and before a ball could strike tne matn bull it 
would have (0 travel twwouty-one feat thrbtiyh (lis wator. 
The decks ard cctnposed of planks ssven tnchoa thick, 
Upon which aré placad two th{ckrossos Of half-inch irom 
Plates, There wilt ba oie cupola for ech yessal; each 
‘willbe trrentysone foot fu lainater, woe fect high, and 
oloyen tnchor thick, ani carry two Often inch guna. The 
pilotbouse will be placed on tho toy of the cupola, and 
0 fixed thot the cupola will revolve and (ha pilothonze 
réniajn st\Jonary- Uo this respect tie arrangement dif- 
tara from the old’ Stonitor’s pllothouse, ‘Tha pllothouse 
seill be of jrdn eight foches thiok. Tho Yan\Jia{ion of 
tho yessols will bo accomplished by drawing the ait 
through tha cupoia, and after It-passes to evory part of 
(hasbip it wilt Tass out at thestera Kach of thosd 
Vessels wil! hayo two tuais engines, with forty Inch oy- 
Madera, tyro blowing anginies, two turret cngines and twa 
Pumping englovs., 

MiscatrAye5es.—Signal 6! juant W?illfara Eh 
R. Neol, bf Pultailorphia, Ui. “s\gnodt to the United 
States steamer Port Résal, iw vear tho Jamos rlyer. 
Ths watmerous triehus OF uy oftcer Will bo plersod to 
Teatu (vat Ue aécapad thjury fa the recent Vatiles eae 
Tichiball, althoogh lis occupjed a yery dangorous po 
(lou white signiififzg Gn’ the DAtQe feld. He also acted 
a ald to Brigadler Gotiaral Warrai 

f } 
Commissioners of Public Charities and 

The vepal xeml-moiithly masoting of tho Commissioners 
of Yublie Charities and \Correotioa was hel yestarday 
allgrnovu—Simeon J)paper By., Presiding; ta}the chase, 

The followlwg in. aa abstract of tha roport presented by” 
@ comnm(tige of tho wholo:—From tho 4th to tho 17th jnaf, 
56L pertout wera tranaforced from tho city prisons to Ul 
Worklouts on Ulackwell’a Inand. Of this numbor 167, 
rere males anu504 females. Tho umber of parsons nde" 
mitted to the different institutions during thoweoke ent 
kg on tho 1th inet, was 2418, andthe umber » 
reinaiwing tiere ep that dais was 0,076—an lncroase of, 
S7.0n the preceling week. d 

Tbe Comiblahovrs Lave iofermed Dr. Sloan, Qe 
Vinitod States Mesilen} Director in this elky, that thoy eam 
furuish accubinolation at the Bellevue Hospital apd ua 
Blackwell's Island (or 2,000 aiek'and wourdod sold/ar®, 
where "hencssssary boddiag, clothing and table furniiare 
will bo promptly furmiated,. Oa the 7h nak. 306 sick aa 
\woutided eldjors were acted from tiie steamor Spal 
lug ob@ laced in (ue waria/at Pallovas Hospital the 
whole operatioa bing performed in abont ove hour amd 
Ahicty oaluites after the acrival of He stesin or. = 

‘Auuraberof ollicers of sha Fifte zaventh, Sixty-tDint 
snd One Aundred ard Birst Vénneyivaria Volunteers ah: 
Woasixty sixth, Roel, isoly ehh Fs 

riy-coyonth Now. York ngimonts an 

Muludliave addcooser atottor ta the Comintan(ony, tau 
doring thefe thanks to (hens, nnd also to Str. Waite, tbe 
the Warden (3r- Ku Engiseor, Mr Gaabs," thm, 
Clerk and sterekcoper- Sic. Fray, tha apolar Mrs 
Ttudic, the Aittrou, anit tho nuue aL of tpilavua Hos~ 
piv, for Re'kioaxles Misplayed fo thelr gow'when: fo 
Tho Bospitaland under thelr care. 

The Cowie ssioasra hayecidre:sed a ater of Wanke 
to Messrs, lds fur sandy vatnible piges of Sravorka® 
restated to the-ctsldreo ec Randalls toma. 60 8 66) 
taslon.of the anolrersary of AmoricatIndependg 
mber of com aunles tions ore rea | 
foslfoat pliyalctans and ag} a 

DAULULODS; Whick wore disyosed Of Us tte 
gual mapnur. 

‘This cash receipts from the Ath fo the 2ith inst, Ine!juy 
dive, amounted to $561 65. : i 

‘io following resolution yas thea edopted-— 

Resolved, That the Vrélvent, end: Secretar of the 
Board draw their requsijlou cn tbe Compiroyar of the, 
clly of New York (oissye Wiz ‘wurrant, Auta to the 
corlar of eur President od Beeretary, ‘ry che um of 

0, RAL AMOUNE Lo be paid oak yf (he apprOPTIAR 
PS eer Ra dt 
Yon for thu year 1 

the d| ferent 

‘he Scarcity of Uhayge at 41bany. 
hei Z RE osy, daly It, 1a 
‘The ComemoA Courcll hays ptiioriied the resus Uy tha 
Gily Compiroller of FI9\cery in city cote ofdlecarainact 
flobs of tem, twenty tive, 4 Lean dayenty ys cesta, La 
rearelty of aulves GUADge, 


ee ae 


mooarchy in North América; and that be (a, Wberafore, | ¥) nor Thomea, Co Le Pe extn. Oe | Benert£ation to De. Mott—Colebration BY T = 7 
FOREIGN INTERVENTION, © | cmesaz Su Aa 2008 Mrtrerin ane | heshtdnsno, Wh baaacetvane, ote ara Fy She Pity-tuied Megiments SHIPPING NEW eit ROMA Salen Qatrgr goat Gas alan 
cae -s Southern cosfederaay. Tl woild seca tbat Mr, alital Iat Rene ork Polérw Waiters Oe.¥, SOT Core fron, | Awerg. tagwesal tan ebremaniy vk plade' ed Wadsentay, AGAMA TOE Sew YoReomG DAY i ‘Pack 
Lea eee enavol at dhe native lalervention of sbe French | G, S06 Mssssch peti¥: Fraud Th mas, On Carel New Jer: | evening tevt 1 the) Red loose, ILarlern, ab Wie sane. He pa eta Bo CU on sale 
French and Southern Views | rpsror ia sonairor ine soathern confederacy evento | Og Pratt Wein. Ob, St Pea ria Pikv MAFE,C2- } of she Futty-ahind togtmest Now York Volautaars (Vom ‘ A LOR WATAK, 2.00.00 1A fal Tuy Ase ask Arma. Fan, ln eens 
the axteot of Preselrtreopartouarce 2x Acistifs, on toe-s]gih “yy, Uel ees ene Sree oe Ge | argh Chasnenea) tbe oxcaston being (bs preaantatton ‘ort of New ork, July 17, iNOw Ditra Conte: foeNrm Oneane eee eRe 

: of tho Question. 

ADD, Jaly 10-014 solr Henry Hoathn, Kidder, 

DENOK, July 16—arr steam: "el 

ppnacge a taetgghe 4 Uo Pea ate 
vatican, Patil 

i\fioger Parmaler. i 

mst con My Ut | CfA UNG 
See eee Nester mae COT TRE RN 

Grin Sutcual OS, ML, BOL, Kemayivan'a 
Tita Maranaliy Livutsoant, ballery Gy New Work Ar 
Hantil Saran, Fleateoagts WUrYOo¢ Renusyieanie; | Moss si the advancensey t abd Orga 

ition of w {realy being made (o {he eMfect tbat the South 
sro confederacy mill pot only not oppose bis designs tn 
México, bat will, oo tbe other hand, asslat them, after the 
prosont war ia over, with a fores of 100,000 troora. . Mr. 

at auly'g Kes bowl to De, Alexander Be Mott, CLEARED, 
Of Uhiv city, by the awh cars of tho Fig third ragimont, | Qh1n Marrtet, Masts Liverpool 0 Nancan § Ca 

Birt Revaretve Sai 
tm aopreciatton of hiy h tndniesa and lnvferatignble axon 1p Mranard iran), Wabtard Liearesgsce\sbull Ho est 
jon of the rogl ‘ 

itp Corton Crem), Rlemngrates Mremen-Ki auth, Nae 


How, Work 1 



Slidell can seano objection ta such @ treaty being made, jana: Rogan Miohael, | tent, ana aleo tn wotwem a Dis charactor asa gentisian | ehot a Kanne Lady \Vashiogion, (aw king, Bileaber 
per nkcneenine roe 5 AG ] and an ome Wan Atlan vires Aor ae tas sing Hilzeth port, BUD 
- aasetan cepa fatare tine the SonlRard onafod ss Raa rs eT ne Cae A as Tine erealalion UAE ues metiatace Cae oe ke Peery breakers HARES A EN 
Fle Has: Seen: Somebolly WhO. [as | eee eae ee eecs, should WB" phe rk TRS | mast ang uyprapriee sen. Xu Mon a paid «Gehee¥ ek dirt, Lanton—Bantier Relat) Doss rune PRS Ea 
The lols, Leech treaty, tberoforo, shoald 10 pres vp ican; eric em} G% | moltnay to tkearmy and ty thm guia oa eo wT sieanings tlomragnd: Pantone th Dall to an Jahn aon ae a8 Aa 

— poral, Tat Con | mang IDI Mune Nalin eT RMaamate atte vussion, Dave walonge sini 

Seon the Emperors sonted to im, bo would endeavor to have fonerted tn Ih | nectjcat artilieny: Hegge Harris; CO. F.titCongeeticot | De, Mott, om reoaiyin (uso ie VRalinarsstterrats Abou, | BON" Sauttions Seake Ron es ey aR Le 
: D seat op which the conasat of the Fopsroe wil be | Trallery Stage Jaren CorporaiOn.@, Ui New Jeobys | a nial water peta wa ot bank und Aid, Patton’ Lunstiesron Yee, brig hears Wile, hah ork an rm blow 

ae ee eS. 0, 11th Pernayivania ; Stowe Samnel | grautuie: for the kindomes VAWTUCKET July 16311 acne Kenpire. Hralth, Fhilael- 

Kod extended 

auipalated to ea annexation of a portion of Moxioe to (ho ea Hn CUED, WHA Qoewantown for err 

SS Sel x5 Mca Gg, 2th In Corporal, Co. 0, | to him. He hoped tho time wook) y #00 COMB when De st DANEEL Dane Sere ahlp Genie ae 
THE REVERSE SIDE OF THE PICTURE. | Stick ts Zounernssapatasreis tutiweream tow | BUSS. rans | wenld eave hie taipl eotske ophveaword ta dorence | — rg Hale hes Gameny SR tea pest at tA Ha 2A ai aria, gt 
8 ‘+ | which the Southern sympathizers fa Baltimore are how ha Fe erenk enh Teed We bis Sranity. He woold recanye Whe gift with Hag dew H Leiwn (Br) Deary, Kingiouy Shad Caay: 
Fajolcing, Aocordlog (© their interpretation of it, th o Fee ae es aa ecg { S.warne beart and thankru # woald: e bas ee 8 
Sine ree ajoicing pretation of, ity the | Cou¥. ga United Stale Latent ty re Ap Ih New | prosivothe Que ase mecha to Kei cuitaren cen | Hts Becaaion Taliat, Rerwnla— Meu Wn, Cae OE Fes 

Hooperor will now eortainly interfere, now that it Lag iw James, Oo, 0, 10ib Maseachusatta; Shawler | aifeoti 

: . eon demonstrated that Richmoad can be susceaatully eee Cita roluyalvanta; Sitnme Jax. 1, Co. K, | Fitysthted rested pean 8) x e i i amcor Mate ohoteat Wi t rr 
| LOUIS NAPOLBON'S REAL SBNTIMENTS: erates Bony stn agen SRN Sel Sogn | SPS (einen and We Db ANSE UL | abe aa ee SR a Teal pORaC) | oe MME persia tau aera bed 

Go. K, td New Jersey: Sande Nicholas, Co. 1, | ready, whovever called Mer. AT GDOREDEN, §4, ALBUMS) (HTPTY FTOTU RR! 

ham thay MA STOLE OE Aue | _ sabe Ant (eh Caviltard, Uasys Basin, OW 

yytwania; Stowart J Topablio in bia own ¥oes a bi rims. 
h y Ty, Ww \* Stoughton 8. G,, Corporal. © » Set Fenneylvaniay at \ Yoeallon, and 10 do evqrsthing that ‘Bete Chobe. Van fy Aloxandrhe—8 0 Tay retailed ®). Woddiug Canis, Note Paper, Mo: 
Ho WillDo Nothing to Destroy is Friendly | NEWS FROM THE PENINSULA. | isis Sisuicy Huo Ser, Yak pga | Horne irra ae gw ctr felewaly Getonai Munger | Sear 
‘ False Report Regarding the Occupation | Oe A eee Tomlin, Joni, Ser= | never (orge\ the men who prevented une the ‘@vening oa | Kode h Armatren HSN reat A AUG DISEAR RS OF TILE VRET SIGLEFULLY AND 
Relations with the United States, SE ea ee eee manele, Queer | | fentaastraniss ae Nelly Tripp Georgy, Co, D. | mulch Ibvras recived: ‘Tus bowl preasated 19 Woe dio | SRE ST tt ain hincatanue Ge relly tain by Ded BROS, ihe well awe 
‘enn o Co. BD, a 9 follow {og inseripLiow Gu ALO Malt «iM o— one rrankli, tom, Ublocabaquetenion & | Sposa ee Breas 
Key ae Foxranss Moxnos, July 16, 1862, Pennsylvania, Taiham Chas. 4.00.0, d New Hamp. Jones. tne] eer =. P 
ira, Toby 624 Naw York; Tiller Jo OOO R ER RG RE OO AOE AE RRO ROROCOPD DEDEDE | eobe Marta Fleming, Bhaw, Tylon! 7 a IES AND CANES FOR TOR MILLION AT 
us alpen i Fea ae iret utente W028, 20 New foray: aT Jobne te By ath New Rea ae t Raid cnn bafoatan, THI MaKes, Cintas OMsNubee Nos Comandy ge 
q rebols had driven back oor forces al 5 York cayairy; Turnar Captain Ti, 4th United States 2 ee . c beg ca el aa 
|" earearte corseanondomce,, | bens ecko oc oemenot his | wh goa yay oh ena | Fw ames fat una, nny ASPB tlrog Bacon Hoe & Go SOR RU ACCENTED MAA IRAE 
“a anmaerss bectceen oy Mt lines have ‘been c00} Now ier ison Robert, Co, CSM ba Ov THN RUT CLARO PUT Pn Tals Hogg Walganon A Heth St con aban to the patton Ny Ne ZAMAN, Haron 
Prench tnt-ventim—Ns Prodabi'y Romer Ths Brer— | West We Ee Thrwugh the place up ro ve present m0. | Var vartiy Garten ten Hagar, coe By 2d Ne ees ne Samrat" 3] Ronee tanta, Hedy, Balnm=Moe LA Abbot, ravens {e) Mioaivay. afer nhyalans aad sare 

Ded Jourwany, Batman, New DedfordeBentiey, Smlin | SOU 

Pai oS 
wrt | AES anaes hmm avg & We ¢ | [DERE JAGR iy, MOT, BR 
eet, meter pete TNE f 
ACGr the conclanlou of tbo preseatation uo company | MEN icy reblment Raker, Dannie=Naxer & Dayton, ate ‘ate Tova Reale DNB a 
iow Yorks Dr ¥O 

‘An Old Por Catigh in His Own Toils—Slitell Hum 
bugpal—Emphatic Declaration of ths Emperor Againat 
Any Titecference with Amerioan Aairs, Bo, Ai. 

J Tgathar from thy conversation of the socesaionists hers, 
‘a wollas from coms recant cxiracte ia the Southern 
papora, that tho hopas of an armod Intervention by Louls 
‘Napoleon in the Amorloan quarrel have recolved m frosh 


At MILL Creek Hoapltal ‘about 200 patients, 10a) of 
‘whom are convalesoant, aud many of whom will soon re- 
fara thodr reglimeuts, Thole names lays already appeared 
In priats 


Pannaylvanis; Vaugtan C.4., 00. Ey 
PS ADNEAEN alaeal| Our T/ BD Neer faatstoyet, to & Bunt ropasty ay whieh 
fant, C9, A, Sud Now York, Veenekamp Lawis, Co, k | Si 5 aay at which few ie ‘aon i iW uown osniik and 
Lah valtod Slates atau warren Begrard) Osc, | ABALKRAMLA were efren, The SIAIr wi bore nme RAY, ae Tawiuskol—Morriil @ AD: | WEN DERU, Ivan auriato i 
th New Yorks; Wilsoa Robert, Co, Tt, 105th Pentaylva: | 42°00 TE * lesloned Sicers of Canipaay ARRIVED, x J Yor 
Ub Nerv me an ei | ula aa ie ga sel | ,Unuenye rae ho tok Comming | le aL Maa 
cob, Co. 11, 24 Taha ; Part of the even Foe a ec cemponh darn, with aatetey | tits poe fers vader ti ear of Dr 
Pennasivania; Wood re wih Dock aCe! WaSTght variable wud tout OF tbe | N44 Mat PaTy Co 7 pat ee ne 

stimulus of late, Now, why, In face of tho doalara- Peat 7 Holency, particu! ‘nnowled nases 
why, aan nose 1, 58th Now Yo \ et noWlodgy which hava. iil atte 
Vion chat Eogiand will make no move in the matter, and Go. TE, 1osth: Ponsiaytvaniay Wilt vat cratit on tho officers. Ninpdobo Koox (of Bucksport), Norte, Mataneass Fuly O | Beatle Moreen fe eine iforvs Wilh Whe alinast. cone 
Avriva\ of the Transport Dantel Wobster. | (Hi WU Tenney: yrreit. Co, C, 201K Tnillauay | Vere (OF ho xaat of war inthe course of Lixo Weeka, intal i seis MEAS TOIT PYF dcdce, recor THND Sue ablated Witt dean to place. 

ths equally woll understood detorroiantion of the Emps- 
‘ror to do nothiag without tus co-operation of that govern. 
ent, thera should be a renawal of this delusion, it will 
probably be interesting to you (o learn. The reason of 

oe ACR starrison'e Landing, with alow | Wesuselrex undor ble care, 

he Arvo} 


‘Tho ateam transport Danial Webster arrived here yes: 
ional sick and wounded soldiers (rom 

Warner Sherman, Co. 5. 16th Now York; Williams J. 0) 
Co, A, buh Now Yorkx Wiley Win., colored servant to | Obsequll 
Lieutunant Lisle, Co. A, 834 New Yor jor Ben}. Co. | Yast 
6, ANN Maina; Young Ada 1)., 09. G, 11th Malow, and 

: AL West Toirty.tourib streaks 
ane pin nah Pept, Newcata 68 dary, wt ACUNRHIP, oma 94 Olio pines, HigBIn strat, wel of 
Mark Aruionve M CAusl), Matienio’y Marre, 67 days, (th 

ferday with ad) 
the James rivor. 
‘The Puragr makoa tho followlog report: 


‘ : s ey oral, ous rAsaT (OH sO RA en IAN RoIdLOF Of the sword and Cross wore removed | mdm 10 U Divan A Cd, That [Wwhyy Writely Wealber 
PE oa acta ansitation | rye apiol Wobstoraradveta: Harrison's Landing {rom Lora CTUKE EIMEE WEARS | fromthe Gorernorta Room, tn tho Brooklya Cty Hl, | Yok tana fear Vo ator uN edie ok Sanus | peu deans ot a 
Fea ear a eee rege) af ie | Portresslonroe a four Ps 308 Tuoraday, uly 10, end,| "Metical Diveim—Dr. Nalin Silage: | | | 2, || and conveyed to their Last rostlog plage at Cypprety Tile ot dunn, NU), Peits, Mataneas, uly | so aA ——— . 
1 renen ayy allows inset 19. Bee ee ea ene ts paaboat, witha tnd | 24 Ma. Rov eas or Seas || Cemeleed. Cilvaslassse TL TACT. a SaERE Beant ee, olmtuerne, dune a3, win [Ld Wastinion ton 1a aru ot ie YON MONOHEGRS 
Tae biseaht tiph no oe hangere ion Aor) h(belsmicis,|| Doroens ade A STAIDN of two gunboats, with a loadiot, | Ward Mastore—Meuare. 8. 8, Wand, T. We White, F. w. | the Forly-elghth/ Continental Guard, New Xork Volun, Nevin & ede 1th IN Oaye Tatts | KBR. a well kudwn oonllst and @UriAL Tho institute un 
; Vumbugget by ro Brlplutn,S-F,Hachelder, W. A. Drown, A, A. Davis, D. | teora, and died at Fort Pulaski, Gp., while angaged io the Ith brig Progestin Ane bountN, | dee ibe highest patronage. See Wedblagton Inteliigencer 

two hundrad and fifty nick soldiors. We wera not favored De, OF Damararay. Mix, Tau Tor the moat rellabls reference 

< ara, and of a fow sotorlously corrupt obaracters, J, Mosher, A. IC. Starkwoathor, nore 

6 of his country. 

With any bullota (com obol guns on our way down tho der doty 10, 10 the Hult, spoxe ° —————— 

; who hava the entree at the Tuileries. Thoxo who know Nuri —W. Richmond F. H. Boama, J. K. Baboock, A. Tho City Hall wan Aited with tho wealth aud raspeota. | Uark bavray from Havana for Falmonthy reyorted all 
See ee tea aa bak oti fashlauble lvans|| Samed. titer, UHL Had) eronied)Guraelfex ls bulletat tan} | lara, Ny Phichmond Fd Goodmatd, E, CilleaployT. | bility of Urovklyny and the aga throughout, Imclky aad | My) woul andhreach New Fo 
‘ Ofsuch favors Arriving at Fortress Monroe at fyor.3t,, | - Macey, E, Tuvey, C. Devonport yell, J. Ev AU | river, wore all ot half-mast, Har ry Manabi Ni von, in ballast, to 
Aorors, tnea and women, gain a livelitiod er promiuenes | TYPO Set Hil bose, J. Higglus, J. B. Plaraan, Was. Walker, Precisely at halfpast threo o'clock all th eR aaa fobs toro 
io moclety by pratondiog to an {nfoouce with those | 2 Tvs arith ae ie mara cai sedate mks ABsNCOTe PD LOY pace ruonth bolog completed the ody aaa ray nay Ki eiir bien ami nook Tell h Mesckinens Go. dans) | = =# 
Prat tag idltve kaman(ad’or/ opurlravor MIC | wesina tran || us serPly et, bread cor} the ara, and a etorin aris, mmmisary ond Purser —T. B. Povarly. ‘ho Governor's Noon and carried to the hear 15, lat 38 05, lon 72, apoke woe! Knignt, 1 IVER COMPLAINT, 
P tt you | RADU ok Dead Gor the srces anda nos ele ean Conary aut urate Mal toe coverne Roa wed eared othe tear TSR GOO TEATNTS cas potas orn, arrante lo ua 

Jiaye any polot to gain with people Inauthority, tiey 
will manage to accure a daily place at yourtablo anil to 
Cresly borrow your monay, under the preteuce that 

Lady Acsigani—Mes. Trotter, Mra, Starr, Mika lll. | thle time was ImionKs 
Passenger. L, Olmsted, Gaheral Secretary Sauttary | Doad Stor<dy In Saul 
Commiastou, Cas, Woolssy;Captala Staith of the Nao | Tho following {a the ordor of procekaion)— 

Inge A ust oie, i eM fr Son suber asmn | ASA Rob tue nt Gaede | areas VE Rat Na ie 

{og we had an opportunity of visiting the campa, and 

i Uta ct ALA a) 

[i Sportamanelonr Cate—Paasane Wonien at Work— 
Whealig Glia —iatlen of the, Beare —M del Landon 
Di "asanco 00 (ho Driy=The Prise—Travelling 

0 pata 
flag at HLome=Nnw Work (a 104— 
Mss Oph ely ete Bhip—The AlbAay Dook— 
ronkat ook ba Te at joate—Tay Hoalen—Th\8 Di 

‘Guay rare possible, Takiog the apparently shorter eut 
¥o it, you find that you add to failure (be mortifeation of 
having beau duped. 

Tt Is in thia category that Mr. Slidell ts just now 
Wolog placed, Kooping an ologact establishmont auld 
lying costly dinners, be has no dimoulty ia deluding 
‘TAlmself ivto the belief that he fv making headway at the 
Jmperial court, It Js trae that he does not soe the Fins: 
for, and bat rarcly any of the membsre of bis Crbincti 
Dut (9 bo not ia daily commanication with Monsieur D. oF 

Weral of our party wore fortunate enough to arrive at | York Timer Inspector Yolk vary basta ‘ 

FETS ene ae ieah aor im oly wave | MeCloaa’s Headquarter on Sunday) morning th (lone to itty Policemen, under. command of Captain Rowers, eR yaaa, J SL Fe CULL ee 

fF being extoualvely Meecoil, you Baa yourtalt as far | Mette ‘ Un precinet,agatated Uy Capt, Jacob Waady, Me le tu that sltuallone STI 5 

on aa ever fem your object Wat you borin Wwappre: | Uapreasal atthe service Commissary of he Web THE MYSTERIOUS MURDER AT HOBOKEN, ry bacorb of Tooaty third IEaNN ye | eg GOT TREN COG teat Mb mBONNAT CANLAR AA ABIY NEW Hoven ny a ‘AUTHOR OF YADAM BKD 

fr led upon. ts orange ait undur eommanit of cefouel Wn, Re Fe RACED . LATE I 
nln oy Mg om mihason ups, 10. | AST Macan ac ato ana #0 oi be | The | Coroncs’s nquest, Not Wet. cone |W aac hte Anan gn | oa AIA mr a toga Me CHI oe 
me honestly and. etral ght ‘ t ; Wir West, itis 9 OXENIE : , 

fa gone onenly and. traetAtorwardly le works the | syared Crom our supplies for alk elder i campand at ||: (elnded=traport ne ‘Testimony=Wancrat oa tocmumougare ae Wb Golden Mutreye ean) A PL: rie TUROUUIENDRWAY, Hoon Capit’ 

este Te SaRCaLIeel Fale AFR BRL OCT (he lspitals, and tho reciplouta wora all very thank | of the Murdered Man at Bull's Forry, Tleaein and Ooi. TAs] PA ee Fay ite Pe eT 
your object, alays providing, of eourae, suc |? Ot.e Shoitary Comrolasion for suah attention | es, Cow ‘Tuo feAlontog la lhe Inscription on the cofla-— Pci honkmaathy barre fiekdiaylog fin Outs 

We bavo on board efghty:seven solslers, from Naw 
York, soventy-one from Voonsylvania, twealy six from 
New Jorssy, tea fom Massachusetts, ten from Maino, 
sixtorn regulars, sud the balanco in small proportions 
from indiana, Ciopecticut, Michivan, Vermont and New 
Hampshire. Tho" men gonerally are sulfering trom 
dlarchoa, dysentery and favor of a malerious charactor, 
in which the typhoid element x gonorally, predomiaant, 
Thero are but navy wounded cases, mainly of the band, 
‘ono atcpatation of the foot and one fractura of the skull, 
‘hero wore veyeu deaths ou board, via—S. A. Averill, 
Gof, Alu Maluo; Stophon Mevall, Co. Fy Tih ilchigan 

Tey. ¢ 

Demarest, who was found murdered on the (Vest 110: eared tte eae 

boken road last Monday night, reassembled yesterday At Fort Polnsk! Georgla, 

morning at Hoboken. Ip consequence of the interest folt { Te atl yeene 

in tbo cage by the people, the inquest was comfucted in CLL EOLI BOL EIEL ELLE NDOT EAT. 
ho Ballroom of Baumer'a Tlotel, Hudson atroat, wali Hotae end Croom, 

was crowded with eager speotatora, During the fore Fatally of Wecoaso}, 10 entciges. 

hoon two goullemes, named Stephen D. Demarest and Chara a Oliitaua ot Brookira 6a.) he 
James 1. Demarest, ealled upon Coroner Bohnatalt aud | ‘The funeral procassion was one of thin Largest wnil moat re 
‘tated that thoy bad read the account of the atfir in the | spyolable that haa born reen ia Hircoklyn for some tne 

The Coronor's Jury {0 the caso of the Inte David Mf | eC creneaan nesrcerrenserent ee enee 

Tceteleqraph, OdioemHe tkeertul of My Yeat—Lotal @ 
Hawg tol save On, Now—Vioallng DockeArttst aa 
brett tig tne jrooklys, 1TVL—Brooklym tn L810, 

omine eng) Anthony Trollope, Kilusiralad bye 

10 daya, 
itbie for AlBanys 

tebe ae A Wallington? Wel 

LT. The Blate of Publis Oplolon. 

Monsleur ©., tho amt intima of ComtoVeralgny'siuiatreas | yn gu Tansy, Co. 1, 10M Massachusetts; JP. id Hee ee a ae ait am altrac\ton which could Hot, | Sekt Auth feltsr, Fob, Povaneepate for Wareham. Goapver LXit What tho YOUELAw ZO LNORAAL ahaa (E 
‘or M. Thoayenol’s socratary and right hand wan? Aud | jana, Co. A bith New York; Jou R.. MeCiskar, Co, 0, Hheaio) and doaired to look a6 the edrpac., Fermisaion | at haya bean obsst ved by, those who were wituekses of | Biren, Kae Vena og Point. Re eae eM merin Alon, 
Thetattorlg accornacen of thace eran, all of aourso | ¥u Fonusy{vautn; soph Mediolen korn Saud! | WAN ad onée granted and the body shown te then by Mr, | the sad npcatasi, riemnet bltadelp bie COB tennpory ATand, Uaret Tivtuatiose—Uareioiae aud kUcrusy—tady Maaoa te 
Saude tindic (he shal ofthe a(rIclest Gantt course | asivania: V1 Pariow, GoM dthsiaina. "8. A. Averill | B. N: Crane, mio they ch Ted 1a the ramatna of tuaiy | Tua cullant onjeore of tho Twenty-iied wore meurniog | MN itr rioinpson Candly Ualltmore, purty . 
fe undac tho seal of the irictest éoaditonce, and pald | eee a vem'itartson's Lanving: body puvashore | nopuow,son of tho late Relar D, Domareat. Toy mera | Suovrtcnt arms ani tho young eslijors coaponlng (ho ser Yaunaee Adarnys alurneye: ee a ae ade GUABIOLD ATORY. Or 

. B 
for by a good dinner oF -@ forth Sioortywho tiyned out from tho Arsenal were much ad: | thesmorIllark Diamond. 

fen, iadelphlas 

‘temporary!/,loan, Ubore. Stephen MeCall_ and Wms De'Lanby died before | pacueated to giva thale orld 4, Las Alu loo 
i * i Mere. Steen Mtl and Wen- Dy Lanby dled bore | saausated to lve tholeevidenca coscaraing tha decraawly | mira for not ooly tale demeanor Os the bolatau occs- | Bleamer Falcon, Willams, Proridences BOUTILOARODINA NU) ‘j 
Pa aha papkce epee bined tm impatl | Mo attire a coral navoimproved oadertully. with | (2 which they assented. ‘They stated Uist they wero ) sic il Otel Ant inilitary appearence, BELOW HOU PA BOGE RULLIPICATION: 
inate are cile heed abel ithe So0lbtra area 1 ie voyages AUS oxralienl Meee sLat those ia the | desirous of (aterring the body at hele own expense, | 7s seceaned oa Jott a fa nster and sons ling, )/ Have Xi tha, fens Aawrinyvall, tod oy, (fe dicie tees Wibor of * Allama Beto"? 
is ow) SB ois th a t s\n of Boll run. are Ont ‘roe 
= Gy ick with hope deferrow’' om the subject of fo: | service of tho Sanitary Commission Duviug madoarraogementa fur (ue barial to take plags |” Col. Varry wax a graduate of West Point, Whan the | tie {ohn ttichards, Cor ordoy By pilot Vout Chrivtian | arf Ay 
aie rag : from the rerldence of the decoased’a grandmother, at | war iu Texas roko out lis raised ® part Of w regiment 1b Dy an antl Hee 
“To regaré to the expsctations thus fosterad, and mo Bull's) Ferry. ‘The Coroner (asned'an erder,/axid. the | {ue Bute of New York, milluthe. yleiy of reorulling tho - BAITED. ; er tV. ¥ieat te 
doubt considently entertaineil by Slidell hiinzelt, Uhave ody wea, winaterred ta tuele Gare. AVafew,ralantes | neicte\ wry In New Orleans. tis Ni way’ to lust Sate | 8 steam sloopofwar ‘Auliroulack, M ey aa 
. = reckod | fp re ved y ATION eV OF 
ee eae without haanadow.of a | Av1st Now dersey) Algo 319, Yon, Ci! by ith Noe der: | page slayanofeléck the Coroner’ Jory assembled, and ho | the end-he auccosted ra ee tay of | Wawel a, oi i 

uudation. Nothing bas oconrred, or is likely to occur, to | - men, Wi ther ho want (o Toxas, aid sap pra ‘DVI rr 
Dike tie Emperor ater hls de vcilonvoxt at keaniogaiver | 22) eth Now Jorsoy; Adatnn OC. noida, caval {ostiinony in tha case wns proceeded with, as follorsi— ned) EADY TURES Li RUA DE MY, M, Thacker 

Sib, Co. 1,10ih Massachuratts; Bartlatlt. 0., C9. ana MengTolw, fit) Font a Bsn Juclato, “when General Monon yaw nie Ay 

Or the quarcol between the North amd South, I sve it | New Jerse} Barrows T.1) Co Ky 7a New Jorgey; tab pS CHUA Aes has aiehae arte Totoded ja the aarly part of ue halla, sud Ganesh pare Pare - bah 

(Goma the highest satbority, and tat within Veco few | cei Ceorga Cu. A120 aacchaselte; ira Ta | coer asad wan seen a) Mr. Perry‘ lise on the } charge of tho left wing, tho superior alice’ bayite Vora ived Kupplementtorsuiy ) By TL CEA pg 
R,, Co, F, 41M pea Brown Willlara, Co. 1) 06th. {ime the deceased was sean al Mr. Porry’s placa on Mon- | Kited~ ‘Tho Colousl came ia person! confict with Gea, | 1 containing aAditfons and corregtons (0 the American 

ya past, (bat hia Afajesty will perform mo act that might 

York; UsllArchibild, Co. K, 8th Now Jersey; Bari 
tonieney to enoourige tho continuance of tho 

Thoinas 0, Cu. C, 6th Vermont Boozer Honry, Oo, Ni 
‘bird onusy yan 


day. Witnens was not certain that he saw the deceasnd hls occa oy 
tay ag Wonoretode in tke oralog, Uut waa ura lt was | ravary of he EP ak cot amiocd tere Wor py 
th Massie: revious tothe noon hour. Itwillbo remorbbered that | yrayur than Col, Perry—tho Texan tk wit Khu victory, 

ny WER, 


mar or to daatropithe felendship exlstiog between the isatt oma, (0.1, 24 Rods laland; Burges | Eteut, Hluckloy dopored that tbe deceased did not eave the Awe CADULANS 
z i Louk, Hu 1 v a 
Ul ite Prac ekg on ig fo a lds Md: ue | GL nig din, eae ae | na al guna tent | Sn ln Amann | aro Ana NH 
So much for the hopes of to rebels to this quarter. In 724 Penn: | Monday morotng and.allowlog Lim coe hour and abalt | or na military authorities, ‘allowed to procesd to Now 7 Ede, prexant number of HARPER'S NEW MONTIL 
Foyard to ugland, the tone of the tory journals, bitterly eye toreach tho Flyslan Fields, it waold make bit toarrirs | Yor f : aang FT ee ae ca th auttor'et thauntwede’’ “across 
renills ag tiéy-ere to'ttis Noriliy muet convlaca)yowiha), | afeabue callow Fany Ser thora at balf-past eleven o'clock A. ML Fedor pLtaddipha, Tho’ brig. wil probably Vo sold at | Glerial Litey’? "rhe MAIt on to PI ih Bilas Maraee 
Michacl, Co. Hy 13d No aly J. ds, | — Stephon 1), fom irest of Bull's Ferry, doposed that he | Oficial Drawings ofthe Delaware State | auciiow tla prabadh with he inom, rom 

‘ye by them, armed Interforauce ia regarded as an im: | Co, 1, 8th Now Jersey) Ty aiat | iamuncle of the deceatod on his father's nido; aay da: | Lot(erlen ; Mrenw AWN Buses, Préemany ftom Boutou foe Honotuly, in } xheata, tuentale Io aa in Wepre 
podelbility: Tn desigaating you as ‘the most dangerous eessly Jacob A Pennsylvania; Blhop8.4., Co. | cessoa lant about oo9 week finos at tho camp of the, Dechwace, fxn Clans II—Soly 17, 1862. ing Abrpugh tha Kiratts of Magellan, wax bos 4 ‘Thy opening scone mre laid at Viornuce, In tho rary 

th iat Sten, K 250 Peoasylvania: Blunt Pore, Co. B,, 60uNew York; | Fifty-third rogiment New York Volunteers at Rod Houre, 76, 01, 05, 6, 62, 38, G0, 63,20, 25, 67, 18, ~ Soicra dal Yiego whe killed. Alseove fr} 
people in the world,” the Londua-Zimz: exposes at once | jiuclard Jossphh, Co. Hf, 86th New York; Bullard Josoph, | Harlow; did not know whotber veceseed had any money Drcawine, Cats T¥—tuly 17, 1M © | seatnans "rh so 0. VIE: eaap pa 
{ia foar of your Power aud its motives for droppfog tho | O>. C, 104th Pennsylvania; Dirk Thos.» Co. Hy 2d ‘New | in his possession at the time, bot recollected hearleg bit 64, 27, 45) G2, U0, 26, 14, 8,40, 0, 20,6. ere ae led; but managed to Ahem off, Son 18 ronal thal a0 miueh sbaoe Bat Deen er 

The Uhilian colony: there, rh 
Circilara seat by adareasiog A vonnia a €0, the reternoer it oroniten thet Want ah tucell te 
BaMOntsrs Ago... | vane unrvarh Valbarali, witre die alrived June 7, aod 

satngion, Delaware. | | Aayied agaln on the Alih (or HonolWlve 

fe Se ly Tiss ‘David Kimball, wil 
Omictal Denweinga of nrurray, Bady Mf tossh% Gl ttolarids ht kebab ap te 

York Besuett James A., Co.F, 640 Naw York; Drode- 
Dek Patrick, Co, 1), 24 Excolstor Brigada; Biauvalt W. Ja, 
{a Now York artiliory, Mott's battory; Hrlot Augusto, 

ath New York; CayobH., Sargeant, Co, C, 651i 
Now York; Cox Reaben H., 1) go Todinoa; Coo Lue 

express a desira ta obtals some from» Brother Li 
Whito streot, and employed at harnessinaklog 
(her allaod to was at the camp last Sabbatl 
Lisar that he promised tho deceasod any mo 
thor ts reported to have considerable money It the bank 

tuvervention ci ys 

Aare! ae aaa 

Oar Baltimore Correspondence. 
Bacrivorn, July 16, 1862. 


Qo,'a Kentucky and Missouri Kista Lotteries. 

m Pari Pa aly ey ee. | duet B., Ca. C, 106th Pennaylvnnis; Citton W.L., Hunt's | jn New York, and tho father of the decgited loft bi poly a aod wilt opher danieyt, Natt bees 

fm Dart of Meslay Molo De | ie Gli, oa enon ae | quieamag lings teins Rau ee || 618 Heat So, 0, iter lsc Win ih Weetry Boar 
in Amerie z Penosylyania; Collfor James a Pennsylvania; ince, although the character of the doces: 108 eval lT Mig ee 

Wants American Aid in His Mexican Pivject—He With Simin Joh, Co tat Nove Yori Cor deka, og pines; although the, charnche, of th oarides |] 60,15, Re Nadas Tae AT pes 18s By QO, Ee | Rare RiAtIRET Aon ot Me anaeed by Wit 

‘MA tha Sovth Now, if They, in Thetr Turn, Will Aid Him | 1, 8th Now Jersey; Canaatann, fob, 2 Now David A. Bomarest, a private in Company A, Fifty- ea sant Mew dul greantng althar:t vd feomn Bustos Hi. in DH ry mn 

na Bow SEEN, NTE see Yon Gounover Geo., Cb.:C, Lat New Jorsay; Citallne } (hird Now York State Volunteers, deposed that He ty.) Olevlara sen res of chan 7 ee roan ind iieladtortioneliite ne 

Against Mezico—The South Desires (0 Anviex a Part of 
Mexico, ce, 
‘The Soutporn sympathizera jn Baltiowre ara more 

Fredk., C9, F, 98th Pennsylvania; Cotter Barnard, Co. 1, 
a4 Naw York, Cook Fredk., Co. If, 1et Michigan; Cooper 
Howard, Co.’ D, 95th Pannsylvania; Clare John, Co. 

ton of the provjous witness and eJusin to (ho deceased; 
Saw deceased fast Monday morning In the camp 

twa Uh test wlth eat 
about nine o'clock; witness beard the docens sums | Soyal Havana Lottery.<Prizes cashed Liverpool Lith lost with x cargo Of 108000 

(Geals), This ta (hn largest cargo ever cleared (row Bangor. 

Corinuion. Ky, or St. Lauls, Mo, 
eye Meena Ai cio and Paeeiin furouNed by hundred 
seat ary speirivaure {a every.sectioa of (hacounury, 

unser Osngo—Shp HB Kit cleared, from Bangor for 
feet of lumber 

ies Mi, Co. 0, Bth 5 fo go down to Roy ornate feraubed, Uigiesk price-pald for die 7 Heel y necned ot Gorreat Events” prew*nis a caf 
aed tosh ns thoy were even air tho rtzoatol to |, 200 chaaenti™See ecb, at Youtsyivanay | for tebparpeseo aration hiiualy tne, ity won | say LOW a OU, Mauker Ro AVY ieay Wastemen, 3 Massa Nino ele Brena oon. nth 
Union ary trom Riohmoud, Tho causs of their joy 14 | Coflrey Thos , Ce. a, Sickles! Beigato; Colburn, Altrad, | to left on Monday for that purpose, but ld Hot Téarn tha New.¥ < zs: 1 I ey ard reams Wee Bediord Ce oe eee ation tothe Wictor) aries 
re ea ata ialigengs from theieCrieeas in | Cori, 2c aanesla; Cralg Stace), Co, 1,004 Peasayl: | name tho lawyer to bare dusts ldaot wink | eines Cawdued 18) Aid Legalized Lotte- | On 7 treronded} win meaplous favtex, watch Wilk 

Awl, i 
1212, IN AN 29, ton 84 00, Vark Tothachild, Dimmiok, of | eonblo the reader to refer at once to each, 

vania; Dimond Corporal Thos, TL, 14th’ Vunited States | deceased wax la tho habit of carrying concealed syeapons form aUloni gi ay os a 

Tandon and Parlz, brought by she last staamer. The | (ofantry: Durham Jo3., Co. A, dlat Peansyly: Cee Ee aay caval any fecalgn visit Gecased || Wad Te ORCC) Le arama Brokers 991 Yin suid bad aormy weather, an ind not kan al! ; ft 

nawaet tho disastor bofore Richmond had not reached | Davia tt Davis iad | Acune campy the character of the deceased sax thav of a er sane RE Aes ere dt Oa0 BK rar Ee ae a ae are an ro pally 

Rurope; but the relative streoy\h of the Union and rab) | Ht, Co a 0 moral youog man. i Elaht Cartes de Vislto for $1.—The Beat | ("2 9 mov ou aye ortweutrjre cepa. Any ‘olume, comprising Mik numberay 
: it o 

rd ol ja the elty, at Wood’ ery, 208 B '. re Spoken, &e. 
, Monday antes SL een ane ee Bir CaaS sFolp Undainied, from London for Calsutta, May 27, iat 
with four parsos,oabis way home apasiog along tbe Lag Garces\ de Visite for 91, Equal to | A e\4) Mond to Philadajphia, July 16, Absecon 
t Hoboker 19 part) roaps; they 0 16 beat made: t By pl 0. 
Wrst Hoek oa NE pound romeded 2o0 ona PES raen we te, ebtg 6 Malay | WATE MVS poe boat Oorutnn bere 
a wan lying on the geaea, apparently In great agony. — 01 In yo) q 
a pan lying i nn Swhat Led Bappwced to him, | ‘Twelve Caxtes de Visite for $1.—A phones Aysass Mey Be trae rerdoiag! wa tay ie, 
Whon tho deceased answered that de bad boen | good picture quarantecd, ship Marparrell, Adasoe, An(yes “! Z 
shot fu the kneo by somo, unknown person, compialnod FRRCIVAL, 190. 0batham stresty array, Jane is—Arr park Uitanty AMINE, Chjpenas I AG a i ae bs 
a ‘al ‘out, OFor deal nA werp), Bu ab a Cros 0 OTpUEN TOF O08 EBT. +... 
SN ae nn rt ea er linens ata Balchs Photograph Gnilory, 193 | Sauil'Anwerp: Greenwood, lana, dy) eS hres more copie oe year (ouch & 
p z aa pa Balehis Photograny Garey aD | ee Ate dune Arresht Wanorer, Moron, on: | ANA AH eXtee COPY, MPSA, (Or S¥ery GUD OF Sl 
uot eomply wiih theraqonatyae no mater was to beCound. | Ve Gi vo yor dose Peer titer eo eeibare 
Pree TY ‘didn’t you run to the nearest Woon anly Gia pn fam She) for Naw pose be fagaride and Harper's Weekly, (nae! 
ouse, Bir] .. . rork, wig. + W Andrews, do; Aberdeen, for Burope, Ida; C f- 
Rane ANT re Tald nol mee. any light, and becaase, | eee ae oe oe | ero ee eons gs 
theight was very dari and {t seemed dangerous; tho | Gaiters and ily pars, i a 

niy partof the 

alg aaah atin Reet 
Uriel Slee aaua aetce 
ating ea grape 
a of fa Wire per cent rons tho Abere rat, ae 
PE rr 
1830, to May, 160d, are now ready. u 


fgrmles oar that city was woll known both at London 
and Paris, The rebel agents at those capitals bad mate 
wich ropresentations of the strength of the Confederates, 
of their ability nod intention to concentrata troops at 
Richmond, and of thelr inoans for defending that city, 
that {t yas not expeoted (bat Cen. McClellan would ex9 
¢a0d In taking the clty. 

Mr. Siido}t ia quita eatisQed with the resulta, £0 far, of 
bis mfsilon (6 Fraace. Alltough not officially reocivet, 
hho atili Bes (rpquent opportunities of holding Interviews 
with various members of tho imperial governument, and 

© his elucidations ef matters relating to. Amorican alfaira 
arealways listenad to with attention, His social poal 
{lon at Paris 13 cll that he could desire. Tho salon of 

The deraand oles of the United States yill be received (OF 
Bast Caicos, Jury S—No Am vesse) in port. 
decaared eontioned to groan, when suddenly our party 

aobeeripicin, “Our -aislant (rieads are requested to recat 
Foner, Sais do1n pork Urigu flaschuts, or Ror AO days 
heardacarrlige on tho road; ono of our number ran || At Jette: ra 

duraey’, Foster U. B., Co, 
rick, 0b. A), 14th United States tafantry; Oirty M., Sorat, 
Gy. D, 16th Massachusolts; Gayeston John, Co.'D, 69th 

them {n preference to tank noles. 
Avondale, for da 8: 1o0ik Martane (Br), WABVEI & DROTHERS, abishers 
re WA Plateni, Davis, Hayre, (i 

a}, 073 Brondway, Ladies Bins= 

Cat and stopped it; It contalned three mea abd a female: f fs ZCRUITS WANTED: 
Evbotot ie always Giled with people moving in the most | Now York; Gridin ratriek, ‘Co. ¥, sot Now! York; Giles | tha men alighted and want up 12 the deceadeds ans Meola $80, Ta a SD youibe’ ead collaret'¢ Balt R Tier HINTIL REOIMENT N.Y. 9 ¥ 

Elward,Co. A, 724 Peonsylvamia; Gatea Charles, Co. Hy 
1th Michigus;Gamblo J. G., Co, F, Bist Pennsylvania; 
Griselle Allan, Co. H, 20th Indiana; Goole Jaa., Corporal, 
Co, 1, 61 New. Hampshire; Goy A. T- Onoda cavalry, 
Goddard P.M, Co. A. 10th Massachusetts; Harding 
Charles, Co. H, 34 Paansylvauls Hammond Geo. AL, Co. 
1D. 14th Vnlted States (nfantry; Hamilton Thomas, Co, 1, 

the two eald ho waqdrook, andbad probably fallen down | torals SoorsandGallera | JEPYRRS, 073 Brosdways 

Gnuent bla legs bo soggésted that we straighten the - 

deceased ont, place bis cap under bis head and leave blin | Ladies Gotng in the Country—If You 

fo skep nolil'moroing, our party told tham If they wore | wish bandrome Galler Boole and Shose, of alk tha various 
Ingo Hovekon toxend op a carriage aud we woud |\aryles good articiey, moderate price, ‘palroniay SULLI 
We deceased eared for; they assented and departod, | & C0., 0:7 Caunisirect, 

pul no conveyance arrived; wo then fixed thegeceased ——___—_—— 

{nan easy position aud went ob towards our residences Herring’ Patent Champion Fire and 

jafloantial ciroles, and, as bis enlortainmonts aro among 
| che most ologant in Paris, they aro constantly resortod 
{. to, He baa been indefatigable in the dissemination of 
Southern {dona in evory concolyable way—by moass of 
Books, pamphlets, ongravigs, articles in tha news. 

Mea will be air! i 
Mipon bain maUseeree Tao se Fvghaeat 

Apply ta 

La trove 
wer 2s Well 
25, Alleall, MeVarland; Paanie 1 
‘Aino BUrknt, Brains ine; Wanoihal, Kine, unc; bel 
Ciittala. Marlay. far NYork? Venold, Waas, fur do: (Broth 
rob Lak Ga, Cm pen une Mat 
Pith webrit Mayvee, Oulter. dor BI May 81, brig Hibs 

uloriaea, arr May 
dhe, AMuasody and 

i tisworr 

bailiest Fe eee ea julia; Holmes, Oo. 1, 32d ts to Prana Ne EHATORS—PROM $3.20 
: « oy | Head ductor Go. C, 20th Tudlana; Holmes J, Co;1, aad | at West Hoboken, Conalderable fewling waa tuansfosted | Burcler Eroot Safes, Broad way, corack jarray surety lant ¥ THOUSAND REPRIG F 
Only a (ow days bofore the steamer sailed Mr, SUdé) | Yoo voi: rhathayray John P., Co, F, 1th Masiactiootte; | daring this testimony. - Newvore, PA Arr Bravilan Weig Olltta, Mai isho, Fo ee aE TO FITOURES, Ho 

hhad p long {otorvlow with a personage of very high rank— 
‘jmomber of the imperia} government, Tho news of the 
Frenob reverses in Mexico bad given tha Emporor great 

rt bare Alama, for Work wo 
fd bark Avon, Col'ver Turtorlla, (a 
‘Oth oulp Youn Wills, Chad mfek, 

Cd. G) Olat Penusylyanin; Harriogtoa 
co. K/ 106tu Pennsylvauia; Hughes 
'f, 994 Poonsylvania; Hell Henry, Oo. 

‘Tamas MeCodden, of West Hoboken, do] that he 
wi ouo of (ho party with the’ vious wi on Sor cot Bure Tobacco-—Yellow Danie Fonase 
Bay aight, and corroborated bis teatimeny; his ewn | fmpuriien {ursaie by all tobacco and sogar dexters, and 

‘And Puty Thowand. Dollars Wort 

¥ as H,C0.F, 00 Wi jecangod wi Z p mittens prioa Wats ayy OEE BtOEOe 

Bere id Vell caen GEIR ete sla dl veal nia; Hinds James 4ib Maine! | tray Ratatat ecanand wag ORK. hile wualeeale by B, GOUDWIN & BEOTHEN, 209 Water bireet. for eae Ba aii str tp 

F wtructen to ascertain from, Sr. Situell what probability | Oo. F, di Pennsylvania; Hall Hiram, Dattery F, 61h Upls } seated ‘in font of the Weat Hoboken ote), on Monday | Pye 31 axarlot the anton, Te tensire Houskreperst Baraary 

atrueea Wo aceriin from, Stell mat probay | oi 8 A Ltr a yi dem aera nanan | Saude bsorenie icmeksis atest agatiace.| 1p an Zemrald Fane ena ba ct te bal bes me re oRpP riultin slatag “aster vaee, 

t ly Aerondéd. Mr, Slidell ni Hogan Michuel, Co, A; 95th Pohnsylyania; Hoddington } ed by two mon passing borrledly and eonyersing {n an | arilsts), corner of Broadway and Dey elresty under the ere (ena Black frome Wrpads ay 
antatully Acroncéé. ‘Mr, Siliell demonstrated that, in ro- | Mftisel, Co. ¥, 4th Excelsior Brigada; Mogan D. doG.,Co. | excited mannor; one was dressed, In dark pants, whity | mavegrimont of WM. Le PROOH, Aub GOODS | YILST 

(a couneetlon will any olbier 41or0. f, 
© = 

Ving. ke, AL BVBRDELL'S oll store, 303 Brosd- 
way cornur ot Donic xireet, Established 164). 

= a 

E, Oth Now Jorsoy; Hagar E.P., Co."D, 4th Maino; Hay- 
wood Charles T., Co. F, 6th Vormont; Ipes A. J.,'Co.G, 
Ist Michigan; Ingles George, 24 Malco; Jenkins Joseph, 
(o.C, loot New York, Juin Heary, Co. D, 24 Dela; 
aro! Jobuston P-B.,'Co. D, Lat Conbecticul artillery 
Jonkiog Richard, Co, H, 924 Pennsylvania, Kenyon Jas., 

‘gard (o Chisrlestoa, tho fednrat forces had beon thera quile 
Jong engugh to Baye effected tho conquest of thaticity, If 
they avor could; whilo, ob ths ottier hand, the strength 
|. of the Confoderate forces, thero and the defences 

efthoolty, greally strengtboned during the last.yoar, 

Ghirt,and bad on a bigh crowned straw bat: witucas 
oe oat * aie them agolo; thinks they reside on Ho. Marsh's Radical Cure Truss ond Band- 
con Heights. age Tostitale—Sboulder races, Suspensory Bandages, Ab- 
oken Helge are endod for tha day,and the incest | Semisu Sopporiers, Kiss Btocklngy se, corner of Bread. 
wan adjourned Wot this moraing at eleven o'clock, to | Way and Aun sirect, uncer Barnum’a Muscam. A female (9 
Tilo time for certain Investigations, necazsarily private | Steud ladies, 
for tho presant, whieb, if succasafaf, will doulitless un: 


© and particularly during the last ejx months, rendered tha | Ford? ara a iia arena etcham Setgeant ts | ravel Wuraystery wBleh Aull ange! around this Doody BY; AgHateholors Celebrated metabitals | Yarra") [JASIIION PLEASURE GROUND ASSOULATION. 
Olly improxuablo. Jn regard to Richmond, Mr. Slide) | jor F2¥., 16taNow York; Kerrigg Cornelius, Go. Fist | ada. Seen eee ea ae aa Teeweagauval nn | Wick tao balay of ot NaN: SS coal an 
(> Galled the atieatlon of ie rene oflcal to the factaibay | Sew York cavalry, Tettsily Flop, Oo By Mate reel SF ne ee AVG aaaed aad be ss Pee} Laity, ill be postpuned till (urtbes.nol 
th eatin fa ese hal ot cinta | S03 ty Lauer ey ew Yau ote: | Saez orate eee iat | Guteundavels nae ym, eetsrratce | Beciae —— 
© and meninov of the penlaauia, hire the deadly missnia» | ecker ama), CoC, 49th Peonbylvania; TawlésaJas., | Ueceasod was rosy ying, Pessooed, masher Ot nthe EEF R A Pet Pike ada at 3 TOL. Sey. Tpisad peoniast, seiko 
F thie cata sein of the nights apd tho intense beats of the | Co. 0,20 United States artillery; Loyd deere 0.4 mer yy an prarisps bo abe war Cael (a frejghting = > aa Lo Sears Carica rif asses id to ~ 
% day must Eavebed the moat delotérions offecta on tho | 864 Penzsyivania: ay Jerome, ba. Sd Excalsiog bel | Dn tom we Tale jersey Some fiteen mnouthgago | | Batehelor’s Hair Dye—the Beat in thee | fa; Mary, barrell: aod F sale nlibes helen eapimenb re t een 
2 gate; Lanipey Adolphus, Co. H. 7th. Now ork; | he Thirty Arst reginoat New York Stats | world; tustantaneous, Karmies and reliable. Hold by drds- | tie, Youby, * v7 ad It fn eameatiy hoped That ue yaa 
Baalth of thie troops; thas tbo Confederate troops at Rich- | [aywion Uriah, Co. H, 1st New York Anillery Lee W- 9 Nolentgorgi Cot exall andwas present io the pattie df | Llstsand perruiners everywhere. ¥astory Si Barclay surtele | Emily Jane, Babbitt, Farmtouy aa unity, (anger aia, twoeeat Induce 
73 re w. n ‘or . shael, ron, nod other on ents. Ho ts sai ss ‘A a Jojo Acoma 
mond were balog largely reinforced, aud wore already | Cv. C, 1st New York; Larkin Alle cal imagen id to baye dis PREY prvmps Joly Meare ache Weary Casio. A%br0, fereah ia, 2eazuAnES 

Shirtiieans, Liviogaton Hiram &., €9. 1,94 New York; 
Louvall Philip, Co, £, 08th Peuusyivanlay Laathers 8. 8. 

played event heroin; and) eltbon 
his clothes riddlod with ball 

Greally superior Ja numbers to tho Union troop, and it a 
mn N¥a0e opsTER. Joly CU brig Crovstadt, Rowans,Bi- | deury We Dieeke 

Sot wounded, Lo | Wo More Gray Halr—Grandjean’s Cele 
ultram Aboot | wate enna forties eateliainentand sues 

thatall the beat gecerals of the confederacy elther were | Co. ¥, 4th Suiio; Tansembigl Go. 0, ths ogo thy a 
_ Isley Jacob, C9-0, 1084'Paan: | two months ogo He enlisted \n tha Vosbargh Chasesura, | of he Badr, ‘Astor place. mm A 
Weald twat Richmond, The to0e of tbe French oWlclal | splvabia; Lorelle Jerome At) Oe. iit Ny w dency; | Er tbl regina New York State Yeuatery 2 Ce E Ha Api Jair so\kvark daaasi Hoye er, Or ewe ae Eran ols 
uring the whole iateryi¢w tec Mr. Slidell to believe that | Sallam Jobm, CoH 14th. Unie ‘es y; Max Thum Havlog been honorably discharged frora Us | « <Cooim fom ae rim ix 7a Pumior/ ds Con's | fence; Sib; ories Semmes Davis, Slaples, Pbiadalphiay, Nera) services Cay fer (Oe bi fat IDEN Will. De, ¥e 
I i Panes Maruball Jess, On, | Thirty-tret regina prt 4 OS eeecae! 3 uisionice se ae ierbeat rs Nae ene Gants tlorseaby abt Now Xork 
the Emperor's paliay towards the Southern coafederacy | U°lstu New ¥ si i se, | Thiry Gn fertment. "Tue body, was omveyek to Nale | » Coen, or cratered Coseast OO ea sere | Netw pubi okt, joy sary achs Joba, B Phen, doe Carre Gimmie) 904 uae RAW pla unter th 
§, Weald depend entirely upoo the regults of adaira at Ricl "AC the appointed hour—ona o'clock yesterday after. | Srvivgund rescriag tbe hale, Latest Ic Fer Hee ee eee ee aruliie st Witee. Gandy a ee a el FEO a ee ee ritiioued eee! 
Fp Sa obo rly con he rwute pRAie ERIE | 20S ae Posada aera andsw ory | Some arp eres a Mea MCA nM a ee a aces dealers Fee ee eae tertncrantar Roce | wantede Thm experi tes gals need SPRY 
ropuised, and the Conred #30 Fe kor John R.,Co.C,284 Poan! | donca of Mrs. Demarest, whera the corjss was conveyed, , TO Conta, Black or | ist, laxueh Yeisen and Susitcn, Shaidan: 60 toeagi||  OWAS. £2 5U0s UNG AY ret Liew anid restraen| 
Reeth 1s Confedera(es domonstrated their ability | gyivania; Mickala Pater, Co. F, 24 Yorke sorvinn | Theftey. Dayid Morris, pastor of tha Dasiistcharen, ont: | PANE Mate De. Ro tparclayaucetl Sold by | Mii teh Piast Unaae, Frectonym tor Biaahewbrett; | adjuuant of the Now-York Seventh rexuuenly And 
{ Go "defend thelr capital sucsesafaily, tho Emperce | Efbard,co.B,24New York; Mcliulila Joseph, Co, 0, | ciated! on the oceasioa. He spake at length, upon, the ye A SAE tis Me NaeAt, Remirslon, Brovidenes for NYoree Mount | Quarrermasier of Wie FINW New XOrk Caralye (yh 
vrauid wo looger baallave a.epealy evpectiog (ho cicec or | 1olm Pennsylvania, MeDouaid A. M., Co.¥, Gui United | vittoes, Urals ant Coe oa eons ad ey tbe | all Qruggieve, Hore, Bailicab, Fruniu for New ark. Hild ioophuary © | Sx vale rertuent yn Hone hoses tnabepe 
£ tho crvsa of | JOM Pears vanes Stopnen, Co.’ F, 71h Ulcbigan; | wetriotie spirit which sosrms to parvadevallraaks furshe | | Datrd’s Bloom of Youth, or Liquid | yp ypu Are mire Wonler He york for Bolan; | Seating to jou tie Union Arng, Teoikoera are all 

the Confeferates, aud would even go the longth of active 
¢  wolerference in thelr Dehalf, Ii tbe opiaion of Sr. 
© Goul thay the Emperor wiebes {0 make a trasty 

Caner Male vora, sloop Willard, | tmen, under tks cofoncler of Moriast N; Croft, and ht 

Heoinnla Samuel, a. D, 18th New York; MeMalled 
Eaguiciah a: w'biow is ls already cocazaved, Ut rouslytexSAll a 

Seoul Co. A, 26th Pannsyirania; McCannon Simon, Co, 
Do uth Milne; Mokioballor Stephen, Co. B, SLst 

Tulptucance of the goverumant. He toachod very wa. | Peart hax no eal for pesereisg abd Beaalilylag Wa cOri-|| Jorgen ped, 
Serly poo. tha character of the deceased, and tho brave | Pleaion and sia. tA drugs = Waluigny Bestel tor aa. 5 
Spirit oe had chown fa taking up arma In defeocs ot Dis ——_————_ NEW LOS Dus, duly 1sace sere BAULWAr, Goesghy 


* (\ sylvan! Mecar! 7 0, Ay New | country, acd invoked the syropatby of the audienie ip va Medfeines Cures Coughs | Aroxofor Norwicn Alatandria for do. 

{ Siinins aice stu or itn hu sontturscanieseccg, | Eezsesinaalaz Setariby Joho, hs Ay STD Nem | eS EEaicalictd rales he body mastten cos: | aca Gorin he Oimunet ate oer urea and che 

}  @2 pursuance of wblob Re will och aly be permiiied to | Metcall Gov. W., Co. B, 20th indiana; McCall Robert, Co, | veyed to the Edgewater ‘Cometery and consigned to js | Take Pills at asmie ime, — ur 

} oarry an bla dealges against Maxico without fatsrferoncy | G, Sth Pennayiyanla, Stay 0. H., Co. B, 16th Maseachn- | lst reeuing piace. Te A ps lt Tho oni 

{ Sr os, Dot will also be assisted by our waits; Mulcioft Alaxander, Oo. G, 36tb New York: Minor Comfort and Cure for the Raptnred.— Be es Uw Pe 
aria; | Thonias f, Co. 1, Tlt Now York: Miller Chaa., G. A, Death of Colonel Zalgle. Seren or ny oe einel wih Roptore, or Herne Ad- Seo Ch Ss Gaal = 

shat bo hay ounded Mr, Dayton op tho sabject, cod baw | 13uh New York; Norgrave W., Co. K, 06th Pennsylvania; Gkcse box TH New York Prat ollie 

found Abat thera (2 0 Dope of Bis aveD aizicg ths con® | Nob Patrick, Go. 1) 234 Poonsyivanie, Niell Doria Co. 
7 Svein Penuspivaula, Naple Jacob, Co. A, 65in Ni 
eat of tho Volted States, moc’ fone 6 (ud, 10 ey aves | eee ee ere ane ee tha, Go, | Seventh Pennsylvania regiaect, @led after 8 (er Naunyn ee ar a cr cre ye 

ses), welcd wos)4, (pdoed, result 1p se erggiiog af @ LA. glgi New Tor: O'Kourky Cuarive, Co, G, This (ness, at Wrargmioa, on Friday Laat, tedold Uiesra. No. 3 Wiviaioa wiregh New York City, ange 

Si ¥ 

tabUshed ta 14S. 3 

iro am & Staniul lays, 3f0\ , 

Batrocoxe, July 16, 1302. z 
Colonel Thomas A. Zaigle, of the Ons Hundred and | Doctor {nnter’s Discovery Cures the 

qercatinn O14 



Bein tae Monae RUTTA RE, Bt 
at Marvy, Osevor; i Mowry te Beastly 


Mean tanita euneem: Mow, York. aba terse 

cenuy sirveyed ai 
Dire die inet parcels, each Baviay's «mer rvm\ aod 

Slingsvcouttartair aud: tatwern Boswsa ad Liverpou\ me. iotied ai “sis ; rune 
a lata ant Cork. A z rAkiok AND TWO J/DKOOMA 1 5 Fat. Spizusta butidiag mes “Tue pv, ery cons stu OC 0 wer, fy 

Boor A) Cac Jutkiiy "CHINA, Capt Anseren, A eT a hanya, Mtg i aha yee ee UNGH RooM roR SALE _pintao OP | Unc, tvtan ult saris (oa lavoro icarie 0 eres of lt 

Fa aut Tah Haier rainy, | Raining ager mary at Nba Maat Techy Lr a are rafredioeg ute mane eanacitare | shete teenth iatinpele Uisnaae a 

A Cabe doannoa, — OANATA: Oapt alr Feret ear Putas Aveue ‘ ct ted || COS iS OE LT) - rie aren, Nil by soy cued | LUD epakine 

AMERICA, Capt Moose, RIAU AMA, Cape HANDAOMELY PUNMIAIIED PRON PAILON AND | thourmie Ay MERICAY GOLD AND HILVER COIN, ATO | Mess irene J. DoD feisge rates ons "ye uaray tae beng 

= RUMTRALA MAN, A 2 an neko ae REF Votw a Avaler ail uote ‘ares tava) srel lakes, The iviadon Pos ase valle | divaakices for eller © pei 
Kat aasihendy preee | Lr ie oe bubet eles by JUUM MOORE, reside er (or @vealalons bavine & Bott sB¢ 

Teete varie parry webu rs bile I 

fom ren) i TSUDA 

Woy al (ore tho 
tims toned ably, 

Sound «mile lua Luly tw ablen belted hy ereex and tn 
toe gale by (hema feud the lands Cacng (oe i 
Kenly slope either way, mo that avery Duildin «ite com! 
oes eweuk the Bivay 

tirdeot Lie alee can 
Fectly healiby, wal 

Tabed Dasitins 


yore ef & Bain bers wre. Vegans, Prot set Boul 
ie) Mil ahcwry reason qitga, Cor si} ioe WH) bw 

MERICAM OLD % heap forsaib. Apjly woes dares: MICIAEL O ROWEE 

WAMIED, AF A TION YORUM, MY aig Heed taaraet, OF MF, MCELUOY, Opyonlta be mals 

eo Mires, abet 

tenant wen 

20 wibis per cay, 

msivIZs| = rer age (GBSTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STONE roR SALE | fam Sra tos 20 Thies iy ee Haven, ‘allroad 
: 7 Wher OF ory rues horougacerce | PER eG ca rach the ety from (Us lags In leas Une 
aver ag sak cated ule | Ona fran tas aye ¥ISO8 HANK, eh en Bic rain of grate, | Worn dbase by the Steaus care Rerwran dexroun 
minke Wal | Mouse dre 'ty x he ae ati uare (apew dally), sn pl Capi Address Fur! | S0ldloe ciy tases ue Sanuerx aud, deieollonn ti crosala 
Bie fabio... Baad wo D Rimtariaile, "oeal bac STB treat a6 mes Gs wos rewatred, pate ai | Min rivera wit wed tgier thin a¢vertisgsne ntl 
Bewnd (aula, Bhioie, Mev nbi ove Rit percent [nln 

Fh ‘ 
MONEY (hive (AFEAEAE As 2NOM Un uw Aare, Purplive snd Flatures uf tue Watery (otal) 

MDL VAN KEL, Wes! Tnquire oo tbe prow tis, Niket) shah street aud Blownaloge 

Povcek kine Ler Fah Mr, an wean Hi 
Wal mite, cay Loatters accnermnntated a 62 43 a 


MEL FURSIAIED, AML W1e CHIVANO, AION ANO FF | 4 w exrxaive YOUNDAY ayo MADIITKE enor, | "AAs mi dopirce 
" bint ee Fou ses ort Tay York aidartas lone tn tau at marti Wat tht Mime: | Aredia tata Eauoes maguaeds, Gavan tmtg | __ Sree Meat theese of J 

: —— | (JouKtRY nOANO IMA PRIFATE PAMI fan of daniel tm ng unter ok | is epete go eiegank aural TERY FIR, FINIGHED, DROWN GTONE PRON 
ASL TWOMS .eU-TH BTKENT, NEE EUN i a he La Keld'in the ity of New rs on We Ar wing Ube 23d of Jory BOUTITWIOK & WOOD, S2Nasa vireet_ | dO, Hoe ier tales! rien lonu kth vex ma IL com 

Uhre story and hse 

. Apply at opce to JOHN ¥EI 

seer, troll soo ns t Hliag the Yoon ¥ eatstlog LAROE CORNER GROCERY, IN BROOKLYN; tanh ey 
Seeded rite ae sia anh yuna kid ara, ot) Cjovwrny ayant xCREATOR moryR ta | Miinnyutermac shay ol at Pale Nath eR CIN tar Cal | [RR 
TI CUNARU. Moet Stowling roan. Cor imaxer Minit ibentiich aa | MCSUng me well an Lo tranact aby ctaier bate 5 au F ASESE POR ALG —THE Lease OF moDsE 


nn, Weet= ree aireck (or sabe. Tr the 

A MHOOXD, 008 To. Der utriMn punNTSIED nm ame “ine cae er 

_ f aco Saar any eins USUAL I Or tay 
Neri ti oyna wa An uueue Cig emf | actor a tai, fh ao a i RUMEN levaiwes, || CORER| LIQUOR STORE, ELEGANTLY ESE nce Pen Reh ehh eeme cameeale ta 
oUiceliomia the preeotiaiwori yarmage and vy ad ie | wrall Sou fora bids e Lady and geil leaions in (od, Vowiby, AG Ter # muumrate, Por futher EVTIMUS UROOKS, EE ee und lene ce whe = Sey Cyt ae: = ~ 
Srewaliny LUT AGO ta OF Aujusl bo robowlog rales wil be | ovly Kwa pereuns ebm) Lilee ker murent, Near Jira a. | pultieuinrs cal terad Chew Kipp, Woe Bing, Le El Bininene Wil ta or bi jai en Be wi DARIAN =AT STAOS, ROVER ¥ ew=naue ad 
Fe eee eee iromd rt micmm'n | (JOURTAY ROAD —A YEW HEUnON JAINA OF HURRY DecrUM1)¥ ON aovRRN MENT Bani di neue | ome cach amniancr reliant ato iy de 
i ato NM — wollech ab aE OLS, Ty Lim 04 7 ‘compete over. Price for the wc eda 
nM Rie itee b nner aU uae Q iy Soult fring o's JA RARE CHANGE, TO MAKE 4, FORTUNE. IN, A | oc cleSanga far ely 0° Mrvo' ya ropes deatrale Pana 
JOUN G ~ nial Fes ea po sarmpeTes fo lores of an up (own dis Jiiery «ore, aliva'e) in the very bey all prices; ai10,a54 Joon! ei. MELIOK, 407 Rroadiay. © 

lene wand ly to LAverpeo), (nar 

Hari) The laveryes) 

Bop O linpauy intend 
WW ahip ax (Oude — 

AeA ib’ # 
Dy and pep 
bras aun 
ove’ nt reusots 

ALIVORNTA BEATE AND BAN FRANCISCO CITY | leilon, doles cond mouieme aid Foul can Wastes j) 
aoe ORGAN, WUMIMAN ECU ee PY | tol Toquire (or ibeve days of KOGULEN BiS,, OS aud 
Bankers, corner of Vue sol sagan streik New York. | 1am sinet 

EAs gA¥ Muir aroox innoosLey, ws | TRA ANE PANG SORE OB RMSE 

Jer arered Ith good Bear) five private sau 
Ws sa aed Ae 
Vian are ant 


Euuap on eray eriusy, alco all Xda of elke proper. 
aang way Pletal mia to loan 0: goo) eecurity, 

#_D,JUCHARDEON & CO, chanted Naswu aiteel, 

oaered ly 

ROO riya July 19 
Bry OF My vovike ity 



17 boccweig WatUrtA froin pa a4 Nori TADY AND ULNTLENAN GAN OUTAIN A HIAU’ | Ci eny noar—OARD WANTBO IN THR OOUN wanted, by Barijaaetds Giatdatiect, Wulauabure- Tnquire-on. the: i 
RATHAOF PAGIAGE: 4 AA tial gia ony on sha ev ae, le ray cotan Naw xy Wether lary a AM ED a As No, 0 Nani iH srewletevetla prosreton Wea BAT 1 AEE: ca Mininate MLR emlthy Heat ood 
Pe A re way | Boni foe ne tagys bot pal ld ney Wen satiate | yeni Mate fereay mr fevemts Hu repe tana ma ST Ta : = GC STOAn FAINT RESET ERITTOES PTR | COREG ROM LNed TE ena PORe REG 
ini 0 eh | Mie, Mien? “ ISIOEND.—THB KNICKERLOCKER STAGE Tiea(el entavilanta overvAvcen’ yearke Wl Ve SOUVIWIOK & WOOD, oz Nnasau street | 


Able to stoeknoldacs Sheap ior cash. Apjiy on tur prowises, 37 Myrile areoue, 

He 2k 


J Weand—A th # bar ono wall | (ranater books will Be close. on Sorder of Pearl Bircel, Brookly a. 
if nt tare istcaviaty eT enw toa Cooke wil De clos By NT ag measirens (| Sc Lhinet, Broolljs iat ag tie La, Bale 
eyhinner ut gas tay Ae mere: uly Aven att alk Mer | NOH BALE—A MOUSE AND SUTP PLUMBING BHor, | aNd. moter conseulnocee punt Jocattox. carriage, Bot@ 
at oo Tors TE DUNN. IVIDESD.—NEW YORK.JULY 16, 12—THE VOARD | HM Bist, risiores, Goo! Wil, A, weil esiantoverwadn | Fal coutealept Wo wate Terut.¢ = 
ey he, Fast tear Shsuranos Company | OPA Tst= ieauou. Yo party desiedam of en rive tity thie eee Fkur 11d Nastaatreet. root No. 20:, | 

7 decardadiveiendy Geo por cent, arable | Dub d ss wil |. Us Is aa opportunity taldom 
THU, FATAER Sentara | ceed. Naioas given for selbg. "AG 

ae ER Seerwiatys | Picmidng, box 160 ee. 3 
B COMMANY, ©0110 

Lay abjeciivg 49 reaulre tHe Meine od 
ave aiuto No eiliuren oF vearverd, Fur’ | 

i247 Hiraniw ay 

on dein 


Tene sean 
gore ore alruiglt 

feraeniie anol 

ma AIL i Abie w Plamen (a 60 

Tere Ph emo, Adsrose CB Vere, tern bonded doit 

Halas taiter and ve a 

erie AG Ay ply 0 or wodr a N eS 1, 1B 2—Divde nd. TORS, “J 
Ane batay reSuy 1, 182 —Divdtnd the ALP—THE OLD ESTADIISHED OVBTER SA- | Uollatn ‘ila-(e0 | in Wh 
ie furee (aformatlon apply An Hverpeel Wo MELE AM — | hart neeiNe Kane ie oa devated as airuinad of | POR SALE—THE OLD ESrADLIsHED| OyBTH doar ian 1a pecan (OW 
pian naan Met AUK MAL. | [ROAIND <0 ir, WaTH ti ‘OUNTKY WORD MAY HE WADIA PaLATH Fa: | (hne\ula aif pers, tava od enna soa da garnce of Duss as Urcchy-h steacta sl be | a culauy. Aditees WW. Wunder ssulerio0%, 8, Yo 
sein Noon ao? A HA"s Nau | able Fae ns yataiar, aunt ead olh t anuirant sciircen haath accaniben by waver beau ERX WHLORUAN, BOSIATZC | | MBC Ba ental Aly dua [FOR SALECA, coun 
Ma Willan sree PR Ta esa Lah Ll TET we wal Ajay 1 JACOU AA VAN LOWN, JRORMAUB=siso—riisT MOTO NW OX MEEROVED || uric thea timer Taoptin. No ageats nesd-apnivs Yar || yen eee 
ry Dama en. Vic ( ae ihe eatnyial <i 0 OAM, i ee oe eee Fropty) rat Diver, ceqet $400) vanced | farther Iofermslion ra Baas Oras || eae aeuots Maw, te 
esate a er ae ee Tce tlutlocnbonrnede Mrarchuctaparitvule | (SOUNFRY HOAUD WANTBD—DY ZO YOUNG MUN, | ou nquoy aud loy Breshiyn it or ae kuug ion apply Ia the coracr Inquor miure, of F | teatisaatige we 
) nN PATA keen EF ane Py Mcepuble tule ci calice Aidceas, wath parlz it Web. SEYMOUR, 19 O.dar street. Fen, an 
ze i 19 Mioadweay, he & Mathcenieatin Now Yor ——_— — ote z GOOD WILL, BTOOK AND FTX. 
i ; 0c LAYRBTOU nu Na. Ae a ONEY TO LOAN ON ROND AND MORTUAGE TUR. Aures of 8 large Uroceey and Liguse stone, dot 
QPEL yao Xm, Yo; 7H ayBnroole y iu Lede MERRIE AVR, FIRE. INSURANCE COMPANY, | eiah business in Uilesly pypubited Selginvorato ros mone 



Uren, AWG 

Vvrable atnount 

(UAT jig ahd Rant 10 mine has o 

iy nt No.4 Jauewatrcet. 

(ke In afartner.” Ay 

au Bl, 
i aod ray at rae A NTOLED |) tec oty on nitty nities irom tbeceliy. pisaassty tormien,|| Dee So 
wai napety dW Noardy at yasiukbla POR. at hilly conventenee lv iho eye AAdtese wiatlog Union | New vert to FOR GALESA FIRST CLASS, BAKERY UP tows, | 4, 
minx Lirrarools, Tro muw vons, | haierasre nse yes Sethe Gouapany, 48 iroadmare manna lari aad al acres me of 2 JOR SAUE=A, VALUADUB FIROB OP LAND, COW. 
ing al Qiesndioyr ardayvscre rly 3 —-—-__ _____ a ~ = = oarenng 0 Hee ilo bout Cours uy crem tavlug 8 Water 
ates Gta. y| Rares ME | oo v9 sa ap NAT OORT SET MCSE tun, worvat, Log ann, mravoue | Hieteiteadas cer Arrington terres ace gee eae 
BEA ie es ener t|: octet as tye eat lptaar OFaeknaeiedpen abliig at IO aa oe ca Tere eae | ee Tu #0 wel oMonervanah | celine Apply ou ibe preciiaes lita sicetant tind ate: | ike res tesinctta; Fors Unabious Tugs of AMES sad 
yo Dwormbarat Phy ear ie gud fearing won bu tae) fo Cull v1 Yar pay: AUiU THeGiy of tlk, Where iBere are Ho oAber boned |g ewiiye 'Fosiee! aypliewson anievery indarmauon gives || ode, Harlem, cr ataq0 drome sect, carure O. Mott WiEELER, Aitercey, 111 Bronay ay, : 
Wear reraif aiienualled (er iWon “Address, witu partieulersy ftose Ao iiuraid oitee. vine ofiicn of tus company, 87 Chattenrairver | i 
Treas belay unknown URWICK & KING, Agents, || TOR SALE—O/EAP, A GOOD, WELL KNOWN LAGER 

Uealllful realsences ith all the mudern tuprove 

», altuatod resp ellvel) 1a ths mvs! dealrable Bo 
FY of thecty. ou und bearing te avenues, Tod 

= Dicr place, located’ at No. 14’ Goamipers airvel, Aha 
DISuTOAOn Fon aALP—A inst TonTaAGR AT | Uae, Latee Cool Uisinvasle done. Tho proprictor 
boven per ext, (Or Sh}, well vezured. on Miook)yD |} wishes iuicave the ry. 

faa iia mont eligible eon 

# wor 
fear th’ the W 

rina on 

™. Nh aie 
rom 99510 BINS each’ bert, seen hath atieu) 

the ain, allo 

| wacom Pato Hla ied An ompulovalton for earring: and bores roretige Hor sule by THAAU A. BIGOB, 73 Nasaaw were mniral rprsior 
of the Aine Koons. all having the J fehwioen chshotoee sadidvis Le O.. bok pv aven Weck muy ually at wauatige to lute ts ake or | Beet we by FMA A 2s eee WOR EALE_DROP, FOOT AND SORBW PRESSES Pon | slztatdi Now s:sel, Now York. 
faa ane = — |] vaitioniare apis to LUGWAID COX, Bia 190 Kroatien. OTICE.—HOLDERs OF PAR MORTOAQES IsGUED woralug dles; Slanitug Pres, Blotere’, Lyiny Down | FOR BALE-A VALUAMLE FARM, NEAR” NEI 
may been AID WASTED “APY ONE HAVING A HOUBK LN =F a aerer a ‘Or of the Milwaokl.ani Missiesippl Haliroad. and Flolshing Presse; Cuslog Maediaes, ona of Burts ‘Bruniwak, tree quart ra of = mile (rom 4: 
Healteh lexnioon sutette fara privet boslusl and || CXPATEN. WO ROOMS TO LeT, WITH ‘lied tint Mand Printing Press's, Tox ond linpcalng Stoves, Teas is Sarge farns ata ey 
Fiovns r 0) from LIVERPOOL © i fatally-of grown i 7 4 inp , Te Waindag 112 oetea of fine Winble fairl. Govd buildings plent 
TUB, KO TAGH leo trem i Recut aid tit tary pantie! wiih ara, an of ernira prone toa] Ya New Fork oo tbe: portation Crates, de, ai 3 Doy atreats Of war, good eelecilog uf frat trees. ‘Termes secoentigs 
Aervasisropantop seer and clten wader | Sh fonts trangsvent by albrvonog eal and withio Pitan ond Pratce da chien Raia, Quran aes | on #ALEOTUE WCCLELLAN HOUSE CORNEWOP | 1k laitue el WARREN HAKDENBERUH. 58 Wall ak 
oem 44th Taro ff (a) erald oflee, AE de lte ahd aciee, sin tag whore be partes or 0 tid OO RITER OF neo wa Tin GAT RA GEIEIGEE SOUT 
Mle Room bartby edie (UesbEH AL eeparatD HbiC.,.,BIO | PZOATD WANTED —A OUATUEMAN AND \TIER WH pen, wil mifeh pith Ieomueciave atlentien.; Bele. Guarana Tristede cud M, AHS Oren season = kao lory and fascuient re Houten 23/443, Jor 224A 
PS verveatate aisle Rare slamenaatih eearety salves qr Nora aval So —_— OTICE—CERTAIN OP TIE STOOKHOLDBRS OF PACT ee oe Cer PR a ba tah elPeaeo SLN | 
baslog; Wadia, Uleralla antd Kool RADALADUA) £000,055, 480 SUMMER RESOMAS, fang rR ELE eon ot i tho idycera Wi provewenta; one sort blcek trot Filton an 
rat ers Tt Rens InteNoWensater,wiohare urmicere recited ie | TOR SaLE—A GOON CMaNcE—oPrositE ane | scicc tas one shor bleek tren Flom 
Wb rperor acer dati anit | VHOHN POINT MousR—siTvaTED ay nENGEN | dhidentya the wre) af svetans aaniecuy wal be pid i sesnceat paar thy Gaukal Parke neeutad ine | Apa ATED GSR’ dye any cue vk 
ve Great aster ip Slike yin Polat, New Jersey, near Newark (ay aboutren In /0UUr 0 last lybends by the bam’ on aud et cr fe proprietor, the nior Lita Axaung Pont Hota), | yieeltytnrk of wis ety . 
a han withetran at ae fey ms siverprateremy for wo ung lad, itd au | a hon "1 if '. te longa oe yma for tna exp. teat ap eppteation te). MOOAN/ 4, HON) EL. Wib fSraerof Sevenkjiw ireec aud Biguinayenue, Tye widen ea IDs Vita taae one tes Henne nore : 
Vers nurgesb on Sands MOF WERE AD ON try T Aadreas Aree Was, 8 utgerae aureet, Ne, | noma ars large abd aity, wiih gent balling’ Gebivg and we principal tatrance, beat ie Raves OMAP oer 
"Yer ieeuhiaed jauinge apple to en nnn | Braap wh rout ALITUy Hi huifter sal) OTHE Bale PFICE KINGS COUNTY FIRE INSUBANCE COM SCTE OR SALE, eR EXCHANGE POR A FARM WITHT 
“OHA, A. WHTITNRY, WANTED—DY A GENTLEMAN AND WIPE, mie Foes puscmatee Sucende Poway wares feet] Tey Nex ere iy tt Le Tie ivoire of Aula | HOR SAUBCA FINE OWANOE 70 NTE Tgul eh ety Tote. NACE Ob Bicaen ane aust LIZED 
(ug othe ade Nevadwiys M. Xe i private family, with Koos Tapa at, and 430 Te). Boru trou plee | company have this Gay deelirel wresicanogsh afvidend of erat baal bana eben rigbh cle Lois ailated on Stun Hu VaeeH 
Ws ABUINWAT I Aesia banners ara takes, anil wh aA. Me bod at 98, een) CHM. | duree anda hal! percenl. The aaefer Looks yall Be cle-ed | weiub very large line ot cone Ce ath ee inl gyi 
= mucenjosed, Deice nol in be more Wan $s Vor uriberpanioniars fayutrw at No. Gd | from thie dala (othe 2b taal ao wale da Wee dividvad | iaecrry on winrge earn bard ry, AD 7H KERR, 
zeae GERMAN UUOYD a OTRASHILA® HW ‘forthe vo. -Avdrens ALM, Herald uaion uel mers ah Bist aeauem | wil be pa MENRY POLE, Becretary. | applied forlummediately. Apple at [31 Liberty altocte FIOH SALE OF EXCHANGE FOR VACANT Lor 
iva mal, will anll froin plat & Korb Hi OAND WANTED=AT A PATA HOUSE, WITH ~ - SOLDIERS, BAILORS, MARINES, AC, WOUDED—OR Oy, BAe FOR OASH—A FIRST RATE CORNER | HU NetUa Ch 2 country, pikor—Hn0 Uouss aa: 
shia ’ " Mert wieaily eiiy or Mudton nverhaaieready | ]VORT WILDIAM UENRY WOTED, Soesd Uren ae hiinn lead nenrecent wan, | WOR Ca. 28 Cast FUT RATE OORNER | Zora in Abacus wet betwee Bead gad ering 
WATURDAY, AUGUST 2, AT 19 O'CLOCK M., Uy a indy, 1th tee Am uMtere, 2 eed I Moard: Tor LAKE GRORGE, | or died from wounds or, sickness lucarred | rom, porilee for seliog the propristor going t2 Burope. Inquiry lu the | wadinutin goad repalr, Apply toSOX A. JLYATT, ry 
“i ueman Weilneadny ulihi aad Sundays. Addrenaorvail | Will open for the rresption af garsta on the Iavor June, | ibe M onn Downes, Hack Pay. Ac. | phure 247 tens aveuue, coruer of 7Wenkealsth wirwate | Sa odaenaln p 
Bdey masters A SUUTIIANITON, eo Rater biunababat Cepiate Vater wid fomeace her rate Cereb cen Ae Olen Ney 2 Park puso, un OR SALE CHEAP—A. HITCHING'S WATER HEAT. iN 7 
ounyete ah ee mater ACiunebabst vid tomuneare her rate | fc ew ar an r a _ 
TodioN, HAV vit, KOUTIAMYTOS AND DAMEN, OAND WARTADMIN A PIUVATE PAMIDY, WHERE | Lrteigslocoonecth'n with the steaersou Las Cuampain | Way Baok, New ‘a commer Seven Pen, itgacs ead iattiney tat Hae aes ER MEAT. | J ARDS-TO ALL WANTING, FARMS —J-ARGE 
wi 5 Bee ee tte ATE AMIEN TERE | kd ruins to Baratopa, eu ibe 10 U lay of Jun Ie WesLruirysgnin vee! musst be renoyed wibte tae fala ORR Saat SEL et aml wat elie 
tee a 13: second eablo, 87D) ateernges BLO. Wire ef Ninek- Old aist Fwoniefunrh ecevel = dasa. Can Doexsulned any dsy duriug Wat ine. The ate | Tum, touin of TDuadelphlae is 
ee orliten Sid Sevente 0 Reriae tntat be. INO {JOWLED HOUIE—AT OLENELDA LANE, CARMEL, 8: | (eutlon of doriatt rewuented fae, erppeto ibe seen OONaN is * 
Jostifene aco, eomroutaret | SUM ‘Punt olbee. for word FRO 0 fat ibe ao Wao ube rena ig Hoes gas, He aes | 3g Bob 
nr eee _ rum New'York by read. ge LT an = threat ax 
AMBNTOAN HCKIET COMPANY. ATHAX | Doin WaNTMDSPOR AN INVALID, IN SEimulen Ig augey UAvaven wear. hone Gosly hase Iaige siting, HO, | LOR BARE CREAN A raDine Roammvo nOUsE; | Peat ey 
AND NANT EDS EO AN OU ae Beas Matte att eae ies | Eis ogee Sate (aa borage Eto Pi 
ooadray ice Qo pe feeygeanee metre Snare Mice eaetts gece a ae wre Seas muaens | rouge Weslitousontreel, | getty ‘ 
Tea a en ee ef eal i ua Bras ag, ota aad at Se RICH emer an NANDEOELY POTED UP | private FnorREtY ro TaNDeow 
Masaburg, Haves au CARDING <AMtTAna OR BINGLA FAntTES GAN | _____ WAN EUW LMI; Aropitaon, SM, Bieaklyo, New | H"ta'asd Orory sare sivarrvnws areuce, nseeaauty. | P'unsectumae, seran Yours old, 103 bauge wens ee 
~ Eee Arye ag ony ey yaad ARE MOURGAW NOUS, LAKH MoUROAN wit | SOX: Tourth mircel voy doing’ a: aie pak sce. Sllaeclory | bred, with creat pwr aha suleiat ce, very docile tre fro 
tal i pra chant aoe nhl aud Wear Wht ane aS Aur Ave eeccaimotaton of Warr. | ao conning OP JERPERSONVILEE RAILROAD Ly 1. sa only, wien nas engunear eran cee aa 
ae si Set Ee Ove nnd eB Gomer He Mocliac moni eutic nore: Wwiiehy | GOK SALE CURATSSTOOR AND FIXTURES OF A | fevniuo. ‘Also Puuton and Kargsoa ff peyulced, “ATDIY at 
Bonet" BRNQGRENN, BOARD S¥ON A, GENTLEMAN AND | USL" itcfarnne fn Wits dou e¥inga'e Ralivoad Company ont te Beiders | ew. Apsiy to VAVID IMORDAN, O02 Seventh aveuue, | Moonee Ae =| 
Wosrat eh seat Ho/t front Ana eal privats Cureipu. da: | and Toler D. Kelson, rt Bates ies: Competny af New York wil pa SUTAG Ec Rata ree GS eer 
Bae pine ay slay i Hudirenreatitdanised aptipat ae: itenty street tatteot RRMA GROARR WANTED. FS geno | tenure steams. 3, SG Muita eh rena ar and POR SALE OHEAP_A TONO, ESTABLISHED Wrwvs. Vea Sli Busia oe idee eeud sha rales fra Fort Le 
Oh! wremanw # non, Stale aed AUaalloaineela- Wear ine South aud Wall arsed WF Wolat cr yatrite, rer A geatl saa, wite | Searued IGV-reel_ninelevu, of jeald. Jelsrean ie Bal road Sy Fang Fanos Sion Io feck, Wiltatnourg, | wend. Stateu Tend, fer tale etcionge , 
Mh brtadenss Re Bon 4 The oon 2 Rae sia ante a F's aca toate a ‘Ataredv A Gy Wo) Wesel cule Wes SEY WOUL, 79 Cedar acre 
Pianists eT ean be, aicornesetaied HLA ONY, N, | (abiazer August Lane lotérvaton mala boadawilcoaseur | Ty'Siterat scan ems, dclosn gee cerintae ary te 1D omuscund rier Fura tare, eu swe Lots ot droangy 9 
Dendn, Bat 1 Ho ate SPRMURIRE ROE RAL SHEL Y Ataris mite fret Mesmittamres (5 old 3 SENSORY A. STRWARY, Serer, | ZANES OF QUINN Sifoba set ete No TAMOT DBE GUY REUAUItG & CO., TA Nossa atroey 
Sty, Balurvay Wit Lb daat Win the bininay wien aresm torn wugie | Marae on trae Mesyr var 3 Bol its 
OS BenATHALA TS. ia ard mecoed | senGeipn. Diner nv 64g v'eloxt DST ata eS | foe ieetoatntunesy! Geattiful-avncer, fice sin dee mud =z i i HOTOORAVI GALLERY FOR SALE—Witll OR = 
Bear PRAT bo | ae as ar saa | Setetta onic aerekieronthaatas | Wifi rateemert nen mae ergsas | ERR ais doceete coarse ONE bene Muara a 
AVUNOO I= FOMIION WLAOK Alcea exe osyuiry at ro \ieot Fa | Bln ron turiner’parteulara nyriy wo Stera QUY Daw, 4 S.00?) and SOM, word doublathe amcank. Ap erest Pe dered ier a ET aA fils 
E Tt retreadiv pater SLA THON: | vad nals WH Niteaun Sere RONMeHD witshieas | Eantann a Ua. S"Gonianitatzeu me sei ani Apsly ta nota to Ui Oakley, MD ¥IEHL atxeoh New | Perth uveninn eppoutie Gover Meadutes MUSE NO | enh ot EEIOND TBRKC A. DIU SM, 13 Nowtau sree 
WN, ab pier 48 Msi ri Sn Moulay, July 2h. Fur | Hoan cOrvts tats, bigw aiden, browa mousy bstwana Hiroe | 7 Wok JeW, PAUKNIX, Blagea connest wb) dio cars Ҥ Te} 
BAOe aie isa Mailed! | CPRSPEMIRG REE SRA NEE | hati 1.000 Tos Ne AnCncre raRanraR gy | Pucmannam owcewry ron eMa-oxe or ays | Vyaabs Qiaud TAR 08, IR natinaAS 
———— ; —— | [QGRGANT ROOMS—NEWEY RORNINHTD—OAN my | GHUWS OAMFELN MOUeD ISLIP, LONO 151, aa atee Teena Mastiaces Pouabe ang walt at fun | ily stwiocaliery, Cu Drocivray, commor of Abily eeet, | anlocdmbered ole at Bath-na fer part: toot Dok to execes 
Pel GIP AVETHALLS SIGUA PEA UNTVREGE | atteede Aenea ek eee oe Ne: ANT Meet Peureanih | ia ar take aud my halinyy wegaat areca €-" tard | samsnccaiments ups application ty MCKLRBIN & PAY, | ioverien rom GALE—TIAT WIG CARRY 409 | Soh Awe XW emis omer. 
) ag ig a ADELA lg oe LE i — | fron serge jurweks avsis ty Loog label Takioae arb areoue, iat 2: Nery faatzuaenvouizectaccnn tagiaeuua het: | WANTED 70 FUNCUASE OR HIRE IN THIS CHT¥=s. 
acriyto Wtlfiadie's UUION, 40 Felon “| FoRNGH BOARD, AND, PRON numnvorioN—is J Seedy: abies —___ ] 3199 ()()() RL LQANAON BOND AND wonraAGE, | [Re copes MAE Kees rms oaly ain ip Mt tac HED | sta See, Yeti housy f-Sisn, peioe sa teak 
jou Lirarcon Amp Loses —ralacorna tani | (ryan Rua), Diet otvaferoase recused mad pits GEA TATUNG Az orn oxawon. MoNuoupH | BGs, nou Ps Arar sheet massed peered pena eens = Cais stake 3.500 ORM val OP 1M ACRES, ONE-QUAR 
OTT at vee 3 = = SSS 2 Dicey Fede Tae Ma ePaltan Aiotnl new oe FOR SALu, UNITED STATE . i ote siz seam step, ci Leng Tea 
bins OURNIIOD Rowe —onaTLInaEN WuauiNe mace | 89.0. 8 F. W. COORER, Fevprtovirn 30.000 cow aaicas Six pau oBNT: A750 SLLOOO eee serts GUUTED STATES PATENT, | oo seine eudall Secuanry, ouibulldl eee, near ews 
eth AUR ENMU! Iida | ousey, moon $30.00 Die iguarahariisnatt oni | psaneiatcn aegmeieraney Sis ay ering | Seecelin Tle eo ay reesei 
Siatanod newly Qurabued, gas aud bord, coms GL tee | Ae oS ot SDs See TO Es a2 |) Neh Vota or tvoveha: in sumetoculteyplicaata Apply Ww. | BeNew Keres Sse re Sources Brceldor, Jr, slauon | Ferma caeye BABES se ak 
‘LB formnee regu re y, UNTHY MOTI TO LET 18 MILES | MOWGIS BLOTUBH! 1.7 Pino wirecl 
AVINIGUKD ROOMS TO LET—ONRAPBST IN THE | Soin, Pour pees Ltn eal Vr ot AR, 70 IMAN=AT six PEE oENP inte. | 93.000 ~noh. Ste, Re err a ere er 
sc wilbyat Hoard Caltst WAMaNattvae | Lares AGube Aear Now Hsekelles = ATM BR Cvllan 1 75 ()() awa Ded an moreno Nenad racine See ee aloo OARDwTKE UNDE/|SIGNED. FOR MANY SRARE 
ve mar eee ° an iras, eu fire: Mads pe dustire real estata fa cats Boouutor etext’ I Fs ea dutunta ‘st Pari) : 
a | AUENISNED KOOM WANTED—WITHOUT DOAN) YIRST FLOOR AND BASEMENT (NO, 8 BANK in the uer Of she Weople's Vira Kusurance Company, | Also hls peivata reslde my Rey PLU aby. 16 Bem Sane eee 
BYCAN, U8, oF panrete—ron ntvn) | Ry a owe nisuanycanrges ast o> ooluatgeane | AS puree tofat nist ton teeny ral tier mums % EYSo Wall teork bts | Ao‘aeuefe neat eppirs aticess ERD Mosley nears | FeMA THES He Maanoeaied wid Jems ORBEA en ay 
Woes smnty la JAbOB WILSON, Ho eon Btreal arene  2Ipos apes ta. vacua, arta ef Me citys ficnka Le to resposuss DAN OFFIOEN, = Jat 
YOR OALIFOMNIA TIA PARAMAE eT JD hdreniiosan tisly furciahed: will le-tel ag reaaneshis =: = = Tilt ORAND STREET, THREE DOORS WaT OF | ——————-— VANEOD Psi eareeent GREAT CLOSING BALE 
Erect wasaes sidings Sa eaneee A 1, Tus | WEN CAO Ky Nad eld or withonk Boas, "Gesu iinas | A STOUR ON \wuUuTie AvGNUR To rer—ogs. | ATyhSany cuss) uatascen ca Watcies Dusan SREELERS Ta 
Sea ata krayet Smatee eae MRD ee wound make a bin stele very we | Ste dlsuror wnphesd aaas DpTUSHEN A AUREOM, | A AP HNea a ealoe coe 
Ea Aone euy pay elton, | eae eM Gae ROSE OUND MANU | Aras ne one ee seine | rncwcu CHR BARNES eee aes Saar 
Oven, DU RCRA Au” | reagepiante Gersuan, ang Avante, wrtiaot walle A GHOIOS OF LARGE, ATRY NOMS, FURNIGHED |) 7 ea RROALWAY. CONNER OF BOND BTAKRT, oT RE oer ) GOODS SUIRLINGS ANU GHEEIING, « 
OR NEW OBLRAN ee ies Had ont pokias Apely Av Koad Beat | fA or wnturole cy bo $10 Pees Bil Ina grieaia + e. Sy 3 IUERRE MYMAR urosuins atvanres gt Amonge} these will be aod ainy muvaises tow th region MUSLINS, MINTS LINENS, AC, &Uy 
aus neck S| ire Loire apnly tind veer tireatrcvtanr’as etary || cummeawpnamondy peter anaes, we ue ihe eae for cay} Pati ESOUD OFF ce 
cu Pen CHANGES HARONO, FONT, AND | Bove sn un Sioa aleve sivee\Vere Viatos at? Feevioal tiveriy’ | Por the reuatuder of tho vexsa io ofr ontm Induce AsSAAQUE ALE IST OF AROUSE. 
WU Meare pier No 4 North hee ae Mate Also: e, Kou for. avallem Se wee | JQOR RENT<LOWER FLOOR AND MAsEMuNTa oP | ATS NASSAU BREET, UP states —piRouRIT ; GAB FIXTURES, | OT ae 
vere Jil th A era dew Orin 6a ERE chit air an toe Wat ewe eek Wehr Mi iengera en beteeea Pusce and Mowe | JA phon eer nat mids ou Dane Wal ka Sececiaghnciene, aiuxokive £080, Te roe teas HOODE TT 
Bor passage epply un D Dear’ ‘arraor, G 4 Sp | wefthoos regard to read yale. AT MALY TE COS? OF DITURTATION. 
hoya SS = =a = ~ aaa We state ani 
WR, tmzesToy # 60, s8 Bren ee ena aT ca ase Ucoe tant Reasine | Luattauesa st 6 outs; meee CAMILN:,| 7 66 NASWAU ETERET--A HONTOMAN, DIAMOND eb eatin ee RTIE 
RK MER ORLEANS Minit eum vxizeD | ates wile board iar privva Rew Sopisut taulle, wusra | crit aud wccopd leon, wiove Cenalerretantteicw Fort | 2 Seca, mangle! edrahoes ca Diamond Watehen ais ees ana 
is Ore AROKE Altave por xn ts | alltuecoryris of w vome pay te antalned) tras code: | Ue 70 West ih CO SE a siath gare Pers Grteaiog ate, 14 33.006 18 6d, 
Se ea CT co ree eae | aia Putonath Wiceel 2 ENT CTTEAY.—TwO HOUSES Tx RUCOND aveNuE, | WE gw Yards Fol de Chev Ue; IN Et 
DEAM, UKINEKEN A CO,, 15 0400 a elwrcen Twealyalth oad PountMuan yi ret LE LOAN OFFICR=M @ U1. FRIDENDERO ES ICE PITWHERS, Rona yards Maid stouatrs at Im. 
— = CONS ON FIRST AND SECOND FLOOBS-ITAND, | alecy ond Lssomcat, hot water, balh And cee, Abo a Sire | [ues LOAN i BERL eet a manyeey ‘Sioeo Fanta Kilk Warp Woplinet at 2a, 
WANTED DOWDLATELY—stx Veena, Fakta Wilt roseucot, to lei ta geniienen | in Seon acecne, corner of Portyeccend tenet GH. Ine tabling alnas J840, Baye removed thelr Loan Qiieo le Reoo yore Sitk Poptn avze bl. — 
Sear ua, fron 0B) Teer he ad ey, ST a eae ri end for te ledienutinyweiaw { guirscfd OHOMPORD, 153 Eaat Twengaluin wnvet-orat | RLOUMOE EE Ori wrbetand Ruvvery, onda tha Orlen'al aiew yards Sieand Wool Barvera, Ie, 1a, $4. and1n 4€, 
Bile 10) Goat steep AU al tse ae) of FaNCHEN S| SN ress wear iecekete WW Fevayuiseieatred cormorol Seevad avenua, al Bank and advan libarylly ou Dianentx Welchoe, Jeyrel- i n IRON yards Greve Pari Ia Dt, : 
MCOMBANRY, 2! Water st. from I've Lotion. SUED 4 | prices Apply at £30 Sullivan sinesh Be SS SS Se Ss Cal'eoune | ry, Wearing Aprarel, Aue Pars, &s Ivory Handled Dinaer Kulyes, tio dozen, ooo yacus Barece “tug 2 we Wt td okt pice 
PA MIORNER—WILONS axripore ron wen | POPERSTHE WHOLE OF PARTON dy Kortriinaue | S sew RoweLL Diviion atrcee A eco) sand erate | AGONEX LUNT—TO ANY AMOUST, ON DIAMONDS, | Gut Gisuuobiets thedutn ns “ytaus, ates 
Sain wea eRe NUIT He Areveale Xb inves {rare tne eliy, convent Didloews. Iemill give a (eave abe low Feat. Aprdy meat Geury (Gott aod sures Wadcars, Jeweliy, D> Goods Seiaie | Bos mia Glass Finges Boy ead Woo, te, Ia 8a. ond! 
Tet benetaenaeetNuy, indy vearusie, | Aldrvar As Hine omoe! nee oo | Sepia ors | is Goste hind ove parece by RAROS ADOLYIUS, | Gxt Gissa Decanters tc pale cH oh ‘ 
Wy Dr EATON, toe Annee wae a Re ee Bros PETS ‘Trgcibce with moat coniaicia variety of saris Mormtattce, ot fa 64. 6. and 7a, 
= eet Sor nt ) LEF-A PULNISHAD. ROt A BrAlCrLY SrC A TOROG SH GAULERS, CORNER OF) | 5 SES MMENTAL AUTICLES Fair sense wilde, binek Harege and Crepe Marotay 
: righ ayes en 3 ouch as Bev bo rae or parton manutels, 
_ HOUSES, noon WASTED, | sar Bei eh Ban Riaseca anyet no Dee | palette ytens WomiverMonn Mowe | aa S --~--~ | CRINA VASES. eae Ss 
x 1 ipo Garey UaNTE Ts, WITH GAR To LA. | Secadeirvot. ERUCH DEAN ‘earra Pullen rsarket wip) gecty cay (Rese NRON7E FIOURES, &e, A LARGE STOCK “OP BLACK SILED 
Corie ever 10 EE UANISMED ROOMS, WITT OAS. Ty HEROGH BEAM ice Palen ark sa ato ony (te eens } te, Hesketh 
Baynee wee ye aleag ie —_—_—_ ne ————— | 1), LET-ONE, OF WERLBR A WILSON'S YANILY | Meshing at Tis A Stood 2a) eal, crviing ine New Yo WS Epasunr § 09, Tso 
Seal ca ries nants 7 ORTRENTH STREBT-NOVGR DELIMIT. | Sewind MaSlnen Aurir elt Beier __ ADSWEESRE Pareto costa nea ew Nort ee Se CHEAPEST STOCK (OF EIUR CLOARR 
rej m Baik of dtenrw : WSINGS TOK STORES AND DWELLINGS, ae 
vio ay Shah ik AGES | TO amrapne PU n0om 3, ARR OP CERIRRRUERAR REE oe | omen raralh EMO op aos 
Ares aC rhe Rots and lorat laa a frst rales “bas ete waver, nope > : 2 SOT ET 
ge sacha Ect habit Ulin corse vat Faaiaoend MUUETSVADAME | TAMAWS | CEUKIRATRD | yp —pyasa mmemterant mk fir ine ane Gd 
LEASANT APARTMENTS WANTED, UNDORNISUED, ADOVE weBING, ALSTON | “SS — Spkealle nex :haraluaile as'a perfume oe courelz; price $1, | 400%) aud donot bellave you ure in ROBERTS! aries, yoo 
} Famedinkt ia aan eta eR. Roomy ey TETOTHG ENTION RECOND FOO, TOORTUEN aap Sthdretviainp{orclrrvlar, Adcives Madame Tatzar, a | B82 the eae, o 
yarteenih wreck preferres; master improre nas ‘ooonomal Or sgurive, with Gr watbout parvial Bard tua arcs | 9A) Ms Belecanmeniecs Feat reat, Brockiya, = = 
Aare wie parca and vest 1eah§ 8 T fo fauulies; | jonse coulaniagall Ge melera improscivnin ea ain, | Caveat Fars fo: he CLOTHING. 

F 713 Second av epce, sesood dor a rots : = aT BEAUTIES hie i 
gamer TEWSUNSES AURA. Joy Hag eon | BAGG, gee emtoN, DR 

Wy ite Great Eastern to Oly" Yabo? and Seaton | preeerrsa ahd bratiiiss the ovaplenion, or wae by all 
NO LET—A NOK LITTDS FREE. STORY BRIOK | The spi odid feat pulbg Mosmer RINGS COUNTY will tare | drugeiste, 

Sarr ee i OR ASE OF 

Cloiking waved, within @ month, for 

110 uno 

Deel. cor the re-ephion of wi Tadicaund geullemeu paving any of We abere to dispose ok 

Sith totern hoprorewouss, 10 4 pleasant iucaiiy tm | Urtora de: e Se ren: r salve tha Ynlinyiag piccas-Prot $5 10 $90. for Silke 
are acd terme | of Roane: farallina Ure OF bom Houle, Iu oomysele order; EAR water, Eo, allow resi, | forthe stove parses follows James cirect, Bast river, coin seeedre Abs fiowlag pikes Foe S 
a FOR led ervey canyeal ths ease sures La Soi | Ripa sey Urdocun teats East wivcey 302-159 Grant nares oe costa tron 
r eabteny Mts Marae ieee Wapootonsot No I$ Beaune sleek Unqulte at Noddy | S19. Pati Teh sieee New Cork alee Say | T)EECIOUBKY COOLING WATT 

ay BU ty oon one Cen GE | wtb SG ak Seat 

O LET—A FURNISHED MOUSE, TO.’ OBNTHEL | Fock AUIS, Bowralng leave Cy Teand =i 490) sed | Ur yulstcly as pamnde caves or erllcres eee ee 
Disaebreclomturah weyrestias saan | Sen ae salads coe | HHS at ead ls ire teats 

ze aaa ce 2 CO. unter at 
enly-cighth aureel, Dork wes: cocure ef Fe nye. = RAILROADS. wee eres een Avenue Hotel, corner of Druid: 


130 2X SMe 
Alanna Vad 5 1 GESTLEMEN C, 
miled wa goed funn glenn 

elrcto a gentleman woe 
couipanauou, cay et 
othr, Taealioa tuet be 


erases age renee 

5G} ThscE 
106 ety hnttih A. clate novar aus. 
us alk shu conve niesres Tet Ns Beton aiLached, 

aaining of {wo lemme roomy (our «mall do., 

ody te Noztby apd Went ueare, CRauabere street at? | A) STS VORDINARY, BUSINESS CHANCES—AUR! A | Gndiuruliure for Ne Orirans’ Sto un: 

SYALU Hom: Sdlng EAGAN. reve was, ek te ete en ela, I ‘roan water: fas aad Uiturre e516, Back 101 P. a sraall capital Fetuiredy. tna tog Tie bale i te 
Me for Treen the EE Ee or mop pratlenen Meta vespecaie faunilen | Cesets wardrouun 0. sith iia waar: ema Sort aarry | Sod LAs abe TB BAGLESS Ns | wean amecery eouniy tn tne UntioY uunces? | Becren paruge: | eTels UTES" Scr amvucticg’ we $55 005 Tor enich Re 
- erate se = RASS t uss reat siieperatous “ievsirwon ia | 7 oX@ ISLAND BAMLMOAD AccOMMODATIONCOLD | R™Sea.0. MaUNGON, ation Sautecan dio, Mure | Sisguiseee en gaiy BY desta fod Sota ig OE 

a 1) A. ML tos Poa for fear 

roca Whe we 

ars : apes : 

210 HAT a Satoru 

Bean 32 tee. Fieass la on or etdriis os vole J 
ANICALT, 122 Sevenib arcane, Otween Twentieth £2 

TPreatyulet strects. Ladies altented tw by Mra apbally 
NB AU busi rex Lrapmscted conidemilaliyy 

Tes orst fos ean ate 
oe ee ea 
IWS MWOATS | Bees oe sprain Fo techn pal 
STWAMBOATS, = | eee Wer iibtevoth rect, Betwesa Vink aw! 

ease Sab rere forma Tatas Tater Ree He | Mute Omar, Broadway, 
Avie | Mann A eRe eee | = 
AQUAT | SSUES vision AS RS EP wens | Qpaathe savrens—wasretg soup a a 
miareiss ae eng, ae Eant Eigutsrats street near Tain avenue, and Of Wins are. 
ONG ISLAND RAILEOAD—CHANGE OF TERMI. | toe tearTaird suvol N.Y. Maitels pat op ig Ady park of 


great desire to piiichans wilare= quanilty of cal ot 


ore ainnil trad “THe F Sle na onahrtamepeer drove Jeces sup and foot of Tur | the Country, Wearkig Apearel, Furnitine Carpe(y Jenelrgeae by calle 
8A freterret aad So han rvee Gly ne, MIBORPORE I Ngamunnt gowppemnen ce =e = = Ingen orasdressiny, latiea ‘wud procera Ga obiato tha 
dress Vakvlingc ae ey meaty | ping lm tome te ero ae ass ETL RL ayar Nix Martor, Uri -atand Lampton. ATENT COLOMIO WRESSED 1B COFFEE. nos wate for wie Artic” Lacisa atientod to by Aras 
OIE SIS ATES te tues a ony pi sad (ss) FM: Tor Broan. Ceca ih cusieory cea Golnis Prseint Rye" | Grakdouen ret Sere aaron eee al ers 
= — 00. W. = om saves bat tampied to proitctios of wtielen uf the vain a es 
i 2e MATRIMONIAL, J COMLIEA Agent | Torah Fe Atualeva Polak (Taircrtrunh | RABE SOS oma] anpearnuce, bal entirely (ater (9 H GREAT DEMAND —LADIES| AND GESTLEMEN 

Vetat rare Wy oente The winairdoat 
liar, Iya on peer 3) More: river, 

Aaibs ACM for Mierbead and Ioterimetiate 
Sreya rated Keturulos lave Kivectiond at 

- COMP) ~ 
AM gioerniaten, YONG Loe wit “aas 

PEE Ey allicg on or ate 
Tenth srenne. beneco, 

Tie skvect, 

ny Aik ene Taeaiysilibsirerts Ladien 

uF E. i. LUDLOW, Ne 

many. Beet 

Fess farualbacd rote lara Actes Ba ibaalg FY aos Souday = = aE? nce Somes 
Piston cous\y, 1% Nvilee—Perons wey eee le. ~ = 2 MILLINERY, &C. WARLES AND ALBARY R. a 
elseirerueecest ap tare bess odes ee Madwered || NrOUWIOI. LENE=FO. wren y X3.S TON RCRAT AND Wa BOAD I T 5 370 Z — 
eee hate tan ear ay eh and Wars Mot vinusat, om neoapway, nesteoy. | o EERE eer TUS MpERstay OUAs Gx WAND A LANGE | (AT 51 TIURD. AVENCES $5 70, $0 FOR SLE 
Fi season itera oi aie ani, one mecpeley | Maite ktormansreurouiatn thotoiue i felling a hac || pad irene sla xipmanic iSguiders sr austin gona sau || Hime Dionne eee tathentd Sera soli 
« Re toatden val C Sew hora! +o Paring ea a eae cae Tanning }|/atceeueen er ebe ts ek, Wh ea willbe soldat cot. Colla t5uld ) ailreu tthe A. GARI, COL Taird areas, Deimeed 
7 HAksoh | ace Finuug (or Jaaples’ Dreasce wh iw abucigey aulkeey iy i SSS Suyy surcoi abd ato Fustvuas avenue, aaah jou ig eat rary wk sSrecia Ladies siheaded OB 



ALES / SSIS" | Cerrone Wah ee — Be ererees Nenmanoes enn AUS AEE 
MOU BSPEPERS AND Ti-TBADE Lire nel ktowa ad urna. “or ae Ovary or. eirekis ahoutexe Me esas Bhgg es Bivsiway. | COMMLETH BUUCEN UP TE MEW LULU 
OA DOOEE OURO NOS PUBLIC AUOTION, | basset Hat ieeetabase intake nacre boos 1 PHOENIX BRIGADE. Irad ncn, join ees eet babe Ie we A Ody bate | R\mIUgLANTiC Dub AAA 
Woday (Friday) July Ik at Meee pret ch tos | Eee Taras eee Wath, | Kone cou Ye. Wanton bo-antact ose eter wr Wy PRES 
Sear rewccnee Ht Wrowelcateians wird i inacd | els or te iedansted 8 compan wie matetaiile lors 
Jay of Senator Vows and Broaasin | tase doa ue) ty aad seo feocapany' ts éél-ered oth * 
Balt Parr Silty cer Ie JOLT CROCHERON, Managers sho bare ces aclve secrion ee nA Te hit SEO aa BEPTO. Dis anal 
Lis: Cura'sa narie sfoseok ta exelunivaly Triad Webed yea ta 

ry bag i ann 
VEO Wow Vt heme OE FIA DIAS 
Gada thrawuhouk, 

formant we hee 
ns falters atl Wy 

Lesnar Oomire an] Hot 1s | EVROTTING: 
youre ac Ale Saatrew | 

scrypint for tin War, pul ie the Saye 
DAN ralsed unde tae car ent oF the Broa fe 


tas Seemed wate fe pleatire wud aa 
Saiqany oud Mack wilius tortor, Ratnam} Dining | Bciday dudes acs ceasesr a BSCain Se wagon | Lee ruureeive! daly GEtay Cease eh Win Breadeay. | Suet ss GON ooN aa ae agsh Ay gfy Lenmtrathn oF plete a 
Seam Fursicare; Walt asd Spring Maticess eke mas My 18 RAE AND STARE $20). Lena eee AF 4 Ma no Wm laceoan | eshiinabie smelanas. 
—— Gro owmesttee Web Tha mi Athnral aduonenne trie Seay em OBE, IER) Mata, wil oti tiven wiih a PLOR NOB 
MB CHARMAN, AUETIOYGRE = edt Ge cuageient ona on non cons elowey wom Teg | Mbvotvaicnea tpt, O MINA, Ue whole adrutag 
3 beg (NT HOCSENOLD F vente ae 
MAGNUMIUENT 7 OCTANE ROSEW UD FLANUPORTE Vacistes of roiaateers attend did, 4 espe laio— Lier SOLE IR, 

Av pase aneion this ny (Friay), at priraic yess 

WestShiteeoth a rest, betresa Pils avd Sat 

Ils OCA, consast{nit Of rosewuce am 

Sitey Reever tatu sate with the Gow and eapiial 
enon, Racian (orapen ta eee PRA DEATOLO, 

P Nite Tyee oe Carorarrrn 

Ace New York to abi 

: os rm BA ns ere, Ae commen: An 
Ouakerando kDa Buyer The New York Voluow'r arioey” Pilih reclineat. Bow MIC Ae SH EUR ERT AN TE RMT we 
ree a loiorm his frends and the py ble stationed In Fort Marshall al Balitmore, Mi, reqolring ® . mA PBal % 
srpetn Dees Ios order, and reepretratly tnviiew all: to-call atthe Valon | few sure tuca wo ud ite sepanien to dase Bull wae nate OOMPANY AMPRAMING, (om, your otmitatt 

Toure Bein Hans | Movh any bY exacniaaLan, Uoortae Mallat of strstr 
Brin Gute, Bice im Eary Coairy | pactoriy over allvibers oa Ubi lant 
Towricns, Biisinin Tibi, weal anoraoent of aby xa JAMES FINLAY, Mangnr, 
Sept Ween Bice are Tab Cullen csi Ee = — 
San romary Be. Also aAuor aseaoe 
‘ana Kitcben Vuruiiace Avon HORSES, CARRIAGES, GC. 

SA of somegnky arate Ese ay Orr ALES | Gor teapi tary famigy sie ia the crunirs, ena ante 
Ridevie ke omsisiag iia mood. tabogany and black wal. | (S0oas%, cheap, or woull hire Apity (o BM. TAYLOR 

ard—o wit; 198 men to the company —am olen 1a | 
Sobodat Now) Mow Buwsey forthe eaiiatmeayor aie er | Agee will Bp 
yas is company 1a second to Lame In the regi i 
tient ftincorm areany quartseed te Wort Marthatlcani'ita | shlldren of 14 no oog marches carrying Bed 

se Ks are not expos (2 al of dvoreucampmeals. 
hienk te eld Gai.) Racrulte forwarded 

tony Io the serrioa, com! 
te Ove hnndred dollars be. 

ole We cumciwe WIL Ihe aeoily titerestiog drama 

THORS. TOE Ron Lmaetrs 
MA pp Arita DLAI oh 
Ti AF 
ESE TAN Ks Wit tse 

‘Urikiri at 
QI ona 

STs rvonkwow 

Witicihe tare ‘aa! sey) 
the mua bocniar se Ol 
SOMIpAny averse nents (Or Turher | aro. are 

ca met | & 
ef esr Ganon | S 
tons furotahed immediately, Apply: Ae Ty bY 

tnota ¥ tentmonial Uo tate plac 
Ti Trvee pleasant mimnoribis sry carade ahh aoe 
isin in your many admtrergand frienty. Khorig tee, 

Weer Ws ewe ‘aire 

wr be belie espana 3, 1LO 8 GARD NN =a fiw of the sUrkett" ihe eam et 
Enea | 1lradnay: iwey imesarnimanas hnedanpe Rte pay agua ge N arene inhi ih avery appro esate 
ul Parton: Cham raod Diss foam Pugtiare; vel ae Tiectenanc 8 (APE jPigraling | fu ta Teregules trip able oct a YONN UCR Na, Hon. Jas. Brady, A 
Skates is ke Carina Bae Het Fmilogy Orsemen | A NUMBER OF Liott FOUR SEAT ROCKAWATS, Liculenant ORVILEB HARRIS, | ulowcn* | jany comic gio) Terk | Hons tv, Barnard yea 
Shales Clocks, Carssina. Bafa Have Vainilogs, Orsameniay Doctor's Pawian, ablfuins (up Bustos se wrat Waat Le Ulerwar and oe wun 

‘Obloa Vase, Silver Ware, Table t 
A amana Culler 7 Oarriace, de, Acc, for aale at extrvordiuary low peices 
Scrwasns Bpverenk and Wines VOD ESE SAS ® | br RaKA\LUDLOW, Ure be Liberty sireel; wack ofr Hooke 


sia alee Ch aia ruuareat iano ne | oe poe aie aoe neeoe SO OE 
daz hpholectceying. ai Wo prise teouence, Noi? Minh | PULL POR SALE. MPORTED B 
Rina oear Tid arenon. Ssvorive. Depot reauiee | 2, BEM Ser agar Od haying tea many prune 
pastel owner has nu further usefor Bim.’ Inquire at 16 and 13 



i al street, Bola, Bostiilug. We cevatare RIAGES AND LIGHT WAGONS. 
Sheehan coral inacraty silent at apes | OA Aue amonmenta sapere 

Hon tona J 

THlor 10 Bla dopamine (ve Ke 
ih ‘ah oa 
STAWTLING Hrekor CE eat corm 


N, ANOUT 99 YEARS OLD, OF BXORL | ixcuinn ts iy hong 
Rutty wind earn Gerace Mroyneand Meme age Sayn 
Caplin JAMS J, O MALLY, Result 
the'Stain Aitsodu ation ta" the Blghar maWeenailca a it 
steaamiciuypencee ane meen eameat | TOM aniaaie, 
Solonet's stam 7 
irecealting Wil be cnervally ovairibuled Ade CONCORAN ZOUAYRS, 
ilvork evs Postoaises ei 

ho Aa Dls ‘A company to be attached to 5) ee 

red by La ide 
OF tho Stal of Niw York, 10 Fale & 

or opanen aN 
| N. BRIGG: se 

fad Ontsh, for alo at br By trom $13 to $21 per mouiht Las bout ial tee 
Autaud Oak Onaire, Dining Room’ any Exieason Tab) A STEVENS) He ttand7é Walker Ms $75 whan dlsshargod. A few obip-comma Te And evary evens a 
i a nse Bods "Stray ak ol Hale cee a Teck door easton Broalway cal ThepIN em will aves | Qutonalor this TaIA MET OORT anti thle shall PANTER TOM ad 

for 4 
ry early to Lie ant FL » Ns hall street, ‘Ors 
Mie Vork and 7 Allsati atest Brechin ee Cat Lee 

hd Brussels Carp: Ollso\by Baur Beds, Looki es Muda th lat ca 
Giese ee me if 


A pew Overture 

eas Ulacoln. Toe odleere tous £ Pan On Haraiee cbOrU, TUer we, 
Poe A RS SNTIMNICHT AOC mONERE eae | fact Re Tene Mate AR SMANED acquaint | taavoa ee nrc, a mal 

G4 with military tacos, will lve able boaus for & | nw ul the Uusat th 

ByO.W, DAVENC OWT teisiay Pray uly Lay a Ledocky | POPE rat Usitanancy. Address U. 9, statiow A. 

AUIS als Lar Browiway. ‘a. 

at purpom no 
fariOt Ny Oost 

Adisiaton Bein 
; Se eee RET SER eke | (VORUOMAN: 2 oumadalons frott Gants gosta Hacrvoyen at? relat 
Banda high. 9 yeara vin ul Fouulemed very suilbs | J6 ganda: Lew Gnrk bay, WIN Viack polous, Warraied te, | OORGORANZ ga well tried bouhin the Sts hes eae ae Maiitioo' Saturday alta ! 0 
2 tie ean ona aap aroma Abe | besa, a aa by or ask plat earramed ro | CZ nruce Oot Slant, Groh a Hoot Soa ture netne eal rae en i a aire rl ated 
gual Sacra oxtappi | Bearer street, groand oor. oullors of experience, I Ue regimsnt what it should be. The men wll be well care 


Tor anil paved aniler U take jiaco ak the Academy of Mute. an TAoreday,d uly 

of serviog (hore Untry coPk Those odicors 

$16 tuna 9 year | PPOR SALB—A BAY HORSE, SOUND AND KIND [W carefUl Anil of saperianeed ofts 

oR. Le nrancee rT Fnipact, und ¥ery fast; also a nbliting top Wagon | con alll’abd Wet It ov be salt by forviga, powers what Ae, RECRUI Hraecie atgndror ibe Lrotorn wie attanded the provious 
Borat reantee fer seuaste” Alo ose ncary | gainer Meietnit: ‘al of nica cabo aren at | Ean ice areaiait ta tatth for tne front Von Plaats na Sethe TrinencnNuees ahdesa see ga 
ow Ror kawoy ani Douce Marna. jancroit's stablo, ag plaie. a mutation la i Lat wt J be i ete wa lor the at Nested | ¥| 
BAU ATE ee rei (alipaTb ody . ~ ade poly Wo Cap CHARLES DUNLVY | and whore not anyetatacie: snynnsiveso any partiular | tv4heefared vont coatlan rw" reat at 
rf wo word band 20) Waxouel | AOR SALE-ONE OF THE HANDSOMEST AND | No. ti Centro streei,or to First Lieutenant Win. Mh Petsse, organizailon, will «Mole of Lanla (Moers Norton it 
S48 cod ms nay oad Wagon; two Zarkawaye; | A, fystosi Mite roiling, Mares fa the citys abe 1b eRe R cea NT. oF ta, Becond Lteuianaat Win, by apts Ves ALL NECESSARY INFORMATION ry 
at M ah, 6 Seare old, sound and kind, and witloot. a blemiince whee, 170 Joraleain street yn. Ny 10 
HARNESS Tons te of Double Uarness, city | fa ran rot tdaeot 29 Feet tinibas wheels | gd ret $12 e621 pet ath: #¥etaunty when here. | ©” “7 Oat WARIOTE N. OROFT, Goloasl Taint regimen, ria beat ay 
Je mod watraoteds c: ie do. several ses! sold. logetber wi ‘agen and Haroras, at abarcaia. Al mead ts must ate the States lo out ul Oe nhl 
Brodie: Geroc'esdiion four Hridies one Site Saddles ter | plyattunckiaad's scion, Wand S00 Wrest Troincevesty | UBitaatcnce coring ee ee a aA rome Gta PROTDINOUAM, Rogimeniat Adjutann | {1 Setlah cube dra 
SUVERB DARK KAY SADDLE M REO yeare old, 1536 | atrcet Sala of, anlisuDaDts MeADQUARTEIS. 

UF ebadlent servant 
‘Aa (he presant weok will lerminate Mla Magul Ali 
Fagumuner aon abo lean ctous to tenuet i hor (rude 
Who publisher gratetulihhake fur thele-kind patty 
Syjeat luring her lesaoeal py anid wlan ale te pend 
in Haw eed Treeinivently wucceaalal. profess 

bands bigh, very haudsoruy and jab 
foctly free trom wae and tilcks 

broken (0. aby barnes. xud 
rapied sound, kin mpd 

od weLy pote 
it rile adie horse, nat froin 14 to 19%4 lona'bigh, fone to mlx yrara O14; all ware 
ad fav, Alconsiy i Fanted coun land kind. Apply corase Fore eth sumer ald 

49 DKOADWAY, Now York. 
is regiment the first 10 COMMANDANTS OF REGIMENTS —Ai 
best In every respoct. Such Weak AK mek HOW. 

tar usyoaaica enieretats Toran acecee i 

brave men; It noeda (hem now. 

Tho Colonel Intenle (o minke 1 

ready (or 

Drvnouneed tho moat eutliue wou Urathoil reador ot 
Bho Aho wilh by eonvulilog, Ker, faseluaun you 
abil bow a Chie picture Gr the Olu yuu Love. loon nade 
Fata Mooi MT AileD etreel, eoraar OF Hiyiayion sttw eh, 

nd Fears uld, Toolhiavenue. HUGH LAHEY. 


thie made i 

ry needa hones 

Orer Quanilt depot tary Uneie aunrabatlsn ot her ¢doru hi 
Hemnatot ap are geaiuee of, We penlanuia denres ie | oy th 
te adate toiatintes, Angus adi airoaieay, | Tae ‘ojairy vs ian oneal condos Trailing ta his lates cttakce ¢ neues nesters Pe NANGHON FHM OHIUKBT, ant Uuait hod oe 
Sxceplinua aaa Frout, zoo,n; up stairs rat t@ yellow tara west eide rol | Str, dome ferwara then st nace, més of ail elisies and n divgullvsa tine yand fom money iy | [AURA KEBNHA TITHATAN FOR MENT=PnOM |\Gi{A( aC Bly milla reine bt ii ase 
Mlooraingésio voad, wr izid street Ufthe: and bouaticn gana ty Wer sied Biaateceers | Asie ineTultiog he regimen CaN Turaun ays oy | Ladtontar Suga fort tnat ato Boke LOM tho moal pleaanor epooth ta he 
fine order, oe ment, aud by the Sinks, county and eliy autuoriues, etl be | Fetereoces aa to qualifeaulons for (he vostuon and bie morc | apply by Ieterto — LAUIA KHANH, 8k Dlecokee rupee || ————— 
testes Peat sod by tbe. Bie, county Shan olerinall alauding.  Adirean for due: week, Wilk rea INTHN, GARDEN TIATED 
Space ete a nhs Reslsestat Gas Mle af Pare, Porat ava ana | Sms outta Joona, Meal, DME HonaN Ovnra yourm—waxran, ro rie || WY) thine ky RSIS iy 1, sa 
BPyane sy pf, AUCTIONBER ELEGANT | Wala considera) cud avenue. Iegtivantal Headgtarterg No. 675 Drone mre ight 10 Le AK earn OF ag ee I SULLA. DALY, 
Feeder Abas Stued ued Madigan start | forbes care ony way, opposite tie Met rpaltan Hotel PUIRD AUGIMENT, SPINOLA'S RMCIRG UMTOADE, | gr tpiee Onewin last ban urna tie And Wer last appeatanon but on is 
HVAC HL Ottocks merely wieyagh Tous apie “albums | == 2 BuLAWFRISSNER Colon comsunaing. | ‘Tutus ants: ceae eat | aebagtataresn oan 4) 1 SEE Ee ot AK. COUETN. 
a Nite elege ol bag pit — rulta Waoted for Company, unr adw “ 
Debaledae Sle des coated | pron saun- macs mana sratuiox, snp 990 | ania ananm-oarrais sinieeaeene | Eotiedand eset Hafan | Mesenete Te lth By A MRIOAR 00 
igueday Groote Maule! Ciucks warraaad. maitow top buray wagon, with patent sates als ko well known in tnilitary circles, luseniamustarton bie | from the saat of war, anil. he wth eelire Kin in ROVEASIONAT PEOPLE WIGMING TO ANWANOR | And ine farce! 
alsa; ded Bex tiea Se Pee Meee ney | GBNPADY lata whe Uned Bales servfee: On RLIay AeA | RS aa Retioe BAe CoC, whe ee eg eee 

: ORSES, asked for ihe lol;usy bo seen artes 
EDWAMD SCHENUIC Wis | ouiock Pay price for ike wuoie $120. Iaqaire of IL OUTS. 

ele Arahan, atte tong tard | 718s 62 Pine ati eat, 


inentsuyn lderal Lerim at 
iraek op watt fray WL c's wat CHA hor elie 
‘ i roan o'Sluad unl tution notes. 
WAL BLES, Deaseo aod Manager, 

[algy DALY tn alk characters, Ore) sone amd Owe 

{avs no au aive them tho $20 Btats Baunly” ey willow sy | Toes screiea 
13 jay iavdaace, and won piuauered la aryiee $25 ok {roi $13 10 821 yer wonth, 

or the: Nubalatince, clothivg nd good quarters Furnlahed fame. 
Call and sen tha Gaptsin, dine Are 

iF OF sick #1 
Sear msi sx fa 
ay, ier rustant, atau. 0 
iyi elegint inten: Saute: Pou 

you bount ve at Tew con io TXON'® PALAO OF MUBIO, 
Beat Subs, Merete ait | Toe sauea poz araooap anpanmn atau | se tsense ek cmin me rae.e meraninene | a aca TA NO AREA menwmng oe 
Aight Boad Wagon, ew, chy tal Coupo, Marnens; Pid. warraDled sound, 16 hands highs cag trot vory | Tamli(en lef Uckota Tarnished to the familles of volunteers, ‘Tue Prov tvors of the Parisian Cablaet of Wanders, ABA RANG ING cONa 

nk Lee 

id Bungle Harmen 86. 

fi na 5 fast in harnoss or under the maddie. Alao light Bucky (St 
are eee es MORLEY | Verm feAinith, makers), patent shitting vop, eyual ty sew, 
thd Harness, complata, “Wil bs sold cheap, tho omn‘r Bar 
ORoR , AUCTIONEER. —ELE y. | tng uo furtaer una tor them, ‘& Horsey Wayon kai Har. 
Grtait taint Minis ath acess ar aObe, | acta nt ocnny biatecan wi beaid very iow Op Spplying 
AM Broadway, & tarpe cick ol Farior, Chamber, Library | Mmmedistely us 114 Chathara streat, N.Y. 

irish aialcest “Arauicadace kite: | FOR SALE—A SORKEL PACER, OVER 14 HANDS 
Warinboy Hxigniod Tila, ao N, v1 a iH Sa Rod ack ROCs x tray tyne rey 
Pion: Bccawape cud Rs Won gow" and: Maracas, “Atply. mt Nor Ea ees 
je PA scsoud sireel, coraer of Broadway, froma AM LoS BMS 

Bake, Louth 

Curiber puntaNiara apa to 
Gapiala We ft RURRAY, Racraiting Oflear, 
Ko. 2 Biveath ayeutie, 

SURES cu avant 

NM cian ZOO (UTC “| 1h sna, 

BADQUARTERS THURLOW WEED GUARD, EM. sthLiig Uuraber of ten; thing; Adore Ko RoC Ee 
Hipetiun a Witte out Sup ie Senet | Ghee timber of am tings Aldeae bok I 
8 few vacaucien in Uile regiment, for ouicers, sul ojen. The 

Htoraid oaiee. 
invent is 1a & yood way lowards eariy completion, ant s. VIRaTAN On 
TO be tne rete ee mac cay aompiall ‘of the | YWASTED—A FIRST-AND SECOND LIEUTENANT IN 

fous tas wre 

Aueprisiaye Hig 
Lo at Wie regs 
woiy Gerau intheworily abe inlned.perfeslvy and Ue 

Duriiitie ured; also ono Wark Phaeton, uscd but four To bly Recruiting Meadquarta 

PamMati tence gue ta Ret ead x 
= ; a= b9 uke ar ihe Isat cal of a cowpaty now oryanlaed. he apuiicaaia ao am | Prorat aged (04 grace at ¥emtaina Heat caw Avenue}. RQUERTHIAN BONO) * 
| BOGART, AUGTIOHEN—OY, 8. & J. HOGART. OR SALB—SIX NEW SULRIES, ONM akuLEToN | Poy W*eh, Mipakioncery application At thosedradusar. | ctmeahaurhillos ducktsner itis eaieeantpiun: [Oven fora euasera Font nena eR 
oT Ruta beriin ‘nd (lires Road Waguus, to close & parinsrall Who ean mubiediately csatrutanyedn serve postianscace. | Nae thicsalligent men ra. wands Apa Nac ab THE OREAY AMPRIVAN MUSTO HAE, |e OBA Da ATR ARIMS Conc ooTE 
luting Boy Tai Caltay re bo secu at thu Mune wagon mAaufactory, BS: very facllty Carolakied ti mi Yorteerillng dielr coma auie | V Ulat sn corner of Fine, Foom from iA Mo woar, Me PA. dich ot gang, NMRA i } PEN AVTRNNUON ‘AND HANLNING, 
5 Bala cud Wodiing Kiusten Cushister Re alae ey 5, OLMSTEAD, Calad Sasa UNDERMTANDA | Glos dion the étl.of uly, form ahr season of fen w CAWLOTEA ¥ 
Ripieas Wagon. ono Groser  Wayoils uonlyenous act 7 TANTED—& TRUMPETER, WHO UNDERSTANDS | iusto i 
Goble Marty sce PG aC MES WANTED 70 rion, Jue ui pet agoal of tay Unvieu SigtesArtnyy-Uall | fafa geet Mme TK wlll ba Ihoryayhiy evaoyaiedy rj) WADA CUYAS svc araRonan, 
TWAZEEN, AUOTIONFER ToNorins sire Sed feo bale eee VOLUN TER PA NANREORERUILYARAY, pe Oe os On of about the Nor Aone oe diylaot magh nee ATULRUT) xusER, WILT O PR 
“ WAZELT, AUOTIOS ori on areaue, ty OF about tbe of. | 1a 
WHILE MOIS & HAZELL, will wel at auetlo hoe CAPTAIN NONOKS COMPANY, ANTED-AN ORDERLY SKILOEANT YOR A | Guprecienind a ow Korkaumuennenta, |) RROAVANT MMU tinh ROOK ATUM Maksim 
Mls day (Fr, (35 o'cloaky at eiraalesroom, [ROK SALE-ROOKAWAY WAGON, CITY MARE, AS ‘SPINOLUA EMPIRE  BUIGADE. Valry company; One who haw weeved (a the rogular | wif oat of taleot io aa stepartun a 
fonta sry see food na nowy scala four perdba Apply at thu Gont= |. Caplin Mouck turing Lenn mitkortied 4a th Gaverase 10 ferordik an bnirably Glasharyed preverred. “Oall | TE <-VoiGH” BRON. AE WATELE O8 Ac: | Fornenns tiinwnewe waltety RUNOR DRONE waa 
TLAMDW Ai. CULES Re, do, Tal stavles, cornor of Broadway aud Thirsy-ninth atrecia» ’  raler a company for tots biigada oilers thy Tollowlug tere afte’ sireet. AOR ree arcane, YOON AG Do pga crm by EOIN AMP OR 
Inde nated oe CR a Alar ga | i a | Gis io reectrho may wish to sorve tele eouney vstee | Soe! Bs antag itv aim lau feateumeicigetivnedannit | jai vin Hat ul Vin LxQuiD, 
tok Brats oka Sela Nesiion, Pah Mooce, | POR SAUE—A FURR NORTH DEVON NUDE, PULL | Be wmuand Ai REGIMENT, NATIONAL, VOLUNTEERS, CoestE Mai aiuch My imotope ar Pundvad Reyes MeN | invented by EVE RMIT Bag, * 
~ Mies, Brus and 1 oo Kuo)a,Door Rosiuge, Prcslain Dot Pedigree. four years old. For purticuars inquire at 20, yf) Bavinly {mmnediavely, and WRRORUITS WANTED. wae os - J} THe wenden Aaepian wa cinloal (gnlened for te. 
Moods, Table, Lessart aul Lu cet U tues ke Dey nirebiy Varkora Vallee Holse. o #25, United Stdten Houuty afaltoual, Bor the above vow ual enk, hw Aorinng under Colonel | MUNe RUOMON OF THK WUIIAAD, 
: 7 Belides S13 oa moalbeadtaace pay, as i exparieneed olucer of bigh staodog. ARD—NEGHO PERYORMBRS, DANGHRG, VOOAL. || Abd tha ont tri of allway 
15 dra minute Croam Provsiré, 13 cases superior qualily | FOR SALE—NGW AND SECONDHAND TOP AND Soon un ibe company ur regimeat Ls mustered In. dno era tnfuretntetor, polity re arg being Ane NACHO RAULQHURES! DANCENS YOON OAR DG ra ; 
Bourton Wbisacy, two Jewelers! Latiens ker vad Wagona. Hockavtays, Goashes, tio scat Wagons, {|All pryinotigos to ba mada from the Funk’ OF frots cone Cun tBanty ll’ doth alee | temas Amex Wun alsa itor nce | ay ANDRO, FLAKE AU VOCE ANU RTH, 
= Yagrer, aul oue Business Wazou, iS abd $60; ous Hilly; | the daverviug bonscommlaiguca mec @CiWobounty mal’ cn th mustertog o¢ | feaacn Adis America y nV laver, hac i alioae ingoatbla ta quaaea | 
MERMAN, AUCTIONEERS. HERMAN & CO, | 890 Avplyaca1 Wontar sweet OME ONE, COME ALT: Tit aka tho United Wakes are cee ing torinn, Me W. Biter. | raibe arate tengo 
Je Will oll on Friday. 1345 faut, Log o'slook at 3 Bland not upon Aue onlcr of yur edmlg, ‘but ratloun commetice oo enlistment, Walfurma far: THM ROH OF Fila FOUN 
Po ne Brun divs fe aes ily uss Blakey WOE SALESTUBREE SECOND UAND TOP Wagons, 4 oo WO Water street, near Peek alip, 

Sherry Wino; He 10 Wa r 

Wi casen 

20,(0) Se} mes, abd ongDouble Seated Top Wagon; all of tho beak PYTHAGORAS HALL, 

fed Laliors, AFH; als. 
Blond Fixtures, Ac., tobe | city makera” Apply atlZy Oroaby sirvet. 

* UinttQuio mitkouaRe 
PAI te ie be 
ling i 


olsely, Aa water ly Fae 

MARCUS B. MONGK, Ospiala Commanding — | Mca TP at Gant 

Fs eee eae Boube’tue rica eat 

Othe poutinn of Havienant tare compmetarcutecn | sioned omeste vane A 

and Grand stress W 

forming one of the 
the city. Sold only cor want ol wie. Ape 
loa 227 West 21at at, 

‘ aoe 
a eulratactbrincat of tinh Sey orattho offend 186 Canal atrecty near Bonery, EMITTING” ait ‘BILLER 
ol to Morace aud adyaoces froin obo F wad Uj ~~ 
3 janie et Se tid ue Woda. ove | FOR SALE OHFAP—A PINE MATOHED SPAN OF WASHINGTON HEADQUARTERS, {aoastale Joho 2a prod He 
; Reven yore Olt, sound ai ry ‘ay Horm, 105 hag a ant . 
Ba. Halo positive for chan Pe MNEH I io ardvubiay totl soot nadie Hosea: eines Bie aren af Brena ana PearT sieata) amp, pyar: 
e Ene light wy wagon and double Haraces, fo rel 

are reer 
eat surnonte'l 



Boeiaange Sbthos Caleta, 


Ribpa ea 

. = 01 7 inuatered into the service. Apply (o A, PHILLIPS, 256 AN, 
Hiciemaeren YOR Ske NO0Ge CRP TOR AUS | Bnletyctran gl” * © tla, US Thy 
ADE ms ) Without topa. REWSTER & CO.) AKD ¥. CLARK, Second Lienteuanl, rodd ‘PiAxoronte ron HALE—rmion em, TAR ORAND any HiAXOE OF 110 
vaanciaetay das Vio ot | SERA DRER RI TSE aca agate a crenata | Ea oe crete an ora ak eT 
- UCTION SADDLE MORSE FOR SALE—16 HANDS WOH, DARK cuupleilan of tse company and $23 whoo, wnusared Lala ware and) pow . 4 
«neat ONL ELBION Ste Hig all oven Sears oe, ovouchiy bk at Vice! $1W bounty st tbe close of the rebaillon, Bilal gk mad cover aa NC ‘heir MIDs Fret ¥ 
WIFTREN HUNDAKD PAGHAGES BOOTS AND BONS, | Used cxuslvoly vider the vadile by its owner} vory butte sis LAID 

na | some, and sound inevery reepect. Price $30). Addreus Lox NASSAU BTREET, NEW YORK, JULY 11, 1da— 7 F on 
Yoloek, } open : f NO WANTBD=MUAT 1 a KER, ier 
een Te eu Me ae Bor tee SERA GREE I, | POMCANRER MME 2 Ung cra gy TON an iat 
SPROLAL NOTICE. Capiatn #. P. Dolierty having received audiority from tho | L317 Fost ouiee, stallug price, maker's name, doreripllon, ree irerne fu 
= Samay Tearm tLe | Adjutant General of the Stats of New York tornrolln com. | abdhowilone Dfed In upeu No-ouere wil! pe policed. The Cremorne Ganivos will be open RVERY SUNDAR 
Set OTR a ee peli Fem | dain um acti eer | GTEDNWAY AgOxW GOLD. waDax. panne oye | MRMU,At Satnks or Proetaié mh akon 
ye en who desire lo 0 uot strung qrand ao ejoare re awardes > 
cee seuinG THTESTIRE than | WATERTO, FOROWAGE, a PAIR ov vrais. | tose fg toaad egees. Song, marching ie Sais nat Aa TRAIN, cuca | ERE mma MTR eT aaRRE || Nom FALLEN OF UR, 
DURING THe ENTIRE YEAR, tech nnd whale haut aigh; {hesimnae Gorreurat Mais | aadinercneaehier fucka sewn. Avihlsiwtactusiely | "gid ray nade tha rank acne tarts Wht Orage | nad mstiterer teed creChaee coeainnat tat t Fenfuennih Oris 
QD aor ANNANGHADNTS WILL NADL AGB) | ood traci eel wit be reea Aidan sadng | Bray fanateaaas ag, oy ome regaaed an eich oy | yi Triloe ili (0 the, pra ion of onculamuadomed | manatknch dA wei Ruri way yoLoon: 
—- ” rice, e00r, ax0, Ago and furiber paritoul Troetig: | Ser¥ing ’peath the green flay will ever again be proffered you, | oicer, providing mapas en pers aware WIRST AND ONLY 
70 oFrLi BACH WEEE Posnam areaue, four doors from Mupinr street Btoseisns Company Capabe ee nae ee ay EDWARD P. NONERTY, Hreet near Broadway. List AND UNL 
— r Ha, Captain and ihecraiting Odleer. A 
: 3 ; enie to Yas gallant young cou hot oered elas. i 7 i mh 
AN ASSORTSINT OF HOOTS AND SHOES WANTED! Tons, Lion WAGON AND mam. | Belt “uM sMusDs, poune coualrgman ict onred is 15 Oiwoon asa retiegriey and san aal eo sou idMHEL OUUAN aie AnDAyy 
WORTHY Ti ATTENTION OF BUYE Jager by nddtraung a lise OW. Wee Herel a es apae | kallani 48 tan to book baa particular elaine on hie fellswe 100-20, RECRUITING QPrtonne.—twENTE. | PO y momtatesgron tran and ovs.sining, for Sy Toa Milas Care TUM OR Aue Xtal 
BTUY THLE AT RS chaser by addreaaing a line to W, Woy obey atatlag | countrymen, Quatiers, anbelsience and transcuria on 19 5, Bremen wanted for am Ariulery Reaimeut oow | San weal BiIerSLes asd $aDIE dace RIK peel Re as FY Mr, THOMAS BAKER acd bia INDMCRAS 
ae ByaNY BEECHES OZR coUNTAY’ Price aud particulara. SAB ACE iNew York, combined, with We lam iomestnaic | jn sue bal, or wich $10) llibe paid, oe paikalarwap: | Date on ou meh OE BHI In pn lea 
ty SECTION i - rom fat No. 69 Walker airee fay Ofc. : E eat a fo MAY. : 
es Bes ANTEDCA SECOND HAND BUSINESS OR BX et tages mys al 10 100, Now || PIMOEB AB URUAL, 
AND ALSO OF PABTIES LOOKING ¥oR Goopa W Rt Svan, (in evo. condliton, | Aprly to WAL. We aun a ERRAONALD edt dea a RATER 
ADAPTED TO THE MARKETS OF THE ae Golbnel of ihe regiment, givan tothe families of roluaicerai | coon “pom Aam ADDRESS MISS KATE WARNED, nd Fino ond Meleairs to Lat Atant wilowed'ie |) NTBY. I THEA’ JW. LiNGARE, 
JDIES, coe TROTTERS FOR SALE VERY CHEAP—NO. 1, A Seem cay re ner you fellow ernialymien, || PROP EE UB AS ADUREES MISSEATR WARNES) WATHIS, Aseah aa} Brena ey. PoIDAY 
WEST DIDIE#, MEXTUO_AND SOUTH AMBRIOK » |l G Toen Hone ic taade he anied A KT SaaS Hcgealil reegived Gally nt the Beadanarlardl 18'Oak sfece ———s = aos = = Pourth night of eaten 
THE SALE OF FRUDAY, JULY 18, WILL INCLUDE | “l¢. pds novwes No. du bay Stare, io ands} inea bite a TIMOTUY J. KURKE. epa Oe ae ZTOW ANB WEHME Tak Daas INSTRUCTION, x ‘ wie DY, eee RUDY, 
uses rears old, eound and Kind, Fag tal ean trot in 3:40 erm f a HOBNIX REGIMENT—CORCORAN ZOUAVES, ater © SYortHes3 MONROE.” | ri Ls, WE “ONLY A FEW || OrAud Bpeetaoular drame 01 
HA perienees speem came enero || ern mene TUMECMORANRSUEM RUA ER. | 2 rr ozoaon cums. | Aauanin nut eat a anata aka ran, | OM AEA RTH OF HOME. 
Boots. ong il” Nod splendid davple gray’ Mare! toh haves | AMES G. NURKE Colondl 3 D SAUTIL JAsat Colonel, | Fr AnRY—y WILL MEER YOU AT OBOROR omnia. | aha dsl), (9,dule county and guage deat te pve Avie 
\ a Tong tail. No.4, wsplendid dapple gray Marv, 15% haods | “This paing the only Irtan Raghuent of Volts coors F ¢ af 05 road. | fi ‘Tho great aucorus of thy seanon, 
‘Two hug dred casce HERS ery etl G pears alts apun and viod tiedtaly | ingn Now Nor choweaueresand mea ell kesmolr ih | LoL, u'#Mallnes, om Ballrday afternorn mest i rou Efe yea terme nexchangy tor Kngliaa outa. Address), THE GAMOLEWS PATE 
wena HOLE AND YOUTOS, RIP-BODT SLPS Ninsycainanceetang'Sesetpac seas | otf aetiaust, Soe ania geeus eral a ORMATION. WANTRD—O i | 10s "boa. 
fame en UES Hiaeson tee rane brigit pase wis Conary white | [NFORMATION, WASTRD—OF JOHN AMD rAtRIOK | One eo wauy instiRDTECMGST AUGURIATOL 
SIEN’S. UALP_ROOTS, nd Mulllgan's boy country about etgit ents aes, “Any fefvrmation. rill be PRN ee aa Wa Alte State) $34,er fourteen weeks, |/-+y AnNU MS AMERICAN MUBEUM 
Eedracing every graie andas)i, with and without tap soles, SOW STURT ENTE. | Cr Company Hwee Oe ee ce anes win | Hace@ally received by tuatrisiars Uridgnt Doma nha | Wonedandaue, Mowias uranches. Bpecial terms to ladies. ANOUIEK LIVING WUIALB, 
no hundred case er Anavroiun | duatiers clothing and rations at ast New Vare, get gin | Waahlagtoa street UO DEON: | iara ot eaten and nav eniigen” Vall sora Avguat die Ad: || (20k Ube count of Labrador, bw i ove 
MEN'S, BUYS! AND YOUTHS! BALMORALS, marry, als all you wish to knoir, even your thought, | bounly ae cre mcn\Ws péy when muniered fn. etowat | Ty: serra Davia, RaQ, WILE SEND His ADnuaa | Stem ksv. see‘ph Ee Ringe Yori ip rgeNs Ye Usst VAY OF COMMODONE NUIT, 
z Witt aud without wp'eoles, | Srno pays lucky chara tre falls wets betound: | ree Lorine ail Wcabd are bonnty wien dicarget | [P SHITUA DAYIO/ REG. WILT BEND Hb ADDREGR | Sr = previous to x vit (le honse fx New Hkznpab lee, an @ Louk 
Rr pres = per maxis tmnage Soom in full operauon/ No; Ie badlow )  ADVCIn a a a ETAvany sngren) pt We bly advantages PAVATR INATROCTION IN ENOLIGIT, OLAMBTCS, of exbibiion tervagh Ubecoonty pags muogeR 
ne bandred case F street, below Houston” 25 cen; gealewien not edited, DANIEL ORV LIAVAN, (Agree) Cap - - Tench oF Music In clase, ot 23 cents» Lacson. To oes OLMAN NATIONAL 0) F 
ENB), BUYS' AND YOUTHS’ KIP BROGANS, <= JAMES E, BULRIVAN, Seound Liottanat Fee denrar age MB. OUT Tite YBN, | qrhcos cdusatlon, bad bes neslecied, thls Isa rare chacce, || giva ealeriaionenis very day at and ocleck Ba Me 
One bundred casca A BONA FIDE ASTROLOGIST, THAT EVERY ONE | _Hoadquariere, 195 Han Bintecaih sree will be there Monday night, WELDON, | Appiy at 179 Went Twensy-bfus mireot, Tile nitoRN cM 
(OMENS: MIGSER’ ANI ‘au depend on, ls Mme, WILSON, who tells the obj: = —— = Wet! uz = = = AMIN THe WhRLD. 
eee eG OTS AND BALMER U eS TEOGED » } aryourviiitas soon aa Seu eters eho tells tho pans pe PURSUANT 70 THE RECOMMEND TION ov mr | JX L—ALL WELLL HE Last WAS UNDERITOOD, COPARINERSTIPS. | sat eae tal et Hitt ot Mele 
rallioy Commidiee of tho Siais  natoliat diate, | Ses " 

Ina uebd saan ouices; reorpia every Mlehtt rare 
Gitnee fora good laboriig man, Apply to BOULWICK & 
‘WOOD. 5) a ree 

(Of Cull, Kip, Jost, Kid Grain and Split, | %#¢and Future or your tits, and warns you of dansers, 

pd bri 
“ONE HUNDRED OASES ed soagle charais, “No. 189 Allen sirecty be 

WWOMHN'S AND MISSES? CITY MAD} Jouswik and Stanton aireets, over tho bakery. 
es Copper muled Boots aoaheerala, Charges for ladies and genUlemen, # conta, 

uccvea OUL OF Kile most porllows undertakin 

and of tue call of ine elitens of ha RU Mecain oes —— —— 

cfand Very cplualastio meeUlg was hold caraor of | JfiSS, SITU. YORMERDY OP NO. & PouRTE 
Hivatway and weuty-tird sivek o& Wednesday cresiug, | Maren Yulk lease addvoyn B. T V, box 9 Fost ule, 
Suir 1883, rho bas forblan Jiang 

BF ae ERE nn camooao 
fa but ae "AQUARIAL DARDEN, Ac, &o 


io gteacvariety of 2 "Tue meeting was called to order by Men, John J. Bradicy, OWN TPE rr 
AA rary choles lotion of vere yp (evofast Bis Spittal Pon a cee | Opie ccctoa slow. Beajemin BSthaivre, Ghavmaay | Wicd, Yiveistpube tmneauiay peatanes © sie tetanic, We ay rageual te | BRYANT MENTE Gang 
Z “WFoites S SIL Gone coxongss GAITERS, | fre, eeataciion Yo er’ umeroun vistors.” 29 Fourin | Dr. Josph Ul Foser, Vice Qaairaan; Was, Drisuaoal cu = — yale can usnoes al wil pit Ae Zia HARE’ | pccoatttne public are respletralty Taroraiea that Ooie pope 
Sowa Hauwyraly Supretsanduiberpopuaraiiee, | Hrcetfourdoors weatot Eeeaiay. ene circles $y ce On jain of Juanes Rely he feléwing restlions werd | PROPORALSS we | tenidoaons i WILE BE.OLOSED 
SPECIAL SLB OP FOUR THOUSAND PAIRG unanimoualy ndopted— BMY BUFPLIB: art lar the 6th of July nd will reopen the 18th of August, 
— Whe tha President of the United States having called A\OPARTNERSIIP—A PERSON OWNING A LAnOE | * 
4 AQAME ZHART. HAVING RETURNED PROM | scritren bundred thousand aeditioual meu to pit dwn lt atti h Thy, wiih dep of water segeions |) We Hew Blage Bocudry and entlrely remodeled, 
ae ese ee are ET Bora | ME Retr, stenting tte laicar Ren ver EOR | rite eure esas acl gee en | Ciptenteata rary ks serrtce stant ea eee 

au beconsulicd at Nou2l Easox street upon tha past 
f special loturmation aa to Yortuse, marriage, and 
{G.axp SUMMER coos, | “es alren. Ordinary lee Zo ceute 

Rosbouren evers loyal eluten to. put Tort every ors 16 
Bid inn potelods a casues thers Core we, ie lire 
Eljniesnth ward, resalve thst see will co-operate. wi 

eaienalys dusingae Ae uke 
Ye most UDexo% 0 teLe 
vais edhe, 

for delivering Uy 

es with oma para = 
ig and Equipage la 

Anes.” Nok much eapital, bi 

Wert eee TUNG 

¥ renoes required. Address Siorago, WAY, oe 
o pin pily alain, e He 
fabavrep TO THE City BETAIL TRADE. ADAME RAVI THE REST. GLATAVOYA Uoluet Sutexand the Slate aoldsoriues ta prom ply dug a tees AS Mt 
NOTICE. Miaiisogullnikuicy, Beelatjou cee MAND | Ube rasiadgt mead meant ala OPARTNERSHIP TE ONV-HALY IntEREST oy | HENRY Wood, jibe Hropritor and Manage 

ssi fa amauta Aes len bry 
Eas, Thats Paton Conn, ast ate 
Prarie henner 
Recreate maa Set 
Pcp ntrards o aieetr ie sue Foliss'Sies rescros tbe rghit reject all de 
Aoditiarmin yhhanes Gommittes pay over talthe Treasurer | Sagined uareaumaably 0 

2 3 arts roma Biya aoreed, yposals for furolabing 
Siatesicrer pias mages wild nev | aiieentniunn tir 

conte ves Incxy Numbers. callsen spocdy marringes Noo 2 
GREAT SEMI-ANNUAL TRADE SALE OF ‘oth avenue, bear Twenty-ssventh street. Ladies 250, 

Fenton gs 
a Angus i o'c10e Ite af forestghi; wells all you wish ws eeore 
Oe be commulued on lute, marriage, alctucus, losieeses baer 
CHARLES 0. WAREEN, esis Iaesy nmbrs tnd coarme "Sallafacuon guaran ced. 

and Commission soot wud Shoe Wareaous eels; gentlemen 60 conie” 125 West Niseleesih 
Anttion No, 2 Cortlandt sti 

a yer7 pleasant dn lurrativo banintas, god torsion, 
255 toa fornna ant of plosiment, m desirable chanca Ap 
Diy'to RIPON, #4 Malden lane. 

Teas, Wh excell amount of capital Andress Milner, 
box Il Herald oieo, sta\ing where an interview can be bade 

J RRAEA well eatabllaed ws uate aid ante Yovaa- 

or a week. 
Eph, Horo, Ovast Ke 



j Lieut Oot. D. 1. VINTON 200 chptiat required, every satlatscuan 
i ERS, AUCTIONEER, WICL, BELL 0} R.—WHO HAS NOT HEARD OF THE CELEBEA Under the foregoing resolutions the followlaz comzalticen e sar Ovabat Gated oae , im 
MH ondayrat ik duoc, ul tie paras ine a N. jaltdam, PREWSTE way bas reared Pi Ee Surv sypsinied anaes ae meee amy ea Net ee sie reba United Bia er Atay, TMKLAMD, MINCKLEY & OO, 63 Nessan prec ieee 
foruceatot forty Feume Tursiied Wit ARAtGh=-Far | who cao be costulied with entire aulraetioat Sue Ristas Taster: Pocmspon: Wea Dermnaag MOMS. Sailder, |” A BMY BUPELITS “ARTED—AM ACTIVE MAN, WATH ABOUT 4300) TO | nuuva tian the ouaer | 

Ornce oF Auer Ocormxo cep Baorean) 
EISANCE COMMITOER New Your, July 16, Laz. 

Jobn D. Ottiwell, Ghar P. Kirdiaus, Js W. Gerard, | gealet proporals will be receivid a) tiie odie nou! 12 
Eeayca Boned: moby G. Churchill, C. Golfrey Gua: | orciock Mi, on Tauradsy, the Mth lash, Cos delivering by core 
Hage Lambert, de, James Uarper and Wilton G, | tract, at We Dopet of Avtay Clolbingand Equlpazes ta Wale 

Ha Ene 
Tae Ohatrmian and Vico Obatrman ware ndded tothe com: | 3009 xardacf dark bios Zisanel, all wool, BS (dches wide 

Minors. Tapetry Carpe €qual. She tells ibe name of future wife or husband; also 
Trea’ dafa) Beda Hetifac Gurcatn. Uhteae Gia, Siver | itor er vadter Tt yo4 win Wot pre ker sae 

ware, Catiery, Diciog Rodm ‘ant Elche Burniiure; also 

Wesarant Filro ture nod Picture The whole for poalllte GEBATEST WONDER IN THE WORLD 18 THE 
Sale, Catalogue at nice, D yeung atu scrompllshea Mataine BYRON, frets 
Wig WHTIEHS, AUCTIONEER, Wink SLL rina | ho can be cmuilied mith the wiccu st esneddues) on 

‘Sisist io @ loog extalY ued cash DUsiness, clearing #4 
weekly and replay er anleg’ 66 9x whatever. Nor fal 
Pardetlarsapply t W, Maitland, 101 Broadway. tp salrs 

10.0 Martie Bah Raimusieatons addres a 

firey Thou Stary aay dark naw (or wo Baas bee 
exbibivaa who, ym soem 
provstobesmalice in every parteular. 1 ciata for ie 
Ehinmodare Ur be more Inveligent- nud. porteesed gf more 

tan cuniy Aft street | miud and genius Wan any dwatlivings Me te lgtter in? 
Pris airs of life; reatoreakdrupken wid unteltural husbauds; hes a ’ PLU) Ing vastness fae nde ml and geal Aad) ay dwaceivingy ate Mater 
i eat tie eters) fara ran: | SO eaored io! mate s4u byored oye vone bea Ato ana Who Chatronae 75 MMO edjourmgA to mest at the cal of Mp myrlsu 10 esnees par yard, wire indigo wool | Milt Gh rnae wii by atlende lo or call parscnaiy | weight anfates in state than Gommedors Sith years of 
Kitchen Furniture, de, ° cent fe 

: Mt 
Drioga together thgae long separated, Ladies iis sy trots 9 o'cione A. M10 12 
‘Toros ply. ara ani Hy Yelveh | idence 08 Told grenue, houre Pret sires, 

fo Plush; Per Glas Pann Centre. Diving aed tex 

zi 2 Tig toch sky blo Worsted Lace, 

Rx Racers PSTN vaste, Crmiraan. | spn renke ti toc see 

jou a. Fosrex. | Beste oO eta uschlae Colum Ras ris ouch. 

= - M8) podeda tock Lines Tread, No, 40, aceiae 
EGRUDS RATED DIMEDIATELI—vou couowun | elo meaCaypute |, 
serviconearBulllks Virginia. Uome on il miki dale to | ‘esapes uf ibe absre arucen cub, be seem. at this fon. 
et into wet sortica at aces aa we el tapce aye | Hampi of the Aner ee contrac (ar marist be aelige ead 
o company fa full and Join oar rciquislaow {y the tela, | Sivblaiwenty days, aod tho Temalader siluin Lily aya 
Two doliars will bs pad whe mageret invomeosth's pay | from toe dae of as poceptanee of be propomls, wd mike 
And wenty-Gve dollars, bouuly ia advanicuwbsu tho tone | fect volasyectiog by warn (oxpeclars appointed’ By aulbe- 
fany it murerca la, and acfenty Hip of the'Gatued Bisten. 
Hires years, commencing trod Jily retain will va excompasied bY Apropar guarant 
Hirce dary pensripean foot Joly sirvecan si yguccrameald D7 SPER 
the expiration af (her ws” iy sae | ae abstitnralporiorasoc of ue soon 

ire. thes ex a aSare tay a ee ‘ : = 
over new enlistment Addins TOUais Fria See pak | AOE falthtal pers cris et the Piglt to reject a bids 
Sd chyof New York’ Beliet ucteis, eared by ths Gabe 
frill be laned Yo hese anid. Upea naan || ace 
Biapletos, Statew Taina.” Weatquuriets at 39 Woitebar | align 28 
streetcar Souib ferey 

G?iagent Corearhs do atey Coedel Mane EE” | Cmaren PROPOSALS 
Ceeariiatn fod man. A bounty of | SP wilt be, ce 
{oF evllstinsct oil $I5=4y in advance, will bs pain, | Sojy tenn 1a elo 

‘hive Commodore Mutt [a bat U8 years 01d. Wicks mae 
feror te German and Boglah lan Mags Fn ; 
Cycimadore Rutt t9 be Gesural Tom Zhuinh “af auy bolle 
Giwa.? Now T cain Commodore Foote (0 ba" Mom Teor 
Seeniidaranly boled doynas Parle 028 ¢ dlspale (Sl 
can dod man and money PED ih ous 

Pomme re Fos 

Stover All suitable for fn- WwW i, too Miss WELLINGTON, the great Beguah Pro- 
sullles'und otbtru cola to nowsexer ines | pheteat te et of a an ‘cannot te Garleds Cane 
hp fever on of ile, eo: 
MPEG AUCTIONERE “iL ecu ts || cerning lie sui, sourneyh sbecnt frleadey lores ell la 
Wing acti ocloch ar ase Tabeieh Wierk Hons || ear ce: bean wealth aud wane rectis Uva auld 
Saree caearaiag, SUige. Tete ot Brandy, tetpn of dis || PRM ne banaue AMY lee Gcly peroaa io Abts cay 
Spe Ooantarm eee Neuer a asta Dols, Sboass | peed iach ash ail Basar alien nad areaamecesTet 
fe. re ‘bot Lo cousy. {e mat. rat at sea 
= rs s 
iB MELTS ON TITS) | Peltrtaces” Gan berseun aU het resldenen 101 So aveaus, 
©. Bape alah Oban a merrier Ys lovaak, | oppauis ignth eictel 
ead, 6 doen Cobietar Lagur Fer Uiaaes Wiehe kes ze 
walso contents Of ‘a Buteber's Bbop, sek of ‘Double Har 165 BOWERY.—MADAME WIDGEB, CLAIRVOYANT 
oo wait fea Srantn iady, vel (ue yearn of 
Uta ANBOTT, AUCTIONEER—WILL ep retell res eet 
%, 3 tenes forall clseSsos, igs Tues pay ket 
W thisday, Sug wesck: aU wactot roma e. CEN | eraiiany de ater wipes 
Broadway, 2 cases Jamaica Rav, 1700 pore’ Berane act 


$ : 



$1000 AR eNO aR aa 
Sere aieen er at ea 
Soe ete ase > 


1.000.nt arm urerarser wanted, with tno abave 
Rito lavest as bendes, Wo travel ip matey Urat clans abuw 
Boriness, that paya frei $400 to $00 m Week clear, and is 
Ghost to tiart ob an exuded aasou tour through tha prine 
Gpal cites of tho loyal, Blalee Kalleactory particulars 

fren jue persocal Jouercigw, Address fur coe week Shon- 
Han, bor 138 Herald olive, giving tras mame and address 
Yo notice wil bs takes of any cther. 

20.000 Patines in Suck Rrokemgn ag Goume 

day, at 1036 o'clock 

Suis Tree ‘veullation tw 
Perfect fare Teanga pea, iat ‘nen feo! wide oo bolle 
‘babdlag, wi 
cides of the Dau dlag. ror do ike seu tonklog tte eans of 
tare to esol Area orapeuk tee walidia ef August ‘Lax 
Sion and prailemen ange 

ae Troated witha 
jatfarma, ratlons a3 gen uomedistely on mgu- | building ate New ma Feu lon House, Where tis profit will Be large and te ro: | moolacan suply at once. Fins) class lace troaled wits om 
ill call, this day (Friday), at 105 o'eiock, all the walt base fa Tol Also relle eur familie ‘specliration f Maeriainres be ween, | miaslon Hoube, be pr lari 1 ve auaoat Hberalliy. G. #, Puller is now 
- ule aechiorey- Loos, Lathes, Dale Braldiag Machtaos, | tans MaeanelMimcak IWeaL Elerceth tip baleen | tng therehi ala itl oc l-is foe fein Sealsniverataroatian osu wey ate Tox party vesrtog tare Leathe how Shab Wrttaad wut arrangs mi farator We Catan Eee 
Fisgth eg boa ars fitnge ani wruld’ wautactory, Nord sipped all para of the Werle Caremed “Wasoca for re- ale ALEXIS 8. B. SMITH, ee rir isae* MART et Ortoance | SSP iiriledlary, de, addreua M, bon St] Fot ollse fils and Sc Loule tbealres, 

Fire) Lisuteraot Jaues Mekersas Naw Tour Ausexat, July (4, 180d 

————— - 


1 or companies to 

*OXF.g0 the tain’ of certain ¥ 

An act bo pew vids toteroal reves 
erument aod vo pay u 

Anact mo'cing 
TOR roitlen festahiiahed at 

AD ach flirect thy BeOCelAry 
american regutern {0 cartaln ve 
ZEEE lw chanre. the pvt af 


Ae ie etMlace enlisunanis io the regoler ary 
ts vv necirerregtean (0 all parent withio tbe Ter: 

7 Ito SIAL 
eee ee dee aprepriauon for he support of the 
army for the year coding dosh June, 1863, and astditional 
aurropriatices for ihe your endly Gow Jone) 1862, and 
Tor other pareve 

‘An act (0, Jo. ho ours rue 
graph fic fraus she Mlasgut 7 
Sd Km aise lo ihe korernment the an 
Pala), 2 )ilary and ober pal peas 

2D 8 ebanglog (Le Tame of 
achocot m Curtie Mane ty that of Bapply. 

‘Ao tact changing the paiwe of the Axgeflean Wuilt 
seboow a7 Tn Myer 40 tbat of Sulphila 

Ab ect providing fur the sppolutment ef an Indian 
1 far tbe Colorailo Terrivury. 

Au ‘net to snthorize D0 ave of Tee 
eee AUounliy. 

A puch moklog farther apprepriaiions for alindry ox 
Fel wen cl Abe quveroinant tor 4 80, 
AP Sand additional appropriations, for 
I reap, 1802) 

Jin deb to Iherporate the fioardlan HoeleLy and Reform 
2 meetiie Omegdera in the Diktriet 01 Colutibha, 

On nol Wiredrganiee the Navy Departinont of Abe olted 

ty for the aiatfiet of 

of w yailroail and Lalo: 
Wo the Vaslig scout, 
‘of the samo for 

Ameriean built 

1uFy nolan neon: 

year ending 

‘Av AoC for the ro)jé6 oF Luo widows and orphane of the. 
‘umMeatrywearoon ANG! marioew of the Voited Mates Mis 
Aime land wad CORT 
J “Anact to punt and jwaventsthe practice of oly eamny 
Aoiho Torrliones of tho Uiaived Kiatée another placer, 

ative Areonbly of tne Tei 

At ack ta plation Ug thu Jost 

An aot Uh earry (nus ailec 
Doited Bates and har Neil 

Afr gmt slave (rate 

We an eaib of omic, pod fi 

iy Ualwean Lhe 

thy ty 
Majeaty for, the a9 

Ansetdonattig ene to th 
Morien which nay proeite col 
Aulture od, tbe sneelisnho Arle 

AD wEL(G grant the right of preemption to sottlors en 
seertaic loin fo Wieoor 

Tho flowing How Vile, of a publioe 

vera Slaten aod Terr 
JF for Aue benaDh of agri 

ater, ware 

wroved by the Veeaident on Weduewday asd Thu 
TV amend (he Judicial ayatorn, 

the tee 

lary of tho Mayy to accent he 

Wile 0 Langue Isla | 

muane}pation Ja tbe Dis 

Authortgng MiObeHoLA 10 ebange Iara of branch rail 

Yur prewentation of modala of honor to soldiers who: 
Mbtingoiah themealy 
To cusped yay mel Lo officers and ren (n Mitsourl 

Tenderiug tanks of Congress Lo Caplain Fvole 
Grauting pausions (o officers en Wey ern gunboats, 
Taladlishing aod eyualining he of aval line of 
‘Awoetilatory of the wel to premoto 

‘To authorise payment tm postage tarps und to probibit 
oe circulation oF HOWN Of Hees Hah Ob 

latloy (0 tbe compatency of wi 

‘Travelerring Whe Weelera gunboat 

Vrobiping the eondnement of military prisoners Iw 

1 olNelency of the 

‘Mbo Din vot peal tovtiay 

‘To punieh Abe fraud 


Irmpeaivg additions) Waly Od engar produced In the 
Waited Hater, 

Yor (hs more prompt weitlement of aecouate of dle- 
orsiog ome 

To regard (0 the fond of the Wlonebago lnttens 

To Kopyraas \nsarrestjou, unish {rear abd cebellina, 
visa and confiscate the property ef rebels 


eid, Mo, 
Ny of the 
Irby nix 
rol abesIon of 

BIA Lo impose a tay, 
A Joint resolution author) 


of the 

Bary ( eecapt presents omered by the Japauese gorecn 
4 Joint resolution proviting for: MEDK of the ax 
eval the Joint Comal appouted th 
eondoct of the war, bo ae 
Se Ferolotien tn wt Ger kihenine for 
‘cu Bald an prlauers of ; 
et perecen bad an war (a ibe so-called Cop: 

A resolution coavey ing & vole of (hanks to Cummedore 
fr ia wlary al Kary NayAl, 

‘Feaptution conve # (banks of Congress 
eticers, solilarn and Stutoea of the Lrimy ant navy ter 

Woevr gallant varvicgs and Brille vistoriny aver the 
‘Scemles of the cooalltutian and the Union, 
“Arresotution for the relief of Creak, Kainipole, Chicka 
(ea and Choctaw Todian 
A resoloilon appoluttng « alesegrapher for the yoveru: 
‘oent couunliteg appelnted Ye loguire into the gonavel ut 

“A reecotlch providing er the eustody of tbe | 
‘ft orb Kiog of Slaun. See 
A resdjotion authori eho, 
boquire into Ibe cause of 
for lean machvery, aod to 
8 rei 
A revolt auiboriun the Secretary of War 
Peto by any Sutevor the i Ayineet 
lunteare, abd Le ADs Ihe abe at direo 
such an ‘ply the ‘At direoted by 


Abe Secretary of the Navy. to 
fallure of vertain coatracts 
malt (he penaltieg eounect 

A reaaluthen axpresalve of jhe (hanks of Congr 
Commodere Foote and the ofiewe had ioenol eaten 
‘era fotila, 

‘A resclatioa appaluting Theddo: 
the Smuithsoulacr Tustitate, 

‘A resolution autboriring th 

D, Woolsey Regent of 

Tresideat to sign v0 
jaruneat, of 
Pathan ree 
Bate’ Uae Beato 
Dy atrdlog pecuniary alt: peeaee 
adopt the ua} aboljti00 of Mlavery 
ach Tesoisnautherinng Whe dacvtary th Nary to 
{lang wt waterals Cor rendering Si a Dy 
poe Involnerable Netiraey est oa 
‘A reaction Lraaarorelag. the wupervision of the Cayis 
tol extension and the erection of the gow a 
pepe ote tad z eee 
vin t resolul Vo supply the Sm|ihsen| nm 
St jhe Wilkes’ expedition, See ute 
ot resclalon explazatory of all 1g adlton vo 
spe ster Jive, 1886) graniig publié aay (ous Ste 
sy ant to! afd in eonaleuet ing Ara 
cae oeiing A rela Is 
Teaciotlo providiog for te’ payioeat uf ide 
of the Commission (o luvestigate the milit: 
Sp eres the Went mAs 
Feaslutksa exprenive of the thanks of Coagresn to 
Captain A. H Vote. of the Ualied Staten Navy cotleers 
Be ara tern Dotitia. at Ob 
A reciat sotbories tbe Seeretary of War 
Sceepl tasaava appropriate! By any Siite Tor the fay~ 
ae wir lunteers, and to apply ihe same as directod 
A resolution explanatory of and lb 
sof June 3, 1856, grantiog publ rit ty. 
‘Rcoris| to ale fa the cecnirscllon of rlltoad 


the act 
in sald 

A joint rasolation ror the anpolstmeat of Theodor 
Tr re 1), 
sei uma eet She, 
¥ ice of Cor) » Felton, a 
ssa eben Fe ee 
sais Sol tage, oN aed at 

A Nesey TAY dost the gradual abslianuieat of 

Solnt resolotion authogs ring the Sect 
eal ano Rg Meera tke Navy 
Hog. “Bearipenvataeraiig oT TEATE hip and a 
ee ear aa espe 
xh are ERT Be geen tne 
theD Sriment of Taterior, sistahe) 

Re eats 
eh eae ite AU We Raboena ant 
it teeta sare ates 
ede seu antbrilog bepavieat 
aah Ween ease 
Si ree aa 

easy Congress to Cap 

Sain be bake 
talons Gace ant, ere ply it 
at Roanoke = 

‘A resolut) © expressive of (he thanks of (x 
Lisotenant a - Worden, of the United “uate Sang 
— to sis o8 ayer Saye him, C 

‘ont resol 10 10 a cartaln grant of | 
rallrcad purpo. 3 made to the Bate ot Michigan tein 


Ameog the mo linportant bills postponed by the 
ocse or remaiaicy 100acted upon are the following — 
Providiog for the 2 ©misshou Of the State of West vir 
Cie Aer ah 
f the ealargein # Milinols aad Michi. 
Providing for a unifor: U¥, 

aus C€ bankruptoy 

For the appointuwat o & commision t- axcertaln 
he appropriation 

Keases incurred By loyal eV 

‘A Meeir property by Unite.” 
The bau bil 

Tes Di aporepratiog tro Lire 

er oe 

The Berate took bo Avhulte seliou MOE Ihe Hovgy bite 


eth a mmmecamccemnn he 

polish ibe trankiog privilege and to 11 
spat a as 
ells ues Dill 
wile prieomare [ ed Lo (be Henale, 


Dorgress, Curing the rector wexaion 

revtding for tha Gicobarge or trial ef 

i» eppropriaied 

boot eight hundred mililonm of dollars, incloding op: 

wards of fie Bundred ao8 elaty wlfiions for the army, 
and pormewhat jefe than o6e Bubdred willioos for tbe 


Wasnrmatom, July 17, 1844, 


The Neat newalen of the Thirty aeventh Coogreas cloned 
roost unlmpremively. Two hills of Importapes oume be 
fore tha Housomtbat forbidding the elroulation of ebin: 

plasiere by corporats Vodiew, and the Confeeation aA, 
ott ef whieh wero hustled (hrough with tbe uxual die 
regard of ordery sluention OF 6neerD, 

Not more than one (bird of the 
Lended to the reading of the ¥ 

pr eee tative! 

waals oring Abo, reading of 
de withdrawn 


 eovduet mlb! Be denominated 
novies, but in reality ali provendin, 
comducted wiih she eAme bUFerio Of deeprum and dig 
ily. Doubile 

tio dfeate ction of the radical 
Aishiko of thir Trenidyat’e Hlodar ate woucey, 
jn thiaanee haw ton far fromm ploantay to therm, abd the 
tinie “OF UNG volo arooanlAdl (Ae Alknal reproar of (he 
etd O( Togltlation shat they have enforosd. 

widen overs day 
lors of tnolf confidence Abe respect and devotion of al 
Wd wanioudi elitneue, MITe was fot," xald 
rin the riddle of m group of & a0, 

pall anther, "of Ihe read 
eto, or the production of adlosamenk the ngcen 
whieh had yarn awe 

Alargs body of the 
nlago of Ihe proesadings (0 a Oxry Aud Cont aulent rors eat 
L within « secret rorane of the Cay 
\polotinent aud thet 

Aioals adjoaraed during 

ment rooin, all 
toy, and Batie(0d at once thelr da 

Indeed, provented a eorry apeotacle, Many 
jot present. The ladien! and gentlernen'a 
allerioe were alivoat denorted, aud tho diplonsatio gat 
ery ran quite emtye All seaimed (9 be cognjrant of tho 
Keneral courte of leqielation, aud there waK potning mt 

lye, The body partoa 

pbera me) 

es if form night, without the formutaof a fara 
wall OF A prayer: 

THe Alor led yo 
nals of tle rabellion, wera 
sof yore—Lnvojoy, Wy, Mlevens and the 

lion paren eaxroen 

‘yp and do desk, or Hhrom ing them 
selves oto plolureyee altitudes at their eeats, email 
fog, voddlog, and covoipping, Var back sat Critten 
dea, in tho rip of ap Tonored age, ovee 

riting to clauge his Vole, and then aubsiding sto 
pilenen) while Wieklille, ovcuyy ing A Jike remote porition 
wcanned the allitide of thiags, quietly, a& if brooding 
upon the great chages whol the recen raight make 
upen Whe eharscter of hile Siale aud (be fortunes of the 

‘The ooo And capable Hpaavar, Mr, Grow, waa prompt 

on evge Ab determining the parlinwentary position of 
(hlogy, and (he reading clerk went on Ji hie drue) me 

chauleal vain aL (he calling of names and the Uiter 

Wo @f egetions Aud motlone, That Wan the word 
for the whole body, and, like the going out of 
tha hail of a great cougregation of hissing, Mltting fier, 
the Thirly neveuth Covgrens locked up He deske abd 
cloned lls ocoupallon 

| Many will thank od (hat It eovcloded to go bome 
mitboud ediecting, what seme of jt» members seem to 
have bean urging, the riliu Of the whole country, 

‘The Neaate wat in Mforet wession, conOrmilag and re: 
Heeling nomloations, aud the doore were bevleged by 
who bad feverish faces 
(00 of dinsallafagtion, ‘The lant 
Senator te rami lu hia piece after ailjovroment, wax 
Sumner, of Massachusetts, who 
oat Luall wax quite empty 

Another sension will ind, atleast to park, @ more pa- 
| ieiotje, ratioual and politic Congres) bab ih the reseu 
raye maliere may be enacted, that will change {be poll- 
oy; partape the very principles, of the realm 
} Atnong the Jaat acts elgoed by tho President wax the 
one auLhorining the Issue @f postage and other govern: 
want atamipe Ae currauey, And probibiting baaks and 
| other corporations fro lenin aetes below the Venom) 
‘aaticn of ove ollar for cireviatlon, 

The Preaident aod inembern of tbe Cabina\ eceapied 

the Vice Preniileat’s room ak (he Capitol wBile atfendiog: 
Wihe [able burlowe, 


‘Vnuneay, July 176 PM, 
Money ie working rather wiere eaally—five being 
the rule and six Uhe exoeptlon for call Jonny, Gers 

AMicatox of indebtedness have declined with other 
sovoromont weouritiod to 98%. Green backs are 
quoted 107% 9 104, 

Hoth gold and exchange took an upward start 
today. Gold rose to UN at tho morning bonrd, 
and to 18% in the afternoon, ‘closing that bid. 
Rxchange opened at 1294 03%, and rwse to 18024 
0151, with the newal excitement among the ex- 
change brokers. ‘The aot creatlig postage stuinp 
# legal tender hnx passed both houses of Congress, 
and the -difliculty about sinall change will soon 
Ve remedied. 

‘The stook market was cot siderably higher to- 
ay, and buoyant at tho advance, At the first 
Vount there wise morkod fucreave of onters to 
Duy from the publlo. AL the soooud board there® 
wasn further incseaso of ortory, and a number of 
beara came imo the market ma buyors. Compar- 
ing tho closing prices of the day with those of yes 
terday, we note au advance of % in Pacific Mall, 
134 tn Central, Lin Brio, 18 In Brie preferred, 34 
iy Hudson, % in Harlem, %% in Harlem preforred, 
14 In Reading, 14 in Michigan Contral, 14g in 
Southern old, 124 in gnaranteod, 2 ia Panama, 1 fn 
Minole Contfal, 144 in Galous, 1% in Toledo, 
2im Rock Tad, Goverumontand State atocks 
Were an exception to the market, The formor 

declined 34 0 24: the latter were dull at yes 
terday’s price. Tho market ¢losed firm at the 
following qhotations ; United States We, rogl 
tered, 1881, 100 © 100%; United States o'r, 

coupon, 1881, 99%) a 0g: United States 6) 1874, 
80Y% 0 8724; Troayory notes, 73-10 por cent, 102340 
102%; Tennessee 6's, 51 a O16 Virginla Oadeo 
55; North Carolina G's, 63 a 70; Misourt Ws dT a 
474G; Amerioan gold, LIS*, 0 118%; Poole Moi 
106 4.106; Now York Contral, 90% w 00%: Eris, $4 
a S414; do, preferred, 62 a 624%; Hodson Kiver, 43 
a 44; Horlem, 14% 915; do, preferred, Ae, a 355 
Reading, 65 a 60; Michigan Central, 50 a 503, 
Michigan Southera ant Northern Tatiana, 24 
25; do. guaranteed, 5124 a 64134; Panaoin, 180° 8 
131; Minois Central, 67 a 6744; Galena and Chl 

‘ Cleveland and Toledo, 4%, a 4 

Ago, 68! 
jeago ond Rock Island, 62%; a 027,; Chicago, 
1% a 78; Milwaukee 

Burlington aud Quinoy, 
Prarie du Clon, 31a 3444; JUinoly Central bonds, 
Tr, 94 9 95. 

‘The exchanges ut the Mak Clearing Honse,this 
Mmorning were $27,031,178 62, and tle balan 
$1,409,574 40. 

The Witliamsbur; Y 

Gaslight Company bas de 
clared @ dividend of 5 per cont, payable July i; 
the Now Jersey Ratitoad und ‘Transportation Con 
pany, @ sckil-annual dividend of 6 per oont, paya> 
ble on the 31At inst, tho Kast River Pine Ineitenen 
Company, A dividend Of'S per vent, pavable 
raat “nt, payable on 

Mr. Chase is paying oot the $1,000 note. 
tha Md Jaw, and sell soon de rents ance 


ones, (wos and tlroes of the new, The proot 
sheets far Chose ssiall noles were senk ta Washloge 
ton to-day. e 

The increase iu the New York Central receipts 
for the year ending JOM of September next, it {a 

estinrated by those well informed, cannot be less 
an $2,000,000. Under those cltoumstances, it is 

\dent'e wanetion of 

ths Confiscdtlon sat, ae modified, add searcaly ten 

ible by 6 
Jo Abe Hournare 

his Ilstlea, Aided nojxy manner, 10 
wDIen Abe propoved rato waw recelvod, took a rls From 
eho do nvit eoncosl their 
Mp action 

‘The Aiforcnces belyeen the radicals and thei 'resident 
AUALie eam 11th, hip recolves for the 

‘008 Toe 
10 bos bie comapen|tlun neglected, and Rae had Jt beooght 
Wore We reeelie cut aploaluine! Whosvar Beard,’ 

Fe voto that was ot ® 
y for 

KC wrillog until the 

flock Exchang 

Tareenay, Ja 
US 6's, 'Chyreg 10034 6 whan Hee! 
Uma ra WSF er Ae 
ja Ways MOONY Caniral 825 
eee ee ET doeunns.810 2ON8 
iy pr) 
GAL Trea 7510 pen 102g 
1D nao WAN 190 

13000 Keatieky O78. 
10000 IT wat aD. 

200 1a Caer loam G2ig 100 Tiuders 
11000 Tenn We, ‘90, 60" Lo 


19000 doy aes 
10000 Moe's 0 
1000 (isorgln O'R... 7B 
400 California Ta, 96 

2000 N ¥ Cen 6a, 101M 
1000 da. 100 
shoo0 Keialtbimby/ad O78 
Joo Moa Riverstchen 5 

1000 Liarlec Ist tm B 105 
OD Oey vrc soe LOB 

S000 Staion iiftzmb 108 200 

100 Fria RR pref..v10 

600, ‘i 
00 Flo RM ae’ wep, 
At) Hasler RU, +e 

w . c 
1 Mi fo WNT gd Alle 




Zo Mich io 24m, 82 AT Panama itt. 
1000 80...) FD MO UL CeOU RE eerily 
$700 0 RMGH pet 108 tO iis 
sioon ich eae bide 100% 100 
1000 (hi ANWars'hh 4% 240 OY te Wittig FL 
100 MiNi 8 LOO do. 
thos tag SBN KM, 48 {60 Gal de Chie Rit 
20000 Tol WL tstro. 90 
Mom Us BCD T MD. WO8M Waar aay 
oo FA AWEOLr 89." 100 Clove & TORI. 
UO Woisvessere FAM 200-0. pner81O 
2000 dois cen AMS BDO, 
pOlayentittal mn’ 19% Bb 

‘ton america 09 Co) we Te talid TUE 

400 dois. 

100 do 

300 do, 

{iao 116 lo Ob), Bur 
120 MBH 80 dv vcarars 
Sik 100, SOM APF dO RI 
suk OO%f 35 Tol & Wab pref, 
Co 108 
10000 UI en's,'81. cou 2% GO ADINYCRRRWCO D0%, 
° HLUWIMY PON 2 0 cceseeas OY 

1600 Trea 4510 poo 1035 
wn do. 104% 
Sra 103 

L pcan, wi 

2300 Siro 7 

tooo Ah 4 

vn Ca v6 

1000 NY Con 6's... 102s H 

10000 Mio ANE EH 100! 260 FrIO RR... 
0000 Ame¥oah 4o'd WO dow 
HCO 40, b90 60 Mich Cen Tui, b6o 
WOU d0leses 100) do... 

67 vhs Manat iil 126 Mich Bae NUT 2 
BO didssevnsnse 1O nat doled ipis 
Tank of Itapabiio 160 Mich BANK ms 
4h Motropolltan ik do... BOD 
160 N ¥ Cenc JUN, 990 100 111 Cen RR’ scrip. 
109 500 Clow & Pitts Rit. 

th 100 Chide RCL IA. D6O 
io 50 do. 

10 WwW do 


Tuner, J 
Manarercrrs.—Flour—The market 

july 176 P.M. 

wax active and 

higher, closing at ao advance of 1c. par bbl., and jo 

ome canes even nore 
eleaing within the following range of pr 
Superine Hiate 
Faxtra stale... 
Superfine Weilorn ss. 
Common to ebolee ax 

‘The eales footed up 40,000 bis, 


eee rs 

Canadian flour was higher and activo, with males or 

9,800 bbl, 
SoutberB Oar was tnore active and pri 
‘with malas of 2,500 bie, clonlog within 
aboveprices. Tye floor was firmer, with 
At Ube above figures 
prices, which checked sales, belog nom) 

Wheat was roore active, and oivanc 
bushel, with sales of 000 boshels, at 
Canada clad, 1135 8 $140 for good 

within the range of tha above prices 

e higher, 
the rauge of the 
alee of 170 bbie, 

Corn inal was held at higher 

pal at quotations 
ed 1c. a 2c. per 
ELIZ 8 $1 18 for 

to prime shite 

F120 for fnferior white Western, $1 26 a $128 

for amber Western, $141 a #1 25 for red do. $1128 $116 

for amber do.,91 10 881.13 for Milwankeo club, $1 01 
$1 U1 for Chicago aprit 

$1 fi for Macioe spring, and OTe. 

1d fem with, 

les Of 

5c. & Ao. for Leatad, d¥o. a 61c, for East 

‘AL 520. 0 B80, for old mixed. 



Oats were fir 

£17,000 bushels al 749, for West 

90,000 buthele, at 
ninixed, anil 
Fru and in Rood 

4 in fair de- 

mand, with tales of Western and Canadian at 460. a 470. 

ud Slate mb dTo, 

‘with nales of 210 bage of Maracaibo at 

jeveral «mall 

iB rmer and higher, ani 

‘Gurnee wae fr 

224¢., 000 do. Ceylon at Re. @ 2c. und 

Tota'I40, Including ot9 of 200 bags ak 21. 
Carros.—Thg market Wad @ 

lose] wl an advance of Te a by 

braced 1,200 a 1,000 bale 
Inidaliog. Yair’ colton was acatos, 

‘The saleg emi- 

©. pee Ib. 
cloniug at ATsc. a 48c. for 
id’ winall ot of 

nulddling fair wold a the high gure of $210. por Ib, 
Adina igh Og Wie. por 

Hates were will 

Livarpoo! about 60,000 boahels whe. 
‘alk and baga, at W)sde RM, 9 
15)4d., In #LIPRY Baga; £0 tous oll at da 

Dotter et 

Vt. To Londow 
1014). ad. Bn 1,000 do. oleae 
20,008 Dusbels corn were taken at 
hips! bars. 

15,000 bois 
Yandon, av 164 

wheat for Plymouth, 
in bulk 

F oO LO pritae. 

Beans were Or r 
cbiedy Cubas, mostly within the range 
with a small fot New Orleans at Yo 
sales wore 00 Dbds, Now Orleaus, bya) 

Vorns—OiKLNN Ta Brookly a,” 60 7 
by tha Pay. ADA, Willitw, Messasery 1 

Nt. daughter of the late Charles S, Oakley 

Tato SMITH AL Freeport I 
14, by the Nev. Wn. My Pendleton 
Hesey Devas of 

Swim, of Murroob, 

fatter Mr. Panos B, OvanaveK, of 
Miss Faasoey 
Schulte, Bags, of thle el 

Wa ates — Bonner 
Paul's chutek, Hrooklya 
Wiraurs to Han 

confidently anticipated by tho stoekholdors that 
the directors, at their meeting in Avgust, will in- 

grease phe dividend to 324 or 4 per cent 

afotle, all of Trooklyn. 
Papers plesse oop 

OxLowet—Un Weanesd: 
of Jolin abd Sarah J 

fuseral, 1 

‘nue, Hrvokly'n 

1 Years 

The relativos and friends of Lbs fully are respectfully 

(nyliest to attend the funeral, tl 

feo hls late resldeuor, No, 

The (riends of the faniily 

Forty re) atrees 

Teogh yO 
Dowell, after a short bat pal 
Wie friends, aud th 

Uhl (Friday | alteraog 
Ie IAte rueldeace, No. 's 
hye (akea to Gulvary Cepualary. 
Peveo—la Howton ny 
Haoxarira Vera, wi 

Fiera ec —Oo Thine 


\¥ roo 

Abe betov'ed soa of [iehard apd Bfatilte 

4 i monte 

jad New Bowery, th 

Sbbalbpant ove o'ebek. The friend 
hereby respectfully invited 40 altend 
furtben joy station, 

Gren, —Sideo) 
Of Johw and Mten Gibsou, x native of 
the 1th year of bie ax 

UL Rlescker airee 

Hertox.—Ip Matamoras, Moxiao, on 
‘of dy rpep: 

454 vear CO bD age. - 

Ula relatives bd friends are iavited 
Kollee, to mcrompany” bis Tecaaics (0 
Si. Marys ebureb, ayence, 
Brooklyn, wheng funeral services 

roto the Wall stv 

Thy TAD .p of Ike [aWUy Are TRU 

out chan, 
while ebgagemonte wore nude to a f 

000 bbe, 
Hy the reat Kumorn 2\c00 bla. 

A 'cwmalan bark was taken up to load with 

Hatter and cheese 

WL —O0 Dbureday, Aly 17 
Rev. Dr. F, Manatleld, at the raxideuce of te bride's 

Scene, second “Mudghter of Rabert 
—On Weinenday, July 16,0 St. 

by the Tevet A” Schneller, 
daughter of {he tate Daniel 

Ay, Joly 16, Nxomk Lu, son 
dwell, age & inonths and 5 days, 
4 fricnds are invited 10 attead the 
4 (Friday) afvernvon. at ibrea o'clock, at the 
Feshlencs of bis father, John Calilwell, $2 Lafayette are 

wer —Oa Wednesday, July 16, Gxorvs W. Cuan. 

Av aveulie, Jaly 16, of 
Of the heart, ators Inoue, ably ebild of John’ Pe: 
AbHAM, Carroll aged 8 month andi Ay: ; 

respacitully lavlicd to 
Ailend Ihe foueral, this (riday) afienoen, at two 
O'clock from the resilauce of his parents, No. 18 East 

Too relahves ad Trivbda of {he faualy aro reepesttuils 
jax ited to allend tbe Mnceal, trom bis sve resideae 

this (Friday) afihrpvca,, at three. o'clock 

ferry, BeooklyB Bide. 
Uotsiay.—Dadte, KOLA, BOO Uf Themas and Cs 
theriuo Hogha, aged T picts aud 22 daya. 

9,000 bbls. flour 
lds. To Glas 
13d. a 14d, Lo 

Routhampton or 

Mt BIe. a 
for batws. “Lard 
of LOO bbIa. 


ox of 2,060 blu 

Of The. wBIe, 
Incliged in the 
efl0m,at $26, 8 

horsiay, July 17, 
‘orn t Mangae 

by ibe 
Tougbkcepals, to 

Dorning, at 
Tad Weat Tulriy 

TY anit 

[Sten N.Y, Joua, wife of Jonathan Stott, 

toner he ae at Li patete, Wa 310 Lace 
Teme LeigAdenly on Weduenday, July 16, OrmcaR, 
serge rlatives aba (renda of the tally are 
alland the fapers), this (priser) anarncon mat ine 

et Joly 

a " 06 Haplay 
Jonem to Wanhiogten, mnddeniy, itor d 

15, Mart, danguier of Louis ¥. and Yorgar 
eed inal 
Kicwer Suddenly, on Wedlnassa; 
Front, infant soo of Soup and Mary Wilsworh Kidney 
The irieunie aad relaliven o€ the tusnlly are lavited. to 
aylend thy toneral, this. (Friday) afteruoon, we two 
Gleloek, from tho residence of hie parents, No, 24 AbIOg 
fon placa, To elie etree 
Korac=0n Thurday, Jaly 17, Canon, danghter 
at Henry and Caroline Kooyar, aged 1 year, B mcathe aud 
“Tue folatives aud friends of the faxally are respecttut 
iy nvifes Loattand the {ugeral, from tho vesyiance of 
Por'parente, No. 112 Wesk Firveaatb street, this (Friday) 
taken to! the jaithorat 

Journ Ett, 
younger! child of James I, and . Madnn, aged Y 
year 00.9 months. y 

‘The reiptives and friends of the* family are respects 
folly invited to altend tbe funeral, from the residence of 
her yarenis, corner of Forty-elghib atreot and Sixth 
troy lke (Friday) afveraoca, at doe o/clock, without 
feberevitavion, Mer remalas will by takea Lo Green. 
00d (or InterteDl. 

Mowy—0n Today, Jaly 18, Mary, the beloved w 
Of Vatrick Murphy, « native of county’ Tyroue, Irelan 
Wu. the 624 year of her ayo, 

‘The rola\lyen 804 (rho dA Of the family and of her wens, 
Polls And High, are rerpactfully savited to attend the 

day) snoruing, from ber late residence, 
men nirost remains will bo conveyed to 
AU, Furnes” eniarOh, At Balfopast Lan oT clock, Whar a tn 
of requlern sill be. olferes) for the repows of ber noal; 
from thenes, at one o'clock, to Calyary Cemetery for 

Mari —00 Tharetay. Jul 
Jory, daughter of Michael and 
eouuly Tipperary .trolaod, aged 8 wootbs aud 3 days. 

Tie friends wud relatives of the family arn reapscttnlly 
{ovlled so attend the Funeral, thle (Friday) atte 
Talfpaat (wo o'coek, from the rexidenico of her parents, 
Xo, 100 Larene skreet, néoe IL aston atrest. 

Mater —O0 Thoreday: Joly 17, Vota Saxo, @ ni 
Liveof Wo) parish of Mui(owa, county Weettrealh, Tee 

TMs friend 

biter ai tock 
vary for avert 
stacy cima Wedsesday, July 18 

AT, after a short IIlooe, 
Mary Manping, native of 

and those of bla amily, aro respectfully 
is Inte resiilouce, 
Saturday afternoon, at one 

Invited to allen Ue funeral, from: 

Molberry atroet, on 

Paar, obly #9m of John 
1 year, 10 mon\la aud 11 daym, 
The folutiven aul friends of 1h fauaily are rospoc\fully 
lovilod (9 altend the funeral Friday) afternoou, 
ky from the residence of his parouts, No. 7 
Hdhout further invitation, 
Horton paperh wleaue copy. * 
Miuuk—On Wadbewsay, July 10, Trovas Mina, agod 
A yeurn 
Tho fuveral will take place from 114 Lenard strest, 
‘hi (Fehlay) aftergoon at two o'clock, 
Munir —On Thucsiay, July 17, the beloved daughter 
Abd Kilzabeth Mulllos, aged 2 sears, 6 monte 

afternoon, at 
Tesilenee, cor: 
raat and First averue 

Tho relativen ana frlende of the famiy a 
Invited: to attend the {unoral, thls (Friday) 
Uaif part ono o'clock, frow her parent’ 
hor of Twenty-9)x\b 

.forunerly- of New York, ini 
fed bya large circle of friends and ac: 

Novay—On Wednesday, Soly 10, Thorex Novy, aged 

nallye of Loughrea, county Galway, Trelat, 
The friends uod acqua\ntauces are invited to 
the funeral, from bis Jato residence, 396 Kighth avenue, 
this (Frkiny) morning, n o'clock, 

‘Athionn aod Dubliu papers please copy. 

O'CoxxoH—Hoxona, tne Ueloved daughter of Danio} 
1. and Margaret O'Coanor, aged one year and four 

‘Tho relatives nnd frlonds of the farpily are respecttally. 
requsaved to attend tho faneral, from No. 10 Wasbington 
Hrect, this (Frilay) afternoon at balf-past one o'clock, 

O'jonKe —On Thareday, Jutf 17, Sandie Mama, dang: 
ter of John and Margaret O'Rorke, aged 3 years and 10 

ot daughter thou hast left ue, 
‘Anil thy loss we deeply Feel ; 

Dot ‘Us God ho bas berett ur, 
IL our aorrows bea, 
the family are respecifolly 
invited to attend the faueral, thle (Priday) afternoon, 
ALAM past (wo o'clock, from tha residence of her pa” 
Tantn, No.07 Mott wireet. 

‘Oniey.—At Fort Pulaski, Sunday, Jane 8, of 
typhoid fever, Jak G. OxLey, Company I, Forty-eight 
i yw York Volantesrs, 

"Tho members and friends of the family are invited to 
attend the fuveral, from his lato residence, 103 Degraw 
siroet, Brooklyn, thls (Friday) aftarnooa,, wt two o'clock. 

Rei) (Ing. vane please copy, 

Parxw—In Hrooklys, on Thursday, Jaly 17, Jose 

3, In the TIAL year of Bie age, 
at six olctock P.M. 

vesday, July 1 
after a protrvctesd illness. 

‘The rslatlvee and (rienite of the family are invited to 

tend the funeral, uray nfernoon, at three 
o'clock, from ils I nce ia SIxty-0fth streot, be- 
(iceem Eleat and Second avences, 

Vorx—On Friday, Juno 47, Twostas 7. Pors, of the Fifth 
Now York Volunteers (DDaryee's Zouivos), ain of the late 
Neary Vope, wged 25 yearn and months. He fell mor: 
tally wounded at (he battle of Gaines’ ABI), wear Rich. 
mou, Va. Won at Bis post when shot, and Uelog a color 

jad mobly In Wlefence of is country and flag. 
vAscLim-Iu Brooklyn, on Thurady, Joly 17, aiter 
short illness, Dna Bxitows, only danghter of Alexander 
W.and Mary Jane Russell, aged year, 0 montha and 24 

dass, K 
Toe relatives and (rieods of the fasnily are reepectfully 
toclted toaltend the funeral thir (Friday) aiterooco, 
Urea o'clock, from the residence of ber parents, 20 Pros- 
pect street, Hrooklyn. 
Snooxaaner,—In_freokiv, on Wodnesday eyeniog. 
oly 10, Afra: AGO Sovocsatatin, aged 72 yrare and 6 

‘The relatives and friends of tbo family are invited to 
Wend Lhe funeral, thie’ (Friday) afteraoen, at three 
o'clock, from the reaidenos of her son:Indlaw, LD. Ate 
water, ‘00 Iliot placa, seventh door kouth’ of Fulion 

Josoph 1, aud the la 

{vos and friends of the family are respecttull 

lusited tallend bia funeral, ot, Saturday aftefnens et 
(wo o'clock, irom {he reeldence of his lather, Ne. 45-Groen- 
wich avenue, wlthoat further Inpltatto 

Storr. —Ou Welovaday’, July 10, at Stockpa 
i a 
70 years 

oor. —!n Hruoklym, on Tharedsy, July 17, Buiza, 
eldost daughter of the late William and Margaret Scotty 
Yn the 27Uh year of ber 

ihe funeral will take 

day, July 17, Joserm H., only soo 
tary’ M. Saverauco;aged’> months 

; pear 

ball pant 



Big German wooran, 19 « email privae family; good 
Teteranee pen; oo objection to tbe eoauntry. Cam De ween 
for two dare at 1 Blowcaer et. 


A take rare of eufilrepaed asst with the chamberwork 

required, or mzold Ika to traval ta Gallfornia wit nie 

(amily; has the Dest of recerences frvaa ber laat place. Call 
(est 36h We, for wwe aye 

toe ts puvave fnaty ee extaren's arse (em ooed 
sia sewers onder oa 

mate Af rneiea 

REC a ee ee 
for (mo days at 155 West @sd' at, between 71d Ondi“Srh 



AA Sonlatongs washer an roter, oF ay sia teruald 
walter; i aaeer, te bem of cliy referone 
Cait fora fewesays at eh Kase Warren st ew osiy 

Jimmg woman, a cos, washer and irauer, oF to 
niaawork cliy Feference. Can bessen 

vow and coambermaid; woul bare no objection 
vend Arenings (eMiling ta Lien in 

to pox abort distance 

siren. Can be sean 

fan ay cok, aver an Ieoper aid DAKE. G00. te 

fergare No objecting to goin We country. Cali cnull sulted 
aie Albeo 

rue NO, 

gti; lo do ehammberwork nod walling or cham: 
‘ou une waxhiag, Oouniey preferred, BUQht yeare 
Call ab 14 Went ants 

lan {0 ge erueral housework: Ina good cook and good 
Fashernad roger, wilhing sud oblclor! waren BO\40 mt 
r ie Rood Bowe fs 0 m 
Con ifenen for two Mays at G12 Bunt 13th a, between nye. D 

mmieeiahle mareied woman. Apply at No. 177 
7 Tor two ay 

Mire apd eaten fake full cua 0 
a Hingand obligiage Ganaiys whe beat 
eg and ay sbjection- to the country. “Call at St 


i aaa a 


all for thro: dayaat 407 Menry at. hireokiya, 



with lady 

AAS young woman, a situation as nacre & Fess, OF 
AecbAinbermald and waitress, ina peivals fauliy; beat of 
Cly releranes. Apply at €3 41 ay., between Sus bnd 10h 
fie Country proterred. 

noulseamstreas oF Wo \iochamberwork wa aa seam: 
wx Can give four years! city referebyo rower lash 
leer anil ie oth willing and vblging. Call at 12) West Sit 
Vion, 1m rlluer eliy or country, (odo geuéral hourawork, 
Ge mpl'go ae laundecea good ctty reterence. Apply at 201 
Fest dish at, in rear. 


‘lon (o da chatsherwark or asalt Ip general Rouse Work 
fod tferevce Apply fortwo dayn at 60 Ureenwich at) 
Rear Varick sl 

Icibua gil as oak or geGeral eta, a au enoelent 
Beatdtefereoren eiy or county. caypty at 308 
eat of reteres 2 a 
opporiie ity tal), Brookiya. on 

cook or Inuodrees, or to do general housework. Mun 
Sears reference. Cla be seta for two dayeat ber pre- 
jak cunployer's, 109 Eant 39ih at, 

the general housework of m amalll family. Lun good 
Fufervtice, Cau bo reen {oF tivo daya at 251 Monsoe st. 


£ Wilson's sewing machines, woulll Niko sithation as 
Feaualress, oF Would nol object Lo act as howuckeeper where 
the would be treated as obe of tbe farnlly. No objections to 
Aue country. -Anply at 45 Vandam et. ; 

cook; Understands Rep business perfectly, both meat 
4 rasiry uo ebjection tthe country, beat ity references 
Call for thie dave at Gass Mulberry st, near Hayard, 
thet ved foor yeara in ber last place ax plain 
nd waasher and (0 do ironing and chambcrwork, oF ay 

‘Waltroea; the beat city roference can be giten. Cag 
Fortwo days at No. 4200ih uv., between 30th and S7th ate 

YD. middie aged Bnglieh wornan, a situation ax atewartess 
Gr to travel witks Indy; good chy refereoce, Call atti 61 
Bt., near the Mowery, Gret oor, front room, 

Appy ACZS 


gcitierthee tos j 

SUEY AviuonizeD Borrow, 6 

Naw street, 

ACES otter iaosorseatsishan ever It) PPriza Fas 
af which. we have great varie, 00 moat mie 
e Minie CHO T ASRINS & CO., 96 Beekman reek 

Ee aes wrong 
snaphtg Paneentuer tthe or saan ee 
vantage. [Highest tevtingolat. Address ©, WR, Herald 
2h icity Bede aden ant veatoR S 


at Hegeman & Uo." drazgists, 796 Broail way 

FR Adaress, Iu the aypliaant'e uandwriling, 0. ¥ 5 

feral olor. 


Na business thurouchiy aud Is msingle roan. Good 

FSterentanrealreas Apply coin YO to A ovelosk PM, be 
ar. (Priday) at 199 Bast 17) 


1 well reonainended. 

Must bs compaten 

from the eliy, (a take care of Doras. drive, bel 
fud mate biciself useful; nooo Dotan hopes 
rwanted. Apply at 170 Fuljon at, crom9to 1 

wanled for Conjauy G, Fourth reglaunt New Yorw 
Volunteers; Heavy Aruliery, Colonel Thos. D. Doubleday, 
ow In garriaun at Fort Corcoran, Va, and the surrounding 

reglment. being alieally Jn service offers greater a= 
“Falttauraay of bsp wader (ue recest call Bf ake Pre- 

for face forthe 

jaid om Jolaiek ihe regiinea agton. 
Qhaliersund'rations sud two auile of clottiog forutahed! 

Immediately after enihitarnt 

"Woo! poatdons for ior wo are seb servic. 
Abie oe ten edie an Aone A ADA vriaatey ah 
pay Hendjuarceet, 171 Catia : 
Son EDwWaki F. YOUNG, 
Pre Atusks and Wikio Tiekety, ved by all baal 
fren ineny nad country. Good. saleriwes. ca roake’ frm 
Edin $5 poedoy. BLM SMITH, 229 Broadway, room AN 

Meee US wuts blavaieuusti moat tue 
vies Aue Segue ato drive a fantly hort eager 
Pee ae erase retererees eluiredywithéut, ete 
Winetmed Strive. Call nc 234 Wea a8 aL few G60 
Henn sinuvatereeu Lens to Cock FM, 

V Aung al Coderbill & Webterrelt corner ot Mactougai 
and Bloecs 

Tue agenof 13nd 16, us mensenyers for ihe new Mel 
han! Bichaoge abu ews, Room, i and 
fant wi 
Abarat. Apply between Sand 12 op Friday hod 

‘and dining saloon; Wo must wodarstand iia Louris 
4 produce tbe bsator vily reference. Call thle day" 
Shiogay 239 and 241 Buh av,, between 21d and 2M 'stae 

United States Navy, 8 clerk; one who Us Lal exyee 
rience preferred. Address Xerxes, Herat oflce, 

ger, SI Liberty at, 

‘man who veri ‘band, and Is willing to make 
bluselt geucrally wse(ob Addreea’ Buuloner, Herald. offer 
{a aude rUDg oF appcknt, mig referanee and. some 4 
Of alaty. 


Arenone who. thoroughly Understands, Lia busters. 

Sopu/ tol albert sehiex aig Waveney pace, corset Perry shy 

Uartender, Apply between three ‘and (our P, Wk ate 
Houston ate 


teul bookkeeper, a salesman, a collector (who is wall ac~ 
quatnted wb the cli), amd an entry clerk. Addream a1ai— 

iigesiney expected, ke vencloning red slatap fF AAW oF, 1b 
Tehters Herat etieastor three dagen 

‘iuallon ag wet nurse. Can be seen at SFB, 
Wright's, corner of new Chambers aud Willlata gf 

Yesiant gir, lavely 1auded, to do xeneral housework oF 

take care of culldren, or todo plalu wewing and embroidery 
| Call stor address 112! Bast 23d st. 

iP In ciy oF eeunley, ascot, washer au 
troner, Good reference. Apply a1 S Friuity place, rat Boor, 

Mon Am mall PIPALS Family; 18m g¢ ali cook, 
washerand lrager, Las good reference. ‘Can ‘be aeen 8 

170 Scat et, Brooklyn. 

compelent yollby Woman, wa fret class cook: uniler- 
fap.ts cooking imvall {ia Branches; vo odjecuon tu the cvun- 

try for the summer. Bert of city reference. Call at her 

reset employer's, @2 Slut al, uear Madisou ave, for two 


Su yt, to de gorreral housework; lm good plain 
cook ani)'a iret ‘rato wasber and ironer; le kiod with chile 
diven.” Heverence given: Call for two days at 143 Weal U0th 
ty Between Tu aud Sth AFR 

‘SuUug Fir, ae Waller or chambermald ahd eeamiutress; 
can embrotier Well aod is a neat sewer. Can be scan for 
two days Only, emreea Bund 11 o'clock, at the house of ber 
Jueaek employer, 10 Bast 30:b st 
'B aituallon ax cook oud Graj rate laundresy; nu objec 
ton (0 the country. “Best of chy references. - Gan be seeo 
for (wo dave at 207 91b Ave., between 26th and Z7th stk 

speakiug French and English. a sitiation aa chamber. 
waldorlouo kilshea work.. Call ai 77 Jarmes at. 

Hioatlon to do geaeral bousowork, in a sioall privaue 
faunlly; [8.4 good plain cook, @. good washer and Ironer; laa 
ood maker or breads hat good reference (rom Uer Leal jlace, 
Apply a1 63 King st, Io the basement, ror two days. 


YouUKWomAR. to do Keneral housework, 1M Country, 
orcligs eund teferense,, Appiyter tro dayy at Canton al, 
near Myre 


well knowe author and lecturer: Suu edidon, with 
mad wool eile. Tes alapied ter por ee 
coninlolng oversibigg apatoinical, physfolosical and ravi 
Ql, rlaling to marriage In a parecily woraland Unodlec- 
Coisble frm, (hough atrety acenllh2 "very adolt Mould 
reallt There iano other took Mike it in prot. Price $1, 
Torwbich (twill fe tent free, by poit.toany odirea Di: 
rect to Dr. F Holllek, box 3,008 Dual oifice, New York eit 
Dr. Loltieas eity once tn NG. 699 Broadway. Ioure, 10 
2 o'clok dally, except Sunday 
‘on (he Vath tum, an Ooty edlllon of the United St 
Tax, law, fro the coy on Ole 1a We Departsent of State, 

seated hy te eblet elerk 
Toe only corgeet copy having all tbe Fax law set published, 
8. Westodrr & CO. 73 Jove Street, 
Unio Printing House, 

(ths DBs VISTTE Sabet 

Chilo —JAwoe OofLow, a native of the parlan of 
ve, irvland, of eeastipation of ibe 

| Nines, aged 36 years: 
o€ iis Brothers Paty lok, Mienael 
and Jobo ave resject fully rejussied (Oattend the fazeral, 
Alf past tyro o'clock, Prom 
(harcy street. 

Nis rewaivs 

daly 1, euuawera 
of Gisorge Peano, Een 

Joly 17, Roewaxo, 
Fitzpatrick, aged 

J mill take plaue from Iba corser of Chan 
(Friday) afteraoya, a1 

cau —Un Wedneagay July’ 16) Jom. Dy, 86a of dir 

Nekiry Gaba, aged 1 Fear mouth nnd 3 
Tuo fuberal (aker Nace from tbo raylteace of his 
is, Now 1G Forsyth sbrovty this (FYiday) alteracon, 

his ja 

of the family 
the aame wih 


Wedhestay, Jnly 16, Geonir, son 

‘yrone, Yalan; ts 


this: (Frhiwy) altersoon, at two 

Saturday, Jone 7 

Qiu Wal Same Herrax, of We city of 
Now Xwax, abd Jate Captain of bark Alice Taintor, Into 

witboat further 
Feenwved, from 

bear Myrile aveane, 

UL be parformed, 

precisely; alee 

Louilon dtercosopie aud PRolograpble Company, 
SA Breadway, N.Y. 

bP tinauiway, oppomis the Meeps Hee a Ee 

We of tenuriing Dulds No eilta charge fortedspcary eee 
Sretuvelng. Clemiale pity ether ued edtorwiamas 
BRU DULKEN, 373 Catal etree 



N.Y, OPro 

ho Lord & Dylans aud 257° Pulton ‘auven live 
aye Josermiiy fll oF paral nein ot thelr Tinpfoved Ardoeiat 
Tohoviboe wlibaat extracting the root: a Set, on 
Polder pati leer or rabier, $10; paral 
Terabe Se Shen '$ty extracting, age” Bs 

a vxiroceed without patu by Dr. J. JAY VILLBRB, 
rttiin acnrodmineniation te neon cee eee ioe 
tel: A.B ALLISON, Workyille. = 

aye. : 
Vy ode gd by @ mont competent perma at 98 Metbuge 

at, fou 
AMuatlon Gs cook, washer and roncr; has been accus: 
toned to kitchen work for the last seven yea! 
all Kinda of tpeat and poultry: fa a goal bal 
Call at 119 Weat 23h at, for two days, 

‘wet uurse at Ler own residence, 90 2etb st, atthe Bae 
Toit ner one baby. 

Segne Bogie, ivi ag cud puree aca scales 

uo objeciinn to charmberwork; goed reference, 

EuatBroadway, uear Burgers ak tT ee APTI at 



‘Mian who thoroaghly uderstande the aire of Worsek, 
nd who speaks Wrench, Englat aud Traian, ADY gon: 
ivan wanting a trustworthy youug man will picaae wAdreus 
A. G-s) Uaiou syuare Port outce. “Beat of reference given, 

rovpectable youuy man, who understands his busiders 

Parvecily and es produce the beat of refereace from bls Lunt 

employer. Call at 40 Broadway, in the baracaa store, 

TAU Ae porier, OF 1a any respectable bashueva where a0, 

fouest living cau be made; bas beea pocicr ina dey goods 

Nome, algo in a merchant tailors; understandsspingiog ang 

Touring Clolbe eax of cy referenre. Addresk Vorler, box 
feria o(fie> 

‘scriber le about (travel throngh the Western 

Canata ‘and being able to induence = 
Of engaging bimedlf ce ageat Yor come N 
Yor furiber paruealars address for three 
‘box 161 Herald oltice.. 

‘Aluatlon aa porter ima store,.or waamister. Cau write 
‘kood hand andis correct in making up wocounls. Can give. 
Gir ererence,  Wicaes call at er tddnvas SS Weat Twa: 
elgbta at 
‘dilustion xs asslstant’ WookKesper or clerk. Addvuis 
Tarity, Iteratd oles, f : 

ew Yor houses, 
ayy, GW. B 


AM bitin fig torent ror eee es SOE STONE 
Tene cheapand gusts ly asuresslag Riteed: Hee: 

ato eri oucoele stat 
Paes et ee ceat re 


AN Howell, Nov 19 txonston strectand $1 Beskia sively 
Sly of Kew York. nou pceal for iy Fale Als AIL onderd 
Sent bo bis address wit fe pruimplly wieoded to The pablic 
‘Are cautioned agaluet certain Geaiguing persunf, who bare 

fireplltiouniy oStained snake Sat cS Stig sean ek 
tale ct ieferior quaily saa ceding ie same ae tay ina 
Hietre Iwi gosrante noge ceuiibe unless purchased o¢ 

Ko te attend the | 

serat (or New York, 

PEMA ELA, Apr 14, SG, WS, ©, AUDMAN, 

Pete NS ward 


Ahhh sro Mas ar eens ea 
Eta Paces tee Uaak “Basle aa mentees 

Se Te ia ek Pea 




Favs. “Appi at Vol Bolton ee Merchao lw Cera” 
rocery mire. “APPAY or 
foie Once “Bltintions procured’ Ke 03 

vance) Bstabilebed 1555. ss 

Seth fora Whlensc grovery, two cause, 2 Brake, 
tiem, deh fe eeu i Waveld auarean 
vn 1 eoacbiaD, “rar! ~ 
fullgy itekeeper feta est gilt "Apply at No. ? Obaikemm 
syuute, ‘x tae = 
ratands (op abl aod exauliu of ed alt 

Arply to Auber Stover; 41 Broadway, Up suaire 


Ven atom ace geiomans Be mont oe fou 
tious, Ite resianiey 00d "bes 
Kidrees U. Xe Ls, box 24 Herald office. 

anh thisamoaat. of caabrontexesiont teewitys 
pled sinatiou at 830 pr week, ad expenses, 

ijTeaiately at 28 Bowery, above Woueinm 
‘oar roaut Nob 

‘reel, Tbk 

A ‘work on the Lebigh Canal, botwcen Baston'wud 
Mach Cun, Va, Call acil Broadway (Trintiy Bulldings) 
| cecuid Uoor, from 9AM. (9 6D. M,, along the fing 
ot the canal. 



county: ee Virginie, colored to co) 
tfey-nelf-sayed py Genesat MeClelin=ahowve Marri 
Cong ecante convent Sloper ae relling arte neye mapas 
couse Bey mate 
Sead Tor dieulare LESEELOVD, 164 Broadway 

7 ‘LY 

AN tor goon, civil capadic ercvanus, coraer of Eleventh st. 
fave. “Germau, Scotch, Itish, American and Pro- 
yeouen, to sult sil. Conducted by Mire PLOYD- 
Goa places alwayn ready for good pris. i 

country; ‘must understand wllklog and butter makings 
Doply aOR RU 

ralora ou Wheeler & Wilson's ond Finklo & Lyon’ 
sewhngtmacuines and (Bing basters and finishers, at rea 
fhnable wages, Only good bands noed apply at 109 ny. 
eonter of 7th at, oF at 134 West dist et., corner of BX 
Ayproniices taken beside 


tebtaut, understand ber business thoroughly and linage 
ue bent uf elly references, None olhera mend wpnly: ADDI 
Ld) West 244 at, beticezo 10 and 2035 A. M. ou rida, 

avenue, Brooklyn, Uerire 3 PS. this 

general bouscwork. Must be good plalo cook ani 
soo) raster, wud roger, Good references required. Ap~ 
Tp iE two days at 255° Lexington BAt., between sik mca 



Bich, (O40 chamberwork and waltiog aud Wo antes ro. 
Wiking care of children. “Apply on Friday aud Saturday 
after o'elosk aL1G24 aes, HrvoSiya. 

general hyogewurk Io a xinall fatnily, Apply a 4d 
Pacific at., Brooklyn, beticeen 4th aud 818 ava 

Udy girls; one a cool cook, walller and Ironer, an 
olberatmarssund seamesreas, the’ other as cbammbermalae 
walurss.. The} ‘and clean about. thet 
i nod thorough thelr busincan. Please 
this day DetWeen ten and oue o'clock at 102 Weat 4th at, b 
(ween Gt anu 7th ava. “None need apply without elty re(ee 
reper, Bnd unless willin: to co a abort distanco Inthe covn- 
fry (or the aumamer, thirty mioatea' Fide from New York. 


ing, Hudion street, ‘operators, with or wiihoat aew ing 
achlags lo work oo leit sud danuelebiris Algo Botta 
hole makere want= 

Dowd atavwatering piace, a abort distance frum ie 
city; {ttn good situation aud good wages Will be paid, Ap= 
Ur ati67 Binwery. 

\— 3) 1¥ A LADY, FOR A ©) 
Wo Miepactils cue wberainte are boemnalt oltre 
referreds areaea, Geran, oz American 
il reesive a moto 

County, exierdl holiseworky 

bea good Ini cook abd good washer and: ironer ‘Alot 

ea liren 
SrUScman preferred shuse whe: Cou come tor eee 

LOO ciingor Wet sir Appiy to-daber se Meses, a 
Broadway, up stairs fh 

‘Atk me 

Tg) Nvayitam aerce 

two Ulibery afd six tors jo werk in a Leolbindery. Ta. 
corcer of Bank and Bidecker ste, or at 37 Becker 
Apply at $5 Liberty st, up stairs, room No 4. beiween, 
Wrasse PY SL, Up SUAIrK Fouts No. A. betwee 



eho Undersapda bis basiness ihersughiy, 
fooee Fie, A cue wlekiag Wo havea weiudlgs 
cnc Hoge Ma, Qa Mr BL 
eats qa wr, B Liurcuce, 

D5 0) SHIRE BANOS WANTED —mulosE “Aocus. 
OU Tomed to work on woven skirts may apply ab un 
Egress ulrt Map ufectary, NOL 1d, 15, 143 401 1000 

Vers ticeet-Alsu Of gira lo work om oohded auirta 

Sa SS 


‘Allemande, manic de tonnes recommundations Sa 
diesecdeQal heureaal7 1gmerce, aulre ls Game el Ome 

joe dans Une famille respectable. uc 
Siadreeer pour ule jours au